Download: Powerful Shipping Methods for WooCommerce Free Nulled

Preview: Powerful Shipping Methods for WooCommerce

Powerful Shipping Methods is the best plugin for website administrators that want a simple way to do shipping. It uses simple rules that don’t require you to create shipping zones or use complicated logic.


Here are the main features of the plugin.

More than 14 Variables
Rules depend on shipping class, product category, product, product query, country, zip code, city, shipping time, shipping date, backorder, fixed fee, cart total, distance, weight, volume, dimensional weight, quantity, store and vendor.
Custom Error Message
Create rules to change the shipping not available message that the customer sees when no shipping is available.

Label on Checkout Page
Use rules to change the label for shipping that the customer sees on the checkout page.

Create shipping cost calculations from the shipping variables.

Effective Rules
This plugin also allows you to take the maximum or to sum the costs of the rules, product rows or shipping classes whose conditions are satisfied.
Distance Variable
Use point-to-point or road distance to calculate distance in miles/km. Use the actual distance calculated or round it up or to the nearest mile/km.

Delivery Origin Address(es)
Specify an origin address for delivery, define multiple stores from where delivery can start or allow the customer to enter where the delivery is from. Here’s the demo for this feature.
Multi-Vendor Sites
Users who have created products can be added to the shipping rules.

Essential Shipping Cost Features
Rule costs depend on flat fee, cart total, distance, weight, volume, dimensional weight and quantity. For each variable, you can define cost per unit starting from a value (e.g. $2 per mile starting from 10 miles would mean that a customer 11 miles from the store would be charged $2).
When No Rules Satisfied
When no rules are satisfied, no shipping is available for the customer and they cannot order. You can choose the message that the customer sees to tell them that no shipping is available. You can add conditions to display different messages when no shipping is available depending on distance, cart total, etc.

Choose whether to apply tax to the shipping method.
Back Orders
Apply rules depending on whether a product is on back order.

This plugin is made up of rules so you can e.g. change the name of the shipping depending on which shipping cost applies to the customer (e.g. the customer can see the shipping charged as “Free Delivery” if the customer is within 5 miles). This feature is only available for sites that use one language.

Some of the Features for Calculating WooCommerce Shipping Costs

The great features of this WooCommerce shipping method extension include:

  • Taxable or non-taxable WooCommerce Shipping
  • Miles or km
  • Round distances up or to nearest mile/km or no rounding
  • Use road or point-to-point distance to measure distances
  • Shipping title shortcodes
  • Use custom queries in rule conditions
  • Change WooCommerce Shipping error messages using shortcodes
  • Maps APIs (Bing Maps API Key required for distance calculations)
  • Sum Rules Over Product Rows
  • Sum Rules that Match Order
  • Combine Shipping Rules using Minimum or Maximum of Matching Rules
  • Change shipping title in Rules
  • Apply Shipping Rules to WooCommerce Product Categories
  • Apply Shipping Rules to WooCommerce Products
  • International Shipping and Rules per Country
  • Delivery Times
  • Stock Control with WooCommerce Back Order Condition
  • Flat Rate Shipping Costs
  • WooCommerce Shipping Costs Depending on Cart Total
  • WooCommerce Shipping Costs Depending on Distance
  • WooCommerce Shipping Costs Depending on Quantity
  • WooCommerce Shipping Costs Depending on Weight
  • WooCommerce Shipping Costs Depending on Volume
  • WooCommerce Shipping Costs Depending on Dimensional Weight
  • WooCommerce Shipping Cost Conditions depending on minimum/maximum of Cart Total
  • WooCommerce Shipping Cost Conditions depending on minimum/maximum of Distance
  • WooCommerce Shipping Cost Conditions depending on minimum/maximum of Quantity
  • WooCommerce Shipping Cost Conditions depending on minimum/maximum of Weight
  • WooCommerce Shipping Cost Conditions depending on minimum/maximum of Volume
  • WooCommerce Shipping Cost Conditions depending on minimum/maximum of Dimensional Weight
  • Special Delivery
  • Collection
  • Fully supported and kept up-to-date with latest versions of WooCommerce/Wordpress
  • In multiple store woocommerce shipping, an email is sent to chosen store
  • Multilanguage ready (mo and po files)
  • Works with WooCommerce Cart and Checkout
  • Multi-browser compatible
  • Regular updates including new features

