Download: WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter – WordPress Plugin Free Nulled

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Advanced product filtering ability for your WooCommerce shop. Let customers filter & find products by category, attribute, meta data, taxonomy,… at the same time, increase sales, be more available.

WooCommerce Product Filter plugin (or WooCommerce AJAX Layered Navigation, WooCommerce Product Filter) adds advanced product filtering to your WooCommerce shop.

It provides a rich user interface for users to filter products by:

  • Custom WooCommerce attributes your own shop defined attributes
  • Custom WooCommerce taxonomies (Supports third party plugins custom taxonomies)
  • Unlimited hierarchical categories
    e.g. Electronic products > Computers > Storage > Hard disks > Seagate Hard drives….
  • Custom product meta data fields e.g. Filter WooCommerce products by price range, width or height,…
  • WooCommerce products meta data
  • Create unlimited products collections / product catalog. e.g. Valentine gifts under $50, men xl blue T-shirts,…
  • WooCommerce reset filter button
  • Apply all kind of filters at the same time fully customizable, really flexible, no limitation
  • So much more…

You can create your own custom store advanced filters with drag and drop in a minute.
There is no limit on the number of filters you add to shop; so customers can filter products by nested categories, price, dimension, size, color, weight, rate, sales count,… Unlimited more product attributes
Provides three types of UI: Slider range, DropDown and checkbox list(toggle effect filter).
Filters can even be applied on products search results. So you can search and apply filters on your product results.

Filter results are loaded via AJAX in realtime, but don’t worry about SEO Woo AJAX Product Filter uses HTML5 PushState and for old browsers HashTag fallback.
Filtered products are shareable and indexable by search engines.

This product filter WooCommerce plugin is best for stores with a lot of products and items or multiple product attributes.


  • Add Unlimited Filters: There is no limitation, let the customers filter all the way through their needs.
  • Really fast: The plugin has been built with great performance, the fastest WordPress eCommerce product filter plugin ever
  • Three Types of UI: Slider, Drop Down & Checkbox (Toggle effect).
  • Count Each Filter Products: Intelligent; based on current applied filters, categories, taxonomies,…
  • Reset All Filters: Users can reset all filters to default by a single click.
  • Merge Sidebars: Merge sidebars to save space of shop sidebar.
  • Filter by Color, Pattern and Image: Assign an image for each attribute so users, see images instead of text for products filtering.
  • Search Engine Optimized (SEO friendly): Filtered products are indexable and users can share links of filtered results.
  • HTML5 PushState & HTML4 HashTag Fallback: Best experience in modern browsers beside supporting old browsers.
  • Cross Browser Compatibility: AJAX loading, PushState,… has been tested with all major browsers old versions to the latest.
  • Unlimited Filter for Specific Attributes archive/Categories archive: If you sell different products with different attributes this feature is for you. By using this feature, selected categories or selected attributes can have their own filters without affecting the rest of the shop.
  • Sidebar (WooCommerce /WordPress widget container), ShortCode and PHP function generator
  • AJAX Loading Results: Users can see filtered results at real time.
  • Option to disable AJAX: Load filtered products traditionally using page load.
  • Sort by AJAX: Sort and change the order of products by 6 parameters and see the results in real-time.
  • Drag and Drop Filter Building: Shop admin can drag and drop, unlimited widgets and build filters in a minute, each widget with its own different settings. Product filter in WooCommerce has never been easier.
  • Auto Blends With Shop Theme: Automatically adapts with your shop theme styling so you need no styling. Works with responsive WordPress / WooCommerce themes.
  • Hierarchical Category Navigation: Users can navigate through hierarchical categories; eg: Clothing > Women > Outwear > Jacket.
  • Multiple Categories/Attributes Filtering: Users can filter products by selecting multiple categories and multiple attributes at the same time (Supports “AND”, “OR” Parameters)
  • Built with WordPress Best Practices If a task has multiple approaches the best one is selected. E.g: Product Filtering functionality only activates at WooCommerce area not everywhere, this makes the plugin fast and small footprint.
  • Utilizes the Styling of Store Theme

Live Demo / Preview

Create unlimited products collections / product catalog e.g.

