Ultimate SMS – Bulk SMS Application For Marketing

Ultimate SMS – Bulk SMS Application For Marketing
Preview Ultimate SMS – Bulk SMS Application For Marketing

Ultimate SMS is a powerful, flexible and User friendly Bulk SMS Marketing Application. It’s also an all-in-one solution for your SMS marketing. It’s easy to use & install.

For any help, please send email to [email protected]

For dedicated Product Support, Visit Codeglen Support

If you face any problem to upgrade your application please just give us email to [email protected] Or if you want we will do this for you. From next we will implement one click upgrade system.

Codeglen not provide any types of support for localhost or local machine or remote desktop.

If you want to run Ultimate SMS then you have to purchase sms gateway api from sms gateway providers like twilio, nexmo, plivo etc. There have more than 130+ sms gateway api’s already integrated with ultimate sms. You can choose one from these or you can also add your gateway with ultimate sms. Then you have to update your sms api credentials on ultimate sms. Finally you can send your sms using your sms gateway api through ultimate sms.

It’s not version 3. Version 3 will release soon. There have some security issues. For this reason I have to provide immediate update.


PHP 5.6+ (PHP 7.0 recommended)
MySQL 5.1+
mod_rewrite Apache
MySQLi PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
cURL PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
MBString PHP Extension
iconv PHP Extension
IMAP PHP Extension – not recommended godaddy as email provider
GD PHP Extension
Zip PHP Extension
allow_url_fopen enabled
open_basedir enabled
proc_open enabled
base64_decode enabled

Download this file to check required extensions directly in your server.


The demo gets reset every 1 hour.

Admin Login:
User Name: admin
Password: admin.password

Client Login:
User Name: client
Password: client.password

Available SMS Gateways
1. Twilio
2. Clickatel
3. Text Local
4. Asterisk
5. MSG91
6. Plivo
7. SMS Global
8. Bulk SMS
9. Nexmo
10. Route SMS
11. SMSKaufen
12. Kapow
13. Zang
14. InfoBip
15. RNNH
16. SMSIndiaHub
17. ShreeWeb
18. SMSGateway.me
19. Top10SMS
20. Elibom
21. Hablame
22. Wavecell
23. SIPTraffic
25. MLat
26. NRSGateway
27. Orange.com
28. Globexcamsms.com
29. Camoo.cm
30. Kannel.org
31. Semysms.net
32. Smsvitrini.com
33. Semaphore.co
34. iTexMo.com
35. Chikka.com
36. 1S2U.com
37. Kaudal
38. cm.com
39. sendoutapp.com
40. viralthrob.com
41. masterksnetworks.com
42. messagebird.com
43. mx.fortdigital.net
44. smspro.mtn.ci
45. cnid.com.py
46. digitalreachapi.dialog.lk
47. voicetrading.com
48. aws.amazon.com/sns
49. nusasms.com
50. sms4brands.com
51. cheapglobalsms.com
52. www.experttexting.com
53. www.lightsms.com
54. Adicis
55. http://smsc.smsconnexion.com/
56. http://www.brandedsms.net
57. http://www.txtnation.com/
58. https://www.telesign.com/
59. http://ezeee.pk/
60. https://www.moreify.com/
61. https://www.dialog.lk/
62. https://www.tropo.com/
63. http://www.cheapsms.com/
65. http://www.my-cool-sms.com/
66. https://smsbump.com/
67. https://bsg.world/
68. https://www.smsbroadcast.com.au/
69. http://bullsms.com/
70. http://www.skebby.com/
71. Infobip SMPP
72. SMSGlobal SMPP
73. Clickatell SMPP
74. JasminSms SMPP
75. JasminSms HTTP
76. Wavecell SMPP
77. Ibrbd
78. https://tyntec.com
79. TobeprecisesmsSMPP
80. http://onehop.co
81. https://tigo.beekun.com
82. http://www.mubashersms.com
83. http://www.advansystelecom.com
84. https://beepsend.com
85. http://www.toplusms.com.tr
86. http://alertsms.ro
87. http://app.easy.com.np
88. http://clxnetworks.net
89. https://textmarketer.co.uk
90. http://bhashsms.com
91. Diafaan
92. https://www.smsmisr.com
93. Broadnet
94. Textme
95. Mailjet
96. Bulksmsgateway
97. Alaris
98. Ejoin
99. Mobitel
100. OpenVox
101. Smsgatewayhub
102. Ayyildiz
103. BulkGate
105. MaskSMS
106. EblogUs
107. TwilioCopilot
108. Connectmedia
109. WhatsApp By Chat API
110. Evyapan
111. BudgetSMS
112. EasySendSMS
113. Diamondcard
114. ClickSend
115. Gatewayapi
116. http://coinsms.net/
117. http://smartmessaging.mmdsmart.com/
118. https://www.futureland.it
119. GlobalSMS
120. https://sms.lrt.com.pk
121. http://accessyou.com/
122. Montnets
123. ShotBulkSMS
124. PlivoPowerpack
125. https://karix.io/
126. https://elasticemail.com
127. https://onnorokomsms.com/
128. http://powersms.banglaphone.net.bd
129. OVH
130. https://46elks.com/
131. http://send99.com/
132. http://chikacampaign.com/


