Virtual Tour Creator Export HTML AddOn

Virtual Tour Creator Export HTML AddOn
Preview Virtual Tour Creator Export HTML AddOn

This addOn requires Virtual Tour Creator For WordPress to be installed first!

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Using Export HTML AddOn for Virtual Tour Creator For WordPress You can export your virtual tours as a standalone pages which then can be used in any HTML page without any other requirements (like using WordPress etc). All the assets required for exported tour will automatically be packed in a tour directory with other data like javascript and css files.

Features and options:

  • Export WordPress tour to HTML format
  • Allows virtual tour usage separate from WordPress
  • Automatically pack all required assets (images, videos, javscript, css files etc)
  • Use exported tour in any standalone page (html, php)
  • Choose adverts to use with tour export
  • Export method uses php Zip archive or Pclzip class

Updates / Changelog

VERSION 1.03 [22.3.2024]

 - [UPDATE] update uri hook missing

VERSION 1.0 [19.3.2024]

 - first release

virtual tour, virtual reality, showcase, wordpress tour builder, export

Download Virtual Tour Creator Export HTML AddOn