wpDataTables is a powerful responsive Tables, Spreadsheets and Charts Data Manager in a form of a WordPress Plugin.
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If you want to join the testers team just open a support ticket here and we will add you to the list. You will always get the newest features first. Please note that you must be among existing users of wpDataTables.
Some Articles about wpDataTables plugin
- WPKube – wpDataTables Plugin Review: Build Responsive Tables Quickly
- Elegant Themes – Creating Advanced HTML Tables In WordPress Using Plugins
- WPMayor – wpDataTables – a Plugin that Makes Tables in WordPress Easy
- ScratchingInfo – wpDataTables – Best WordPress Responsive Editable Tables Plugin
- WP-magazin.ch – Tabellen in WordPress
- wplift.com – wpDataTables Review: Create Responsive Tables and Charts from a Range of Data Sources
- WPVirtuoso – the 5 Best Free WordPress Table Plugins
User reviews
Plugin listed in WP catalogs
wpDataTables in social networks
For the people who want to request support: please make sure that you check the FAQ, documentation first. If your question isn’t there feel free to contact our support manager through the support system. We receive a lot of requests nowadays, so we ask you for understanding in case of delayed replies.
MANUAL UPGRADE PROCEDURE (when a new version is released)
- Go to your FTP and open WordPress plugins folder.
- Delete the old wpDataTables version folder.
- Upload the new version of wpDataTables.
- Go to WP-admin panel, open Plugins section.
- Deactivate wpDataTables, and then activate it again.
Please note that minimum PHP version required is 5.6
What’s new / Changelog
Version 2.8.3 (Released 26.03.2020)
A regular update including some stability improvements and bugfixes.
- BugFix: Fixed an issue with showing multiple tables on the page.
- BugFix: Fixed editing and deleting rows in the case when there’re several editable tables on the same page.
- BugFix: Fixed showing rows after Next and Prev in edit modal.
- BugFix: Fixed number range slider in the SQL-based tables that contain placeholders.
- BugFix: Fixed sorting for SQL-based tables using the foreign key feature that contain placeholders.
Version 2.8.2 (Released 19.03.2020)
A minor update with several new features, bug fixes and stability improvements:
- Feature: Added CURRENT_USER_EMAIL placeholder.
- Feature: Added support for iframe (HTML tag) in the table cells.
- Feature: Added a hook for dynamic placehodlers update.
- Feature: New Russian translation.
- Feature: Updated Franch translation.
- BugFix: Fixed issues with license deactivation in the main plugin, and in all add-ons.
- BugFix: Minor security fixes for server side tables.
- BugFix: Fixed the issue with duplicating Gravity tables where the server side processing is enabled.
- BugFix: Fixed the issue with showing/hiding Editing views.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with the CURRENT_USER_LOGIN placeholder.
- BugFix: Fixed PHP notices for the tables created with Gravity forms.
- Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
NOTE: New versions of all add-ons require the latest version of wpdatatables (version 2.8.2)!
Version 2.8.1 (Released 19.12.2019)
A minor update with a couple of small bugfixes:
- BugFix: Fixed issue with sum, min and max column for non-server side tables.
- BugFix: Fixed conflict with WooCommerce product page and Gutenberg.
- BugFix: Fixed warnings for PHPSpreadsheet lib.
- Resolved minor security issues.
- Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 2.8 (Released 28.11.2019)
A major update with one new addon, and a couple of bug fixes and stability improvements:
- New addon “Master-Detail Tables” available. The Master-Details Tables addon for wpDataTables allows showing additional details for a specific row in a popup or a separate page or post./li>
- BugFix: Plugin and all addons are now compatible with jQuery 3.x.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with chart JS Linechart handling negative values.
- BugFix: Fixed PHP notice for update of plugin and all addons.
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.3 confirmed.
- Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 2.7.2 (Released 04.10.2019)
A minor update with one feature and a couple of bug fixes:
- Feature: Advanced HTML Editor – Added new options: Underline, Strikethrough, Subscript, Supscript, Bullet and Numbered List, Blockquote, Horizontal line, Fullscreen, Insert/Edit link, Remove link, Insert/Edit image, Text color, Text background color and Clear formatting.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with showing checkbox modal.
- BugFix: Fixed notice for option showAllRows.
- BugFix: Fixed calculation functions SUM, AVG, MIN and MAX for tables created with Postgre SQL connection.
