Google Translate 105 Languages & Google Analytics

Google Translate 105 Languages & Google Analytics
Preview Google Translate 105 Languages & Google Analytics

Short Description
With module Easy Google Translate you can show your website content in many different languages using the Google Translate engine.

Benefits for Merchants
This will allow visitors to translate your website content to any language and make your shop multilingual. With 105 available languages your site will be available to more than 99% of internet users. Track translation usage with Goolge Analytics.

Super easy install and customize.
Simple and friendly user interface.
Translates the site on the fly.
Google automatic machine translation.
Automatically detect user language.
Ability to translate 105 languages.
Google Analytics integration.
Select different display layout.
Compatible with all web browsers.
Multi-language and multi-store ready.
Support and well documented.
★ Video Settings ★

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Download Google Translate 105 Languages & Google Analytics