Notify every WordPress post change!
You want to be notified when one of your contributors submitted a new post for revision or an editor published one? Vice versa you want to notify your contributors when their posts got published?
This is just the beginning of what you can achieve with Post Status Notifier (PSN)!
It works with all kind of custom post types, supports all custom taxonomies like categories and tags of other plugins. You can grab all these taxonomy values and custom fields attached to a post and use them as placeholders in your custom notification texts. PSN has a powerful conditional template syntax featuring many filters and functions to get the most out of the placeholders!
Define as many notification rules as you need with all kind of settings, like custom CC, BCC and FROM emails addresses.
PSN is extensible! Build your custom module to implement a new notification service.
PSN works great with plugins like WP Job Manager (read the blog post), (read the blog post), Crowdfunding by Astoundify (read the blog post), WP User Frontend (read the blog post) or Advanced Custom Fields, just to name a few. The possibilities are endless. Want to automate your publishing workflow with Buffer? No problem!
And if you are looking for a solution to create custom email notifications for user submitted posts, PSN works great together with Frontend Publishing Pro, also available on CodeCanyon.
Plugin homepage:
- New status “Not scheduled”
- New rule condition: Post ID whitelist / blacklist, see documentation page.
- New rule condition: Exclude recipients by user ID or email address
- Custom rule match condition based on template syntax, see: Dynamic match condition
- Content Diffs, see:
- Rule trigger limitations, see:
- Dynamic recipients, see:
- Late execution, see:
- Mandrill support, see:
- Redesigned options page for better overview
- New in version 1.7: Mail Queue
- Handle large amounts of generated notification emails by sending them deferred
- Customize max amount, mail queue execution recurrence and max tries on errors
- Optionally log successfully sent emails in the mail queue log
- Uses WordPress’s internal Cron API to trigger mail queue execution
- Define custom notification rules
- Categories filter: Include or exclude categories (even from custom post types) from notifications
- Create custom email texts with support for many placeholders
- Supports user roles (custom roles too) as email recipients
- Import / export of your notification rules
- Custom sender e-mail. Define the notification sender (FROM) per rule or as a default in the options.
- Support for HTML mails
- Create email templates for reusability
- Support for posts, pages and all custom post types
- Support for all post status values
- You can choose from a variety of placeholders to perfectly adapt the email texts to your needs
- Dynamic placeholders: You will be able to fetch every custom field or taxonomy attached to your posts
- Placeholder filters: Completely adjust the content of placeholders to your needs (supports the filters of the famous PHP template engine Twig)
- Use PSN’s powerful conditional template syntax to dynamically create your notification texts
- Many filters to change the placeholder contents
- Conditions (if, elseif, else) and Loops
- Use special functions to access any kind of data e.g. wp.get_userdata( [post_author] )
- Store your recipients email addresses in custom lists. No need to create WordPress user accounts for each recipient.
- Supports SMTP. You find all necessary SMTP settings to connect your SMTP server in the options section.
- WordPress multisite compatible
- Optional logging: Logs status changes based on your rules
- Dashboard widget showing the latest log entries
- Comprehensive documentation
- Included translations: english, german
- Support in english and german via Zendesk:
- Tested on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
- Built on our WordPress Plugin Framework
- PSN is ready to be extended by custom modules (see the manual)
- Implement support for your own notification / messaging service
- Add custom placeholders to perfectly adjust PSN to your plugin or theme
- Endless possibilities…
- Please contact me if you have questions about extending PSN
What customers say
“Great plugin, look through maybe 7 plugins until found this one and it is the best.”
– misolek
“just got the pro version and it?s working great, awesome plugin man and thanks for your excellent support”
– nomadone
“This plugin is very intuitive and works great. Very helpful support. Top notch!”
– Rick
“Thank you for your great support ? the plugin works great now and has accomplished what 5 other commercial and free plugins couldn?t ? to provide simple and configurable email notifications for WP status changes.”
– Jon
Who is using it?
Use cases
Here are some simple examples of how you can use Post Status Notifier. You can easily adapt the notification rules to your own use case.
You host a blog / website with several authors and you want to be informed when a new post is ready for review? This rule sends a notification email to the blog admin when a new post got submitted for review.
This rule sends an email to the author of a post when it got published.
This rule is for blog admins who want to be informed about every single post status change.
If you are using Buffer for automatically sharing your WordPress posts with your social profiles, PSN can do the job for you. See how it works in this blog post.
- WordPress >= 3.3
- PHP >= 5.3
Version 1.9.5 – Release: 2019/07/06
- Changed: Options page layout improved
- Fixed: Support for ACF field type with non scalar values, like “Select”, “Post Object” and others
- Fixed: Removed PHP Notices
- Fixed: Issue with submit form of plugin “WP User Frontend”
Version 1.9.4 – Release: 2019/03/04
- Added: Button to save and stay on page for mail template form
- Fixed: Bulk actions did not work anymore
- Fixed: PHP 7.x improvements
- Fixed: Some database tables were not removed when the plugin was deleted
Version 1.9.3 – Release: 2018/10/17
- Fixed: Error on plugin activation
Version 1.9.2 – Release: 14.10.2018
- Fixed: Some PSN database tables have been created with type MyISAM. This has been removed to create default type which will be InnoDB in most cases.