Version 2.7.1 (Released 26.09.2019)
A minor update with one bug fix and updated library:
- BugFix: Fixed issue with auto-update.
- Updated DataTables library to 1.10.19 version
Version 2.7 (Released 25.09.2019)
A major update with a couple of new features, bug fixes and stability improvements:
- Feature: Added option for showing the table with data of all users on back-end when ‘User can see and edit only their own data’ option is enabled.
- Feature: New date formats.
- Feature: New placeholders for SQL query (CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE_TIME, and CURRENT_TIME).
- Feature: Enabled placeholders for edit and filtering of manual tables and for filtering of other table types (please note that these placeholders are not enabled for tables created with Gravity and Formidable form integration addons).
- Feature: Added Dropdown for choosing SQL driver in separate SQL connection.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with filtering and functions with separate database connection.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with Number range slider in tables created from separate database connection.
Please note: If you have used MSSQL separate connection before this update you will have to select the driver that is installed on your server (by default dblib driver is selected).
Version 2.6.1 (Released 26.07.2019)
A minor update with a couple of bugfixes and stability improvements:
- Feature: Full french translation added.
- Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 2.6 (Released 25.07.2019)
A minor update with a couple of small features and stability improvements:
- Feature: New types of HighCharts: Polar and Spiderweb chart,
- Feature: New types of Google charts: Candlestick and Waterfall chart,
- BugFix: Fixed the issue with PHP 7.3 version,
- BugFix: Fixed the issue with float and integer empty values with separate connection,
- BugFix: Fixed the conflict with the Avada theme, Fusion builder and Gutenberg blocks,
- BugFix: Fixed the issue with Excel-like tables and Gutenberg,
- Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 2.5.2 (released 21.05.2019)
A minor release with a couple of improvements.
- Feature: Added Gutenberg block – the plugin is now Gutenberg optimized.
- Feature: Added option to choose whether you want to keep the tables after deleting the plugin from the Plugins page (by default the tables will be saved in database after deleting the plugin).
- BugFix: Fixed issue with creating Queries that occurred after the last update.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with saving data in database with integer and float empty values.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with creating tables from Gravity forms for the first time.
- Some hardcoded strings for attachment column now can be translated.
- Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 2.5.1 (released 15.04.2019)
A minor release with a couple of improvements.
- Feature: New auto-update and plugin activation system. Make sure to re-acivate your purchase once again to make it work.
- Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 2.5 (released 06.03.2019)
A major release with a couple of new features and stability improvements.
- Feature: Number range slider – now it is possible to use the number range slider for filtering float and integers columns.
- Feature: new “Purple” skin.
- Feature: new “Dark” skin.
- Feature: Google Stacked Bar chart.
- Feature: Possible values in edit modal for the foreign key column – Added checkbox option where you will be able to choose possible values for the current user or all possible values from a foreign key table.
- BugFix: Foreign key for non-server side Gravity tables enabled.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with applying font and color settings in the new skin.
- Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.1 confirmed.
Please note: If you update the wpDataTables to version 2.5, please update the Gravity Forms Integration addon to the latest version as well.
Version 2.4 (released 12.11.2018)
A major release with a couple of new features and stability improvements.
- Feature: New “Aqua” skin.
- Feature: On/Off advanced filtering, sorting and editing option in the column list.
- Feature: New date format Y.m.d in Date format options.
- BugFix: Problem with integers in Scatter plot chart Highcharts resolved.
- Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.0 confirmed.
Version 2.3.2 (released 07.11.2018)
A minor update with a couple of features, bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Feature: Support for new date formats: Y-m-d, Y/m/d, m/Y, M Y, Y
- BugFix: Filtering trough URL for the first column.
- Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 2.3.1 (released 23.10.2018)
Please note: as of 2.3 version, the minimum required PHP version is 5.6!
A minor update with a couple of features, bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Feature: New placeholders for CURRENT_USER_FIRST_NAME and CURRENT_USER_LAST_NAME
- Feature: French translation.
- BugFix: Minimum PHP version check – plugin will show a warning and won’t activate if you’re running an outdated PHP version.
- Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 2.3 (released 30.08.2018)
Please note: as of 2.3 version, the minimum required PHP version is 5.6!
