Google AdSense integration to PrestaShop.

Google AdSense integration to PrestaShop.
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Module ” Google Adsense integration to PrestaShop ” is a superb solution to earn money by placing ads to your PrestaShop store. Easy manage available ads from your admin dashboard! With this module, there is no need to manually add AdSense ads/code to selected position on your store. Just select Hook that you want. You just enter your Google Adsense Client and Google Adsense Slot in the settings. In module documentation very datailed step by step you can read How to Create AdSense Ad Code. And Google will automatically start showing ads at optimal times when they are likely to perform well for your website and provide a good experience for your users. This is the best PrestaShop module for inserting Google AdSense ads.
Also, ads are reviewed to ensure they’re high quality and relevant to your content or audience, even when viewed on smartphones and tablets. The result? You can make more money online. You will get largest network of online advertisers who are bidding for your ad space so you get the most for your ads.

Quickly and easily insert Google Adsense.
Receive the existing ads from your Google AdSense account.
Incredibly simple settings for fast setup without modifying code.
Variable positions with most popular Hooks.
Enabling / Disabling your ads.
Allow to add title.
Enabling / Disabling your title.
Friendly user interface.
Compatible with latest PrestaShop version.
No HTML/CSS knowledge required.
Very fast loading.
Support all major browsers.
Support Multi-Store.
Full documentation.
Technical Support.
                Module’s Live Demo
This plugin is supported. All you need to do is contact the developer through the Webtet e-mail or Webtet profile page.
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