  • Client Management

    Clients are the most important people for any organization. Ultimate SMS is a application that allows you to maintain a focus on your customer in a faster, simpler way.

  • Invoice Management

    Build Professional & Great looking Invoices. Print Invoice or Send directly to your clients including Invoice PDF. You can also setup recurring invoices and pay with most popular payment gateways.

  • Send Bulk SMS

    Send your promotional/transactional sms to your clients using Client Groups or Phone book or upload csv or excel files. Ultimate SMS automatically queues your messages, delivering to your customer one by one.

  • Send Schedule SMS

    With Scheduled Message, you can reach yourself or many people at once when you want to. Just select your client groups or Phone book or upload csv or excel files and select your time. The message will deliver in correct time.

  • Two way SMS

    Two way SMS is where you can both send and receive a text message to let you have a conversation with the recipient. You can send and receive a text message to your client using Ultimate SMS.

  • Clean SMS Reports

    Ultimate SMS provide you a clean, minimal & eye catching SMS history reports. You will get your sms history like mobile inbox.

  • Custom SMS Templates

    Create completely secure customized SMS templates that will help you to reduce your time. Just create your template, store in system and finally use when it will need.

  • Address Book/Phone Book Management

    Phone Book/Address Book is an useful feature which will help you to store store, search and view contacts, edit and delete contact information. The main objective of Phone Book/Address book feature is to efficiently manage contacts details using fully automated system.

  • Sender ID Management

    With dynamic SMS sender ID you can display your company name as the sender of a text message, turning a simple SMS into a powerful branding tool. You can block or unblock Sender ID for specific client.

  • Anti-Fraud message system

    The Anti-Fraud message is a system of identification of fraud during sending Spam message, or illegal text. Admin can get email when anyone sending Spam message, or illegal text and manage this using fully automated system.

  • Routing/Coverage System

    By using Ultimate SMS Coverage, you can set your availability. In which country do you want provide your service and in which country you don’t. Routing/Coverage system provide you full flexibility to set price for specific mobile operator and also set sms gateway which will use in sending sms.

  • Integrated Popular SMS Gateways

    Ultimate SMS contain more than 97+ most popular sms gateways. You can send sms to your customers or client by using these gateways. You can also add your own gateway in Ultimate SMS which are not integrated.

  • Build Your Own API

    SMS API integration is the way to integrate SMS services on your panels like website, software. Advanced APIs and callable services give you the freedom to get creative with how you use.

  • SMS Price Plan

    Ultimate SMS provides you to create different types of Price Plan for your customers or clients. You can set your plan features for specific plan. You can also set popular or not.

  • Support Tickets Management

    If you want to provide excellent customer service, a ticketing system is mandatory. Ultimate SMS Support helps provide that great service to your customers and your never lose Customer Tickets again with Ultimate SMS.

  • Unlimited Role Management

    Role management helps you manage authorization, which enables you to specify the resources that users in your application are allowed to access. Role management lets you treat groups of users as a unit by assigning users to roles such as manager, sales, member, and so on.

  • Multi-language Support

    You can translate Ultimate SMS to any language. Just insert your translate country name, upload your country flag and finally translate your value English to You own. You don’t need any programming knowledge for that.

  • Popular Payment Gateways

    Ultimate SMS include most popular payment gateways. You can receive payments from Paypal and Stripe in different currencies. There have a manual payment gateway which may contain your Bank Account or Any thing.

