Add a Map and Store locator to your site in minutes
An Easy to use, fully featured, Google map and location listing WordPress Plugin
Map List Pro for WordPress lets you quickly display your locations in a paged, sortable, searchable, and filterable list. It comes ready to go with more than 35 styles (take a look at the screenshots for examples) and is fully customisable.
Map List Pro is perfect for creating Store locators, Office address and Contact lists.
Watch a video of Map List Pro in action on the demo page
- Creates searchable, sortable, filterable lists in seconds.
- Flexible width design – works well in Responsive themes.
- Create categorised locations easily with the simple Location editor.
- Custom markers/Icons – Add your own markers, or choose one from the hundreds included.
- Category markers – set a marker for a whole category, rather than having to choose for every location.
- Quickly add locations using Google’s places search.
- Let the map Auto-zoom to show all locations, or manually set a starting position and zoom.
- Get directions option (with print button).
- Clustered markers.
- Multiple infobox styles.
- Sort by distance with Geo Location and location search.
- Search for locations by distance with the advanced search function.
- Use geolocation for directions and location distances.
- Add Featured images for locations.
- Custom map styles can be added easily..
- Allow users to search by text and location.
- Add a search form on another page.
- Map only or list only options.
- Change the map and list position – map above, to the right, or the left of the list.
- Easy to use – Click the Map List Pro button in the editor to set up and insert a list and map.
- Auto updating lists – Lists will automatically update when locations are added.
- Fully customisable – Almost all features can be switched off/on.
- Fully translatable.
- Lots of styles – 35 different looks ready to use.
You can manually choose the locations you want to show from a list, show all locations, or show by category or categories. Any time you add extra locations the lists will update automatically if they match the criteria you chose.
Documentation and Support site
If you’re looking for advanced options, or have hit an issue of some sort, take a look at the documentation site for Map List Pro
3.12.11 –
- Fixed zoom issue on the map
- Fixed array warning on map listing admin page
- Fixed warning for undefined search messages
3.12.1 –
- Fixed count error on PHP 7.2
3.12.9 –
- Fixed shortcode editor for new versions of TinyMCE
3.12.8 –
- Updated marker clusterer plus to 2.1.4
3.12.7 –
- Removed sensor parameter
- Added underscore in for js
- Fixed multicategory filtering only selecting items from the last category selected
3.12.6 –
- Made categoriesMultiSelect work for additional taxonomies as well
3.12.5 (18/11/2015) –
- Removed debug code
3.12.4 (18/11/2015) –
- Closing an accordion section now closes all locations when in single category mode
- Added API key option to settings
- Added singlelocationzoom option to the shortcode to allow single location zoom to be set
- Changed Kms text to Km
- Fixed list items not expanding when in list only view
- Changed the way that the search and location text gets added to stop translation issues (thanks heike-carle)
- Fixed the title not respecting openinnew in infowindows
- Fixed issue with infobox widths
- Fixed search box showing html inside it – thanks AaronR.
- Updated .pot file, en-gb and en-us translations.
- Made settings page clearer
3.11.7 –
- Switched all taxonomies to show as list if that option is selected
- Fixed hideaddress option not hiding the address in the list items
- Fixed expand and contract of single item
- Fixed all taxonomies as list repeating first category
- Renamed php classes to stop potential clashes
- Made initial sort order default after clear all
- Detail page directions now respect units option from main settings
- Clicking on a marker now switches the list to the page that the location is on
- Fixed single location not zooming to show geo marker
- Updated close cross for infowindow to use https
- Added jscs style guide file (not fully implemented yet)
- Fixed paging not showing correct number
- Fixed locations not closing correctly
3.10.10 –
- Changed clusterer to always use https
- Changed paths so that wp_plugin_url is replaced by https plugin friendly option.
- Changed activate function to stop error on activation in some server setups (thanks Gotequity).
- Added categoriesmatchall option to shortcode to allow for AND filtering instead of OR in categories.
- Added initiallyselectedcategories option to shortcode to allow some categories to start preselected
- Fixed list items not closing when a different location is picked on the map.
