What is WooCommerce Additional Variation Images And Swatches?
InnovativeWP’s variation plugin allows you to create additional gallery images for WooCommerce products and creates customizable products attribute swatches. You can make designer button swatches, buttons, dropdowns, color buttons, custom buttons, and more. Also, it allows creating tooltips on every attribute and designer filters. It is created with the most updated and stable coding base which is compatible with every theme and theme builder.
Plugin Features – WooCommerce Additional Variation Images And Swatches
Allows You To Add Additional Gallery Images For Variable Products. You Can Add an Unlimited Number Of Images To Variation’s Gallery.
- Additional Images are completely compatible with WooCommerce. It works with every theme and builder. It has AJAX loading for the image gallery.
- You can add an unlimited number of images to your variable product’s gallery.
Replace dropdown fields on your variable products with customizable swatches.
- Default dropdowns into swatches.
- Archives / search page.
- Compatible with every page builder and theme.
- Works on AJAX
- Variation tooltips
- Custom buttons
- Color buttons
- Gradient Buttons
- Images Buttons
- Filter widgets
- Archive / Search page tooltips.
- QuickView Support
- More Button as variation overload
- Sharable variation link
- Private & Global Settings applications
- Product-based layouts like elementor
- Highlighters for special attributes
- Smooth Hide
- Blur Hide
- Hide animations
- Shape variations globally and privately
- Variation Stock Addresser
Detailed Information:
All the settings as available to customize globally (implies on every product) & also privately (implies on that particular product only).
Designing Features:
- Display Style: You can customize the complete design of buttons by colors, border sizes, background colors, shapes, the order of the buttons, and swatches. You can change all settings from easy to use backend.
- Additional Variation Images: You can assign additional images for every variation of the product. Only, images related to variation will be shown. Also, it is based on AJAX.
- Alignment: You can align every variation and
- Hover Effects: You can change the design on the hover of variation swatches.
- Types of variations: You can add images, colors, custom texts, radio buttons, and multi-color buttons.
- Removing Animations: Smooth hide is the good looking feature for removing animations with blur and cross blur.
- Shape Of Swatches: You can assign round and square shapes for every button with custom measurements and colors.
- Background Colors: you can customize the background colors of buttons and borders.
Technical Features:
- Mobile Responsive: It is completely responsible for every size of the device from mobile devices to tablets to laptops.
- More tags: If the product has more variations then also this plugin can limit the viewport of the variations showing on the search/archives page, so for overloaded variation plugins it shows more button after the proper number of variations which you cans select.
- Quickview: Most of the themes allow WooCommerce to have the QuickView button on the search/archive page. and this plugin is completely compatible in showing variations with every theme. It shows exactly the same as a product page.
- Tooltips Functions: plugin allows the creation of tooltips for variations. you can set images and text as a tooltip. You can assign a separate tooltip layout from every variation.
- AJAX: Every required function is based on AJAX loading. Variation images, Swatches Loading, Selecting.
Site Speed & SEO:
- SEO: It does not interfere with site SEO. But it benefits the site’s structure because of clear sharable links.
- Site Speed: Plugin does not affect the site’s loading speed. It comes with a pre-minified CSS and JS. You can differ JS parsing and transient cache within the plugin.
- Sharable links: The site’s SEO is not affected by this feature. It adds sharing facility of proper variation pre-selected. Which is beneficial for the site’s structure.
- Minification: All the CSS and JS have been minified which you can activate within the plugin.
Additional Benefits:
- Lifetime Updates: This plugin is made with the most stable and current updated coding base and. Plugin updates will be given to users for a lifetime.
- Customer Support: You get complete customer support from the installation to set up on every aspect of the plugin.
- Forums: You can check the better optimization and other settings on our forums of the plugin.
- Updates: We are constantly updating plugin features so you can demand features and we can make them available in future updates.
Download WooCommerce Additional Variation Swatches And Images PRO