Facebook Instagram Twitter Feed — WordPress Social Stream & Grid Gallery Plugin

Facebook Instagram Twitter Feed — WordPress Social Stream & Grid Gallery Plugin
Preview Facebook Instagram Twitter Feed — WordPress Social Stream & Grid Gallery Plugin

WordPress Social Stream Plugin — Flow-Flow is a premium social media plugin to embed social feeds and WordPress posts in beautiful responsive grids or sliders. Showing user generated content (UGC) is a great way to add social proof and increase your brand presence and boost your sales. Make any combinations of social feeds with Flow-Flow! For example, you can have Facebook feed, Instagram feed and Twitter feed mixed in the same stream (list of supported sources). For its price, this plugin is a great alternative to web services that charge monthly payment for similar functionality. No monthly Subscription with Flow-Flow WordPress Social Stream!

GDPR compliant. This plugin doesn’t store any data of your site visitors.

Smart caching with background server task allows to deliver content blazingly fast without slow page loading. It’s especially crucial when many networks are pulled or you have big traffic. Plugin is responsive, highly customizable and works well on mobile devices. It’s great to use this plugin for streaming your news, photos, reviews and any other content you can imagine! When only one network is not enough!

Plugin doesn’t expose your private details (like tokens, app IDs and app secrets) to browser and keeps it on server so we provide 100% security for any sensitive data. Plugin provides monitoring tools so you can see status of all your connected feeds and easily troubleshoot issues.

Supported social feed types

Flow-Flow supports 12 stream sources including 10 popular social networks + WordPress + RSS. There are 40+ different feed types in total. This is huge! Imagine you can use the only one plugin instead of all those different mono network feed plugins. And you get fantastic unified design of all those different type of content including text posts, image or videos. Your social media wall will look amazing with no exceptions!

  • Facebook: posts and albums of public PAGES (fan pages).
  • Twitter: home timeline, user feed, search * including hashtags, user lists, likes feed.
  • Instagram: public user photos, by username, by hashtag, by location.
  • YouTube: user, channels, search, public playlist.
  • Pinterest: latest pins and public boards.
  • SoundCloud: public playlists.
  • Foursquare: location tips, location photos.
  • Flickr: public user photos, photos by tag.
  • Dribbble: public posts of user, likes of user.
  • WordPress: blog posts, comments, custom post types, posts of specific categories, comments of specific post.
  • (only own site, others blogs can be streamed using RSS feeds)

  • Tumblr: photo posts (will be more types in future).
  • Vimeo: public videos of user, album, channel and like feed of user.
  • RSS: any valid RSS feed. ATOM format is not supported.
  • Google+: (RETIRED April 2019)
  • LinkedIn: (RETIRED May 2019)
  • Request your social network or feed!

Twitter Search API restricts getting tweets older than a week.

WordPress Social Stream features

Seamless API connection
Connect Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare with one click! Other networks are incoming.
        Content moderation
Excluding posts by word, by username, by URL. Clean your grid from trolls and spam!
Visual Composer element
Place your stream with ease if you’re using Visual Composer.

        Social sharing buttons
Drive the interaction and user involvement!
All popular Social Networks
And their number is growing (based on popular requests).
        Smart server caching
Streams load almost instantly. No need to load data every time.
CSS3 transforms animation
Shows the best performance and speed.

        Cosy Admin Panel
Intuitive and clean interface with live preview.
Lightbox galleries
Fantastic look with attractive animations. Smart media preloading.
        Well documented
Straightforward step by step setup guides.

Responsive design
With swipes support for sliding on mobile devices.

        Highly customizable
Change colors, use pre-defined presets, build own single card design etc.
Sorting and search bar
Let your visitors find specific posts or sort content by sources.
        Enjoyable interaction
Beautiful animations and hover effects.

Video support
For YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram.

        “Show More” button
Load more items in stream.
Smart resource loading
Script and styles are loaded only when shortcode detected on page
        Responsive layout
Will adjust to different container sizes.
Use this tool for example to translate plugin. Then you can send translation files to us!
        Approval system
You can preview posts before publish!

You can moderate your social feeds with this plugin excluding posts by URL, by username, by words. Broadcast your news, make portfolio, show client testimonials by your company’s tag etc. Plugin provides social sharing buttons to drive user involvement and interaction. We’re focusing on increasing the number of use cases for plugin.

* * *
If you like Flow-Flow WordPress Social Stream Plugin but it lacks important feature you need please request it!
Don’t leave silently with bad review if something doesn’t work. It can be your server issue or bad config. Please always ask support.
* * *

How plugin works

You create streams in Flow-Flow WordPress Social Stream admin and copy generated shortcodes. Then you put these shortcodes in any block on any page of your site. When social stream is shown first time, it’s got cached (takes more time for initial caching but then it will show blazingly fast) and rest of visitors see this cache for cache lifetime. So for example if you have set 20 min cache and 10000 users visit your site within these 20 min, it’s only one time plugin will request API to pull data, for the rest of time users will see cached data almost instantly. Considering that server runs cache renew task in background it guarantees plugin’s amazing performance.