- Extended sort categories option to additional taxonomies
- Get directions now fires when the enter key is pressed
- Updated English po/mo files
- Changed throttle value for main filter
- Update knockout to 3.3.0
- Allowed fixed initial zoom position to be overridden by search
- Fixed categorymultiselect=”false” not working in accordion mode
3.10.1 (04/02/2015) –
- Added span around category list in items to allow css hiding
- Fixed issue on detail page that caused error $maplocation undefined
- Fixed paging showing when in map only mode.
- Fixed responsive issues with category boxes etc.
- Fixed the hideinfowindow=”true” option so it zooms and expands list item
- Added option to turn comments on in the settings.
- Fixed scroll wheel disabling issue
3.9.15 –
- Added additional filter (mlp_location_detail_description) to allow fields
- Added filter to allow you to move the map parts about (mlp_display_parts)
- Added filter to change what shows in the infobox (mlp_infobox_parts)
- Added filter to show what displays in the detail page (
- Fixed single select categories not working
- Added workaround for MarkerClusterer Plus bug causing clusters to disappear
- Fixed clusters disappearing when used with homelocation
- Allow filtering by category slug
- Fixed categories hiding when clicked in list mode
- Added tick to selected categories in list mode
- Fixed multiple taxonomies “and” filtering
- Fixed custom styles not being pulled from theme directory
- Message to user now shows when geocoded search fails.
- Added option to disable scrollwheel
to be pulled into detail page
3.9.8 –
- Fix for location distances always using metric distances
- Fix for initialsorttype stopping next attribute in shortcode from working
- Removed duplicate tick box on other options
- Fixed zoom issues for homelocation mode
- Added additional search parameter for combo mode – locationSearchTerms & textSearchTerms can now be used
- Added additional search parameter searchDistance – allows preselection of distance drop down
- Updated English, French, and Hungarian po/mo files.
- Added Czech language files (thanks Zefyr!)
3.9.6 –
- Add language parameter to edit page’s Google Maps call
- Added category slug to list items for optional styling
- Made accordion mode much more robust, and removed unneeded code
- Fix for home location mode showing the home location twice if included in the map options.
- Get directions option added to detail page
- Edit page javascript error fixed.
3.9.3 –
- Missing localisation strings fixed
- Added form tags to the search field.
- Clear directions on search clear
- Added the ability to work with other post types
- Changed the img bindings so they shouldn’t show at all if not specified
- Made Go button appear on mobile keyboard and keyboard hide on form submit.
- Added initialsortype=”categorytitle” and “category” to enable the list to be grouped by category
- hideuntilsearch option added in to allow locations to stay hidden until search terms are entered (Only works with manual start location and zoom).
- Fixed categories hiding after clicking when in shown as a list.
- Pulled custom map styles into the detail page.
- Per location icons added.
3.8.2 –
- Added help text to lat/lng fields
- Stopped address from getting overwritten when marker moved in editor
- Fixed missing spaces between multiple taxonomies on list items
- Added hideinfowindow option to shortcode
- Drastically sped up custom icons page
- Fixed single item not expanding in list only mode
- Changed the permalink flush so that it is versioned
- Added new image resizer in (
- Added imagewidth and imageheight shortcode attributes in so that image sizes can be overridden.
- Stopped infowindow showing by default on detail page
- Infowindow options expanded to allow infobox, infobubbles, and standard infowindows.
- Infoboxes made to work well on responsive set ups.
- Added infowidth and infoheight shortcode options to specify infowindow height and width in %
- Added streetview shortcode option to allow streetview to be switched off easily.
- Added lots of undocumented shortcode options into the wizard (more to come!)