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29 July 2015

  • WordPress 4.2 Compatibility
  • WooCommerce 2.3 Compatibility
  • New Feature: Reload entire page (No AJAX)
  • New Option: Disable / Enable reloading entire page
  • Improvement: Better cache time
  • Improvement: Language file updated, new strings are added
  • Fixed: All reported theme conflicts are fixed
  • Improvement: New JavaScript filter for active chosen filter items CSS classes
  • Bug fixed: Wrong current theme pagination boolean variable
  • Bug fixed: Showing only one product at shop archives
  • Improvement: Better support for shop theme paginations
  • Improvement: Duplicate shop theme paginations
  • New option: Enable/disable hiding duplicate shop theme paginations
  • Bug fixed: JavaScript replace all method on strings
  • Improvement: Keep WP_Query when cache not used
  • Improvement: Encode multi selection list items
  • Improvement: No more 301 header on AJAX calls
  • Improvement: No overlay on full page reload
  • Improvement: Trigger get_posts only when cache not used
  • Minor tweaks and bug fixes
  • Improvement: Documentation extented

    • Better explanation about logical operators of widgets
    • Description about newly added options and features
    • Clarification about theme chosen styles and how to customize it
    • Better explanation about logical operators of widgets
    • Documentation about newly added hooks and filters
    • Better description on custom areas update
    • Better explanation about logical operators of widgets
    • New section for basic users about selectors
    • Better explanation about logical operators of widgets

12 December 2014

  • Improvement: Added several actions and filters for developers who want to extend the plugin or change the way it works:
    • wcpf_generate_widget: New action which is triggered before generating a widget
    • wcpf_clear_old_caches: New action which is triggered before clearing the plugin caches
    • wcpf_before_products: New filter which enables developers to change the product wrapper starting code
    • wcpf_after_products: New filter which enables developers to change the product wrapper ending code
    • wcpf_before_no_products: New filter which enables developers to change the no-products wrapper starting code
    • wcpf_after_no_products: New filter which enables developers to change the no-products wrapper ending code
    • wcpf_before_pagination: New filter which enables developers to change the pagination wrapper starting code
    • wcpf_after_pagination: New filter which enables developers to change the pagination wrapper ending code
    • Please suggest what other filters or actions you need
  • Improvement: Added index.html file to thr root of directories to increase server privacy and security.
  • New Option: enable/disable product wrapping

30 November 2014

  • Bug Fixed: Filters didn’t work at shop main page in WordPress 4.0
  • Improvement: Using WooCommerce core API to check for WooCommerce areas which brings speed and accuracy
  • Improvement: Improved Products un-ordered List selector for non standard themes
  • Improvement: new public function for checking the filterable area.
    It’s helpful for developers who want to extend the plugin: is_wcpf_area(&$query=false)
  • New Feature: Add random sorting ability
    Results can be sorted by random order in AJAX style
  • New Option: Enable Random Order,Enable/Disable Random ordering option
  • Improvement: Global variables definition, Clarifying Widget undefined variables in the source code
  • Improvement: New assets compressor: by YUI
  • Improvement: Keeping credit of assets file while compressing them
  • Improvement: Using standard naming rules for assets and their minified version
  • Improvement: Set some options to make product counting faster with better performance
    Some Improvements:

