phpWallet – e-wallet and online payment gateway system.

phpWallet – e-wallet and online payment gateway system.
Preview phpWallet – e-wallet and online payment gateway system.

Earn big money by creating your own payments gateway with lots of features

Are you looking for a custom online payment solution for your country’s local currency to integrate with your local business? or maybe you want to start your own Payment Gateway Site like PayPal. phpWallet is the script solution you where looking for.

With payment gateway Script you can easily accept any physical financial company/bank or online payment platform as deposits and withdrawal methods for your site. And, set a fee amount to earn on every online store purchase linked to your site API and Money transfers made through phpWallet .

How phpWallet Works ?

The core concept behind this payment gateway script is that there needs to be someone managing everything behind the scenes ( the site administrator ).

To process withdrawal requests the admin sends money to bank accounts manually outside the script and reduces the user’s wallet balance by clicking on a button after the offline bank transfer transaction is complete.

There are 3 API integrated and automated deposit methods ( PayPal, Stripe and Paystack ). The deposit methods that are registered by the admin ( Mobile money, Bitcoin Wallet address, Bank Swift number and other means to send and receive money registered by the admin ) follows the offline concept.

And the coin/currency Exchange rates are also defined by the admin from the admin dashboard.


  • Responsive UI.
  • 6 Color Skins.
  • Built with bootstrap 4.
  • Unlimited Deposit Methods.
  • Unlimited Withdrawal Methods
  • Email Notifications
  • Email Verification One Time Password (OTP)
  • Currency Exchange
  • Multy Currency Wallets
  • Money Transfers
  • Escrow
  • Fund User’s Wallet from admin dashboard
  • Vouchers System
  • Support Ticket System
  • Ability to add support agents
  • User Roles
  • Voyager Admin Dashboard
  • Transactions History
  • Developers API / Merchant ( IPN )
  • WordPress Ready ( WooCommerce Plugin ) | * Sold Separately Request The link
  • KYC Ready ( Client Document Verification)
  • GDPR Ready
  • Ability to freese users balance while processing Withdrawal Requests.
  • Ability to set Percentual and Unit Fee’s
  • And more …



  1. PHP >= 7.1.*
  2. PDO PHP Extension
  3. Tokenizer PHP Extension
  4. PHP Fileinfo extension
  5. OpenSSL PHP Extension
  6. XML PHP Extension
  7. Mbstring PHP Extension
  8. GD Library
  9. CURL Library
  10. PHP mod_rewrite enabled
  11. A server that supports Symlinks


Regular User: 

( Some features are disabled [ change password ] )
User: [email protected] | Password: 123456

Admin Demo: 

( Some features are disabled [ change password, browse users, add roles, site settings ] )
User: [email protected] | Password: 123456

WooCommerce Demo:

Use the account ( User: [email protected] | Password : 123456 ) to pay your order in phpWallet payment terminal


Free Installation on cPanel webhosting

  • Provide cPanel credential
  • Send a message using my profile form , this format ” Hey I am MyName I Want Installation on My cPanel ”,

What’s new in phpWallet 3.2 ? Changelog



Update ( 30, March 2020 ) V 3.2
Modified files

Update ( 03, March 2020 ) V 3.1
Modified files

Update ( 08, November 2019 ) V 2.8

Developed a phpWallet WooCommerce payment gateway plugin, if you have a valid License please contact me via my profile contact form to get the purchase.

- Added an Updated Files Folder
- Added Stripe Payment Gateway
- Added Paystack Payment Gateway
- Added Select Color Theme from admin dashboard option
- Admin manually loads funds to a user wallet using vouchers
- Tird part payment options on Checkout Page
- Added Enable/Disable Payment Gateways option
- Removed the shopping cart script from the zip file. 

Update ( 28, August 2019 ) V 2.7

- Added User Impersonation feature
- Prepared Twillio for sms notification ( comming in the next version of phpWallet )
- Fixed previous versions bugs
- Added Mobile Phone number in registration form
- Added Blog feature

Update ( 19, April 2019 ) V 2.5

- Added The Android Aplication to phpWallet
- Bug Fixes.

