Licenses Manager for WooCommerce allows you to create, sell and manage license keys for your products. This plugin also provides a rest API to create, read, update, delete, and validate licenses for your digital products.
Support simple product licenses
Support variable product licenses
License prefix
License require email for validation
License activations limit
License allow/disallow automatic updates
License allow/disallow support
License expiration time calculation
License expiration time calculation
Frontend license view page
Frontend order license list
Rest API license create, read, update, delete
Rest API license activation create, read, update, delete
Rest API product information
Validate licenses in user admin panel from client
Automatic updates in user admin panel from client
Updates notificaions in user admin panel from client
Display plugin settings in admin popup
License renew
License upgrade
Email include licenses
Frontend product tab to display license features
Frontend account license tab
Frontend dashboard license list
The Licenses Manager for WooCommerce plugin provides a rest API that offers endpoints for manipulating licenses, activations and access product details.
These routes are authorized via product secret keys generated through the product settings and accessed via the WordPress API.