Live preview/Demo: Plugin Demo
Username: demo
Password: demo
Pools are groups of license keys that can be assigned to multiple products/variations. For example, if you use a multilingual plugin like WPML or Polylang, you can assign the same group of license keys to the different languages. (multilingual plugins create a new product for each language)
Important Notice
This plugin requires WooCommerce License Manager to be installed and activated to work.
Requires WooCommerce License Manager Version 5.0+ and PHP 7.4+
Pools do not support image license keys and license keys that can be delivered multiple times, while the plugin is active those features will not be available.
Translation Ready
.po and .pot files included, for easy translation.
24/7 support we will do our best to guarantee that our clients are satisfied.
Change Log
Version 1.0 – June 3, 2022 - Initial release.Download Pools For WooCommerce License Manager