Download: SUMO Subscriptions – WooCommerce Subscription System Free Nulled

Preview: SUMO Subscriptions – WooCommerce Subscription System

SUMO Subscriptions is a Complete WooCommerce Subscription System for Recurring Payments. It is the most comprehensive WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin using which you can Create and Sell Subscriptions Products from your existing WooCommerce Shop.


  • Most Comprehensive WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin
  • Simple Subscriptions, Variable Subscriptions and Grouped Product Subscriptions
  • Order Subscription for Non-Subscription and Non-Membership Products
  • Users can Select the Subscription Duration and the Number of Renewals for Order Subscriptions
  • Subscription Payment Synchronization
  • Prorate Amount can be charged for Synchronized Subscription
  • Subscription and Non-Subscription Products in single checkout
  • Inbuilt PayPal Reference Transaction Gateway for Automatic Subscription Renewal
  • Automatic Subscription Renewal using PayPal Subscriptions
  • Inbuilt Stripe Payment Gateway for Automatic Subscription Renewal
  • Automatic Subscription Renewal using SUMO Reward Points Payment Gateway(requires SUMO Reward Points Plugin)
  • Manual Subscription Renewal using any WooCommerce supported Payment Gateway
  • Multiple Subscriptions in single checkout
  • Free Trial and Paid Trial supported
  • Subscribers can switch between Automatic Subscription Renewal and Manual Subscription Renewal
  • Switching between Identical Variations
  • Trial Fee and Sign Up Fee can be set
  • Site admin can manually create an order with Subscription and assign to any User
  • Option to Include/Exclude Shipping Cost in Subscription Renewal
  • Option to Include/Exclude Tax Cost in Subscription Renewal
  • Multiple payment reminder emails can be sent
  • Subscription can be changed to Manual Renewal Mode when Automatic Renewal is cancelled
  • Settings of Subscription Products can be bulk updated using Bulk Update
  • Master Log to record all the transactions throughout the site
  • Recurring Donations(requires SUMO Donations Plugin)
  • Membership Subscriptions(requires SUMO Memberships Plugin)
  • Compatible with SUMO Reward Points(requires SUMO Reward Points Plugin)
  • Highly customizable
  • WPML compatible
  • Translation ready
  • And more

Compatible With

SUMO Subscriptions is Compatible with

1. SUMO Reward Points – WooCommerce Points and Rewards System

2. SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership System

3. SUMO Donations – WooCommerce Donation System

4. WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

5. WooCommerce PayPal Payouts

6. SUMO WooCommerce Currency Switcher

7. SUMO Affiliates Pro – WordPress Affiliate Plugin

How to Install SUMO Subscriptions?

1. Download the latest version file ( of SUMO Subscriptions from Codecanyon.
2. Unzip inside which you will find the Plugins files i.e.
3. Install the latest version of SUMO Subscriptions i.e. using WordPress Dashboard.
4. Activate the Plugin.

How to Upgrade to a newer version of SUMO Subscriptions?

If you are using an older version and want to upgrade to the latest version of SUMO Subscriptions then please do the following steps.

1. Deactivate and Delete the existing version of SUMO Subscriptions in your site.
2. Download the latest version file ( of SUMO Subscriptions from Codecanyon.
3. Unzip inside which you will find the Plugins files i.e.
4. Install the latest version of SUMO Subscriptions i.e. using WordPress Dashboard.
5. Activate the Plugin.

Please note you will not lose any settings values, data etc by following the above steps.


Please check the documentation as we have lots of information there. The documentation file can be found inside the documentation folder which you will find when you unzip the downloaded zip file.

For support, feature request or any help, please register and open a support ticket on our site.


