Download: PharmaStore – Online Pharmacy Management System Free Nulled

Preview: PharmaStore – Online Pharmacy Management System

PharmaStore is an online pharmacy management system. The main purpose of the project is the management of the pharmaceutical shop and sale the drugs which is in stock. It is used to handle most pharmacy related activities in the pharmacy.

Demo View

Demo Admin URL:

Username: [email protected]
password: 12345678

PharmaStore App Features

  • Monthly Sale Report
  • Daily Top Ten Sale Report
  • Latest Medicine List
  • Add Users Role
  • Settings
  • Add Payment Method
  • Medicine Stock Info
  • Medicine Expire Info
  • Supplier Invoice Management

  • Monthly Sale Report
  • Daily Top Ten Sale Report
  • Latest Medicine List
    User Management :

  • Add Users Role
  • Add Users
  • Show Users List
    Medicine Category Management:

  • Add/ Update
  • Show List
    Medicine Group Management :

  • Add/ Update
  • Show List
    Medicine Generic Management :

  • Add/ Update
  • Show List
    Medicine Management :

  • Medicine Add/ Update
  • Show Medicine List
    Medicine Supplier Management :

  • Supplier Add/ Update
  • Show Supplier List
    Medicine Order Management :

  • Place Order
  • Order List

How to setup

    Database Configuration:

  • 1. Create a new database in your server. Name it ‘pharmastore’
  • 2. Import ‘pharmastore.sql’ file into your new database
    Application Configuration:

  • 1. Open ‘.env’ file inside the project folder and update the database information according to your database configuration.
  • 2. Upload the project folder onto your desired location in server.
  • 3. Configure your domain to redirect to the public folder inside the ‘project’ folder
    Setup Development Environment:

  • – If you are a developer, you can avoid Database Configuration & Application Configuration steps. And follow the following instructions:
  • 1. Create a new database in your local machine. Name it ‘pharmastore’.
  • 2. Paste the project folder inside your public folder. If you are using xampp the apache public folder will be xampp/htdocs
  • 3. Open console while inside the project folder
  • 4. Run “composer update” command in console window
  • 5. Run “php artisan migrate” command in console window to create tables
  • 6. Run “php artisan db:seed” command in console window to insert default values to database tables
  • 7. Browse the project with http://localhost/med/public url. OR you can also run “php artisan serve” command from console window to access the project with



20 Oct 2020
+ Initial publish

Download PharmaStore – Online Pharmacy Management System Nulled

Download PharmaStore – Online Pharmacy Management System

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