The WordPress Store Finder
Did you know that nearly 45% of revenue stays in local stores? Use this as an advantage and add a store locator your product pages. With our WordPress Store Locator Plugin you can give your Customers the opportunity to buy your products in a local store! Show the store locator on your product page or embed it on a dealer locator page and increase your sales!
- Store Locator
- Search for Store
- Single Store Page
- Contact Store
- Woo Product Page
- Single Category Shortcode
- WP-Admin Demo Login
Store Locator Features
- More than 10 possible layouts
- More than 90 options
- Open Store Locator in Modal
- Excel (.xls) import / export functionality
- Add Store Locator to any Page via Shortcode: [wordpress_store_locator]
- Auto Gelocation (via HTML5)
- Set Default Position, Map Type and Zoom
- Set a Distance Unit
- Set a default Radius
- Set default Icons
- Customize the Infowindow
- Customize the Result List (Maximum results, result item icon, position of the result List)
- Customize the Search Box (Auto Locate the users position, save in cookie or enable Autocompletion)
- Customize the Loading Screen (icon, color, transparency)
- Check what Data and what Call to Actions (CTA) you want to display
- Set Defaults for new Stores
- Multilingual
- Well Documentented
This plugin requires the free Redux Framework to give you an easy to manage settings panel.
- Tested with WordPress 3.8+
- Tested with WooCommerce 3.0+
- WordPress 3.8.1+
- PHP 5.6+
- Redux Framework Plugin (free)
====== 1.10.8 ====== - NEW: Data used for contact form is now no longer dependant on the date your show in your store locator data to show settings. ====== 1.10.7 ====== - NEW: Added an option to show multiple result list items in 1 row (result list item columns) Example: ====== 1.10.6 ====== - FIX: Store locator hidden class - FIX: PHP notice ====== 1.10.5 ====== - NEW: Search by Store Name input field Examples: ====== 1.10.4 ====== - NEW: Added a new file called "customer ID" for each store This field will be im / exported and visible only in backend It can be used to update stores based on this field value (e.g. you can use this for CRM ID) - FIX: Default icon not fallback when hovering over ====== 1.10.3 ====== - NEW: If only 1 catgory specified in shortcode and image used for categories the one category will be selected by default - FIX: Category store badges not showing ====== 1.10.2 ====== - NEW: Filter on single store pages now shows filter parent title first (e.g. Colors: blue, black) - NEW: Images assigned to category filter now also show in the result list & single store page - NEW: 3 Column Layout for result list item See: - FIX: Moved deprecated show / hide filter section to result list settings ====== 1.10.1 ====== - NEW: Radius max of 3999 removed ====== 1.10.0 ====== - NEW: Empty address field by default (see settings > search box) - NEW: Added subtitles to options panel - NEW: An error message now shows if the custom CSS file is not writeable - NEW: Added an option to show / hide categories - NEW: Added an option to show / hide filters separatly - NEW: Added an option to show / hide the radius filter - NEW: Added a CSS class for filter section - FIX: Changed "get direction" to "get directions" text - NEW: Added Premium Class to Infowindow - FIX: Premium Class missing in result list ====== 1.9.10 ====== - FIX: DB prepare error in AJAX function - FIX: PHP notice issue ====== 1.9.9 ====== - FIX: Updated missing DE Translations - FIX: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: values - FIX: Max Result changed from 999 to 99999 - FIX: Default max results set higher ====== 1.9.8 ====== - NEW: Updated DE Translations (big thanks to motivmedia) - FIX: Opening hours o clock 2 text showed for 1 in result list ====== 1.9.7 ====== - FIX: Admin Search returns stores multiple times - FIX: Empty post meta was not deleted - FIX: Mobile infowindow content cutt off ====== 1.9.6 ====== - FIX: Show for store category option not saved ====== 1.9.5 ====== - FIX: Multiple PHP notices ====== 1.9.4 ====== - NEW: Moved "Find in Store" option to general settings for better visibility - FIX: undefined variable term PHP notice ====== 1.9.3 ====== - FIX: IMPORTANT: GEO IP service changed - update required! ====== 1.9.2 ====== - NEW: You can now search for stores in backend with meta values like address, city ====== 1.9.1 ====== - NEW: Show Parent Store filters only when a specific product category is selected In backend when editing a filter see: