Taskhub SaaS – Project Management Tool, Finance & CRM Tool

Taskhub SaaS - Project Management Tool, Finance & CRM Tool
Preview Taskhub SaaS – Project Management Tool, Finance & CRM Tool

Welcome to Taskhub – Project Management Tool, Finance & CRM Tool. Your search ends here.

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Demo Credentials :

Email: [email protected]
Password: super@0124

Email: [email protected]
Password: admin@0124

Email: [email protected]
Password: member@0124

[email protected]

Why let us explain you here?

Taskhub SaaS is the modern and powerful tool for your Project Management, Finance & Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) purposes. This is a SaaS version of our previous successful Taskhub – Project Manager system with new enormous and exciting features to offer to all valuable customers. SaaS version is mainly made for those customers or businesses who are willing to start their own startup or small business which offers a software solution for project management and CRM solutions to the small, medium or large scale companies or organizations.
Explore our demo to check how does everything looks like & work and to find out more details on the features and functionalities proceed below to know more.

What Taskhub SaaS offers you?

1. An elegant looking, dynamic, and customizable front-end site.
2. 4 different panels for each different user role i.e,
– Super Admin ( Business Owner )
– Admin ( Organization Owner / Admin / Main Authorized person )
– Team Members of the Organization and,
– Clients of the Organization
3. Easy to Install and One-click Auto-update system feature.
4. Manage Pricing and Plans efficiently and flexibly for the customers.
5. Setup or Configure Payment different payment methods like PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay
6. Maintain and monitor Subscriptions and Earnings efficiently.
7. Customize the Frontend site as well as the overall site without hurdles.
8. Manage your billings and subscriptions easily and make payments hassle-free with in-built payment gateway options. ( This is for Admin of the Organization )
9. Manage Projects, Tasks, Team Members, Clients, Personalised Notes, Events, and more efficiently.

Thanks for taking the time to visit our product we hope you would like this.

We love helping our customers. Always feel free to reach to us for any kind of technical queries or support we would be there to help you. From 9.00 AM to 6.30 PM IST.
Here is our official Skype address. Skype Now

Download Taskhub SaaS – Project Management Tool, Finance & CRM Tool