WooCommerce – 1C – Data Exchange | WooCommerce – 1C – Обмен данными

WooCommerce – 1C – Data Exchange | WooCommerce – 1C – Обмен данными


WooCommerce 1C:Предприятие Обмен данными это плагин для WordPress, реализующий обмен данными между WooCommerce и системой учета 1С:Предприятие 8. Результатом работы является заполнение и обновление товарного каталога из 1C на сайте, а также обмен заказами.

Работает с использованием протокола обмена между системой “1С:Предприятие” и сайтом. Данный открытый протокол разработан компаниями “1С” и “1С-Битрикс”.


  • Загрузка и обновление категорий.
  • Загрузка и обновление свойств товаров и их значений.
  • Загрузка и обновление товаров (и вариаций, если ведется учет по характеристикам), изображений, цен и остатков (в товар или вариацию, попадает суммарный остаток по складам, если в выгрузке их несколько).
  • Загрузка и обновление изображений вариаций, если ведется учет по характеристикам и в 1С задана картинка по характеристике (как правило такую возможность дают дополнительные модули обмена в 1С).
  • Поддержка полного обмена или только изменений.
  • Выгрузка заказов (поддержка `real-time` обмена, если поддерживается модулем в 1С).
  • Поддержка изменения статуса заказов по данным из 1С (заказ сначала должен быть загружен в 1С с сайта). Статус можно задать для вариантов: если есть “Дата оплаты по 1С” или “Дата отгрузки по 1С”, если “Проведен” = “true”, если “ПометкаУдаления” = “true”
  • Возможность автоматической установки изображения категории (по первому товару с изображением).
  • Поддержка принятия данных в архиве.
  • Возможность управления размером части при передаче файлов из 1С.
  • Поддержка пошаговой обработки выгрузки (полученные из 1С файлы обрабатываются с контролем времени исполнения, что позволяет без проблем использовать плагин и на shared хостинге).
  • Возможность выбора типа цен для базовой и распродажной цены (если в выгрузке несколько).
  • Возможность применения типа цен в корзине, на основе суммы корзины (если в выгрузке несколько). То есть, например, если сумма корзины больше 3000, то использовать тип цен 2, если больше 5000, то тип 3 и т. д.
  • Дополнительный контроль изменений в содержимом товара (плагин хранит хеш от последнего содержимого товара и, если он совпадает с текущим, то не производит обновление названия, описания, артикула и т.д., что позволяет сэкономить время и ресурсы при обработке выгрузки, при этом цены и остатки обновляются)
  • Все настройки на сайте через административную панель.
  • Изображения для предпросмотра.


Если вы хотите протестировать работу плагина перед покупкой, вы можете сделать это, отправив запрос на демо, через ссылку “Получить демо” (ссылка под кнопкой “Купить на Envato”) на странице получить демо (перейти). Вы получите полноценный сайт, чтобы проверить работу, запросы обрабатываются автоматически, поэтому вам не потребуется долго ждать.


  • Для работы плагина требуется версия 3.* плагина `WooCommerce`.
  • Работает с конфигурацией “Управление торговлей” и другими, например, “Комплексная автоматизация”, при условии, что конфигурация имеет возможность обмена с сайтом. Пожалуйста, уточняйте эту возможность у вашего 1С-специалиста.

Известные проблемы:

  • Могут возникнуть сложности в работе на одном из популярных хостингов – Sweb. К сожалению, на этом хостинге очень серьезно относятся даже кратковременным превышениям нагрузки и “убивают” процессы пользователя за превышения, что безусловно приводит к проблемам при обработке. Кратковременные превышения, как правило возникают при обработке изображений. Обработка изображений ресурсоемкая операция и не зависит от плагина.

Как получать обновления?

Для информации о новой версии и установки обновлений, вы можете использовать плагин от Envato – Envato Market WordPress Plugin.


WooCommerce 1C: Enterprise Data Exchange this is a WordPress plugin that implements data exchange between WooCommerce and the 1C: Enterprise 8 accounting system. The result of the work is filling and updating the product catalog from 1C on the website, as well as exchange of orders.

It works using the exchange protocol between the “1C: Enterprise” system and the site. This open protocol was developed by 1C and 1C-Bitrix.