- Fixed: The initialization procedure of the plugin has been improved.
Version 1.9.1 – Release: 10.01.2018
- Fixed: Improved error message handling (PHP notices were displayed on PSN admin pages)
Version 1.9.0 – Release: 23.05.2017
- Added: Support for ACF custom fields improved
- Added: New status “Not scheduled”
- Added: New rule condition: Post ID whitelist / blacklist
- Added: New rule condition: Exclude recipients by user ID or email address
- Added: Custom rule match condition based on template syntax
- Fixed: Rule match handling improved
Version 1.8.9 – Release: 05.05.2016
- Fixed: Compatibility fix for PHP 7
- Fixed: Minor fixes
Version 1.8.8 – Release: 13.12.2015
- Added: New placeholders for post title and content diffs: [post_diff_title], [post_diff_content] (see:
- Fixed: Compatibility fix for PHP 7
Version 1.8.7 – Release: 28.11.2015
- Added: New placeholder when running inside TO loop: [recipient_ID]
- Added: New placeholder when running inside TO loop: [recipient_user_email]
- Changed: Improved SMTP debug mode to not produce output in AJAX requests
- Changed: HTML emails editor update
- Fixed: On some hosters it could lead to issues with PHP open_basedir setting
Version 1.8.6 – Release: 05.11.2015
- Bugfix: Whitespace in a script file caused PSN admin pages to result in an error after form submits
- Bugfix: Passing emails to Mandrill could result in errors if custom FROM was used
Version 1.8.5 – Release: 28.10.2015
- Added: New rule option “Exclude current user” with which you can exclude the current user who saves / updates the post from all recipients
- Changed: License handling on multisite installations. Go to network settings / Post Status Notifier to activate the license network wide
- Changed: License form moved to a dedicated tab section on default (non multisite) installations
- Bugfix: Placeholders [post_status_before] and [post_status_after] could be empty
- Bugfix: Custom FROM set in the option could lead to problems if format “Sender Name <[email protected]>” was used
Version 1.8.4 – Release: 18.09.2015
- New placeholders: [post_categories_slugs], [post_categories_slugs_array], [post_tags_slugs], [post_tags_slugs_array] (thanks to syntax53 for the proposal)
- Tweak: On multisite update, the PHP maximum execution timeout will be resetted to the default 30 seconds for every site to not run into a timeout with very large networks
- Minor fixes
Version 1.8.3 – Release: 26.08.2015
- Security improvements.
Version 1.8.2 – Release: 23.07.2015
- Bugfix: Selftester could produce an error message about insufficient permissions.
Version 1.8.1 – Release: 09.07.2015
- Tweak: Category handling improved: special characters in category names could not be matched
- Tweak: Frontend post submission improved: Category filter did not work for posts submitted via frontend
Version 1.8 – Release: 27.04.2015
- New feature: Rule trigger limitations see:
- New feature: Dynamic recipients see:
- New feature: Late execution see:
- New feature: Mandrill support (see Options / Advanced)
- Redesigned options page for better overview
Version 1.7 – Release: 09.12.2014
- New feature: Mail Queue (Deferred sending)
- Improved logging: Shows detailed email contents now, including HTML mails
- Bugfix: Placeholder [post_editlink] could not be replaced in case of users without edit rights changed the post status (e.g. if the permission exceeded in the meantime but he still gets emails)
- Bugfix: Mail template HTML editor produced an JS error when opened in edit mode in Firefox
Version 1.6.3 – Release: 21.10.2014
- Bugfix: Service section environment info metabox could break in certain cases
- Bugfix: FROM was empty if no custom FROM was set
- Improvement: Rule and mail template export could break when other plugins interfered via filters
- Fix: Rule placeholder help screen showed “post_featured_image_src” which should be “post_featured_image_url”
Version 1.6.2 – Release: 15.09.2014
- Bugfix in custom tags handling
Version 1.6.1 – Release: 14.09.2014
- Major improvements for the support of Categories and Tags.
- Major improvements for the support of Custom Fields
- Major improvements for the support of Scheduled Posts.
Version 1.6 – Release: 23.08.2014
- New feature: Support for conditions, loops, functions and filters in subject and body texts. Enables to access any kind of data attached to a post. Allows to create dynamic texts.
- New feature: Block notifications options in Post submit box. Lets you decide to completely block notifications before you update / create a post.
- New feature: One email per TO recipient. Notifications can get send in a loop with one email per TO recipient disregarding CC and BCC recipients. This feature is has Beta status.
