QuickStore: Single & Multi Channel/Store Inventory & Pos With QrCode & WhatsApp

QuickStore: Single & Multi Channel/Store Inventory & Pos With QrCode & WhatsApp
Preview QuickStore: Single & Multi Channel/Store Inventory & Pos With QrCode & WhatsApp

QuickStore: Multi Branch/Store Inventory & Pos With QrCode & WhatsApp is the World’s simplest and most efficient web-based multi-channel inventory and point of sale management platform where users can manage order and warehouse together for multiple branches or channels or store. Designed specifically for shopping malls grocery stores with multiple branches with customer membership. In the system SMS gateway available & Wati WhatsApp SMS, Customers can be registered themselves and credit balance in their account, and shop owners can keep records of their inventory and many more.



Login Page

Username: [email protected]

Password: 123456

Username: [email protected]

Password: 123456

Username: [email protected]

Password: 123456



Beautiful dashboard for each user with advance features and graphs.

Send notifications

Send the customer a friendly notification through WhatsApp after check-in and recharging the credit amount.

Multiple Shop

Create multiple shops with appropriate details of both shop and shop owner

Variations of product

Add products of different variations with different price tags.

Customer recognition

Make your customer feel truly welcome. Your customer name will be displayed on the screen as they check-in and the app can remember details, like how they like their drink. They are not new here


Admin has the supreme power to monitor everything.

Data protection

Your data is safe with us. It is backed up daily across multiple servers, so you can have access to it even if there is a hardware issue. It is also yours to keep. You can, at any time, retrieve all your data.


Users can print sales,purchase and stock report .


customer can check their balance anytime with their mobile number.

Change Log

Version 1.0 (18-08-2021)

- Initialize release


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