Version 11.4 on 02 April 2020
Fix: Some Users not able to Subscribe when Limit Restriction enabled 
Fix: Variant level per Product Limit Restriction not working properly

Version 11.3 on 11 February 2020
Tweak: Variation ID display under List of Subscription Items section 
Tweak: Recurring Coupon usage for the Initial order if the fixed renewals option configured as zero 
Fix: Only Purchased Users can access the Subscription Details 
Fix: Automatic Cancellation not working when the Subscription is in Pending Cancellation status

Version 11.2 on 27 January 2020
Tweak: Option to Add Recipients for Automatic Renewal Success email
Tweak: Added function_exists('wc_add_notice') in stripe gateway
Tweak: Added flag which indicates the renewal order is paid already
Fix: Variation Switcher not working if more than 10 variations available
Fix: PayPal Reference Transactions not calculating the value properly when the store currency is not in USD for renewal payments
Fix: Subscription price display as well as calculation conflict when purchased more than 1 quantity

Version 11.1 on 18 September 2019
New: Option to add Sign-up fee for order subscription
New: Option for Admin to select minimum/maximum subscription duration value for Order Subscription
New: Option for subscribers to change their subscription qty
Tweak: Improvement related to Stripe SCA and Error Log
Tweak: Admin  can override the translated po file under WP_LANG/plugin_name/.mo file
Fix: Translation issue for Subscription status

Version 11.0 on 10 September 2019
New: Stripe SCA support New: API added in Edit Subscription page 
New: My Subscriptions shortcode added 
New: Automatic payment reminders support for PayPal Subscriptions 
Tweak: PO source keywords updated 
Fix: Payment mode switcher not showing for Parent order when placed from Pay for Order page

Version 10.1 on 05 August 2019
Tweak: Order Subscription Quantity display improvement in My account page 
Fix: Subscription End date display issue 
Fix: Order Subscription layout issue when selecting Shipping calculator in cart page 
Fix: Order Subscription calculation issue when selecting Shipping calculator in cart/checkout page

Version 10.0 on 03 July 2019
Tweak: Improved Search Process in List of Subscriptions 
Fix: Force Guest Sign-up improvements based on WooCommerce configuration 
Fix: TM Extra Product Options plugin compatible conflicts

Version 9.9 on 5 June 2019
Tweak: Subscription Export process improvements
Fix: WPML not working for Order Subscription Labels
Fix: Cart page unlimitedly reloading when order subscription displayed in cart
Fix: Subscription Log recording unnecessary when the placing order reaches other than Completed/Processing status
Fix: WC Stripe Card Form not rendering when SUMO Stripe is restricted to display in Checkout

Version 9.8 on 14 May 2019
Tweak: PHP 7.3 compatibility 
Fix: Fatal error in the product page 
Fix: Fatal error in WooCommerce Log

Version 9.7 on 02 May 2019
New: Option to Upgrade/Downgrade based upon Duration length 
New: Option to charge Full Subscription Fee in Upgrade/Downgrade 
New: Added API to start a subscription on a specific date 
Tweak: Supported month selection for 1 Month Subscription for Synchronization 
Tweak: Previous order status restrictions valid only for Processing/Completed status 
Tweak: Display improvement in Variation Swapping

Version 9.6 on 02 April 2019
Tweak: ID changed for inbuilt payment gateways
Tweak: Code improvement in Cart page
Tweak: Subscription admin menu priority increased

Version 9.5 on 18 March 2019
New: Option to display Price Message of non-subscription products for Variable Products
Fix: Product Quick view ajax issue in Shop page
Fix: SUMO Subscriptions - Stripe form not rendering properly in Pay for Order page

Version 9.4 on 04 March 2019
Fix: Prorating not working for when it is applied only for Virtual Subscriptions
Fix: Sync Date not considering Trial Duration length

Version 9.3 on 18 February 2019
New: Synchronization Cutoff time to Not renew Subscription Next Cycle
New: Subscription buyer filter added in Subscriptions Export
Tweak: Given user roles capability to plugin CPT based on WooCommerce
Tweak: Email Recipients field supported in email templates
Tweak: Updated po files
Fix: Subscription End date display issue in Admin dashboard

Version 9.2 on 04 February 2019
New: Added API 'sumo_subscription_is_switching'
New: Added do action when the subscription is switched
Tweak: Given compatibility with WC native do_action arguments for email templates
Tweak: Improvements in Sorting and Filtering in the Admin dashboard
Fix: Subscription product quantity updating problem while Upgrading/Downgrading

Version 9.1 on 09 January 2019
New: Added option to display Order Subscription based on minimum order total
Tweak: Updated po files
Fix: Initial Invoice email not sending in some cases