A major update with a new feature, bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Feature: Separate database connections for MS SQL and PostgreSQL databases, and an option to add more than one separate database connection. Now every table can have its own separate database connection, so tables can pull data from multiple databases and servers.
- Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 2.2.3 (released 13.07.2018)
A regular update with a couple of new features, bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Front-end editing for Gravity Forms-based tables (with Gravity Forms integration addon version 1.1);
- Server-side processing for Gravity Forms-based tables (now it is possible to create tables with large number of entities. (with Gravity Forms integration addon version 1.1);
- An option to choose CSV delimiter in the Settings page.
- Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
- WordPress 4.9.7 compatibility confirmed.
Version 2.2.2 (released 04.06.2018)
A regular update including some stability improvements and bugfixes.
Version 2.2.1 (released 21.05.2018)
A minor stability update including some patches for auto-update feature.
Version 2.2 (released 17.05.2018)
A significant update with a couple of new features, stability improvements, and other.
- Feature: New placeholders for Conditional Formatting – Last week, This week, Next week, Last 30 Days, This Month, Last Month, Next Month;
- Feature: Placeholders works with other table types (JSON, XML, PHP array);
- Feature: Option to set table without borders;
- Feature: Auto-detection of the delimiters for the CSV files;
- Feature: Searching for tables and charts using ID on browse pages;
- Feature: Option to change color and hover for pagination buttons;
- Feature: New types of HighCharts: Treemap chart and Treemap level chart;
- Feature: Multiple y axes and different series types on the same chart, developed for HighCharts types: Line chart, Spline chart, Basic area chart, Basic bar chart and Basic column chart.;
- Feature: Search in selectbox and multiselectbox filters;
- Feature: More options for defining the number of rows in the table;
- Feature: Changed appearance of the URL links in checkbox and selectbox filter- instead whole link now the content will be shown;
- Fix: refresh of the page with newly created table will no longer return you to the first step of the creation process;
- Fix: Gravity Forms PHP compatibility problem
- Fix: Bootstrap problem with themes and plugins;
- BugFix: problem with separate connection and selectbox in Powerful filters addon resolved;
- BugFix: multiple problem with filtering and predefined value resolved;
- Other smaller bug fixes;
- Stability and security improvements;
- Compatibility with WordPress 4.9.5 approved.
Version 2.1 (released 20.11.2017)
A significant update with a couple of new features, stability improvements, and other.
- Feature: New Multi-selectbox filter type;
- Feature: checkbox filter when the filter is rendered above the table can appear in a popup, instead of rendering checkboxes directly on the page;
- Feature: New settings for URL link columns – now it is possible e.g. to make them display as buttons, configure if the links should open in a new tab, or change the default text;
- Feature: support for new addon added (Powerful Filters – to be released on CodeCanyon soon);
- Fix: removed “All” when table displays all of the entries, and if you have less entries than selected displayed length;
- Bugfix: Problems with checkbox filters resolved (weird display in modal, not remembering the selection in modal);
- Bugfix: custom roles for editable tables support;
- Stability and security improvements.
- Compatibility with WordPress 4.9 approved.
Version 2.0.2 (released 24.08.2017)
A minor update mostly with stability improvements.
- Feature: Checkbox for including Bootstrap on the front-end added on the Settings page – now if there is a JS conflict in Bootstrap files with your theme it can be resolved by disabling the checkbox.
- Feature: support for new addons added (Gravity Forms integration, Formidable Pro integration) added – addons will be published soon on CodeCanyon – stay tuned;
- Bugfix: calculation functions in more than one column for server-side tables – calculations weren’t working correctly, now resolved;
- Bugfix: editor modal in responsive mode – the editor modal appeared too low in the bottom on tablets and mobiles, fixed now;
- Bugfix: formula column on the first position causing the table to show no records – resolved;
- Bugfix: Clear Filters button with filters in a form – clear works correctly now;
- Bugfix: Sorting dates in Mozilla Firefox for non-server-side tables – sorting works correctly in all browsers now;
- Bugfix: Duplicating the table where “Users see and edit only own data” feature is enabled – now the tables can be duplcated properly.
- Security improvements.
- Compatibility with WordPress 4.8.1 approved.
