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What is vRent?
vRent is an online vacation rental booking website designed particularly for holiday rentals all over the world. vRent is exclusively designed to satisfy the needs of the landlords who want to seriously make money by listing vacation rentals from all around the globe. vRent allows you to create your own vacation rental platform to help guests to find space for a cost.
Demo Site info:
Admin Login:
username : [email protected]
password : 123456
Host Login:
username : [email protected]
passwrod : 123456
Guest Login:
username : [email protected]
passwrod : 123456
Unlimited Property Listings
The property listings are not limited to specific numbers, where you can add hundreds of thousands of listings on your site as well as you can Add, Edit and manage your listing easily.
Flexible Usages
Now, anyone can use vRent, because you don’t have to gather extra knowledge of installaion & to manage your website.
Payment Module
Now Guest can pay using their paypal and credit card.
Google Map Integration
We made Google maps integration easy and hassle free and are 100% customizable.
Search by City and Country
Now search easier & get filtered results with search by City, State & Country filters.
Calendar Module
vRent comes with advanced calendar module to set price for each date.Host & admin can use the calendar by blocking the unavailable dates.Host also can set the minimum & maximun dates by selecting Start date & End date.
Social Signin
Social Signin is the secure and easy way for people to log into an account. Also signing in using your Facebook or Google+ account saves time from filling all the details during signup.
Host Service Fee
It is nothing but the owner will get certain % of commission, once a booking is completed on the website
Advanced Search/Filter option
Guest can easily search the property through search/filter option. Filter option is enable to search the exact result. When you will select the check-in & check-out, dates,location & price range you will get the result if that time property is available.
Expandable & Translation
vRent can translate user articles in different language. Its constantly improved its features & we are going to add more and more user friendly features.
Booking by Payment
In vRent users have to book property by payment. User choose their desiareable check-in & check-out date, fillup other detail info & send payment. By these way user can payment for booking.
Property Details
Each user can see the property details info from host listing property. From property, user will be able to book each available property.
Message communication System Between Guest & Host
Guest & Host can easily communicate with our messsage communication system by sharing their any opinion about the property.
Property Request
Host can set the property booking as Instant booking & Guest review each request.In Instant booking guest can booked instantly but in review, guest have to wait for a while to accepting the request from host.
Verification Option
vRent user can now verify their account with different social account like Facebook & Google plus.They also can verified their E-mail address too.
Review & Rating
Reviews section show the reviews done by the user themselves on other
properties and reviews given to them by other users.Guest can review and rating the Host after their stay.
Pricing Option
In vRent, you can done pricing in various ways.
Here, Nightly pricing is for all listing. The guest who will stay long time theye will get benefits as Weekly Discount percent & Monthly Discount percent.
Additional Pricing
Host also can give additional price in their listings as Weekend price, Clening fee, Additional guest fee & Security deposit.
-In weekend pricing, host can give price to their listing on weekends
-Additional guest price might be applied when host need,after how many guest he want additional price.
Static Pages & Metas
You can make static web pages content from Admin panel by your own requirements.Meta tags summarized the idea of what your site is about and what exactly the site keywords are.Meta tags are the words that are hidden in your code. People browsing your site will just not be able to see them.It brings higest site ranking quickly.
Site Settings
As a site owener you can set everything according to your convenience from settings option.
Sub Admin Management & Privelages
Not only a single admin, but also you can add sub admin for your site. That time you can set Role & Permission for those admin from Role permission option.As a site owener you can set everything according to your convenience from settings option
iCalendar Integration
vRent supports iCalendar. iCal is a file format that allows users to create and share electronic calendars. iCal helps you keeping your calendars automatically up to date. Once you link your calendars via iCal all new reservations or blocked dates will be instantly closed out on all connected calendars. You can Import, Export & Syn with other calendars.
Importing enables you to have a single-calendar view of all your reservations, seasonal events, holidays and more. This will help you prevent a double booking.
Email Templates
We have dynamic Email templates which supports multi-language. You can change the template contents according to your needs. You can send e-mail via two protocals- SMTP & Send mail, where send mail is dafault.
Property share option into social media
Now, you can share your porperty into different social media like Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin which will increase your property booking popularity. Below each property has share option to share property.
There are three types of Reports-
- Overview & states
- Sales Report
- Sale Analysis
Overview & states: On this report you can see the total number of reservation from all customers region. Also can see the percentage(%) of per countries total reservation.
