Foxtrot SaaS – Customer, Invoice and Expense Management System

Foxtrot SaaS - Customer, Invoice and Expense Management System

Foxtrot (SaaS) – Customer, Invoice and Expense Management System

Foxtrot is a customer, invoice and expense management system designed for almost any company, freelancer or many other uses. With the well-designed User Interface with the best User Experience, you can easily keep track of your customers, invoices, payments, expenses. and many other features that are provided. Foxtrot can help you look more professional to your customers and help improve business performance at the same time.

Your company and your customers can get paid by multiple payment gateways such as Stripe, Paypal, Razorpay and Mollie with ease.

Have questions or do you need help? Ask us. [email protected]

SaaS Ready

This is the SaaS version of Foxtrot – Customer, Invoice and Expense Management System. With this script you can easily setup a multi-user and multi-company SaaS platform. You can earn money with subscription system and get paid with Stripe, Paypal, Razorpay and Mollie. (If you are going to charge your users you need to buy an extended license.)

Super Admin Demo

email: [email protected]

password: password

Company Owner Demo

email: [email protected]

password: password

Customer Portal Demo



- Mollie Payment Gateway added.
- 'Creating Invoice and Estimate without product' feature added.
- 3 new Invoice, Estimate and Payment templates added.
- Total tax amounts and discount amount added to invoice and estimate pdf
- Plan features can be unlimited now by setting the feature as -1
- Bug while subscribing free plan fixed.
- Bug while deleting user as super admin fixed
- UI improved
- Mysql 5.6 support added.
- VAT Number added.
- Custom Fields Module added. Now you can add whatever field you want to Customers,Invoice,Estimates,Products,Expenses or Vendors models.
- Bug fixed while updating plan.
- Performance and UI Improved on PDF Reports.
- Dependencies updated.
- Initial Release.

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