Example Sites

Sites that use this plugin include:


Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.39
- Updated to improve shipping calculations and rule saving in shipping zones.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.38
- Updated to improve rule saving in shipping zones.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.37
- Updated to improve rule saving in shipping zones.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.36
- Added the option to use website time instead of a dropdown for delivery times on the checkout page.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.35
- Improved one of the dropdowns on the checkout page.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.34
- Improved shipping error messages (when shipping is unavailable).

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.33
- Improved rounding of distances.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.32
- Improved display Bing Maps on admin pages.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.31
- Improved display Bing Maps on admin pages and usage of Bing Maps API.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.30
- Improved displaying of messages when shipping not available.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.29
- Improved point-to-point distance calculation.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.28
- Improved Bing Maps road distance for multiple stores.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.27
- Admin maps changed from Google Maps to Bing Maps.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.26
- Avoiding tolls removed (Google Maps feature).
- Mile-km conversion of point-to-point distance calculations improved.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.25
- Google Maps API removed.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.24
- Improved displaying of store title of stores chosen by user.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.23
- Improved distance calculations in miles and choosing stores dropdown.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.22
- Implemented Envato Market WordPress plugin to make updates easier.

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.21
- Improved road distance calculation
- Postal codes no longer required in India

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.20
- Improved road distance calculation

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.19
- Updated to improve the saving of stores

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.18
- Updated to improve the road distance javascript 

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.17
- CSS of the rules has been improved 

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.16
- Updated to improve the calculation of road distance

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.15
- Bing Maps API added to this plugin 

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.14
- Updated to improve the text displayed to admin when admin enters values in the rule table

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.13
- Updated to improve the ajax when a customer who is not logged in chooses a store 

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.12
- The generation of html for the shopping cart has been improved

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.11
- Updated to only display the Shipping From address when a shipping method which requires a delivery from address is enabled 

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.10
- Updated for the latest version of WooCommerce

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.9
- Updated to move the Google API Key field

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.8
- Improved previous updated

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.7
- Updated to improve the ajax and to improve the last update

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.6
- Updated to improve shipping zones

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.5
- Updated to be compatible with more plugins

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.4
- Updated to improve how weight is calculated

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.3
- Updated to not charge tax when the tax status is none 

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.2
- Updated to move changing the shipping error message to the shipping options and to check if use distance is selected before calculating distance or displaying the Google map 

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.1
- Updated for latest version of WooCommerce

Powerful WooCommerce Shipping 7.0
- Updated to be compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 4.0 - 2014
- Upgrade to WooCommerce 2.1
- New feature - Add extra costs if product on back order

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 4.0 - 2014
- Upgrade to WooCommerce 2.1
- New feature - [delivery_time] shortcode
- New feature - google map added to cart/checkout to show customer location
- New feature - addresses looked up in site language
- New feature - more explanation text to improve usability

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.9 - 2014
- New Feature - Use dimensional weight to define shipping cost
- Improved Usability - Improved explanations on settings page
- Improvement - Prices in Cart/Checkout

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.8 - 2014
- Added titles which change depending on which shipping rate conditions are satisfied.