Version 9.0 on 20 December 2018
New: Inline Credit Card form added for PCI compliance in SUMO Subscriptions - Stripe gateway
New: Order Subscription option in Cart Page
Tweak: Japanese language translated po files updated
Tweak: Updated po files
Fix: Coupon discount is not limited to fixed renewals even when it is limited
Fix: Admin email showing in subscription notes when subscription email is sent
Fix: Subscription Recurring Coupon Calculation issue in renewal orders
Fix: subscription Recurring Coupon Display issue in the Edit Subscription page
Fix: Upgrade/Downgrade and Optional Trial/Signup options not displaying in some cases

Version 8.8 on 10 December 2018
New: Hook added to support Custom Product Types 
Fix: Hidden order item meta displaying in Edit Subscription page

Version 8.7 on 28 November 2018
New: Added an option to provide Extra duration to charge Full payment during the Synchronization period
New: Synchronization Starting Year option added
Tweak: Updated po files
Fix: Initial Sync date update problem
Fix: Subscription is charging initial payment when the sync is not yet started
Fix: Translation issue in email templates

Version 8.6 on 13 November 2018
New: Added option to change Subscription Endpoints in My Account Page
New: Added Custom CSS option
Tweak: Updated Subscription Pause email content
Tweak: Multiple Products placed using PayPal Subscription API will be considered as Manual Subscription
Tweak: Subscription Products with Signup Fee but without Trial will be considered as Manual Subscription
Tweak: Updated po files
Fix: Error in cart page when Fixed cart coupon is applied
Fix: String Translation Problem
Fix: Unnecessary Renewal order creation problem when 1 instalment subscription is placed using PayPal Subscriptions API
Fix: Expire cron not set when 1 instalment subscription is placed using PayPal Subscriptions API

Version 8.5 on 01 November 2018
Tweak: Add to Cart label customization hook priority increased 
Tweak: Supported Upgrade/Downgrade behaviour for Subscription Restrictions 
Fix: PayPal Subscriptions expires at the beginning of Final Subscription payment

Version 8.4 on 18 October 2018
New: Allow the user to select the subscription resume date 
New: Allow the user only to Upgrade/Downgrade/Crossgrade 
New: Option to Show PayPal Standard Gateway when Multiple Subscription Products are in Cart 
Tweak: Automatically complete the renewal payment when order total is zero 
Tweak: Updated po files 
Fix: PayPal Subscriptions Expired even before the final instalment

Version 8.3 on 07 October 2018
Tweak: Updated po files 
Fix: Timezone Problem when creating the invoice 
Fix: Special Characters prevention when selecting variations 
Fix: Master log status error during subscription cancel

Version 8.2 on 15 September 2018
New: 4 New Subscription Coupon types added 
New: Exporting CSV with custom subscription fields 
Fix: WPML Compatibility issue 
Fix: WP Comments counting issue

Version 8.1 on 05 September 2018
New: Option to Hide inbuilt payment gateways when non-subscription products are in Cart 
New: Hook added to display Order Subscription 
Tweak: Updated po files 
Fix: Subscription Order price charged excluding Tax in Renewal Orders when paid using PayPal Subscriptions 
Fix: Automatic Subscription not revoking in PayPal Subscriptions

Version 8.0 on 17 August 2018
New: Subscription Upgrade/Downgrade 
Tweak: Updated po files

Version 7.8 on 07 August 2018
New: Shortcodes added to display Renewal Fee after discount and Number of Renewals Discount to be applied Tweak: Renewal Price will be displayed based on Tax and Shipping cost for Order Subscriptions at checkout page

Version 7.7 on 30 July 2018
New: Supported Coupon Code Discount for Order Subscriptions 
New: Subscription Duration can be set up to 10 Years New: Display Total Instalments in List of Subscriptions 
New: Display Renewal Price after discount in Cart and Checkout page 
Tweak: Updated po files

Version 7.6 on 24 July 2018
New: Option to show/hide Pagination and Search field in My Account Page
Tweak: Order Subscriptions Recurring Cycle values display order improvement
Fix: Subscription data not displaying in Single Product page when Price of all Variations are same
Fix: Error during Resubscribing
Fix: Recurring cycle displayed incorrectly for Order Subscriptions when Minimum Recurring Cycle is set

Version 7.5 on 06 July 2018
New: Option to set minimum duration and recurring cycle for Order Subscription
Tweak: Update variation data of the variable subscription products without using AJAX
Tweak: Updated po files
Fix: Search fields in backend not working properly
Fix: UI issue in Order Subscription
Fix: Regular Price decimal value not updated correctly when Sale Price is given

