WP Cloud Saver – WordPress File Sharing Plugin

WP Cloud Saver - WordPress File Sharing Plugin
Preview WP Cloud Saver – WordPress File Sharing Plugin

WordPress Cloud Saver

WP Cloud Saver is a simple WordPress plugin that give a versatile approach of sharing file to end user which they can store into their Dropbox, Google Drive and so on. Right choice for Corporate Professionals, Developers
& Agencies, Small Businesses, Community Organizations and more.

Who is it for:

  1. Any Corporate company who shares Annual Report, Presentation, White paper etc.
  2. Marketing materials such as Magazine, Newsletter etc.
  3. Blogger who shares freebies.
  4. Author who shares eBook, ePub etc.
  5. Owner who is selling digital downloadable products with WooCommerce.
  6. And in many aspect that you can’t imagine.

Plugin Features:

Simple Configuration:
This plugin hasn’t bundled with unecessary options which are rarely used. The plugin has designed with the user’s key goals in mind, and designed for simplicity.
So, you can effortlessly configure each options of this plugin any way you want it.

Multiple Providers:
The plugin has covered the most popular file hosting services out of the box. Target more engagement, increase satisfaction and provide greater flexibility with desire for audience.

Shortcode Generator:
Plugin comes with a handy shortcode generator tools which let you generate shortcode for WPCloudSaver in a matter of time.

WooCommerce Hooks:
If you’re selling downloadable products in WooCommerce then this plugin will use the built-in WooCommerce hook to automatically integrate Google Drive and Dropbox saver buttons in order page.
This way, your client can download the file or effortlessly store it to Google Drive Or Dropbox.

Translation Template:
Translate our plugin in multiple languages, within minutes. Create a localized experience for admin user in
any language. Simple set-up, we provided .pot template file.

Clean, Modern and Mobile Friendly:
Responsive button and it’s option work properly in all most any device and screen that you can imagine.

Documentation and Support:
Well documented and commented files. You don’t need enough technical knowledge to setup and configure this
plugin. An Easy-to-Use guide with clear instruction may help you integrating this plugin step-by step, beside a
top notch customer
service team always responsive and available to assist you with any issues.

Download WP Cloud Saver – WordPress File Sharing Plugin