Download: Social Share & Locker Pro Wordpress Plugin Free Nulled

Preview: Social Share & Locker Pro Wordpress Plugin

Social Share&Locker Pro is far away the best Social sharing plugin for WordPress. Was built to cover all the necessities and to gets more Shares into your website.

With a Social Locker module integrated, brings over the Social Network a bigger exposure and viral visitors.

There’s no other sharing plugin that has the depth of options that you get from this one. Multiple Sharing Buttons, Different Display showcases, Followers buttons, Social Content Locker. If you do need help with something, the Support Team is ready to answer on all your questions

Social Networks for Sharing

Social Share&Locker is the only plugin on the market where the share buttons actually works very well. There are 60 share options: FaceBook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Vkontakte, DiggDigg, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Reddit, Delicious, Weibo, Xing, Print Friendly, Email Sharing, Odnoklassniki, Whatsapp, Bufferapp,, Meneame, Evernote, GetPocket, Flattr, ManageWP, MySpace, Yahoo Mail, GMail, HackerNews, Blogger, Amazon, Newsvine, Viadeo, DOUBAN, Baidu,, Yammer, SMS, Viber, Telegram, Comments, Love This, AOL, Flipboard, Send Email

You can control how your Sharing Buttons will show up, using a specific Template, horizontal/vertical position, with or without Network name or Social Counts.

Social Locker integration


The best way to spread your content and increase the the amount of traffic to your Website from most used Social Networks: FaceBook, Twitter, Google+ & LinkedIn .

Packed with special feature the Social Locker can become a dynamic tool for your social strategy. There you can set a Delay Time or to AutoUnlock some content after a while. The Visitors may needs to Share again your Page if you set the Locker to Reset after a certain time.

Do you want to Convert your Visitors into your Leads?

Just set in place the Smart Targeting Locker options

  • Registered Users – Based on Users status (logged or not logged) can Show/Hide the Social Locker
  • User Has Commented – If the current user is Logged, based on his Comments (if he done or not) the Locker can show up or can be hidden.
  • Users Roles – Show/Hide the Locker based on User WP Roles
  • Visits Only From Specific Ref – Such as Google, Yahoo, Big or even Custom Refs
  • Mobile Devices – The Social Locker can be hidden when your page is visited from a smartphone or tablet.

Social Share & Locker

Social Share & Locker Pro Wordpress Plugin is the ultimate social plugin built to help all the customers being more visible into the Social Networks. Is not just a simple social plugin, is that plugin that cover all the necessities and desires. With just few clicks you can set your social icons exactly into the right place or you can lock your content requesting a share on one of the social networks available.

Social Share & Locker Pro WordPress Plugin is very very easy to use and counts provided are the real share counts. The social plugin check with the Social Networks included into the plugin to get exactly the number of shares for your page, nothing less, nothing more.

Social Network Included

We’ve focused on the most important Social Networks used into the wide world. 38 Social Networks are available:

  • FaceBook
  • Twitter
  • Google Plus
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Vkontakte
  • DiggDigg
  • Stumbleupon
  • Tumblr
  • Reddit
  • Delicious
  • Weibo
  • Xing
  • Print Friendly
  • Email Sharing
  • Odnoklassniki
  • Whatsapp
  • Bufferapp
  • Meneame
  • Evernote
  • GetPocket
  • Flattr
  • ManageWP
  • MySpace
  • Yahoo Mail
  • GMail
  • HackerNews
  • Blogger
  • Amazon
  • Newsvine
  • Viadeo
  • Baidu
  • Yammer
  • SMS
  • Viber
  • Telegram
  • Comments
  • Love This
  • AOL
  • Flipboard
  • Send Email

Social Share Themes

You have 10 predefined Themes included and that should cover the most common desires. All the Social Themes are Retina Ready and built with CSS3 and the best Fonts in the world.