Version 7.4 on 28 June 2018
Fix: Multisite related compatibility

Version 7.3 on 16 June 2018
New: Compatibility with WooCommerce PayPal Payouts 
Fix: PayPal Subscriptions next payment date update issue

Version 7.2 on 08 June 2018
New: Option to remove personal data from subscription orders(WooCommerce 3.4 compatibility)
New: Option to show specific duration values for Order Subscriptions
New: Option to show/hide recurring cycle for Order Subscriptions
New: Added Custom CSS for Order Subscriptions
New: Option to hide specific payment gateways when order amount is 0
Tweak: Renewal order currency updated from parent order
Tweak: Automatic Refund supported for SUMO Subscriptions - Stripe payment gateway
Tweak: Updated shipping address in Stripe dashboard for every renewals
Tweak: Hidden First Renewal date when the subscription is set for 1 installment
Tweak: Translation improvements
Fix: Shipping address from My Account not updated in renewal orders
Fix: Payment gateways not displayed when order amount is 0 even if the option is enabled
Fix: PayPal Subscriptions sandbox mode issue
Fix: Force automatic payments problem when the subscription has Free Trial

Version 7.1 on 03 June 2018
New: GDPR compliance WordPress compatibility for Data Access, Data Erasure and Privacy Policy update

Version 7.0 on 01 May 2018
New: Added option to send different New Subscription Order Email to new subscribers and old subscribers
New: Added option to prevent sending WooCommerce Order Emails for Subscription Orders
New: Billing details will be updated in Stripe account
New: Additional Filter Added
New: Export option to Export List of Subscriptions
Tweak: Item meta will be updated in Renewal Orders
Tweak: Updated translation po files

Version 6.9 on 12 April 2018
Tweak: Subscription emails to be sent based on WooCommerce Order Status
Fix: Problem when Limit/Restriction Settings is applied throughout the Site

Version 6.8 on 01 April 2018
New: Limit/Restriction settings to be applied once the product is added to cart
Tweak: Po files updated

Version 6.7 on 24 March 2018
Tweak: Display improvements
Fix: Signup fee and Trial fee not updated in some cases

Version 6.6 on 16 March 2018
Tweak: Disabling Automatic Payment Gateways when non-subscription products are in cart
Fix: Warning message in email
Fix: Unable to make payment when invoice order total is zero

Version 6.5 on 03 March 2018
New: Position option for Order Subscriptions
Fix: WP header issue
Fix: Warning message in subscription emails

Version 6.4 on 17 February 2018
New: User/User role filter for subscription pause
Fix: Content Dripping issue

Version 6.3 on 09 February 2018
New: Separate shortcodes added for Signup Fee and Initial Fee
New: Reset button added in all tabs
Tweak: Code Improvements
Fix: One active subscription throughout the site option validation issue

Version 6.2 on 04 February 2018
New: Option to display Normal or Subscription variable product price message in shop and single product page
Tweak: Compatibility improvements when using WooCommerce very old versions

Version 6.1 on 22 January 2018
Fix: Inbuilt Stripe Test Mode problem

Version 6.0 on 18 January 2018
New: Option to display time in frontend
Tweak: Displaying Subscription End Date in List of Subscriptions
Tweak: Added PayPal Adaptive deprecated notice in admin dashboard
Fix: Automatic Subscriptions made through PayPal standard gateway not getting cancelled problem
Fix: Decimal Separator issue in Trial and Signup Fee
Fix: Scheduled Sale Price problem

Version 5.9.2 on 27 December 2017
Fix: Subscription Emails are not notified to customers when 'Mail to Admin' option is enabled

Version 5.9.1 on 18 December 2017
New: Added Multilingual Date support

Version 5.9 on 16 November 2017
New: Display Payment Gateway details in Renewal Orders
Fix: Next payment dates display issue

Version 5.8 on 03 November 2017
New: Option to charge full subscription fee for synchronized periods
New: Option to charge current subscription fee as renewal fee for already purchased subscribers
New: Option charge shipping fee only during renewals when the order amount is zero

