Planner for SellIt – create and share automatically free ads on social networks

Planner for SellIt - create and share automatically free ads on social networks
Preview Planner for SellIt – create and share automatically free ads on social networks

Planner for SellIt is an app for Midrub. You can’t use it without Midrub.

Planner for SellIt is an app for Midrub which allows to create free ads on the social networks. This app creates automatically the ads on the social networks at your expected time. 

How this app really works?

  • First you have to create a list with items in this app
  • The items should have a category or multiple categories. 
  • The items should have a model and a payments gateway.
  • All these steps could be done easy by importing the items from a CSV file.
  • Last step is to select an items category in the Planner for SellIt and create a task with multiple rules for sharing on the selected social accounts. 
  • The tasks could be every day for wanted time interval(even 100 years).
  • Once the tasks are created, the items with ready to pay page will be shared every day or whenever you want at the expected time interval.
  • In this way you could share your items even in 1 000 social accounts and even blogs/websites.

The item’s photos will be shared too and this means you could share with this app your items even on Instagram and sell them with a ready to use payments gateway. 

Available social networks where you can publish: Facebook, Facebook Groups, Facebook Pages, Reddit, Flickr, Imgur, Instagram, Linkedin, Linkedin Companies(you need to be a partner), Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Medium(their api is
private and you have to ask for access), Blogger, WordPress, VK, Vimeo, Telegram Channels, Telegram Groups, Odnoklassniki(Одноклассники) and Google My Business. All these should be configured. 

The items could be published even on Whatsapp Groups but for this you need to have another item.

This app has SAAS support and you could decide by plan how many items could share a user on the social networks. 



Download Planner for SellIt – create and share automatically free ads on social networks