Show for Store Category - NEW: Input type is hidden for child filters as they are only possible on filter top level - NEW: Added support for importing / exporting opening hours 2 - NEW: ID gets now exported and can be used to update stores during import - FIX: Store categories & filters not exported - FIX: Ranking + Premium meta data not saved caused issue with premium sorting ====== 1.9.0 ====== - NEW: Opening Hours 2 option to show 2 different opening hours - NEW: Opening Hours text displays on single store pages - NEW: Shortcode to display nearest store: [wordpress_store_locator_nearest_store text_before="Nearest Store: "] Args: text_before Output: Shows nearest store "address, city | opening hours" - NEW: Option to disable the open infowindow on mouseover the marker (only open on click) - NEW: Option to link filters & categories to WooCommerce Product Industries taxonomy - FIX: Updated POT File ====== 1.8.8 ====== - NEW: Added new action hooks: wordpress_store_locator_before wordpress_store_locator_before_main wordpress_store_locator_after_main wordpress_store_locator_after wordpress_store_locator_sidebar wordpress_store_locator_after_sidebar wordpress_store_locator_before_search_box wordpress_store_locator_before_active_filters wordpress_store_locator_after_active_filters wordpress_store_locator_before_address_field wordpress_store_locator_after_address_field wordpress_store_locator_after_search_box wordpress_store_locator_before_filters wordpress_store_locator_after_filters - FIX: Data to show for contact details hide on single store pages - FIX: Category filters, that are display as images did not show up in active filters ====== 1.8.7 ====== - NEW: Visit Store Button that links to the single store page ====== 1.8.6 ====== - FIX: Premium sorting, non premium stores now sorted by distance ====== 1.8.5 ====== - FIX: badge Class html wrong - FIX: Your position not translateable - FIX: Updated POT files ====== 1.8.4 ====== - NEW: Autocomplete Restriction now works for multiple countries Enter DE,CH for example to limit to Germany & Switzerland ====== 1.8.3 ====== - NEW: Option to leave out the get direction source address Data to Show > Leave source address empty in Google Maps ====== 1.8.2 ====== - NEW: Added store-locator-is-premium CSS Class to details container - FIX: Distance showed twice - FIX: Weekdays not translateable on single store pages ====== 1.8.1 ====== - NEW: Added a filter for options "wordpress_store_locator_options" - FIX: Infowindow width switched to max-width (better mobile support) - FIX: Added Max height for Infowindow - FIX: Updated Documentation to latest version ====== 1.8.0 ====== - NEW: When editing a parent filter in wp-admin you can set the input type from checkbox to select field. - FIX: URL query duplication - FIX: Admin CSS issue - FIX: Added CSS class to filters - FIX: Query issue for premium stores ====== 1.7.24 ====== - FIX: Geocode Address now respects componentRestrictions - FIX: Performance improvment ====== 1.7.23 ====== - FIX: Build State Replace now does not remove existing query strings - FIX: Query all stores not working when result order was Premium - FIX: Removed old plugins ====== 1.7.22 ====== - NEW: Added an option to set new window / blank for store link actions ====== 1.7.21 ====== - FIX: store_id parameter wrong when Contact Store URL containes a Query Parameter ====== 1.7.20 ====== - FIX: Auto Geolocation showed on search for store shortcode even when disabled - FIX: IMPORTANT! Replaced geolocation service provider ====== 1.7.19 ====== - FIX: Uncaught Error: Class 'PHPExcel_Cell' not found ====== 1.7.18 ====== - NEW: Removed phpoffice/phpexcel (deprecated) and moved to phpoffice/spreadsheet - FIX: Single Store pages showed data not activated ====== 1.7.17 ====== - NEW: Added a class to the "store in XX" so you can hide it via CSS: wordpress-store-locator-store-in - NEW: Renamed "button" to "WooCommerce" in Backend ====== 1.7.16 ====== - FIX: Select Store not translateable in contact form ====== 1.7.15 ====== - NEW: Option to enable / disable Auto IP Geolocation Fallback due to GDPR when HTML5 not supported or disallowed - FIX: Increased the timeout to 8 seconds until IP Geolocation fallback used ====== 1.7.14 ====== - FIX: Maps icons missing in Internet Explorer (IE) ====== 1.7.13 ====== - NEW: Added an option to set the Show All Stores Text - FIX: Google Maps Icon not visible - FIX: Multiple AJAX calls if no address set in URL - FIX: Fallback for no HTML5 Geolocaiton enabled ====== 