3.7 –
- Made menus hide by default after click (can be overriden with menushideonselect)
- Added override for single item expansion (expandsingleresult)
- Added option to make only one category be selected at one time (categoriesmultiselect)
- Updated reset to clear more stuff
- Added clearfix to stop layout issues for left and right layouts
- Made categories label on items use text from setting
- Fixed thumbnails not showing correctly on detail page
- Removed timthumb script
- Add custom event to resize maps (useful for when the map starts off hidden)
- Updated language files for en_GB and fr_FR
- Accordion style layout added
- Localised kms and miles in front end
- Switched to use jquery json parsing for backwards compatibility
- Manual category ordering (from icons page)
- New marker cluster added (Marker Clusterer Plus)
- InfoBoxes switched to use infoBubbles
3.6.11 –
- Fixed error on location save
- Added clustergridsize back in
- Fixed error on expand in list only mode
- Fixed issue with per category and per location filtering
- Search bar now shows in map only mode
- Added hidefilterbar shortcode option to hide all filter/search/sort options in one go
3.6.8 –
- First category hides items in list when not showing
- Fixed missing close div on detail page
- Improved the logic for the address filler
- When only one location visible the infowindow expands
- Fixed print directions issue
3.6.7 –
- Added ssl check for add location pages
- Multicategory filtering (beta)
- Added multicategory categories to list items
- Per map caching
- Infowindow opens if only one location found
3.6.3 –
- Fixed url slug
- Fixed locations not sorting by distance automatically when using geolocation
- Moved css enqueue to the same place as the javascript so it only gets loaded when needed
- Fixed css not loading for detail pages
- 3.6.1 –
- Added 8 new “flat” styles
- Added an option on the settings page to enter custom styles for the map
- Added hideuntilsearch shortcode option
- Added minimum zoom code for single location into core
- Added style for checkboxes (works with categoriesaslist=”true”)
- Fixed zoom issues when using selectedzoomlevel and keepzoomlevel together
- List item closes on marker close
- Return keypress now submits search
- Changed the way that the detail page is rendered to make it work with most templates
- Changed language file names and fixed textdomain call being made too early (Thanks foo41)
- Made location slug translatable
- Multi category filtering added (alpha)
- Updated theme file check (Thanks Fran).
- Category sort updated to work from title not slug
- Updated cmb metaboxes to most recent version
- Added check for do_shortcode being called multiple times
- Fixed a number of minor, non-breaking issues with js file (missing semicolons and radix
- Fixed conflict with some Woothemes
- Fixed clear search button not showing
- 3.4.4 –
- Added check in editor for matching place name and first address line to stop duplicates.
- Made category label on filter button configurable.
- Removed trailing comma that was causing issues in ie7/8
- Added category slug to each list item for styling etc.
- SSL check for Google Maps API url added.
- Category list sorted by slug
- Reordered shortcode list for easier access
- Added searchdistances attribute to shortcode for changing distance drop down
- Added category slug to drop down list items
- Added categoriesaslist option to shortcodes
- Fixed error if no categories created
- Fixed address line not keeping line breaks
- Removed shadows from maplistfront.js as they are no longer supported by Google
- Added directions type option into shortcode
- Fixed directions type selection
- Category order now set to be alphabetical
- Fixed new category layout check
- Updated theme file check (Thanks Fran).
- Category sort updated to work from title not slug
- 3.3.4 –
- Stopped no location found message showing ahead of load.
- Added post object to description filter so users can get custom fields etc.
- 3.3.3 –
- Fixed send media to editor conflict – cmb issue.
- 3.3.2 –
- Added category search to text and combo search types
- Removed some console.log calls from maplistfront.js
- Fixed paging count not correct after search
- Abstracted current page count from html
- Added focus style to search boxes to make text clearer
- Fixed missing “of” localisation in paging.
- 3.3.1 –
- Expand if only a single item returned
- Fixed empty address causing errors
- Fixed incomplete category save causing errors
- Fixed category ordering getting ignored
- 3.3.0 –
- Added day category mode – Add a category for each day to show only categories from that day
- 3.2.9 –
- Fixed no search results on passed parameter issue with simple search
- Added Google Map Language option to settings page
- Fixed issue with map array causing maps to be generated twice
- Fixed sort drop down hiding itself staright away
- 3.2.8 –
- Fixed Google Chrome crash on directions print cancel.
- 3.2.7 –
- Fixed view location detail button still showing in info window when hidden.
- 3.2.6 –
- Fixed custom css style save not working
- Fixed insert button not showing properly in IE9
- Missing localisation for View Location button in infowindow added.
- Missing localisation for Print Directions button added.
- 3.2.5 –
- Added css class to location list items for advanced styling.
- Made Map KO objects available in javascript via an array so that they can be refreshed when used in accordions etc.
- Selecting a location in the list hides all others.
- Categories start off unselected – but all locations show.
- 3.2.4 –
- Simplified shortcode output so it doesn’t output defaults
- 3.2.3 –
- Added home location option
- 3.2.2 –
- Fixed bug that was stopping direction sort firing on geocode
- Added initial sort by direction for parameter, and location search.