Version 5.7 on 25 October 2017
New: Option to enable/disable Payment Remainder emails for each subscription
New: Option to enable/disable Activity logs in My account page

Version 5.6 on 15 October 2017
New: Option to activate Free Trial after admin approval

Version 5.5 on 09 October 2017
New: Option to set WordPress timezone
New: Update meta data to Stripe
New: Displaying transaction id in edit subscription page
New: Po and Mo files for Polish language
Tweak: UI enhancements
Fix: Fixed timezone problem
Fix: Email settings subject and heading not saved

Version 5.4 on 04 October 2017
Fix: Next payment date updating problem after successful renewal payment

Version 5.3 on 26 September 2017
New: Optional Synchronization behavior based on first occurrence
New: Display Next renewal date in cart and checkout page
Tweak: Code Improvements
Tweak: PO file updated
Fix: Cancel button not showing up for order subscriptions in my account
Fix: Cancel Methods not working for PayPal Standard Subscriptions
Fix: Undefined index error in cart page
Fix: Prorating not working properly during resubscribe for synchronized products

Version 5.2 on 18 September 2017
Tweak: My Subscription in separate tab on My Account page
Fix: User cannot subscribe for Optional Trial/Signup when normal products in cart

Version 5.1 on 11 September 2017
New: Light box mode for Stripe
New: Option to set WordPress Date and Time format
New: Troubleshoot option for Order Subscription
Tweak: Code Improvements
Tweak: Updated PO files

Version 5.0 on 06 September 2017
New: Display Billing Name in List of Subscriptions page
Tweak: Settings rearranged
Tweak: UI enhancements
Tweak: Updated PO files

Version 4.8 on 30 August 2017
New: Option to set subscription product as regular product for specific user role(s)
Fix: Log recording issue after Subscription emails are disabled by Admin

Version 4.7 on 25 August 2017
New: Option to hide Resubscribe button based on filters

Version 4.6 on 15 August 2017
New: Display subscription plan message in checkout
New: Hooks/Filters added for Developers

Version 4.5 on 08 August 2017
Tweak: UI improvements
Fix: Problem when payment gateway changed from PayPal Adaptive and PayPal Subscriptions API

Version 4.4 on 02 August 2017
New: Option to Show/Hide payment gateways when subscription product is added in cart
Tweak: Additional Hooks added for Developers
Tweak: API added for product/category selector and search field
Fix: Additional Digital download selector not working in product settings page
Fix: Problem when other Stripe payment gateways are enabled on the site
Fix: Order subscription with PayPal Adaptive payment not working
Fix: Synchronization not working properly
Fix: Problem when subscriber changes payment gateway

Version 4.3 on 23 July 2017
Tweak: Mapping of WC Logger date with Subscription ID or Order ID
Tweak: Code Improvements
Tweak: Handling Payment Gateways appropriately when the subscription order amount is zero
Tweak: Digital Download Product handling when subscription is permanently deleted/trashed

Version 4.2 on 17 July 2017
New: Content Dripping for Downloadable subscription products
New: Show PayPal Reference Transactions payment gateway in checkout  page only when the Admin has got the special permission from PayPal
New: Change Next Synchronized Payment date in Single Product page based on user choosen Optional Trial
New: WC Log for failed Automatic Payment
New: Added Developer Debug mode option in PayPal Reference  Transactions gateway settings
Tweak: Code optimized
Tweak: Updated po and mo files
Fix: Resubscribe button showing even after the user gets subscribed  for that product
Fix: View Subscription redirect issue when My Account Page is not used
Fix: View Subscription Table layout problem

Version 4.1 on 04 July 2017
New: Option to give optional trial and signup fee
New: Prefix can be added for subscription number
New: Email template added for automatic renewals
New: Added new subscription cancellation methods(Cancel at the end of billing cycle and Cancel on a scheduled date)
New: Option for the subscriber to change their shipping address to their subscriptions
New: Product and User Filters added for Cancel feature
New: Option to Resubscribe the existing subscriptions
New: Option for subscriber to Turn Off their Automatic subscription payments
Tweak: Showing Active variation name in Edit Subscription page
Tweak: Masterlog can be sorted
Tweak: Stripe API code revamped
Tweak: Code optimized
Tweak: Updated po and mo files
Fix: Customer search field not working properly
Fix: When Trial Restriction is applied then Users can subscribe for multiple quantities of trial enabled same subscription products even if Trial Restriction is applied
Fix: Synchronization not working properly when Trial is enabled for the product
Fix: Stock has not taken care while swapping the variation

