The easiest way to build an online WordPress directory website is to install Web 2.0 Directory plugin. As well it is really easy to convert any existing site into a fully featured directory business website with the directory plugin. WordPress directory plugin for any purposes, and examples would be classifieds, events directory, cars, bikes, boats and other vehicles dealers site, restaurants, pets, real estate portal, wedding site, yellow pages, local directories, map store locator.
There are multiple options to to set up revenue generating streams and control them on your personal WordPress dashboard. You can use the plugin for both free and paid listings. The plugin allows visitors to submit new listings or even packages of listings, claim and manage existing listings using the website frontend. Moreover, it also features location based directory. Maps & map markers functionality gives users fast and easy ability to find nearby places by powerful search system.
The plugin offers tons of features. Print listing, save in bookmarks, download in PDF, SEO friendly pages, images, YouTube and Vimeo videos attachments, custom fields, custom icons, customize colors and much more customization options.
Possible revenue
- listings activation* – after successful payment the listing status becomes “active” and displays at the frontend
- listings renewal* – this feature processes directory listing renewal
- listings raise up – raise up listings to the top of all lists, those ordered by date
- listings upgrade/downgrade – charge users if they wish to make their listings featured or sticky and auto-downgrade after expiration
- listings claim* – after successful approval of claim new owner need to pay to renew the listing
* PayPal subscriptions available
WooCommerce directory plugin
With WooCommerce payments system you can:
- manage orders and products in WooCommerce dashboard
- set up additional payment gateways available as WooCommerce Extensions
- compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin
- make scheduled sales
- give users discount coupons
- manage fees and taxes for listings products
- build reports of sales
- give refunds to users
- realize lots of ideas for your business model with WooCommerce Extensions
How to use WooCommerce with directory plugin
Features of wordpress directory plugin
- Restrict ads by listings levels
- Sell packages of listings
- PayPal payment gateway including PayPal subscriptions
- Stripe payments service
- Frontend dashboard for regular users
- Invoices management
- WooCommerce payments system compatible
- Sticky and featured listings options
- Raise up directory listings – this option may be payment
- Renew expired listings – this option may be payment
- Upgrade/downgrade listings levels – this option may be payment
- 5-star ratings for listings
- Customizable content fields of different types
- Font Awesome icons for custom content fields
- Category-based content fields
- Order directory listings by rating, distance, content fields
- Powerful search by content fields
- Adapted for the Relevanssi search plugin
- Icons for categories
- Search by categories and locations
- SEO friendly – fully compatible with Yoast WordPress SEO plugin
- Locations search in radius – results displaying on map
- Multiple locations for one listing
- Google Maps and MapBox (OpenStreetMap) integrated
- Search form on a map
- Custom map markers
- Draw search area on a map
- Comments on listings
- YouTube and Vimeo videos attachments for listings
- Images AJAX uploading
- Contact listing owner form + integration with Contact Form 7 plugin
- Bookmarks functionality
- Print listing option
- Get listing in PDF option
- Adapted for reCaptcha
- Fully customizable and easy in configuration
- The plugin uses custom post types and taxonomies
- Responsive design based on Twitter Bootstrap
- Fully compatible with Visual composer and SIteOrigin page builder
- directory shortcodes, including: listings, maps, categories, locations, search box, slider
- directory widgets: search widget, categories widget, locations widget, listings widget, buttons, map, slider, sidebars widgets
- Custom Google Map and MapBox styles
- Supports RTL (Right To Left) – layout, functionality, UI widgets
- CSV import/export/bulk update with ability to import images files
Our new plugin Ratings & Reviews plugin for WordPress:
Our new plugin Web 2.0 Google Maps plugin for WordPress:
Please, note, that Google Maps is no longer free. You must enable billing with a credit card and have a valid API key for all of your projects.
Google Maps Platform gives $200 credit monthly which gives near 28.000 map loads per month for free.
This is requirement of Google Maps service and not the plugin itself.
WordPress directory plugin conception
Levels of listings control the functionality amount of listings and their directory/classifieds conception.
Each listing may belong to different levels, some may have eternal active period, have sticky status and enabled Google Maps or OpenStreet Maps (MapBox), other may have greater number of allowed attached images or videos. It is perfect base for business model of your directory site.
Each content field belongs to the type that defines its behaviour and display. You may hide field name, select custom field icon, set field as required, manage visibility on pages. Also listings may be ordered by some fields. Note that you may assign fields for specific categories. This is important feature allows to build category-specific content fields.
For instance: there may be special ‘price’ field especially in ‘Classifieds/For sale’ category and all its subcategories, so this field will appear only in listings, those were assigned with this category.