    • Only geta post IDs, no other element such as post meta,… faster and less memory
    • Doesn’t waster time on ordering results
    • Loada minimum number of comments
  • New option: Cache results, Enable or disable caching of products count
  • Bug fixed: Used get_transient function instead of get_wp_cache
  • Improvement: Cache results and check for check just when enabled
  • Improvement: Disable spell checking for custom CSS & JS fields
  • Bug Fixed: Show only one product in archive
  • Bug Fixed: Using options before plugin initialize
  • Bug Fixed: Not saving cache option
  • Bug Fixed: WooCommerce was changing WP_Query while it had wc_query parameter
  • New Option: Custom product count template,E.g. (%s) or <small class=”count”>%s</small>
  • Improvement: Set wcpf_count_query flag for the count queries, so other plugins can recognize this kind of queries
  • Improvement: Better inline document for wcpf_count_query comment
  • Improvement: New High Performance Code Editor for the plugin options page
    • For both custom CSS and custom JavaScript fields
    • The editor helps you enter the custom code correctly, Really helpful for normal users (non-developers)
    • The editor is really powerful with High Performance. It highlights code
      syntax and also alert you when the entered code has errors, it even
      helps you shoot the error
  • Improvement: Reorganize plugin options into multiple categories
  • Improvement: Remove inline styles of settings page,Trim and Save custom JS & CSS options
  • Improvement: Include scrollTo script when the options is enabled, cause faster page loadin
  • Improvement: Include jQueryUI core and Slider when it’s needed, cause faster page loadin
  • Bug fixed: Fixed count template placeholder text
  • Bug fixed: Fixed loading plugin assets without encryption on SSL page
  • Improvement: Fixed loading plugin assets without encryption on SSL page
  • Improvement: New public function “is_wcpf_count_query” for developers who want to extend the plugin
  • Improvement: Changed coding standards according to PSR-1 and PSR-2
    Added several, used PHP CodeSniffer to check the code.

28 August 2014

  • Bug fixed: Default submit button in admin UI
  • Improvement: Settings label “for” attribute in admin UI to get a better usability
  • Bug fixed: minor Admin UI alignment issues
  • Bug fixed: Chosen CSS sprites 404 error.
  • Bug fixed: tb_show JavaScript error.
  • Improvement: Clearing expired caches regularly to keep the memory.
  • Improvement: Caching structure uses WordPress API so it’s supported by cache plugins and can be stored in fast memory instead of in the database.
  • New feature: Now product count of filtered items are cached, this has a huge performance effect.
  • Improvement: WooCommerce 2.3 compatible
  • Improvement: WooCommerce 2.2 compatible
  • Improvement: WooCommerce 2.1 compatible
  • Improvement: WordPress 3.9 compatible
  • Improvement: WordPress 3.8 compatible
  • Improvement: Several deprecated functions/method has been replaced
  • Improvement: Each new function/method has its own fallback to be compatible with older versions of WooCommmerce/WordPress
  • New feature: Hiding empty items based on current applied filters
  • New feature: Showing count of products for each filter item
  • New feature: Attribute list, Attribute dropdown, Category dropdown, image attributes, Hierarchical and non-hierarchical category, Custom taxonomy dropdown, Custom taxonomy list have product count
  • New feature: Auto update frontend filters count
  • New feature: Using animation and effect for updating area; e.g. Using fade effect for updating the count of products
  • New feature: Dynamic CSS classes/IDs for each widget and each item for easy styling
  • New feature: Auto scroll to products list on AJAX call
  • New feature: Now filters can be shown on custom taxonomies archives
  • New feature: Image attribute filter has tooltip and count inside tooltip (SEO optimized)
  • New option: Enable/Disable counting filters items
  • New option: Enable/Disable hiding filters’s items
  • New option:Enable/Disable displaying count of products
  • New option: Custom areas to update on AJAX call, supports multiple areas
  • New option: Custom taxonomy list
  • New option: Enable/Disable auto scroll after refresh
  • New option: Custom CSS to include in document header
  • New option: Custom JavaScript to include in document header
  • New option: Making product container absolute positioned
  • New option: AJAX overlay style
  • New option: AJAX overlay transparency
  • New option: AJAX overlay opacity
  • improvement: Plugin sub menu page name changed
  • Improvement: New AJAX spinner overlay, with fade-in and fade-out animation
  • Improvement: Transparent overlay for AJAX refresh
  • Improvement: New structure for custom taxonomy list and current applied filters
  • Improvement: New structure contains operator with each filter individually and can be extended with no parameter limit
  • Improvement: New documentation section, URL parameters; This section helps developers who want to extend/customize the plugin
  • Improvement: Updated language file contains all plugin text and terms for complete translation
  • Improvement: Filters events are changed to jQuery live method for better performance
  • Improvement: New method to find main products list, on non-standard themes
  • Improvement: New method for fixing customized and non-standard pagination
  • Improvement: Shop loop wrapper changes from <span> to <div> so it can include any kind of tags
  • Improvement: Several deprecated functions/method has been replaced
  • Improvement: AJAX callback methods new prefix with keeping the old names
  • Improvement: Renamed asset files to more meaningful names
  • Bug fixed: Duplicate wrapper on AJAX load
  • Bug fixed: Keeping applied items CSS styles after refresh
  • Bug fixed: hiding slider option on changing query type dropdown