1.7.12 ====== - FIX: When address in URL the location field got overwritten - FIX: Store Link now by get_permalink ====== 1.7.11 ====== - NEW: Added a ranking option for stores to sort by (the higher the better) You can edit stores to set a ranking or import stores Make sure you set Sort Order to Ranking in plugin settings > Result list - FIX: When rankings are the same it orders by distance ====== 1.7.10 ====== - FIX: Improved the automatic lat / lng fetching process ====== 1.7.9 ====== - NEW: Added do_shortcode on store description - FIX: Weekdays Key was translated also ====== 1.7.8 ====== - NEW: Full Height Map See Settings > Map > Full Height Map ====== 1.7.7 ====== - NEW: Get my Position works on search for store shortcode - FIX: Added loading hint when get my position clicked ====== 1.7.6 ====== - FIX: Updated Default settings - FIX: Added button class for Divi Themes ====== 1.7.5 ====== - NEW: Lat / Lng data now available in store overview (easiy to check if data missing) - FIX: Predefined Category has overwritten category by URL ====== 1.7.4 ====== - NEW: ! Important Update ! As of 1st of July the old geoip provider we used "" is no longer available, we switched to a new one: "" You need to update our plugin otherwise it won't work anymore after 1st of July - NEW: Radius now also in URL PushState HTML5 - FIX: jQuery attr changed for prop - FIX: Image Filter now also works with URL PushState - FIX: Radius Circle JS error for all stores link ====== 1.7.3 ====== - NEW: URL PushState HTML5 The users search (address, category + filters) will be stored in the URL. This can be shared then - FIX: Radius Circle JS Error - FIX: Multiple Locations ====== 1.7.2 ====== - NEW: Display Distance in Result List - FIX: Issue when ordering was set to premium and all stores fetched ====== 1.7.1 ====== - FIX: Missing translation "Enter your Address" added ====== 1.7.0 ====== - FIX: Tax Meta Class Updated ====== 1.6.9 ====== - NEW: Option for Infowindow Open check to prevent twiches See Settings > Infowindow > Check if Infowindow is closed - FIX: Icon Hover Fix - FIX: JS Code improvements - FIX: Renamed Pan to Marker on Mouse Hover => Enable Result List Hover Pan to Marker should be set in settings > maps > pan to map ====== 1.6.8 ====== - NEW: Map style now also applies on Single Store Page ====== 1.6.7 ====== - FIX: Show all stores did not respected the data to show ====== 1.6.6 ====== - NEW: Added an option to show a button "show on map" See data to show > Show on Map ====== 1.6.5 ====== - NEW: Map > Enable / Disable Pan to Marker on Hover - NEW: Result List > Enable / Disable Pan to Marker on Hover ====== 1.6.4 ====== - FIX: IE11 Problems ====== 1.6.3 ====== - NEW: Option to enable Output Buffering as some themes had problem with displaying ====== 1.6.2 ====== - FIX: Moved google maps script to the bottom to avoid conflicts with other maps plugins ====== 1.6.1 ====== - NEW: Shortcode to show a search box only, that links to the store locator Demo: Shortcode: [wordpress_store_locator_search url="YOUR_STORE_LOCATOR_URL" style="1" show_filter="yes"] - FIX: Filters not working when premium sorting was checked ====== 1.6.0 ====== - FIX: Added output buffering for shortcode used ====== 1.5.9 ====== - FIX: renamed import upload file because of theme conflicts ====== 1.5.8 ====== - NEW: Check if you want to Adjust zoom level to Radius automatically - NEW: Set a link action to "none" ====== 1.5.7 ====== - NEW: It is now possible to set the default radius to more than 1000 ====== 1.5.6 ====== - FIX: Fixed an issue where the zip was not laoded in contact form - FIX: Use store_locator_store_info_XX for info on contact page ====== 1.5.5 ====== - FIX: Fixed an issue where the loading spinner did not got away ====== 1.5.4 ====== - NEW: Added a pan to map on store hover ====== 1.5.3 ====== - FIX: Fixed an issue where the Show all Stores Link did not work without Radius enabled ====== 1.5.2 ====== - NEW: Sort stores by Premium Stores first See Settings > Result List > Sort Results by - NEW: Show image also in Result list - NEW: Set a position (left / right) for store image in result list ====== 1.5.1 ====== - NEW: Prefixed all bootstrap files to not get in conflict with themes ====== 1.5.0 ====== - NEW: Link stores to custom contact form pages You can now add an action to your stores, that will redirect to a contact form with dealer information See Settings Data to Show > Show Contact Dealer See Tutorial & More Info here: - NEW: Show All Stores link See