  • Create and update categories.
  • Create and update product properties and their values.
  • Create and update products (and variations, if records are kept on the characteristics), images, prices and stocks.
  • Support full exchange or change only.
  • Unloading orders.
  • Possibility of automatic set of the image category (for the first product with the image).
  • Support for the adoption of data in the archive.
  • The ability to control the size of the part when transferring files from 1C.
  • Support for sequential loading (files received from 1C are processed with control of runtime).
  • Ability to select the type of prices for regular price (if there are several unloading).
  • All settings on the site through the administrative panel.
  • Image previews.

Important notes:

  • The plugin requires a minimum 3.* `WooCommerce` version.
  • It works with the configuration “Trade Management” and others, for example, “Integrated Automation”, provided that the configuration has the ability to exchange with the site. Please check this feature with your 1C specialist.

How do I get updates?

For information about the new version and the installation of updates, you can use the plugin from Envato – Envato Market WordPress Plugin.

== Changelog ==

= 1.54.0 =
Feature: ability to download current temp in zip archive, ability to clear temp through the admin interface.
Fixed: wrong html entity encoding in the name of the products in the unloading of orders.
Feature: support old scheme attributes with tag name `СвойствоНоменклатуры` instead `Свойство`.

= 1.52.1 =
Chore: in the block for unloading orders, add information about how many and which orders will be unloaded at the next request and a link for viewing.
Feature: ability to download current logs in zip archive, ability to clear logs through the admin interface.
Feature: ability to skip product weight and sizes processing.
Chore: do not add address data for empty values when generating order unload data.
Chore: more filters - `itglx_wc1c_hide_variation_by_stock_value`, `itglx_wc1c_hide_product_by_stock_value`, `itglx_wc1c_disable_manage_stock_variation_by_stock_value` and `itglx_wc1c_disable_manage_stock_product_by_stock_value`.
Feature: the ability to use the product/variation id from the site (if there is no 1C guid) for the value in node "Ид" when unloading orders.
Feature: another option for working with stock <= 0 - "Do not hide with a negative stock and give an opportunity to put in a basket, with a zero stock hide and do not give an opportunity to put in a basket.".

= 1.48.1 =
Fixed: compatibility with `WooCommerce` < 3.9
Feature: added new filter `itglx_wc1c_order_xml_contragent_data_array` to modify contragent info.
Feature: `real-time` exchange support for orders unload, if it supports 1C exchange module.
Feature: request processing support - type `sale` mode `info` - status, payment gateway and shipping method lists.
Feature: selection of a set of status of orders at which to transfer requisite `Заказ оплачен` in the value `true`.
Chore: settings page improvement.
Fixed: the price of the products in the order in the unloading of orders, if there is a discount.
Feature: adding `Артикул` to the product in the unloading of orders, if the product was not received from 1C, that is, it does not have a guid.

= 1.43.1 =
Fixed: formation of the name of the contragent `last name + first name` instead of `first name + last name`.
Feature: ability to not change product attribute set for variations.
Feature: sort attributes based on nomenclature category settings.
Feature: ability to not update the category name.

= 1.40.1 =
Fixed: processing mode `deactivate`.
Feature: more supports scheme variants position product stock.
Feature: support for changing the status of the order on the site based on data from 1C.
Feature: support for redefining the name of the status of the order during unloading for 1C.
Feature: more supports scheme variants position product weight.
Feature: support set image for variation, if set for a characteristic in 1C.
Feature: the ability to set the lower limit of the date of creation of the order, which can be unloaded.

= 1.34.6=
Fixed: down start exchange hook priority - after registering additional image sizes.
Fixed: item name order processing.
Fixed: removal of pre-existing attributes of the product, but now missing.
Fixed: progress set variation attributes to parent product.
Chore: use monolog.
Fixed: reset lookup `total_sales` after exchange.
Feature: another option for working with stock <= 0 - "Do not hide, but do not give the opportunity to put in the basket".

= 1.33.1 =
Chore: more customization of the order formation xml process.
Feature: more supports scheme variants position product code.
Feature: ability to choose which value will be recorded in the sku - the code from the requisites or the sku value.
Feature: if there is shipping, then use the real name of the shipping method.

= 1.30.0 =
Feature: ability to not update the product attributes.
Feature: ability to not update the product images.
Fixed: compatibility with `Admin Menu Editor`.
Feature: support for simultaneous exchange with multiple sites when using multisite mode - own exchange directory for each site.