Version 2.0.1 (released 11.07.2017)
A minor release with a couple of patches for 2.0:
- PHP version compatibility – Fixed fatal errors that were thrown on PHP versions 5.4 and 5.5;
- Fix for reordering formula columns – causes JS errors in 2.0 version;
- Sorted possible values – possible values are now sorted alphabetically when read dynamically from the data source.
Version 2.0 (released 11.07.2017)
A major release with a ‘revamp’ of back-end and front-end:
- New admin/back-end design and improved UX – the plugin’s design was re-worked from scratch to a more intuitive, smooth and user friendly interface;
- Fix for custom CSS classes – some changes in 1.7.1 caused this feature not to work properly, now fixed;
- Table relations – foreign key support – now you can configure any column to work as a foreign key for a different table;
- New skin and new UI elements – a new Material-style skin for tables front-end, new UI elements (datepicker, timepicker, dropdown, modal);
- Under-the-hood improvements – code refactoring, new SQL parser, and a lot more;
- Security and stability improvements;
- A number of other minor bugfixes;
- Compatibility with WP 4.8 confirmed.
See more detailed overview of wpDataTables 2.0 in our blogpost
Version 1.7.2 (released 08.03.2017)
A minor release with numerous stability improvements:
- HTML tags in Excel-like tables – this didn’t work properly in previous versions, now fixed;
- Fix for custom CSS classes – some changes in 1.7.1 caused this feature not to work properly, now fixed;
- Timepicker in Excel like tables fixed – an issue appeared in 1.7.1, now fixed;
- Google spreadsheet links works from publish dialog as well as address bar;
- Adding and removing columns fixed;
- Editing IMG and link columns (no more HTML tags in editor);
- Add wpDataChart callback for Chart.js;
- Conditional formatting works with responsive option;
- Fixes for the selectbox editor input type;
- A number of other minor bugfixes;
- Compatibility with WP 4.7.3 confirmed.
Version 1.7.1 (released 09.01.2017)
A minor update, introducing 2 new features and a number of minor fixes and improvements:
- Chart.js – Now wpDataTables plugin has third chart rendering engine. Beside Google Charts and Highcharts we have added Chart.js that renders simple and flexible charts with a lot customization options.
- Chart live preview – In wpDataTables Chart Wizard now there is no Preview step anymore. Chart changes are instantly visible and shown on the chart that is rendered in the right side of the screen.
- Support for NULL/empty values – Now when editing editable wpDataTable it is possible to leave a blank cell for integer and float columns.
- Fix for Row Grouping – Row Grouping feature was causing a JavaScript error in version 1.7.
- Edit table in Excel-like editor when using Separate MySQL connection fix.
- Fix for Formula columns – In version 1.7 if some of the columns contained number in column original header then formula column didn’t work.
- Fix for Conditional formatting and Responsive mode – When table was in responsive mode show on mobile phone conditional formatting didn’t work.
- Fix for Datepicker layering – Datepicker was appearing behind edit modal on some themes in previous versions.
- Other minor stability and security improvements and bugfixes.
- WordPress 4.7 compatibility approved.
Version 1.7 (released 23.09.2016)
A major update, starting some new sub-modules, massively improving existing functionalities:
- Excel-like table editing – Now tables can be shown and edited not only with DataTables library, but also with Handsontable library, which has a nice Excel-like interface which supports bulk selection, drag’n’fill, duplicate, bulk delete, convenient inline editing, and many other features. Read more here.
- Lots of improvements for charts – more formatting and styling options for both engines, group feature. Read more in the blogpost, check the video part showing the new features.
- DateTime and Time column types – proper displaying of DateTime and Time (till minutes till now), as well as editing, sorting, filtering, etc. See the blogpost for more details.
- Import Google Spreadsheets to WP database with Table Constructor – see the blogpost for more details, or see this video part showing the feature.
- Settings on Settings page divided into tabs. See quick video overview.
- Table duplicating for manually created tables now allows duplicating the data source as well. See quick video overview.
- Extended multisite support.
- Other minor stability improvements and bugfixes.
See more information in the full blogpost.
Version 1.6.2 (released 12.05.2016)
A regular update, adding some functionalities, stability improvements, and several features:
- HTML editor for editable tables – now for columns which have string column type you can edit the data using a HTML WISYWYG editor (TinyMCE), both for editor dialog and for in-line editing.
- Addons support – from now on plugin supports addons, each addon brings some unique feature which extends the core functionality. The first addon launched is the Report Builder, which is a tool for generating individualised Word DOCX and Excel XLSX documents in real-time from WordPress.