Settings > Search Box > Show All stores Button - NEW: All Stores Zoom Level - NEW: All Stores Default Lat / Lng ====== 1.4.6 ====== - FIX: Only 1 store showed in backend ====== 1.4.5 ====== - FIX: Removed PHP Notices from Import Class - FIX: Removed PHP notice in Public Class ====== 1.4.4 ====== - NEW: Option to display category filter as an image See Settings > Data To Show > Display Category Filters as Image Make sure you have set a category icon in the backend ====== 1.4.3 ====== - NEW: Removed Meta Boxes to be required From now on we use custom meta data code - NEW: Radius Limitation of 999 removed and set to 3999 - FIX: Removed Google Sensor required console issue ====== 1.4.2 ====== - FIX: PHP Notice in php file ====== 1.4.1 ====== - NEW: Shortcode attributes to create multiple maps with different categories: Example 1: - Only show category ID 34 (T-Shirts) - no children - no "show all categories" [wordpress_store_locator categories="34" show_children="no" show_all="no"] Example 2: - Show Categories 32 (Clothes) and 35 (Music Stores) - Show no children - Show "all categories" [wordpress_store_locator categories="32,35" show_children="no" show_all="yes"] ====== 1.4.0 ====== - NEW: Automatic zoom level adjustment when radius changes ====== 1.3.9 ====== - FIX: Resultlist Link action issue ====== 1.3.8 ====== - NEW: Display opening hours in single store pages Example: - NEW: Red border when address field is empty - FIX: Opening hours title showed up when no opening hours were entered ====== 1.3.7 ====== - NEW: CSS Classes for active filter - NEW: CSS Classes for store filters ====== 1.3.6 ====== - NEW: Show the filter box open by default Settings > Search Box > Filter open by default - NEW: Adress format options (standard or American / Australian) Settings > Data to Show > Address Format - NEW: Switched from Time field to Text field for opening hours Now you can write "closed" for example - NEW: Set a custom infowindow link action - NEW: Show ZIP & Region Settings > Data to Show - FIX: Sunday does not display - FIX: Server side API key ====== 1.3.5 ====== - FIX: undefined variable ====== 1.3.4 ====== NEW: Logic for icons changed: when a store is in multiple categories -> Take the first categories icon FIX: custom category icon could not be uploaded wpColorpicker error FIX: map icon on result list hover ====== 1.3.3 ====== - FIX: Export Stores misses filter categories - FIX: Import stores file upload in Multisite environments - FIX: Categories & Filter now update the count after import ====== 1.3.2 ====== - FIX: PHP 7.1 fix ====== 1.3.1 ====== - NEW: Complete new documentation (see here: - NEW: Updated offline documentation - FIX: Added map Meta key to import - FIX: Added Opening hours to Sample Import file - FIX: Latitute wrongly assigned when importing XLSX without lat / lng - FIX: Get Sample import file now respects the Excel 2007 option - FIX: Switched custom store icon from Media Library to raw URL !!! Make sure you change this in your stores settings !!! ====== 1.3.0 ====== - NEW: Set a custom map icon for a single store - NEW: Logic for Icons: 1. If a custom icon on single store is set -> take this 2. If a custom category icon is set: 2.1. If a store is only in one category -> take this icon 2.2. If a store has multiple icons, the icon only changes when a category has been choosen in frontend 3. If no store / category icon is set -> take the default Icon - NEW: Improved editing layout in backend - FIX: Export files are corrupt ====== 1.2.9 ====== - NEW: Add a custom Icon for store categories - NEW: Added store categories & filter information on single store page - FIX: Removed icon from json to increase speed ====== 1.2.8 ====== - FIX: undefined index in public.php file for meta boxes request ====== 1.2.7 ====== - FIX: Default Country - FIX: Import of new stores ====== 1.2.6 ====== - NEW: Sort by distance or alphabetically (settings > result list > sort by) - NEW: Try updating stores during import (updating process is checked by store name) - FIX: Store categories / filters are now sorted alphabetically ASC ====== 1.2.5 ====== - NEW: Import Store Opening Hours - NEW: Export Opening Hours - NEW: Slightly settings panel improvements ====== 1.2.4 ====== - FIX: DB Prepare statement ====== 1.2.3 ====== - NEW: Set a default store category to be active (Settings > Search Box > Default filter category) - NEW: Description now also shows up in result list - FIX: Description will now be exported correctly - FIX: Description does not show up