Update ( 26, February 2019 ) V 2.4 | Update ( 19, February 2019 ) V 2.3

- Added the ability to send money with both username and email.
-  Added Automatic deposits by PayPal Credit Card Processor.
- Bug Fixes.

git status for phpWallet
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modified:   app/Http/Controllers/MoneyTransferController.php
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modified:   app/Http/Controllers/SignUpController.php
new file:   app/Http/Controllers/TransactionController.php
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new file:
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modified:   vendor/srmklive/paypal/src/Traits/PayPalHttpClient.php
modified:   vendor/srmklive/paypal/src/Traits/PayPalRequest.php
modified:   vendor/srmklive/paypal/src/Traits/RecurringProfiles.php

Changelog for Shopping cart script

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modified:   app/Http/Controllers/CartController.php
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modified:   resources/views/templates/invoice.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/templates/orders.blade.php
modified:   routes/web.php

Update ( 21, December 2018 ) V 2.2

Added a landing page.

git status for phpWallet

modified: resources/views/welcome.blade.php
modified: resources/lang/en.json
modified: routes/web.php
added: public/landing ( folder with its contents )

Update ( 17, December 2018 ) V 2.1

UI bug fixes and responsivenes improvement

git status for phpWallet

modified:   app/Http/Controllers/ExchangeController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/SignUpController.php
modified:   app/User.php
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modified:   resources/views/merchant/new.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/partials/nav.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/partials/sidebar.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/withdrawals/partials/status.blade.php
added:       resources/views/vendor/pagination/

Update ( 13, December 2018 ) V 2.0

UI improvement and minor bug fixes

git status for phpWallet

modified:   app/Http/Middleware/verifyEmail.php
modified:   app/widgets/Merchants.php
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modified:   resources/views/tickets/user_tickets.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/vouchers/generate.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/vouchers/index.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/withdrawals/index.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/withdrawals/withdrawalRequestForm.blade.php

Update ( 28, November 2018 ) V 1.9

Fund wallets with vouchers created by admin with zero credit and zero fee’s Update

- Fixed user editing bug
- Added quick admin panel in the user section
- Added voucher generation for admin fund wallets with it.
- Fixed previous version bugs.

gitStatus: phpWallet:
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/IPNController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/SignUpController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/VoucherController.php
modified:   app/User.php
modified:   resources/lang/en.json
modified:   resources/views/home/partials/name.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/partials/nav.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/partials/sidebar.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/tickets/index.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/tickets/show.blade.php
modified:   routes/web.php
added:  resources/views/vouchers/generate.blade.php

Database Migration:
Added:  verification_token column to users table

Git Status:  shoppingcart 
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/CartController.php
modified:   resources/views/checkout.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/home.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/partials/nav.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/product.blade.php
modified:   routes/web.php

Update ( 18, September 2018 ) V 1.8

Voucher System Update

- Added Voucher System.
- Fixed KYC Image Upload bug.
- Fixed Change Profile  Avatar bug.
- Added more words to the translation file.

Git status for phpWallet
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/AddCreditController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/ExchangeController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/IPNController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/MoneyTransferController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/ProfileController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/SignUpController.php
new file:   app/Http/Controllers/VoucherController.php
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/WithdrawalController.php
modified:   app/Http/Middleware/verifyEmail.php
new file:   app/Models/Voucher.php
modified:   app/User.php
modified:   resources/lang/en.json
modified:   resources/views/exchange/exchangeRequestForm.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/home/partials/name.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/home/partials/transactions.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/partials/sidebar.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/profile/identity.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/profile/info.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/profile/newpassword.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/vendor/voyager/withdrawals/edit-add.blade.php
new file:   resources/views/vouchers/index.blade.php
new file:   resources/views/vouchers/vue.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/withdrawals/withdrawalRequestForm.blade.php
modified:   routes/web.php

Database status for phpWallet Script:
- please contact me ( use my profile contact form ) to make the necessary changes to your database without crashing your site and damage your data

Update ( 27, August 2018 ) V 1.7

- Added account email verification systrem.