- 3.2.1 –
- Misplaced div closure for map only view moved inside correct if statement.
- 3.1.1 –
- Fixed / used instead of in icon gets
- 3.1.2 –
- Fixed issue where pins are found in root of pin folder.
- 3.2.0 –
- New filter added to allow extra fields to be added to the location editor.
- New filter added to allow editing of the description, with access to all available custom fields.
- 3.1.0 –
- Fixed placeholder text stopping search in <IE10 with themes that run a shim
- Fixed categories on items blank
- Fixed trailing comma on categories list on item
- Fixed Template file ignoring child themes.
- Fixed View location link in infowindow not opening in new window if selected
- Fixed missing localization for “Categories:” on list items.
- Added custom map markers with custom shadows, and optional custom positioning.
- v3.0.16 –
- Fixed initial sort directions and type being ignored.
- Fixed Print directions button keeps getting added when go is clicked.
- Fixed directions routes ignoring measurement units.
- v.3.0.15 – Resolved issues with wp-minify, w3 total cache, and other minifying plugins. Also fixed javascript issues on detail pages.
- v.3.0.13 – Fixed metric/imperial option, Changed map enqueue, made styled infoboxes optional.
- v.3.0.12 – Full rewrite and new features
- Clustered markers.
- Ready styled infoboxes on maps instead of infowindows.
- Map only/List only options.
- Map/List position options (left/right/above).
- Combo search to allow searching by text and location.
- Option to open detail links in new window.
- Multiple Geolocated maps allowed on one page.
- Set default location for editor map.
- Maintain user’s zoom level once zoomed.
- Print directions button.
- Pass search query via url parameter
- Lot’s of other bugfixes.
- v.2.1.0 – Bug fixes, Shortcode Wizard, Search by location and Distance, Manual start view
- Option to specify the position and zoom – ADDED
- Advanced search – Find all locations within a set distance of the searched for location – ADDED
- Shortcode creator updated to be easier to use, and include all available options – UPDATED
v.1.8.3 – Bug fixes and per category markers
- Per category icons are now available – Pick from a range of 13 coloured markers, and set the importance of each category.
- Detailed map view is enabled by default – CHANGED
- Directions not working after geolocated – FIXED
- Permalinks not flushed after custom post type registered for the first time – FIXED
- Green marker showing with pin on detail view page – FIXED
- Missing localization strings from admin edit pages fixed – FIXED
- Hide directions option not sending through to short code – FIXED
- Each location gets its own custom css class – ADDED
- Allow categories text on items to be hidden – ADDED
- Detail view shows address in popup rather than lat long – CHANGED
- Title clears after address search even if title already completed – FIXED
- v1.7 – Bug fixes and some minor additions
- Zoom to show user location after geo-location – ADDED
- Automatically sorts by distance after geo-location – ADDED
- Zoom in on location click – Shortcode only currently (Add selectedzoomlevel=”15” to shortcode to use) – ADDED
- “Sensor parameter must be specified” message on 3G with some carriers. – FIXED
- Filter not working on jQuery 1.8.2 – FIXED
- <IE8 not geolocating by ip as navigator does not exist. – FIXED
- Miles gettings added in twice after GEO in some cases – FIXED
- Some string not translating correctly – FIXED
- Hover on map markers shows all of list item not just title – FIXED
- Wrong marker selected when clicking markers on Geolocated map – FIXED
- v1.6 – Added full Geo Location to maps. You can now sort by distance.
- v1.5 –
- Added full page location detail view
- Made distance units configurable.
- Default zoom level option added to shortcode.
- v1.4 – Fixed four bugs:
- Maplist insert code not working when plugin installed to a folder without the standard name,
- jQuery ui not loading autocomplete in all cases,
- Sort function not sorting correctly in some circumstances in chrome or safari,
- Lat/Long not getting set when the html editor was selected in location creation screen.
- v1.3 – Added featured images, 7 new styles, and optional in-page directions.
- v1.2 – Fixed a bug that meant only the last item was selected when map locations were clicked.
- v1.1 – Clickable map locations and pop-up windows
- v1.0 – Initial release
TMDb Pro – Movie & TV Show Details Plugin For The Movie Database
Map List Pro – Google Maps & Location directories
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Why do we use it?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.
Where can I get some?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.