Version 2.5.13 - April 2, 2020 - new shortcodes: [webdirectory-content-field] and [webdirectory-content-fields-group] - new widgets: display certain content field and content fields group on a single listing page - new setting: enable/disable map on a single listing page - bug fix: 0 value in CSV import of digital content field was missed - bug fix: contact form does not appear on certain occasions Version 2.5.12 - March 11, 2020 - improvement: images slider was updated - improvement: upload own image icons to content fields - improvement: 'more filters' search section appears only when filters ready for the search - bug fix: hide empty categories does not work on certain occasions - bug fix: hidden content fields in the metabox on certain occasions - bug fix: 'w2dc-listing-level-{LEVEL_ID}' CSS class was moved to relevant div Version 2.5.11 - February 16, 2020 - improvement: 'search nearby' label was added in addresses search dropdown - improvement: 'w2dc-listing-level-{LEVEL_ID}' CSS class was added - improvement: Vafpress Framework was updated to avoid conflict with select2 - bug fix: listings links in WPML - bug fix: bounce map markers animation on hover a listing when clusters enabled - bug fix: avoid conflicts in WP Query from another plugins on sertain occasions Version 2.5.10 - January 28, 2020 - improvement: the plugin was adapted to work with Ratings & Reviews plugin for WordPress - deprecated: richtext reviews in Ratings addon - bug fix: php warnings and error messages after the previous update Version 2.5.9 - January 23, 2020 - bug fix: REST API and Loopback Request issues were fixed - bug fix: missing Listings Directories section after the previous update Version 2.5.8 - January 21, 2020 - improvement: setting to change the size of Font Awesome map markers - improvement: automatic update by access token Version 2.5.7 - January 20, 2020 - improvement: correct redirect on login/registration/claim listing - improvement: avoid broken lazyload images of some optimization plugins - improvement: dashboard notice on how many listings a user has in his packages - improvement: review info metabox at the frontend dashboard - improvement: bounce map markers on hover a listing - improvement: listing-thumbnail (800x600) image size was added into WordPress - bug fix: breadcrumbs micro-data schema issue on sertain occasions Version 2.5.6 - December 25, 2019 - improvement: breadcrumbs micro-data schema was improved Version 2.5.5 - December 16, 2019 - bug fix: javascript errors on widgets page on certain occasions - bug fix: force to convert json input into UTF-8 on AJAX responses - bug fix: the setting to hide Listing ratings metabox did not work Version 2.5.4 - December 4, 2019 - improvement: scroll to search input top on click on touch devices - bug fix: search input reset did not work on certain occasions Version 2.5.3 - November 26, 2019 - bug fix: JS error in conflict with Revolution Slider after the last update - bug fix: PHP warnings on update - bug fix: PHP warnings on checkboxes content fields Version 2.5.2 - November 19, 2019 - improvement: re-calculate listings ratings after reset action or reviews changes - improvement: highlight map markers on hover a listing - bug fix: paypal IPN was not valid when French characters persist in serialized metadata - bug fix: php warning on tags pages - bug fix: missing search field on the mapbox full screen mode Version 2.5.1 - November 7, 2019 -improvement: 'ratings' parameter was added to [webdirectory-listings] shortcode - bug fix: hide export options when reviews disabled, use listings export by default - bug fix: images upload AJAX response was not converted into JSON for some reason Version 2.5.0 - October 28, 2019 - new feature: checkboxes content field has ability to add icons near items - new feature: new content field type "phone", allows to add special meta tags to make call by click or open needed app (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) - new feature: content fields groups on submission page now have own metaboxes and could be sorted - new feature: listing info metabox at the frontend dashboard - new feature: added images metadata info (file size and dimensions) on the submission form - new feature: import images by URLs in CSV file - new setting: PDF page orientation - either portrait or landscape - improvement: MapBox library version was updated - improvement: listings counter in checkboxes search field follows directory parameter - improvement: added notice to enable maps first when no maps is used for the maps shortcode - improvement: Google Places autocomplete service displays more relevant suggestions - improvement: layout wraps images gallery by the first fields group - improvement: removed empty space when all fields names are hidden in fields group - bug fix: submit and manage images on Android devices - bug fix: conflict with WooCommerce Admin plugin Version 2.4.7 - September 26, 2019 - improvement: 'open listing' label on the listing content in AJAX text search - bug fix: invisible search fields depending on selected category - bug fix: missing position field in breadcrumbs microdata format - bug fix: custom map markers path was broken when using files outside a folder Version 2.4.6 - September 12, 2019 - improvement: white-space CSS rule was added to prevent broken layout in some themes - bug fix: missing paragraph formatting in review content - bug fix: broken Google Maps draw area feature - bug fix: wrong address format on certain occasions Version 2.4.5 - August 20, 2019 - improvement: sorting fields appear according to their directory - improvement: leave comments system of installed theme after update to 2.4.x - improvement: disable listings height re-calculation on mobile devices Version 2.4.4 - July 28, 2019 - bug fix: missing post_ID field on CSV listings update - bug fix: improvements in categories and locations widgets CSS Version 2.4.3 - July 22, 2019 - improvement: MapBox map tiles follow browser language - new feature: ability to add custom options in submission levels table Version 2.4.2 - July 17, 2019 - improvement: better compatibility with PHP 7 - bug fix: error on CSV demo data import Version 2.4.1 - July 14, 2019 - bug fix: miles instead of kilometers in visible search params - bug fix: error on CSV demo data import - bug fix: some CSS issues in ratings & reviews styles - bug fix: php errors on listing with empty ratings & reviews Version 2.4.0 - July 8, 2019 - new feature: richtext reviews and directory comments - new feature: reviews widget - new feature: import/export reviews in CSV file - improvement: more userfriendly listings sorting links - improvement: select specific levels for a content field on its own settings page - improvement: ability to translate and switch languages MapBox Directions widget - bug fix: Yoast SEO plugin meta description compatibility issue - bug fix: page header shortcode subcategories/sublocations featured images - bug fix: limit images upload and videos attachment - bug fix: incorrect decimal numbers search - bug fix: date-time content field in the map marker info window - bug fix: javascript error on submission page Version 2.3.3 - May 8, 2019 - new feature: sort listings images by drag & drop - improvement: search prices and numbers content fields by min-max numbers into the text inputs - improvement: MP4 mime type added for file upload content fields - bug fix: image upload AJAX request does not call success in admin on certain occasions - bug fix: date-time field incorrect end date when empty Version 2.3.2 - April 14, 2019 - bug fix: page content was displayed instead of listing summary on certain occasions Version 2.3.1 - April 12, 2019 - improvement: better responsiveness of search checkboxes and radio items - bug fix: sort listing tabs by fields groups - bug fix: listings packages counter increase instead of decrease on renewal - bug fix: full width of the map for custom home page 2 on some themes - bug fix: import CSV locations coordinates without addresses Version 2.3.0 - March 29, 2019 - new feature: custom registration and lost password pages - new feature: listing report form - new feature: sort listing tabs - improvement: CSS of listings tabs for Enfold theme - bug fix: duplicated map markers on certain occasions Version 2.2.10 - March 22, 2019 - improvement: display site logo on listings print and pdf, invoices print - improvement: better responsiveness of listings sidebar on the map Version 2.2.9 - March 18, 2019 - new option: checkboxes columns on single listing page - improvement: images gallery swipe on touch screens - improvement: double-click zoom on map enabled - improvement: listing level name in invoice Version 2.2.8 - March 1, 2019 - new feature: show contact form only for logged in users - improvement: increased speed of the search by text content fields - bug fix: remove map canvas when maps are not used on frontend pages - bug fix: big font size on submission tables with packages - bug fix: error on missing locations levels Version 2.2.7 - January 4, 2019 - improvement: MapBox clusters zoom in on click - bug fix: auto-updater downloads limit issue Version 2.2.6 - December 18, 2018 - new feature: visible search parameters - new feature: settings to edit Sticky and Featured listings labels - new feature: ability to export listings status in CSV files - improvement: listings carousel more responsive - bug fix: disable hyphens to dashes conversion in listings search autosuggestions - bug fix: PHP Notices on Email Notifications settings tab Version 2.2.5 - November 29, 2018 - new feature: ability to import listings status in CSV files - new feature: option to hide content fields from another users except admins and listing author - bug fix: setup autocomplete javascript error Version 2.2.4 - November 12, 2018 - new option: Number of listings columns for mobile devices - bug fix: AJAX paginator issues Version 2.2.3 - November 10, 2018 - new feature: MapBox Custom Map Style - improvement: warning messages on license verification - deprecated: Initial AJAX loading option Version 2.2.2 - November 1, 2018 - new feature: demo data import - bug fix: transparent categories and locations search dropdowns background Version 2.2.1 - October 23, 2018 - new feature: ability to import CSV files with WPML translations - new feature: ability date-time content field to set up a range of dates - improvement: added INR and RUB currencies in the payments currencies list - bug fix: hide decimals option of price content field Version 2.2.0 - October 8, 2018 - new feature: MapBox (OpenStreetMap) support - new feature: search input reset button - improvement: added .w2dc-body CSS class - bug fix: disable autosuggestion on search inputs - bug fix: auto-updater new version notification Version 2.1.8 - September 20, 2018 - improvement: "Enter a location" Google Places placeholder was removed - bug fix: Google Maps fit bounds issue
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Web 2.0 Directory plugin for WordPress
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Why do we use it?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.
Where can I get some?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.