= 1.27.1 =
Fixed: reset lookup `onsale` after exchange.
Feature: ability to change the start date of the upload of orders on the settings page.
Feature: do not erase product links with categories that have been manually added.
Fixed: do not delete tag `featured`.
Feature: support for the strange position of information on characteristics in the nomenclature instead of trading offers.

= 1.24.3 =
Fixed: do not change the description when a short description recording is activated.
Fixed: check, maybe the product property has been manually deleted.
Chore: more logs.
Feature: support processing length, width and height.
Feature: support processing of variations without properties, only with characteristics.
Feature: ability to select the encoding for the response with orders.

= 1.21.1 =
Fixed: (cgi/fcgi) filling in empty variables user and password.
Feature: support for linking multiple categories to one product.
Feature: processing of duplicated products as one of the information on the item, when 1C incorrectly generates data in xml.
Fixed: possible use of image upload error like image.
Fixed: set price / stock for variation at first creation.
Feature: saving all `ЗначениеРеквизита` in the product metadata `_all_product_requisites`.

= 1.18.0 =
Feature: processing of warehouses, as well as additional storage of stocks with separation by warehouses in the metadata of the products, if transferred with separation.
Fixed: set order currency if one price type.
Fixed: order currency is now dependent on the currency of the price type.
Feature: ability to not update the product title.

= 1.16.3 =
Fixed: unlink the category from the media file, when deleting the media file (when manually deleting).
Chore: more hooks to interact with the exchange order process.
Chore: added a filter to search for an existing product category before creating a new one.
Feature: more support in stock xml schemes.
Feature: ability apply price types depending on the amount in the cart.

= 1.14.2 =
Fixed: disable only variation - not parent product.
Fixed: encoding and version when forming a response to a request for orders.
Feature: сlean up missing product variations (optional).

= 1.13.3 =
Fixed: remove product relation old (non exists) variation attributes.
Fixed: disable the variation if it is not in the stock so that the values are not displayed for selection.
Chore: more logs order process.
Feature: ability to skip group processing.
Feature: ability to skip product post content/excerpt processing.

= 1.12.2 =
Fixed: disable stock management if stock 0 and the rule does not hide products.
Fixed: post counters in the term list.
Feature: support for new tag for offer package.

= 1.11.1 =
Fixed: set default `order` meta for terms to sorting.
Feature: ability to display a list of prices on the product page.

= 1.10.0 =
Feature: ability to search for an existing product by SKU, before creating a new one.

= 1.9.2 =
Chore: more set stock value logs.
Chore: more hooks to interact with the exchange process.
Feature: support for set sale price.

= 1.8.3 =
Chore: clean product transients in exchange process.
Fixed: possible problem when processing variable properties in several variants of schemes.
Fixed: image processing cache based on the hash, since different images may come with the same name.
Feature: processing offer options if the type is not a "Справочник".

= 1.7.1 =
Chore: removed upper and lower limit for values `file limit` and `time limit`.
Feature: optional - write the product description in short description.
Feature: optional - skip products without photo.
Feature: ability to run queries manually.

= 1.4.2 =
Fixed: support new protocol order exchange.
Fixed: processing options if the type is not a "Справочник".

= 1.4.0 =
Feature: the ability to use the full description from the "Description file for the site".

= 1.3.5 =
Fixed: set `manage stock` based on setting `WooCommerce`.
Chore: more optimization when handling variations.
Chore: more optimization when handling requisites.

= 1.3.4 =
Fixed: resolve product options for variations for several formats.
Fixed: logic when processing images using the new protocol.
Fixed: save settings.
Fixed: incorrect deletion of old images.

= 1.3.0 =
Feature: support for more than one image (all but the first fall into the gallery).
Feature: the ability to ignore control hash of products by hash from the contents.
Feature: the ability to completely disable the removal of xml files received during the exchange.

= 1.2.0 =
Feature: support new protocol and scheme 3.1

= 1.1.0 =
Feature: more support in stock xml schemes

= 1.0.2 =
Fixed: reindex `Relevanssi`;
Fixed: reset cache `wc product lookup`;

= 1.0.0 =
Initial public release

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WooCommerce – 1C – Data Exchange | WooCommerce – 1C – Обмен данными

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

WooCommerce - 1C - Data Exchange | WooCommerce - 1C - Обмен данными

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