Multiple Social Share Themes example can be found here:See All the Included Social Themes

Social Share Full Name

With the Social Share & Locker plugin you can display the entire name of the Social Networks or only the Social Icon. Depends of your design, available space or desires with just one click you can Enable/Disable the Social Share Full Name

Social Share Counters

You decide if the counters will be displayed or not. The social plugin updates the counters on demand when someone try to share the page and it updates the share counts on every refresh of the page to be sure if the page was shared or not. Even if the user shared the page and after that delete the sharing post, the plugin will not count anymore. All the share counters are realistic.

Social Locker

This dedicated section is the “the cherry on top” of the plugin. Besides the Sharing Showcase, with Social Share & Locker plugin you can also increase your Social visibility by blocking the important content. Users needs to share your page to get that new content. The Locked content can be a download button, a paragraph of the text, a video or a image gallery.

You can see an example here:

Social Locker Example

Email Sharing

For your visitors that don’t wanna share on a social network or can not do that, now, they are still able to share your page to friends using the Email Share feature. The Social Share & Locker includes a predefined Sharing popup where the visitors can send an emails with a custom content to their friends. All the predefined content from that popup can be easily changed from the Plugin Dashboard.

Social Share Compatibility

We’ve built this great plugin to be compatible with multiple platforms inside to WordPress. The most common were tested and Social Share & Locker is ready to be used.

  • WooCommerce
  • JigoShop
  • BuddyPress

Social Share Visual Composer Integration

The Visual Composer Plugin is the most powerful and used page builder for WordPress. We’ve built dedicated modulse for Social Share & Locker to be directly integrated into the Visual Composer

You add your custom Social Icons into your Page content using the page builder in few seconds. With few clicks, your Social Icons are integrated.

Social Locker has a special module that can makes any row to be come a locked content. So, any content set into the Visual Composer row (text, video, images, tabs, prices, buttons) now can be very very easy locked and you can request a share action to be displayed. All the Social Locker features can be found into the “Row” settings from Visual Composer also.

Multiple Social Share Display types

You can display the Social Networks box on multiple places and in multiple ways:

  • Website Display – The Social Icons can displayed and
    placed related to the entire website
    Can be set without restriction on the top
    or bottom, left or right based on certain
    pixels or percentage.
    The Social Box can float with the entire
    content window.
  • Content Display – Social Icons Box can be related to the
    content area. Can be set in many ways
    and aligned Vertical or Horizontal.

    Top Content
    Bottom Content
    Custom Position
    Top/Bottom or Left/Right absolute

  • ShortCode Display – You can build your own ShortCode
    with few clicks and set wherever you
    want it inside the website.

    Full features and options are available

Other Features

  • Fast Social Buttons Loading
  • Responsive Social Themes
  • CSS3 Hover Effects
  • Custom Box Position
  • Display based on page’s type
  • 2 Social Buttons Align type (horizontal/vertical)
  • Social Share ShortCode generator
  • Social Locker ShortCode generator
  • Realistic Share Counts
  • Visual Composer integration
  • Passion and Soul
  • Great Support


Ho to install the Social Share & Locker Pro Plugin?

Ho to set Social Share as a Website Display?

Ho to set Social Share as a Content Display?

Ho to use Social Share via ShortCode?

Ho to use Social Locker?

Ho to get a FaceBook App ID?

New Items Release

Ultimate Affiliate Pro WordPress Plugin

In the Future…

Social Share & Locker plugin is already in use on some of our regular clients websites and we know that the next think they want is to have a nice new templates.


If you want to use Social Share & Locker plugin, all you need to do is install WordPress 3.0+, and install the plugin.

Updates Log

How to Update the Plugin?