Sales Report: The total vRent sales overview is here. Past 12 months total Sales Income, Reserved/booked property & Reserved nights can see by this sales report.
Sales Analysis: Monthly Average sales and Reservation Rates for all properties are in this report chart.
New Released Features (v-2.7)
Integration of Twilio SMS Gateway
Now, vRent supports Twilio SMS gateway. When users booking any property, they will get an SMS as a booking confirmation to their phone number. The user also gets SMS trough Twilio for Request type booking, Accept/Declined/Canceled bookings request. When admin does payouts that time also gets SMS for individual transaction.
Update ChangeLog
vRent v-2.7 February 12, 2020
Bug Fixing: Fixed first time when adding profile picture from user profile an error occurring Bug Fixing: Fixed user inactive showing an error in user page Bug Fixing: Fixed user profile image upload text issue Bug Fixing: Fixed admin login error when giving wrong information Bug Fixing: Fixed inserting message again and again when click more than one times in button Bug Fixing: Fixed currency sign is showing undefined in user transaction list Bug Fixing: Fixed Row per page not showing properly Bug Fixing: Fixed error while doing user email verification Bug Fixing: Fixed two property bookings at a time when giving payment crendentials (Stripe) Bug Fixing: Fixed payout method details not saving in user panel Bug Fixing: Fixed payout method details not saving in user panel Bug Fixing: Fixed undefined city when property and booking is created Improvement: Submit button color & position changed Improvement: Changed background color for the success message Improvement: Page redirection is not accurate in admin panel Improvement: Added admin messages module for sending the message as a host Improvement: Added review rating edit option in the admin panel Improvement: Added customer dynamically at the time of adding properties Improvement: Can't see the host property booking list from property bookings in the user panel Improvement: Complete profile button will redirect to the user verification page Improvement: Duplicate validation messages are showing Improvement: Manage review page redirection not working while clicking on cancel button. Improvement: If past review is not available don't need to show past review section Improvement: Added property delete option Improvement: Message is updated through descending order in the user dashboard. New Features: Added phone number with country flag New Features: Added Twilio for sending SMS in phone New Features: Added preference with date separator and money symbol position New Features: Added customer add option from admin properties
vRent v-2.5 May 16, 2019
Bug Fixing: Fixed problem on calendar date blocked for next month . Bug Fixing: Calendar dates will remain block on calendar ( Decline Request) while user click on check box. Bug Fixing: Guest public review will show on Host listing page & Host profile. Bug Fixing: Private review always shown into guest 'Review about' section. Bug Fixing: Fixed search property issue from transcation history page. Bug Fixing: Fixed Security issues from frontend. Bug Fixing: Responsive issues into admin area & front-end property listing. Bug Fixing: Fixed Role permission problem. Bug Fixing: Error fixed for admin password validation. Bug Fixing: Language missing in front-end form validation. Improvement: Review rating will show with property name into user profile. Improvement: Show verified logo while all verification will be done. New Features: While all verification will be done, complete button won't be visible. New Features: User's get e-mail for payouts. Improvement: Made logo responsive. Improvement: Pdf logo problem is fixed. Improvement: Added logo/favicon delete option. Improvement: Jquery validation into Signup, signin, user profile pages. Improvement: Each customer total booking,properties, payouts, payment methods will show individually. Improvement: Fixed sorting problem into admin area. Improvement: Improvemt on Review problem into admin area. Improvement: While admin payout to host those payout will be showed in new 'Payouts" column, if payouts done then show 'Yes' otherwise remain 'No" for each property. Improvement: If Declined and cancelled bookings payout done then show Refund below the status. Improvement: Language conversion (Payout method added, Accept/Decline, Reset password, Select payout, Delete photo from property lsiting). Improvement: Amenities & Booking field will be required. Improvement: In single property page display price(in info icon) for particular date. Improvement: Added prefernces into Settings option. Improvement: After filtering below each property booking type(Instant/Request) will showed. Improvement: Payouts will be done by base currency. Improvement: Booking details always shown on base currency. New Features: iCalendar Integration. New Features: CSV/PDF downlaod option into admin area. New Features: Added property share option into social media below each property. New Features: Added payouts list into admin area. New Features: Added Email Templates. New Features: Added filter option (Frontend) A. Transaction history B. By Booking type- Instant & Request booking New Features: Added filter option (Admin) A. Customers B. Bookings C. Properties D. Payouts E. Manage Reviews New Features: Reports A. Ovewrview & states B. Sales Reports C. Sales Analysis
