Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage is an enterprise-class and tier-free bit-bucket storage provider that’s compatible with and comparable to Amazon’s S3 business cloud storage solution. With a price of $5.99 per terabyte (TB) per month (based on $.0059 gigabyte or GB per month) and with server farms in 6 regions, Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage has a minimum monthly charge associated with 1 TB of storage ($5.99 per month). If you store less than 1 TB of active storage in your account, then your total charge will still be $5.99 per month.
Clearly designed to compete with Amazon’s popular S3 cloud storage solution for enterprise users, Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage’s lower cost (80 percent cheaper) and no additional charges for ingress or egress and application programming interface (API) requests make it an attractive option for small to midsize businesses (SMBs).
Online Demo:
Features of Wasabi Direct Multipart File Transfer:
- Fast and Secure Uploading to Wasabi Bucket
- Direct Upload from your Browser to Wasabi Bucket
- Multiple Parallel Uploads with custom File Chunks
- All Uploads with Native Multipart Feature
- Backend Admin Panel
- Generate Private Signed URLs
- Set Custom Expiration Time for Private Signed URLs
- Send links via Email to Multiple Recipients
- Set Custom File Part Size
- Direct File Link Download
- Server Side AES-256 Encryption
- Progress Bar to track Upload Progresses
- Powerful and Useful Admin Panel
- Wasabi Data Metric Analytics
- Integrated Google Analytics Feature
- Unlimited Storage Space
- Fully Responsive Design
- Quick and Quality Support
- Detailed Documentation
Cost of Running Wasabi File Transfer:
- You can use any hosting platform as you prefer for the application itself
- Wasabi (Free to Open – You will be on Free Tier for the 1st month)
- After 1st month, Wasabi has a fixed cost per TB, 5.99$/Month
Installation Instructions:
- AWS PHP SDK v3 is Required (Already comes included with the application) – Setup Link
- Wasabi Access Keys
- Wasabi Bucket with Public Access
- MySQL Database for Admin Panel
- SMTP Settings for sending Emails
- For Application Setup follow the provided Documentation
- Awesome Select v0.1.2 by Prev Wong
- FilePond by Rik Schennink
- Chart JS by Group of Great Developers
Release Notes – Change Logs:
22.11.2020 - 1.0.0 - Initial ReleaseDownload Wasabi – Direct Multipart File Transfer