Version 7.7

- Implemented new Envato API

Version 7.6

- Fix FaceBook Shares Counts
- Add new Facebook credentials requirements
- Fix LinkedIn Counts
- Improve Offline Counts workflow
- Improve system performances

Version 7.5

- ADD <strong>16 NEW</strong> Social Networks
- ADD <strong>SUBSCRIBE</strong> special button and workflow
- Fix Pinterest Share workflow
- Fix Twitter Image sharing process
- Update Google+ Followers integration
- Update for ssl workflow
- Update FaceBook Followers integration
- Fix Google+ Share Locker
- Fix Google+ Counts
- Improve JS workflow
- Improve counts workflow

Version 7.4

- Update the Product Verification process
- Improve compatibility with Ultimate Affiliate Pro v.4.x

Version 7.3

- Update Social Locker based on FaceBook changes

Version 7.2

- Improve the Init workflow
- Improve the Counts and Locker workflow

Version 7.1

- Improve the Custom Content Share workflow
- Improve the Social Locker workflow
- Additional workflow optimization 

Version 7.0

- Compability with Visual Composer v.5.x
- Improve Plugin Performance

Version 6.9

- Integrated with Ultimate Affiliate Pro for custom Link share
- Improve Offline Counts

Version 6.8

- Update FaceBook share counts on the latest FaceBook API changes
- Improve LoveThis button workflow

Version 6.7

- Ready for Ultimate Affiliate Pro system

Version 6.6

- Fix LinkedIn Locker
- Fix Older Locker workflow
- Improve Plugin Dashboard 

Version 6.5

- New Social Share buttons: FlipBoard, Telegram, AOL, LoveThis, Comments, Send Email
- New Social Locker buttons: VKontakte, Pinterest, Odnoklassniki

Version 6.4

- Plugin Dashboard Improvements

Version 6.3

- Add new Sharing Buttons: SMS,Viber
- Improve Twitter Total counts

Version 6.2

- Improve Share URL workflow

Version 6.1

- Fix Minimum Counts feature
- Fix Statistics Icons
- Improve Twitter Counts - Offline Counts
- Improve Mobile Templates Showcase

Version 6.0

- ADD 8 Share Buttons:Blogger, Amazon, Newsvine, Viadeo, DOUBAN, Baidu,, Yammer
- ADD 100+ Follows Networks
- Add Locker Complete Hidden Content
- Add Locker Show/Hide Registered Users Condition
- Add Locker Show/Hide Commented Users Condition
- Add Locker Show/Hide Based on User Roles Condition
- Add Locker Show/Hide Based on Specific Refferer Condition
- Fix Locker Reset Time
- Improve Locker worflow
- Improve Share on special URLs
- Improve Social Share Dashboard
- Improve FaceBook Share on different Destinations.
- Improve Visual Composer Compatibility
- ADD "Content Display" - Show/Hide into Post List    

Version 5.2

- Improve Locker worflow
- Add Locker "BLUR" OverlLock option
- Add Locker Delay activation time
- Improve Pinterest workflow
- Improve Counts Loading
- Improve Locker "Opacity" workflow

Version 5.1

- Improve Locker worflow for VC start with 4.5
- Improve Share Counts loading&updating
- Improve Offline Counts
- Improve DashBoard Style

Version 5.0

- ADD ShortLink
- ADD Custom CSS
- Improve Locker for VC
- ADD Locker Option for VC
- Improve FaceBook Share
- Fix Disable Box from Posts

Version 4.9

- Fix Offline Counts
- Fix Total Counts
- Improve Locker OverLay workflow

Version 4.8

- Improve Mobile Display Templates
- Ready for Social Share Mega Theme Pack AddOn
- Ready for Social Share Point AddOn

Version 4.7

- Fix Locker with Mobile Disable
- Improve Pinterest PopUp Images
- Improve Standard Themes Design
- Improve Statistics
- Add WatsApp Social Network
- Add BufferApp Social Network
- Add Social Network
- Add Meneame Social Network
- Add Evernote Social Network
- Add GetPocket Social Network
- Add Flattr Social Network
- Add ManageWP Social Network
- Add MySpace Social Network
- Add Hackernews Social Network
- Add Yahoo Mail Option
- Add GMail Option
- Ready for Share Point AddOn
- Fix Authenticated Facekbook Share
- Add Offline Counts feature
- Improve "Where to Display" option

Version 4.6

- Improve Default Settings
- Fix Locker with Visual Composer
- Improve Twitter/LinkedIn Counts verification

Version 4.5

- Improve Default Settings
- Fix Locker with Visual Composer
- Improve Simple Icons ShowUp
- Compress Files