Git status for phpWallet
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/SignUpController.php
modified:   app/Http/Kernel.php
new file:   app/Http/Middleware/verifyEmail.php
new file:   app/Mail/verifyEmail.php
modified:   app/User.php
new file:   resources/views/email/verifyEmail.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/flash.blade.php
modified:   routes/web.php

Database status for phpWallet Script:

Update ( 16, August 2018 ) V 1.6

- Fixed previous version shoppingcart script bug.
- Improved developers API docs.

Git status for phpWallet
modified:   resources/views/merchant/docs.blade.php

Database status for phpWallet Script:

Git status for ShoppingCart script:
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/CartController.php

Database status for ShoppingCart Script:
- modified the .sql file

Update ( 11, August 2018 ) V 1.5

- Fixed previous version bug reports.
- Improved the shoppingcart script.
-Improved The Developers API return URL formats.

Git status for phpWallet
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/IPNController.php

Git status for ShoppingCart script:
modified:   app/Http/Controllers/CartController.php
modified:   resources/views/checkout.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/home.blade.php
modified:   resources/views/product.blade.php
modified:   routes/web.php

Update ( 31, July 2018 ) V 1.4

User Profile, KYC ( Know Your Client ), and European GDPR update.

- Fixed admin fund wallet from administrative area issue.
- Added cookie consent to reflect new European GDPR law. 
- Added Privacy Policy agreement to register form.
- Added Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, FAQ, and About Us pages from Backend CMS and linked to the footer links section.
- Added footer settings to the admin area.
- Added edit profile section for regular users.
- Added ability to upload a profile picture.
- Added a profile table to the database.
- Added ability to change the password for regular users.
- Started to implement KYC ( Know Your Client ) by adding a section for regular user submit their national id or equivalent document issued by a government entity.
- Added more words to the language files.
- Added " Message to the reviewer " field in add credit form ( useful for deposit methods that require more info than just the deposit receipt screenshot ).

Update ( 21, July 2018 ) V 1.3

This is the currency exchange Update for phpWallet

-  Added currency exchange feature
- Added top nav
- Improved Security
- Fixed previous version bugs.

Update ( 11, July 2018 ) V 1.2

This is the multi-currencies Update for phpWallet

* [ BREAD ] stands for Browse, Read, Edit, Add and Delete.

-    Code Improvements and bug fixes.
-    Added currencies BREAD menu to the admin panel.
-    Added Wallets BREAD menu in admin panel.
-    Added Currency exchange rates BREAD menu in admin panel.
-    Added deposit method to currency linking  BREAD submenu to Deposit Methods menu in admin panel.
-    Added withdrawal method to currency linking  BREAD submenu to Withdrawal Methods menu in admin panel.
-    Removed total money earned from fee’s analytics from admin dashboard because it was only in US Dollars, and now phpWallet supports multicurrency’s. ( will add this analytics back, but this time supporting all phpWallet’s added currencies ).
-    Removed total money deposited in the platform analytics from admin dashboard because it was only in US Dollars, and now phpWallet supports multi-currencies. ( will add this analytics back, but this time supporting all phpWallet’s added currencies ).
-    Added multilingual files for Portuguese. (  will add more words and languages in upcoming updates, please share your language translation file  )
-    Improved the shopping cart script to accept multiple currencies.
-    Updated the merchant API documentation
-    Updated the merchant system to accept one chosen 
-    Removed the default currency symbol site setting because now the one setting the default wallet is the user.
-    Added a footer menu.
-    Added forgot password link in the login page.
-    Added Sign Up button on the login page.

Update ( 21 June 2018 ) V 1.1

- Added transactions menu in admin backend;
- Added a setting to change the default currency sign in admin backend;
- Added total deposits that are in the review queue process analytics in admin backend dashboard;
- Added total withdrawal requests that are in the review queue process analytics in admin backend dashboard;
- Added the name of the deposit owner and deposit transaction state ( pending / completed  )in admin backend deposits page;
- Added Merchant BREAD in admin backend's menu
-  Added  all merchants analytics in admin backend dashboard;
- Added total money deposited in the platform analytics  in admin backend dashboard;
- Added total money earned from fee's analytics  in admin backend dashboard;

Initial Release ( 13 June 2018 ) V 1.0

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phpWallet – e-wallet and online payment gateway system.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

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