GDPR PRO – Complete EU compliant integration

GDPR PRO – Complete EU compliant integration
Preview GDPR PRO – Complete EU compliant integration

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes solve the issue of data protection for customers. GDPR PRO is the complete EU compliant integration module for this.

Option to easily enable/disable GPDR PRO on the shop;
Option to add HTML information block on top of the main GPDR page;
Option to add HTML information block on the bottom of the main GPDR page;
Option to add a GDPR Badge;
Option to set the location of the GDPR Badge;
Option to set custom HTML for the GDPR badge data;
Option to customize the Right to data portability page;
Option to aprove/reject the customer requests(export data, delete account, etc) before going live;
Option to set the informations that are being exported for the customers;
Age validation on Registration page;
Customer email notifications on various requests;
Admin email notifications;
GDPR Terms consent on Registration page;
Responsive design;
Informations included;
Documentation included;
Free support;
Icons included.

Benefits for customers:
Right to data portability – ability to download personal data from the shop;
Right to be forgotten – customer has the ability to delete his account and informations;
Right to be anonymous – customer has the ability to anonimize his datas;
Right to be informed – customer is informed when his data is gathered;
Right to have informations corrected – customer can request/apply and update for his informations;
Right to restrict processing – customer can restrict his informations on the shop;
Right to object – customer have the ability to stop processing of their infos for direct marketing;
Right to be notified – customers have the right to be informed if there is any security flaw on the shop;
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#### Future Update ####

[TO BE ADDED] – PrestaShop 1.5 compatibility;

#### Major Update v2.0.2 – 01-05-2018 ####

[ADDED] – Age validation on Registration page;
[ADDED] – Customer email notifications;
[ADDED] – Admin email notifications;
[ADDED] – Enable GDPR Terms consent on Registration page;

[IMPROVED] – Functionality and design;
[FIXED] – Some small issues;

#### Initial release v1.0.0 – 14-03-2018 ####

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