- New placeholder: [post_categories_array] Contains an array for easy use with filters
- New placeholder: [post_tags_array] Contains an array for easy use with filters
- New placeholder: [post_custom_fields_array] Contains an array for easy use with filters
- New placeholder: [post_preview_25] Contains the first 25 words of the post content
- New placeholder: [post_preview_50] Contains the first 50 words of the post content
- New placeholder: [post_preview_75] Contains the first 75 words of the post content
- New placeholder: [post_preview_100] Contains the first 100 words of the post content
- New placeholder: [post_content_strip_tags] The post content without HTML tags
- New placeholder: [post_featured_image_url] If a post has a featured image, this placeholders contains its URL
- New placeholder: [post_featured_image_width] The featured image width
- New placeholder: [post_featured_image_height] The featured image height
- New placeholder: [recipient_first_name] Only works in “One email per TO recipient” mode. The firstname of the recipient if it is available in the user profile.
- New placeholder: [recipient_last_name] Only works in “One email per TO recipient” mode. The lastname of the recipient if it is available in the user profile.
- New custom post status: “Not trash” will match every status but “Trash”
Version 1.5.2 – Release: 03.06.2014
- Bugfix: In some cases the service section produced an error message (Call to undefined function apache_get_version())
Version 1.5.1 – Release: 13.05.2014
- Improvement: Duplicate recipients get removed
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the Logger module (Sent emails haven’t been logged correctly)
Version 1.5 – Release: 06.05.2014
- New feature: HTML mail support and email templates. Prepare your email templates once and select them for different notification rules.
- New feature: Auto-update via WordPress backend. Never have to upload the files via FTP again. You have to enter your license code in the plugin’s settings.
- New feature: More flexible To, Cc, Bcc selection. Multiple selections are possible now.
- New feature: Editor restriction. Select one or more roles the editor of a post must be member of so that the notification will be generated.
- New feature: Recipients lists. Manage email addresses without the need to create user accounts.
- New custom post status “Not pending”: Matches all post status values except “pending”
- New custom post status “Not private”: Matches all post status values except “private”
- New placeholder [post_editlink]: Contains the backend edit URL
- Removed post types “attachement”, “nav_menu_item” from rule settings as they are not treated like post types (have no status before/after)
- Support for placeholders in FROM
- Refactoring for performance improvements
Version 1.4.1 – Release: 11.02.2014
- Bugfix: Missing translation class (
Version 1.4 – Release: 05.02.2014
- New custom placeholders which will specifically match custom categories and tags registered with your blog.
- New feature:Dynamic placeholders: You will be able to fetch every custom field attached to your posts.
- New feature: Placeholder filters. This is a very powerful feature. You can use all filters of the famous PHP template engine Twig to manipulate the output of all placeholders PSN offers you, including the new dynamic placeholders.
- New feature: Import / Export notification rules
- New feature: Copy notification rules
- New feature: New recipient type “Individual e-mail”. Enter a custom e-mail address as main recipient (TO).
- New feature: Custom sender e-mail. Define the notification sender per rule or as a default in the options.
- New notification rule status “Not published”. This will match every post status but “publish”.
- New placeholder: [post_format]
Version 1.3 – Release: 08.01.2014
- New feature: Notification rules have a categories filter now
- New placeholder: [post_permalink] can be used for notification texts. Contains the post’s permalink (uses WP internal get_permalink function)
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which occured when not logged in users changed post status in the frontend
- Bugfix: German language fix
- Improvement: Backend adjusted to new WordPress 3.8 layout
Version 1.2.1 – Release: 28.09.2013
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug where scheduled items did not get notified when published by cron
Version 1.2 – Release: 12.09.2013
- New feature: Notification rule recipient supports user roles (default and custom roles) and special all users
- Improvement: The plugin now is completely multisite compatible
- Bugfix: Single quotes in blog name will be shown correctly now
Version 1.1 – Release: 22.08.2013
- New feature: Bcc field. Set Bcc recipients for your notification rules.
- New feature: SMTP mode. If you want to send many notifications and have a SMTP mail server, PSN now supports it. You find all necessary SMTP settings in the options section.
- New feature: Plugin selftester. The plugin ships with some selftesting routines you can trigger manually in the plugin dashboard.
- Minor bugfixing: Now fully compatible with Windows Server 2008 / PHP 5.2
Version 1.0.3 – Release: 07.06.2013
- Further improvements: Removed dependency to PDO at all
Version 1.0.2 – Release: 03.06.2013
- Bugfix: Recipient “Post author” did not work for notification rules
- Bugfix: Plugin activation could produce error with PHP 5.2 (Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM …)
Version 1.0.1 – Release: 31.05.2013
- Removed dependency to PHP pdo_mysql (framework database models now work with native wpdb object)
- Improved backwards compatibility up to WP 3.3 (tested on 3.3.x / 3.4.x / 3.5.x)
- Adjusted log timestamp format to blog date/time settings
Version 1.0.0 – Initial Release: 26.05.2013
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Post Status Notifier
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Why do we use it?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.
Where can I get some?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.