  • Unlimited Reseller Panel

    By using Ultimate SMS, you can create unlimited users or customers and also provide them to create their own customer. And they can also maintain their customer from there reseller panel.

  • Appearance

    Ultimate SMS is easy to customize & any one can change any thing easily. If you want you can make it you own without any breeze.

  • Well Documented

    Start building with all the information you need and get unstuck quickly with how-to guides, sample code, and extensive API documentation.

  • Open Codebase

    Ultimate SMS have been built with developers in mind.its well-written and open. You can change any thing with there needs.

  • Lifetime Update

    Ultimate SMS provide your lifetime update without paying update fees.

  • Auto Installer

    You can install Ultimate SMS easily with Ultimate SMS auto installer. Just follow instructions and click the button.

  • One Click Application Update

    You can update Ultimate SMS easily with one click. Just select update file and click update button, rest of work will done by Ultimate SMS

Version 2.8 / ( 11.12.2019 )
[Fix] - Client Reseller SMS unit update issue.
[Fix] - Some payment module issues
[Fix] - Support ticket issues
[Update] - Some minor change on chat box.

To update Version 2.7 To Version 2.8 visit this link. Its like fully version 2.3 to version 2.5 just folder name are different.

Version 2.7.5 / ( 28.11.2018 )
[Update] - Update Some SMS Gateways with their latest version.
[Update] - Reduce Data Tabel loading time.
[Fix] - Fix minor issues regarding client comments and email.

Download latest file from Envato and extrac this. Then compress Version 2.7 Update File and extract and replace these with your existing files.

Version 2.7 / ( 14.11.2018 )
[new] - Add Chat Application system
[new] - Add Unsubscribe message On every Sending SMS form
[new] - Add new 17 SMS Gateways
[Update] - Automatic detection Plain and Unicode message on Typing
[Update] - Add Multiple recipients system on SMS API
[Update] - Update System Setting features
[Update] - Update full application Email sending system
[Fix] - Fix minor issues regarding client comments and email.

To update Version 2.6 To Version 2.7 visit this link. Its like fully version 2.3 to version 2.5 just folder name are different.

Update Ultimate SMS Version 2.6 to Version 2.7

Version 2.6 / ( 19.09.2018 )
[New] - Add different price for Plain, Voice and MMS Type.
[New] - Add 8 New SMS Gateways.
[Fix] - Assigning balance issues to client using file.
[Update] - Update Paypal and Stripe Payment gateway with latest version.
[Update] - Update schedule message time feature

To update Version 2.5 To Version 2.6 visit this link. Its like fully version 2.3 to version 2.5 just folder name are different.

Update Ultimate SMS Version 2.3 to Version 2.5

Version 2.5.1 / ( 09.09.2018 )
[Fix] - Fixing bug on client payment module and increate security.
[Fix] - Fixing Plivo voice and text sms issues.
[Fix] - Fixing Campaign multiple counting phone number.

To update Version 2.3 To Version 2.5 visit this link:

Update Ultimate SMS Version 2.3 to Version 2.5

Version 2.5 / ( 05.09.2018 )
[new] - Add Campaign Features with reports
[new] - Add Campaign Keyword feature
[new] - Add WhatsApp Message system using Chat-API
[new] - Add new 16 SMS Gateways
[new] - Two way features for custom gateway
[new] - Add Opt-in and Opt-out keyword system
[new] - White-label reseller on request
[Update] - All sending message option
[Update] - Application settings for Selecting country code
[Update] - Application settings for assign Registration SMS Gateway
[Fix] - Fix minor issues regarding client comments and email.

To update Version 2.3 To Version 2.5 visit this link:

Update Ultimate SMS Version 2.3 to Version 2.5

Version 2.3 / ( 26.04.2018 )
[new] - Add multiple gateway credential information for single gateway
[new] - Add Routing Features. Set sms price and gateway per operator
[new] - Assign Multiple gateway to single user
[new] - Add new 17 SMS Gateways
[new] - Add new 2 Payment Gateways (Webxpay and Coinpayments for Crypto Currency)
[new] - Different language for different users
[new] - Fully Fraud message detection system integrated
[new] - Fully Two way features with reply sms from sms history
[new] - Dynamic Schedule time using Excel or CSV column (Ex. Birthday, Meeting, Event etc)
[new] - Full Recurring SMS module included
[new] - Include Country code feature in import contact and send sms
[new] - Subscribe, Unsubscribe feature added
[new] - Add MMS and Voice feature
[new] - One click update application feature.
[Update] - Update Currency setting with advanced feature
[Update] - Update language setting
[Fix] - Mobile responsive issues (Full application now perfectly responsive)
[Fix] - Translation issues

