Customize WooCommerce list products with Elementor
If you have the problem concerning display products of WooCommerce. This plugin will help you can control product display in everywhere and every form as your desire.
Also, If you use one theme and there are many website use same your theme.You want to be different ? Why not customize your shop ’s page by your own way ? The right product page design can make a huge difference in terms of convincing your visitors to follow through with their purchase.
- Fully customize styles
- Fully responsive
- Multi layouts: grid, masonry, list, slider
- Support 3 item templates
- Support custom product archive pages: Shop, product taxonomies…
- Support custom style of product list: Up Sells, Cross Sells, Related.
- Multi pagination types: number, ajax load more button, ajax infinite scroll
- Support product quick view
- Support YITH WooCommerce Wishlist button
- And much more…
Fully Customize
Multi Layouts
Multi Pagination
v1.0.0 - Initial ReleaseDownload WooCommerce Products Layouts for Elementor