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.7 - 2014
- Added backward compatability with older versions of php
- Added more compatability with other WordPress/WooCommerce themes and plugins/extensions

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.6 - 2014
- Improved PHP version compatability
- Improved compatability with other wordpress/woocommerce plugins
- Added delivery time to woocommerce cart
- Added delivery time to woocommerce checkout
- Added delivery time to shipping rate conditions

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.5.3 - 3.5.10 - 2013
- Improved titles for Shipping Rate
- Improved plugin description on wordpress/woocommerce plugins page
- Added compatability with more wordpress/woocommerce themes
- Improved navigation
- Improved woocommerce order emails

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.5.2 - 2013
- Added support for https websites
- Loading search on page load

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.5.1 - 2013
- WPML (WordPress) Language file update

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.5 - 2013
- Added combining shipping rate option as maximum of Shipping Rate that apply

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.4 - 2013
- Improvements to how Powerful Shipping Methods plugin works

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.3 - 2013
- Improvements to how Powerful Shipping Methods plugin works

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.2 - 2013
- Improvement to WP's Multilanguage mo and po files

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.1 - 2013
- Improvement to road distance calculation

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 3.0 - 2013
- New feature - multiple stores shipping costs
- New feature - shipping stores - calculate shipping costs for multiple stores
- New feature - shipping store address
- New feature - shipping store email address
- New feature - send woocommerce email to store upon multi-store order
- New feature - custom store locator compatible

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.10 - 2013
- Documentation update

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.7 - 2013
- New feature - option to use road distance to measure delivery distance to calculate woocommerce shipping costs

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.8 - 2013
- New feature - option to round shipping distances to nearest mile/km

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.7 - 2013
New Feature - Shipping Costs per Product Line
New Feature - Shipping Cost as the Sum of All Shipping Rules
New Feature - Added WooCommerce Product as Variable in Shipping Costs
New Feature - Added WooCommerce Product Category as Variable in Shipping Costs

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.6 - 2013
Fixed two small errors

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.5 - 2013
New Feature - Special Delivery Shipping Rate

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.4 - 2013
New Feature - Flat fee for Collection

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.3 - 2013
New Feature - Free collection as an extra woocommerce shipping method
Fix - javascript verification of shipping settings

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.2 - 2013
- Fix - Improved multiple shipping rate cost calculation.

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.1 - 2013
- New Feature - Quantity added as a shipping cost variable.

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 2.0 - 2013
- New Feature - Use minimum and maximum volume as a condition to calculate shipping rate's shipping cost
- New Feature - Use minimum and maximum weight as a condition to calculate shipping rate's shipping cost
- New Feature - Use maximum cart total as a condition to calculate shipping rate's shipping cost
- New Feature - Use cart total to define shipping cost
- New Feature - Use weight to define shipping cost
- New Feature - Use volume total to define woocommerce shipping cost
- New Feature - Start shipping cost calculation from 0 or minimum value

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 1.6 - 2013
- Improvement - Deleting cached Shipping Rate when shipping settings are saved.

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 1.5 - 2013
- Improvement - Improved shipping address lookup.
- Improvement - Changed WooCommerce settings to not required zip codes in countries that do not use zip codes.

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 1.4 - 2013
- Theme Compatability - Solved compatability issues with some WordPress/WooCommerce themes.

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 1.3 - 2013
- New Feature - Added a settings link to the shipping costs on the WordPress plugins page.
- New Feature - Changed the shipping admin page to be responsive.

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 1.2 - 2013
- New Feature: Added multilingual localization (mo and po file for translations)
- New Feature: Made WooCommerce's "Invalid shipping method" message changeable.

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 1.1 - 2013
- New Feature: Added street address to calculate costs in the shopping cart
- Fix: Fixed outstanding issues

Distance WooCommerce Shipping Rate Plugin for Wordpress 1.0 - 2013
- Created WooCommerce Shipping Method Plugin (WooCommerce extension)

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Powerful Shipping Methods plugin support feature addition?

This is not included within this woocommerce shipping plugin but if you have good ideas, then send them to the author and they might be implemented.

I have a Wordpress site. Can I use Powerful Shipping Methods plugin?

Powerful Shipping Methods plugin is a WooCommerce extension so it depends on WooCommerce. Just install and activate the WooCommerce plugin in WordPress to use Powerful Shipping Methods plugin. WooCommerce is a free WordPress ecommerce plugin.

API Keys

(Please note that this plugin requires a Bing Maps API key or a Google API Key if you would like to use the distance calculation features.)

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Powerful Shipping Methods for WooCommerce

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

Powerful Shipping Methods for WooCommerce

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