02 September 2013

  • New Widget: Filter by Custom Taxonomy (e.g. filter by multiple product tags using product_tag to achieve WooCommerce product tag filter)
  • New Feature: Filter by custom taxonomy using range slider
  • New Feature: Filter by custom taxonomy using dropdown
  • New Feature: Filter by custom taxonomy using checkbox list
  • Improvement: New documentation section, troubleshooting

08 August 2013

  • Improvement: Attributes list are shown as menu order; so users can control the order via admin
  • Improvement: Now filters display and work on attributes archive
  • Improvement: WordPress 3.6 ready
  • Improvement: Attribute filtering widget updated

02 August 2013

  • Bug Fixed: Parent category for multiple category filtring widget
  • Bug Fixed: Applying range filter at subcategories
  • Improvement: Custom update areas functionality improved
  • Improvement: Image uploader code improved

12 July 2013

  • New Widget: Custom Product Meta field Filtering (range slider interface )
  • Improvement: Reset Filter button styling improved now its more compatible to third party themes
  • Improvement: Language file and documentation updated
  • Improvement: jQuery 1.9 compatibility
  • Bug Fixed: Live method error fixed
  • Improvement: jQuery Migration included
  • New Feature: New callback: Before AJAX request

09 July 2013

  • New Feature: AJAX Callback
    • Callback for successful request
    • Callback for failed request
    • Callback for Every AJAX refresh
  • New Feature: Custom multiple theme areas update on AJAX request
  • Improvement: Better and extended documentation
  • Improvement: Fallback for non-standard theme
  • Improvement: Now plugin can detect products wrap by multiple methods
  • Improvement: WordPress 3.5.2 and WooCommerce 2.0.12 Compatibility
  • Better performance for front end.
  • New Feature: for advanced users callback brings much flexibility. Some of possible new customization using callbacks (customization you can add to the plugin using callbacks feature):
    • Scroll page to top after a successful AJAX request
    • Shorten products descriptions after a successful AJAX request
    • Pushing a track event to web analytic website after an AJAX request
    • Hiding products’ images loading indicator after a successful AJAX request
    • Stopping AJAX loading UI and displaying a message after a failed AJAX request
    • Update custom dynamic widgets on each AJAX request
    • Update and fix missing parts of each refresh
    • … (use your imagination!)

03 July 2013

  • Bug Fixed: Infinite jQuery AJAX loop on error pages fixed
  • Improvement: Frontend JavaScript code improved
  • Improvement: Category order changed to “menu order” so users can order by custom.

    Currently supported parameters are:

    • Default sorting
    • Sort by popularity
    • Sort by average rating
    • Sort by newness
    • Sort by price: low to high
    • Sort by price: high to low
  • New option: Hide/show direct empty children
  • New option: Show only at non category pages
  • Bug Fixed: Categories list nag fixed

28 June 2013

  • New Widget: Filter Attributes by image instead of text
  • New Widget: Multiple categories filtering at the same time
  • New Widget: Sort and change order of products using AJAX
  • Bug Fixed: Default WooCommerce ordering stopped working bug fixed
  • Bug Fixed: Duplicate script localization bug fixed
  • Bug Fixed: Several reported minor bugs fixed
  • Improvement: Compatibility with third party themes improved
  • Improvement: “No Products” action can be overridden if not exists
  • Improvement: Frontend JavaScript is now minified, this speeds up page loading
  • Improvement: Now filters can be used at shop homepage
  • Improvement: Over 20 code enhancements and best practices


  • Bug Fixed: Category filtering JavaScript bug fixed

16 May 2013

  • Bug Fixed: Sidebar generator bug fixed and code improved
  • Improvement: Custom CSS Class option for widgets
  • New widget: Reset filter button
  • Improvement: Frontend JavaScript code improved

05 May 2013

  • New Feature: Multiple taxonomy slider enabled
  • Bug Fixed: Slider JavaScript code bug fixed

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WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter – WordPress Plugin

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter - WordPress Plugin

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