when no email was set up ====== 1.2.2 ====== - NEW: When importing stores with no Latitute / Longitute (lat / lng) the system will try to fetch the data from Google Reverse Maps You will need to set a extra server side API Key this on the settings panel - FIX: Result list height in the Modal ====== 1.2.1 ====== - NEW: Use custom Map Styling (e.g. from OR See settings -> Maps -> Styling - NEW: Select what happens when a user clicks on the stores name in the result list See settings -> Result list -> Link Action ====== 1.2.0 ====== - NEW: Automatically extend the map if no stores are found - NEW: Excel files are now .xlsx (for Excel 2007 and higher), but you can still switch to Excel 5 if preferred - NEW: Hide search Active filter - NEW: Hide search Filters completley - NEW: Hide search Title - FIX: Hardcoded some CSS settings ====== 1.1.7 ====== - FIX: CSS bug border-box-size ====== 1.1.6 ====== - NEW: Autocomplete country restriction: restricts the users search only within a specific country - NEW: Autocomplete type restriction. Only return city or zip code, but never street (specially used in US) - NEW: Conditional Data loading (e.g. when a store has no email, it will not be ouputted as "undefined") ====== 1.1.5 ====== - NEW: Support for subcategories in Category Dropdown - FIX: WP-Admin URL for settings buttons ====== 1.1.4 ====== - FIX: No Sidebar autoHeight - FIX: Map Center position ====== 1.1.3 ====== - FIX: Issue with Sidebar Height - FIX: Issue with Sidebar position ====== 1.1.2 ====== - FIX: Button does not show up on single product pages - FIX: Search in this area button styling ====== 1.1.1 ====== - Name change to WordPress Store locator - !!Important!! Before you upgrade make an export of your stores. Then update and import the exported stores. ====== 1.1.0 ====== - NEW: Drag the map and a button appear to do a search in this area - NEW: Stores & Categories can now be shown as items: - NEW: Single Store: - NEW: Store Category: - NEW: Option to hide the get directions link - NEW: Option to hide the search button - NEW: Option to set a custom text for the search button - NEW: Option to hide the result list title - NEW: Updated Design - NEW: When set a default position & auto location is disabled it automatically searches there - NEW: Better Versioning - FIX: Tel, Email, Web not showing on map - FIX: Description showed "undefined" ====== 1.0.10 ====== - FIX: Import issue with categories (not appended, but replaced) ====== 1.0.9 ====== - NEW: Enter button now works in search field - FIX: Description will now be shown - FIX: Premium icon on all result items - FIX: Versioning for JS / CSS files ====== 1.0.8 ====== - NEW: When user declines HTML5 Geolocation or when it is not support, the user will now be located by his IP address using the free service (max. 10.000 requests per hour!) - FIX: switched the Google Maps "Get Direction" position ====== 1.0.7 ====== - NEW: Code cleanup - FIX: capability added for the import page ====== 1.0.6 ====== - NEW: Better plugin activation - FIX: Better advanced settings page (ACE Editor for CSS and JS ) - FIX: array key exists ====== 1.0.5 ====== - FIX: Redux Framework error ====== 1.0.4 ====== - NEW: Import function for XLS-Files - NEW: Get Sample Import file (dynamically creates categories / filters too) - NEW: Export function to XLS - NEW: Delete all stores ====== 1.0.3 ====== - FIX: Google new requires API Key for everything - FIX: API Key now also provided in backend ====== 1.0.2 ====== - FIX: error when Meta-Box Plugin was not installed & activated ====== 1.0.1 ====== - NEW: Removed the embedded Redux Framework AND Meta Boxes for update consistency //* PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU INSTALL THE REDUX FRAMEWORK & Meta Box PLUGIN *// ====== ====== - FIX: PHP 5.4 compatible errors ====== ====== - FIX: Remove close button on shortcode pages - FIX: when hiding active filters also hide the active filter text ====== ====== - FIX: Bring back the close button ====== 1.0.0 ====== - Inital release ====== Future ====== - See all locations (on map & on list by country > city) - Automatic Opening time (this store closes in X minutes) - rate stores and make comments. Even add pictures if needed.
TMDb Pro – Movie & TV Show Details Plugin For The Movie Database
WordPress Store Locator
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Why do we use it?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.
Where can I get some?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.