To update Version 2.2 To Version 2.3 visit this link:

Update Ultimate SMS Version 2.2 to Version 2.3

Version 2.2 / ( 30.01.2018 )
[new] - Full Unicode Feature Added
[new] - SMPP Feature Added
[new] - Add New 23 SMS Gateways
[new] - Remove Duplicate Feature Added
[new] - Update Purchase key From Admin Portal Added
[new] - Bulk Delete On Contact and SMS History
[new] - Export SMS History with CSV, PDF & Print
[Update] - Update Auto-Installer
[Update] - Full update Send Bulk SMS Using File
[Update] - Update Application menu
[Update] - Update Application API Information
[Update] - Update full SMS History system
[Update] - Reduce application data loading time
[Fix] - Some security Issues
And Many more...

To update Version 2.0 To Version 2.2 visit this link:

Update Ultimate SMS Version 2.0 to Version 2.2

Version 2.0 / ( 26.11.2017 )
[new] - Full featured Phone Book Module Added
[new] - Blacklist Contact Module Added
[new] - Add New 17 SMS Gateways
[new] - Add mark global options on SMS Templates
[new] - Add Background Jobs feature for Adding schedule Job
[Update] - Full update Send Bulk SMS
[Update] - Full update Send Bulk SMS Using File
[Update] - Update Application menu
[Update] - Update Application API Information
[Update] - Update full SMS History system
[Update] - Reduce application data loading time
[Fix] - Sender id management Problem
[Fix] - Some Localization Problem
And Many more...

To update Version 1.5 To Version 2.0 visit this link:

Update Ultimate SMS Version 1.5 to Version 2.0

Version 1.5 / ( 30.08.2017 )
[new] - Sender ID Management With Dropdown In Client
[new] - SMS Templates Integration in Client
[new] - Price Bundles and Buy SMS Unit
[new] - Add New 11 SMS Gateways
[new] - Add New 2 Payment Gateways (PayStack, 2Checkout)
[Update] - Bulk SMS Live Delivery Report
[Update] - Auto Invoice Generate after purchasing Plan, Unit and Pay Invoice
[Fix] - Paypal, Stripe Payment problem
[Fix] - Some Localization Problem
[Fix] - Email Templates problem in Ticket System

To update Version 1.2 To Version 1.5 visit this link:

Update Ultimate SMS Version 1.2 To Version 1.5

Version 1.2 / ( 19.07.2017 )
- [New Feature ]:Sender ID Verification manage from admin
- [New Feature ]: Import Phone Number (Address Book)
- [New Feature ]: Send SMS By Address Book
- [New Feature ]: Bulk Birthday Reminder SMS
- [New Feature ]: Bulk Meeting/Party/Reunion Etc Remainder SMS
- [New Feature ]: Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) Compatible
- [New Feature ]: Add more New 9 SMS Gateways
- [New Feature ]: Add New 2 Payment Gateways (PayU, Slydepay)
- [Fix]: Send Schedule SMS
- [Update]: Reduce more loading time on send bulk sms

To update Version 1.1 To Version 1.2 visit this link:

Update Ultimate SMS Version 1.1 To Version 1.2

Version 1.1 / ( 12.06.2017 )
- [New Feature ]: Add Single SMS Send feature
- [New Feature ]: Add Single Schedule SMS (Birthday Remainder, Surprise Message etc)
- [New Feature ]: Update or Delete Schedule SMS
- [New Feature ]: Add 4 New SMS Gateways ( Plivo, SMSIndiaHub, Shree Web, SmsGateway.Me)
- [Fix]: Auto Installer Final Message
- [Fix]: Sender ID Problem in Client Portal
- [Fix]: reCaptcha access setting in System Settings
- [Update]: Update documentation

Version 1.0 / ( 06.06.2017 )
+ Initial Release

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Ultimate SMS – Bulk SMS Application For Marketing

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

Ultimate SMS - Bulk SMS Application For Marketing

Download Ultimate SMS – Bulk SMS Application For Marketing