- Responsive Charts – this was a highly requested feature: now each chart (both Google and Highchart) can be responsive – just tick the “responsive” checkbox near the width input. Responsive chart will occupy 100% width of the container, instead of having fixed width, therefore always render correctly on any device types, and when you resize browser window.
- Fixes for sum row – Sum row works more stable now.
- Fixes for chart editing – selected Google chart type and the follow table filtering option didn’t persist correctly on editing, now this works fine.
- Fixes for conditional formatting for values above 1.000.000 – now conditional formatting works correctly for any numbers.
- Security fixes – more security checks added to the plugin back-end to prevent attacks.
- More HTML allowed in the editable tables. We restricted allowed HTML for editable tables in 1.6.1 for better protection against XSS. Now the list of allowed tags was extended.
- Fix for uploading images in editable tables. Editing images wasn’t always working smooth, fixed now.
- Fix for ‘skip thousands separator’ in server-side tables. The setting was ignored for tables with server-side processing, now it works correctly.
- WordPress 4.5.2 compatibility confirmed. This site is running WP 4.5.2 so you can see it works.
- PHP7 compatibility confirmed. After multiple internal tests no conflicts or problems found.
- Other minor stability improvements and bugfixes
Version 1.6.1 (released 23.03.2016)
A large update, a lot of new functions. Was supposed to be a stability update, but grown to a large release. Click here to see a brief video overview of the new features. Among others:
- Inline editing – you can edit the content in editable tables directly from the cells now. Click here to see the docs, or here for video demo.
- Conditional formatting – it is possible to highlight rows, cells, columns, or change CSS classes. Click here to see the docs, or here for video demo.
- Formula (calculated) columns – you can add columns in the table that will be calculated based on other columns values. Click here to see the docs, or here to see video demo.
- Sum (totals) row – you can show totals for numeric columns in the table footer now. Click here to see the docs, or here to see video demo.
- Auto-read possible values for column – if the table has server-side processing enabled you don’t need to type in possible values manually any more. See video demo.
- Realtime auto-refresh for tables and charts – Tables which have server-side processing enabled can auto-reload in front-end with defined interval. See video demo.
- No-flash Table Tools, and advanced configuration for Table Tools – the export functionality is now Flash-independent, works on HTML5, also you can define from the admin panel which buttons to show or hide per each table. See video demo.
- Global search via URL. You can add a special key in the page URL, and your table will get pre-filtered on load. Click here to see the docs, or See video demo.
- Auto-generate thumbs for image columns in editable tables. When you upload a new image, a thumb with a link to full picture will be inserted automatically.
- Skip thousands separator for integer columns. If your column is an integer, but you don’t want formatting (e.g. for years or product codes), you can disable it.
- Fixed filter rendered in header. It was looking clumsy before when you chose to render the filter in header, now it is rendered in a separate row.
- Non-UTF8 names for columns in Table Constructor. This was causing trouble before, but now it’s allowed.
- DataTables front-end renderer library upgraded to 1.10.10
- PHPExcel updated to latest version
- Lots of stability and UX improvements and bugfixes
Version 1.6 (released 23.07.2015)
A major update. A lot of different changes and improvements. Basically the biggest change to wpDataTables since launch. Check this document for more info on new functions.
Version 1.5.6 (released 13.02.2015)
Just another patch on a long way to Table Constructor module. No new features, just bugfixes.
- False update notification fixed – in the previous version there was a tiny bug that caused plugin to report that there’s a new version available all the time, also to throw a notice in the update list; this is fixed now.
- Attachments title not displayed – refactoring in the previous version caused an attachments title (uploaded from front-end editor) not to be displayed; this is fixed now.
- XML parsing errors – a bug which caused a problem with XML format parsing is fixed; also added a check if XML elements have attributes for correct parsing.
- Table ID notice in shortcode fixed – in some cases when ID was empty it thrown a notice; it is fixed now.
- Front-end editor add/edit row selectbox problem – front-end editor dialog selectbox was showing first value as selected by default, but actually nothing was selected. Fixed now.
- Formatted numbers in range filters did not work. Values more then 1000, or if user entered the value in the same format as in cell caused the filter to crash. Fixed now.