Version 4.0 on 30 May 2017
New: Coupon Code Discount for fixed number of Renewal Orders 
New: Display successful(Payment Completed) Renewal orders in a separate meta box in Edit Subscription page New: Option to restrict add normal products when Subscription product is in Cart 
New: Troubleshooting for IPN Response from PayPal 
New: Email Templates added for preapproval key revoking and Failed payments during automatic renewal 
New: Pagination added for My Subscriptions in My Account page 
New: Added warning message in checkout page when the user tries to manually pay for Automatic Subscription Renewal Orders 
New: Added option to set number of days the subscription needs to be in last known status when Proceed with Manual Payment is selected for revoking preapproval key and Failed payments 
New: Filters added in List of Subscriptions page 
New: UI improvement in Activity Logs in My Account Page 
New: Option to restrict Cancelling of subscription for specific number of days 
New: Action hooks added for automatic subscription payment revoked 
New: Action hooks added for when parent order is created for a subscription 
Tweak: Cron functions improved 
Tweak: Removed Pause option for synchronized subscriptions 
Tweak: Few label changes 
Tweak: Display only unpaid orders in Edit Subscription page 
Tweak: Updated po files 
Fix: Automatic payment retry problem 
Fix: Subscription goes to Overdue status when proceeding with Manual Payment mode is selected 
Fix: When Retry payments is not set, subscription doesn't go to next status 
Fix: Warning error displayed on Single Product page if the variable subscription product has Sale price 
Fix: Subscription price calculated incorrectly when using with WooCommerce older versions 
Fix: Cancelled Subscription goes to Active when admin manually changes the status of parent order to Completed 
Fix: Subscription status change based on Overdue and Suspend settings

Version 3.9.1 on 03 May 2017
Tweak: Improvements in WooCommerce 3.x compatibility

Version 3.9 on 25 April 2017
New: Welcome Page added
New: Trial and Product Subscription Purchase Restrictions code improved
New: Action hooks added which can be used for Renewal Orders
New: Code Optimized
Fix: Tax problem in renewal order when shipping address is not available in parent order with WooCommerce v3.x 
Fix: Product details display issue in Renewal Orders of Subscriptions
Fix: Subscription goes to trial without order changing to processing when there is tax, normal products etc in order

Version 3.8 on 16 April 2017
New: WooCommerce 3.0 Compatibility
Tweak: UI Enhancement in Subscription variation swapping

Version 3.7 on 05 April 2017
New: PayPal Error Codes displayed with messages for Inbuilt PayPal Adaptive Payment Gateway
New: Order subscription option for guest
New: PHP 7.1 compatibility
New: Actual Error Message from Stripe displayed in Checkout page
Tweak: Subscription renewal fee is display issue in Edit Subscription and My Account Page
Tweak: Email code revamped
Tweak: Variation Switcher script revamped
Tweak: Order Subscription and Synchronized payment information recording improvements
Tweak: PO files updated
Fix: Prorated amount not showing in cart for Synchronized Subscription Products for Guests
Fix: Prorating not working with multiple quantities when prorated amount is set to be charged on first renewal
Fix: Renewal fees not set in PayPal Subscriptions API for only Trial enabled products
Fix: Parent order deletion causing fatal error in Edit Subscription Page
Fix: Automatic Subscriptions not going to overdue when Stripe associated credit card is deleted or expired 

Version 3.6 on 14 March 2017
New: Email Templates can be overridden via Theme
New: Admin can filter which Card Brand icons to display for Inbuilt Stripe Payment Gateway
Fix: PayPal Reference Transaction problem
Fix: PayPal Adaptive Payment additional parameters added 
Fix: Order Subscription problem with Automatic payment
Fix: Language Translation issue when translated with PO Files
Fix: Not being able to place orders for Stripe zero decimal currencies

Version 3.5 on 02 March 2017
New: Coupon Discount can be applied for Renewal Orders with an option to restrict to specific Users/User roles
New: Subscription Date format improvements
New: Admin post message updated in Edit subscription page
Tweak: Code Improvements
Fix: Cron not set properly
Fix: Cancel Order button of normal WooCommerce Orders not working in my Account Page
Fix: Order Subscription message plan not displaying sometimes when refreshing the checkout page