vRent v-2.3 December 12, 2018
Bug Fixing: Age restriction in user registration,user can't registration if age is below 18. Bug Fixing: All permission checkboxes were unchecked for specific role during edit role. Bug Fixing: Showing success message when click on cancel button all areas of settings tab. Bug Fixing: Error in proper email(format, length) validation. Bug Fixing: Default Cuurency was not set in Add Payout Method part in Payout Settings . Bug Fixing: Logo is not in fixed size. Bug Fixing: When admin payout to host/guest, payout always saves in EURO. Bug Fixing: Default Cuurency was not set in Add Payout History part in Payout Settings. Bug Fixing: Error in password (length) validation. Bug Fixing: Responsive issue in user Dashboard, Home page, Transactions history. Improvement: Frontend Validation of - Add/Edit Property Type Form under Settings tab. - Add/Edit Banners Form under Settings tab. - Add/Edit Starting City Form under Settings tab. - Add/Edit Space Type Form under Settings tab. - Add/Edit Bed Type Form under Settings tab. - Add/Edit Currency Form under Settings tab. - Add/Edit Country Form under Settings tab. - Add/Edit Amenity Type Form under Settings tab. - Add/Edit Language Form under Settings tab. - Add/Edit Role Form under Settings tab. - Add/Edit Customer Form under Customer tab. - Add/Edit Properties Form under Properties tab. - Add/Edit Amenities Form under Amenities tab. - Add/Edit Page Form under Static Pages tab. - Edit Review Form under Manage Review tab. - Add/Edit Admin User Form under Users tab. - Signup, Sign in, Forget password and reset password. - Property Settings under Properties tab. - Add/Edit form in Static Pages. Improvement: Validation for all sections of listing, users profile in User Profile Form & Add Payout Method (in modals). Improvement: By clicking Cancel button pages are redirecting to their own section instead of redirecting to General settings page under Settings tab. Improvement: Image validation (checking file type or extension) while uploading in frontend and backend) New Features: Showed property name on user transaction history. New Features: Payment methods Active/Inactive options under settings section. New Features: Payout will be in default currency.
vRent v-2.1 September 20, 2018
Bug Fixing: php version 7.2 supported. Bug Fixing: Price Range slider functionality upgrade in search page. Bug Fixing: Draggable search property on google map. Bug Fixing: Advanced filter through price range in search page. Improvement: iPhone Supported for message detail page,user account,add payout method, transaction history, view receipt,calendar particular window open pages.
vRent v-1.9 July 07, 2018
Bug Fixing: Default Language issues on Home page. Bug Fixing: Default language can't be deleted from admin. Bug Fixing: Default currency can't be deleted from admin Bug Fixing: Issues of php version 7.2 Bug Fixing: When language is deactivated it won't show in language dropdown of site setting and Home page. Bug Fixing: When currency is deactivated it won't show in currency dropdown of site setting and Home page Improvement: Each property cover photo will show in google map. Improvement: Upload image of Property listing. New Features: PHP Send Mail Option apart from SMTP. New Features: Verify SMTP Settings.
vRent v-1.7 April 21, 2018
Bug Fixing: Language changes & frontpage design. Bug Fixing: Forgot Password does not working. Bug Fixing: Dashboard-total user & todays user aren't showing properly. Bug Fixing: Booking ascending/discending order. Bug Fixing: Email address blank on reservation confirmation page (View Itinerary). Bug Fixing: Transaction history's date & amount showing undefined. Bug Fixing: Messages page shows "null" when there are no messages, also in transaction history. Improvement: Dynamic currency added. Improvement: Property image re-ordering. Improvement: Added inbox meanu at user site. Improvement: When booking any propery its not coming in guest trips list. New Features: A. Verificatoin B. Review C. Calendar added on admin area during property listing D. Property Available/Not Available in calender
vRent v-1.5
Bug Fixing: Website logo change. Bug Fixing: Starting city delete in admin panel. Bug Fixing: Starting city Inactive does not working. Improvement: Search option.
vRent v-1.3
Bug Fixing: Dashboard Latest booking. Bug Fixing: Accept/Decline email link dosen't working. Improvement: Language translation issue.
Initial Release v-1.0 February 06, 2017
Initial Release
TMDb Pro – Movie & TV Show Details Plugin For The Movie Database
vRent – Vacation Rental Marketplace
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Why do we use it?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.
Where can I get some?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.