Version 4.4

- Fix Pinterest Button
- Fix Follow Buttons with standard Templates
- Improve Special CSS Classes

Version 4.3

- Fix Where to Display section for CPT

Version 4.2

- ADD "After Share" options
- ADD Share Icons Order
- ADD Follow Icons Order
- Ready for "Page Views" AddOn
- Improve DashBoard Workflow
- Improve Total Shares
- Fix Special Custom Post Types Categories
- Fix Where to Display Section
- Fix FaceBook Share on Mobile
- Fix Shortcode PHP
- Add custom CSS classes for each Display type

Version 4.1

- ADD Locker Mobile features
- Improve Dashboard Teamplates workflow
- Improve VC Elements features
- Improve Share Bar AddOn integration

Version 4.0

- ADD Social Follow Display
- Ready for Share Bar AddOn
- Improve Dashboard workflow

Version 3.9

- Add Total Share Feature
- Add Column Icons display feature
- Add Aligment Icon feature
- Add Popup Display Title
- Add Slide In Display Title
- Improve Dashboard workflow
- Improve Custom Content Share feature

Version 3.8

- ADD Show Up Animation
- Add Custom Post Types compatibility
- Improve Dashboard workflow

Version 3.7

- Add SLIDE IN Display
- Add POPUP Display
- Add Custom Content to Share
- Add Custom Social Labels
- Improve Dashboard workflow
- Improve Counts Loading Speed
- Improve LinkedIn Counts
- Improve Twitter Counts
- WordPress SEO Compatibility

Version 3.6

- Add Statistics
- Improve Locker CSS

Version 3.5

- Improve Mobile Display
- Add Special Mobile Templates
- Improvements Code

Version 3.4

- Add Mobile Display Features
- Add Mobile restrictions
- Add Twitter Image option
- Improvement Code
- Improvement Dashboard
- Fix Twitter Share special content

Version 3.3

- Fix Permalink URL for Sharing

Version 3.2

- Fix Social Locker Auto-reset

Version 3.1

- Improve Share Counts WorkFlow
- Improve Share Counts Calls

Version 3.0

- Add Locker Features
- Add Locker Themes
- Add Locker Delay Feature
- Add Locker Disabled for Register Users
- Add Locker Overlay Types
- Improve Dashoard Design

Version 2.1

- Fix SSL stage
- Add Minimum Shares Condition

Version 2.0

- Fix Functions Conflict
- Fix Infinite Counts
- Fix Files Calls
- Fix Delicious name

Version 1.9

- Add Initial Counts

Version 1.8

- Fix Visual Composer Conflict
- Fix Share Special Characters on Tw
- Add Pinterest PopUp
- Improve CSS code
- Improve Customize Fonts

Version 1.7

- Add Google +1 Share Locker
- Add LinkedIn Share Locker
- Visual Composer Improvements
- Counting Improvements

Version 1.6

- Add New Social Share Networks
- Improve Twitter Mention Update

Version 1.5

- New Templates Ready
- Fix Css Classess for FA

Version 1.4

- Add Visual Composer Features

Version 1.3

- Add Send Email
- Add Permalink feature
- LinkedIn Window Fixed
- Add WooCommerce Compatibility
- Add BuddyPress Compatibility
- Add JigoShop Compatibility

Version 1.2

- Add Default Image
- Improve Content Share

Version 1.1

- Fix Social URL issue
- Optional Facebook App for Share
- Option FaceBook App for Locker
- Improvements Loading Counts


  • FontAwesome
  • jQuery UI Draggable
  • jQuery UI Effects
  • JStorage JS
  • Json2 JS
  • Animate CSS
  • jQuery UI DatePicker JS
  • jQuery Flot JS
  • ColorPicker JS

    TMDb Pro – Movie & TV Show Details Plugin For The Movie Database

    Social Share & Locker Pro Wordpress Plugin

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

    Why do we use it?

    It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

    Where does it come from?

    Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

    Where can I get some?

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

    Social Share & Locker Pro Wordpress Plugin

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