Version 3.4 on 14 February 2017
Tweak: Code Improvements
Fix: Stripe library directory mismatch problem

Version 3.3 on 02 February 2017
New: Stripe libraries updated to latest version

Version 3.2 on 17 January 2017
New: Additional Digital Downloads can be linked with Subscription Products
weak: Updated po files

Version 3.1 on 09 January 2017
New: Displaying Additional Details in Subscription Details page
New: Display Options for PayPal Reference Transactions Payment Gateway
New: Display Confirmation message before Admin/user Cancels a Subscription
Tweak: Code optimized
Tweak: Updated po files
Fix: Subscription goes to Overdue when unpaid renewal order status changed to Completed/Processing after Subscription is Cancelled/Failed
Fix: Price crossed and displayed in Prorated Subscriptions

Version 3.0 on 25 November 2016
New: PayPal Reference Transaction Payment Gateway for Automatic Subscription Renewal 
New: Stripe Payment Gateway for Automatic Subscription Renewal 
New: PayPal Subscription API for Automatic Subscription Renewal 
New: New Hooks and Filters added 
New: Attributes of the Variable product are displayed to the user as separate options for Subscription Switching 
New: Code Optimized for Preapproval key retrieval 
New: Enable/Disable added for Preapproval validity for PayPal Adaptive Payment Gateway 
Tweak: Option added for setting the maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments parameter for PayPal Adaptive Payment Gateway 
Tweak: Po Files Updated Fix: Multiple Subscriptions in one purchase Payment failure issue 
Fix: Inclusive Tax issue in the Renewal Order 

Version 2.4 on 25 October 2016
New: SUMO Reward Points Payment Gateway can be used as an Automatic Subscription payment gateway
Tweak: Variation Subscription attributes added in renewal order line item
Tweak: Po files updated
Tweak: Code Optimization
Fix: Manual to Automatic switch subscription renewal issue
Fix: Renewal Count updating issue when old order is again Published as completed
Fix: Synchronization prorated amount applying on first renewal and first payment

Version 2.3 on 18 October 2016
New: Switching Variations of the similar variations of Variable Subscription Product
Tweak: Ending Date Validation in PayPal Adaptive when duration left empty
Fix: WooCommerce Activated check improvement

Version 2.2 on 13 October 2016
New: Subscription Synchronization 
Tweak: Optimized the Code to improve plugin performance
Tweak: Updated po and WPML files for Translation
Fix: Subscription duration shortcodes problem

Version 2.1 on 10 August 2016
New: Option to set Admin/User to select the Order Subscription duration
New: Order Subscription supported for Non-Subscription and Non-Membership Products
Tweak: Updated po files and WPML files
Fix: Downloadable items hidden problem
Fix: Subscriptions display problem in My Account Page
Fix: Compatibility issue with SUMO Memberships plugin

Version 2.0 on 04 August 2016
New: Order Subscription
New: Manual Subscription Order Creation by Admin
New: Added Hyperlink for navigating to related Renewal Orders
Tweak: Supports Grouped Subscription
Tweak: Code Updated for PayPal TLS Support
Tweak: Enable Pause/Resume Subscription option label changed as Allow Subscribers to Pause their Subscriptions
Tweak: Enable Cancel Subscription option label changed as Allow Subscribers to Cancel their Subscriptions
Tweak: Updated the Notes
Tweak: Updated the po files for String Translation
Tweak: Code Updated for PayPal TLS Support
Tweak: Improvements in CSS
Tweak: Optimized the code

Version 1.4 on 12 July 2016
- Fix: Unwanted error message when a normal product is purchased

Version 1.3 on 01 July 2016
- Fix: Credit Card Compatibility for WooCommerce 2.6.x

Version 1.2 on 23 June 2016
- New: Compatible with WooCommerce Version 2.6.1
- New: Compatible with SUMO Donations

Version 1.1 on 15 June 2016
- New: Compatible with SUMO Memberships

Version 1.0 on 07 June 2016
- Initial Release

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SUMO Subscriptions – WooCommerce Subscription System

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

SUMO Subscriptions - WooCommerce Subscription System

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