- Column filter selectbox when shown in header did not show. Minor issue with CSS fixed, dropdowns will show correctly now.
- Date parsing fixed for CSV. In some cases dates weren’t parsed correctly, works fine now.
- New filter added for the table title (wpdatatables_filter_table_title) – you can use it to change the title dynamically, or hide it when you don’t need it
- Custom JS was multiply escaped (‘\\’). Now it’s fixed.
- EU date format sorting issue – when there was an empty cell in a date column with EU-formatted date (dd.mm.yyyy) it crushed sorting; now it’s fixed – empty cells will always be treated as the earliest date possible.
- Preview with charts fixed. Now you can preview your charts in the backend along with the table, which didn’t work in earlier versions.
- Even rows color picker didn’t work. Now it’s fixed and you can choose the color of the even rows.
- Font color picker for table header didn’t work. fixed now.
Version 1.5.5 (released 08.12.2014)
- Auto updates – we planned this for 1.6, but since there were already a couple of unplanned releases, we decided not to postpone it any more to make life easier for users. Starting from current version, if you enter your Envato Purchase Code, plugin will tell you when the new version is released, and do the auto update. To prevent piracy, maximum number of downloads of one version per purchase code is 2. But you can always download new versions directly from Envato and install in the good old-fashioned manual way.
- File-based tables speedup – for large tables based on files you should have a significant improvement in speed now.
Version 1.5.4 (released 23.11.2014)
Security patch. A couple of minor bugfixes also included. New in this version:
- Uploader security issue fixed.
- Number range filter issue fixed. There was an issue in version 1.5.3 that broke number range filtering because of number formatting, for non server-side processing tables. Fixed now.
- utf8_general_ci collation added to wpDataTables created tables. Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and other UTF-8 characters in column names shouldn’t be a problem any more.
- “Clear filters” problem solved. Before when users clicked on “Clear filters” some dropdown values weren’t refreshed.
- Default value dropdown problem solved. Previously if you defined a default value for a dropdown selectbox it didn’t work, fixed now.
- WP 4.0.1 compatibility checked.
For more info on what’s new and complete changelog you can see this page.
Update procedure: Disable plugin, overwrite with files from the new package, enable plugin again. This is necessary since the database structure has to be updated on reactivation.
Video tutorials
- Installing and updating wpDataTables
- Creating a table from Excel with wpDataTables
- Creating a table in WordPress from MySQL with wpDataTables
- Creating an editable table in WordPress
wpDataTables 1.6 is a mighty data manager in a form of a WordPress plugin. It helps you to create dynamic responsive tables, charts in your WordPress site edit and allow your front-end users to edit data in them. See the video features overview or the text features overview if you’re interested.
A short list of wpDataTables features:
- Cute interactive multi-functional front-end jQuery tables with filtering, sorting and pagination features rendered by DataTables library. You can manipulate all features easily from the WordPress administrator panel.
- Server-side processing for MySQL-based tables.
- Charts based on Google Chart and Highcharts libraries. Easily render charts from the
same dataset as your table. Charts can be updated in realtime together with the table, as you filter the data set. - Front-end editing for MySQL-based tables.
- Table constructor which allows to create the tables from back-end.
- MySQL query generator. Builds all the “SELECT FROM, JOIN, WHERE, GROUP” for you – just click the correct buttons!
- WordPress DB query generator.
- Allows to prepare an editable table out of your Excel or CSV
- Responsive mode for any tables.
- Advanced front-end table features: print view, save to PDF, save to CSV, save to Excel, Copy to clipboard by TableTools extensions.
- Row grouping based on RowGrouping extension. If a lot of rows have same values of some column you can group them based on the value of this column. The sorting will be performed inside of these groups.
- Accepted data sources: PHP serialized arrays, Google Spreadsheets, MySQL queries, MS Excel XLS and XLSX, OpenOffice Calc ODT, CSV files, JSON objects, XML data source.
- Tweakable columns with different column types – strings, integers, floats, links, dates, images.
Video Tutorials on wpDataTables Table Plugin
There’s a video course of around 40 short tutorials filmed on wpDataTable. Check it out on our site!
Documentation and examples
Check out the documentation and live examples before you purchase on our demo site.
TMDb Pro – Movie & TV Show Details Plugin For The Movie Database
wpDataTables – Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Why do we use it?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.
Where can I get some?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.