Design your stream

Flow-Flow provides a great design customization of your streams. Select your layout from mansory, justified or one-height grid. Build your card with help of drag&drop constructor. Style cards and the whole stream fast and easily. Even your grandmother can do!

How multiple social feeds work

First of all you can create multiple socials streams (the only limit is your server capacity). The magic thing is that you then add as much social feeds from one or different social networks as you want. For example, you want to include in one stream 3 Twitter accounts, 1 Instagram hashtag, 2 Pinterest boards and 5 Facebook feeds. No problem! Here is a visual scheme:

Admin panel provides clear indication of important stuff and is very convenient. You can easily manage your social streams from one compact list.


Filter is optional feature of Flow-Flow. If you would like to use plugin with complex streams this feature could be handy.


  • PHP 5.6+ with mbstring (installation) and MySQL (InnoDB) with mysqli extension (installation).
  • You need to have jQuery version 1.7 and above.
  • Grid engine is pretty resource heavy and using latest technologies so some devices (eg. low-end or old models) can struggle displaying grid especially when being combined with another heavy scripts on page.
  • The more streams you have the more powerful server you need. Average server can handle 10 streams with 10 feeds in each no problem.


[4.1.31] [Change] Allowed Facebook posts that were uploaded via mobile
[4.1.30] [Change] Updated list of post types allowed to display for Facebook feeds
[4.1.29] [Change] Renamed Facebook Group feed to Page with restrictions feed
[4.1.28] [Change] Added Facebook Group feed (try to change to group if you have "Unsupported get request" error)
[4.1.27] [Change] Added Twitter collections feed
[4.1.26] [Fix] For admin CSS
[4.1.25] [Fix] For carousel CSS 2/2
[4.1.25] [Update] For admin CSS and latest WP versions
[4.1.25] [Update] For Instagram location feed changes
[4.1.24] [Fix] For carousel CSS
[4.1.23] [Update] Small CSS fixes
[4.1.22] [Fix] Minor CSS fix for videos responsibility on mobiles
[4.1.21] [Update] For Instagram session logic
[4.1.19-20] [Update] Change for Instagram integration flow
[4.1.18] [Update] For Facebook API used methods
[4.1.18] [Fix] For security check logic
[4.1.17] [Update] Lightbox logic optimizations
[4.1.16] [Update] For changes in Instagram comments
[4.1.15] [Fix] For updated Pinterest userpics
[4.1.14] [Fix] For broken stream settings in 4.1.13
[4.1.13] [Fix] For proportional sorting algorithm
[4.1.13] [Fix] For lazy loading images (when no images load in emoji posts)
[4.1.12] [Fix] For multiple streams on page case (was broken in 4.1.9)
[4.1.11] [Change] Improved proportional sorting of feeds in streams
[4.1.11] [Fix] For error when animation is disabled (when you see empty page)
[4.1.10] [Change] Lazy loading for images (animations must be enabled)
[4.1.10] [Change] Forcing jQuery loading (when you see empty page)
[4.1.9] [Change] Optimizations for loading public side and async jQuery
[4.1.8] [Change] New Facebook app (please regenerate your tokens)
[4.1.8] [Fix] For include filters
[4.1.7] [Fix] For feeds UI in admin
[4.1.6] [Fix] For Facebook multiphoto posts correct displaying in lightbox
[4.1.6] [Change] Number of posts updated for Instagram feeds (to avoid expired video posts)
[4.1.6] [Fix] For emojis displaying in Instagram posts
[4.1.5] [Fix] For broken AJAX call if stream has at least one empty feed
[4.1.4] [UPDATE] For recent API changes and location Instagram feeds 
[4.1.3] [FIX] For comments not loading in lightbox on some servers (32bit)
[4.1.2] [FIX] Issue with browser cache (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined)
[4.1.1] [FIX] Issue with feeds updating 
[4.1.0] [FEATURE] Carousel layout
[4.1.0] [FIX] For Data too long error
[4.0.3] [FIX] For new lightbox broken in 4.0.1- 4.0.2
[4.0.2] [FIX] For duplicated items in lightbox carousels
[4.0.2] [CHANGE] Compatibility with Broadcasting add-on 1.5.0
[4.0.1] [FIX] For migration from previous versions
[4.0.0] [FEATURE] Wall list posts layout
[4.0.0] [FEATURE] New lightbox option with infinite scrolling for posts<br />
[4.0.0] [UPDATE] Instagram feeds now load more than 12 posts
[4.0.0] [UPDATE] Facebook videos embedding changed to official method
[3.2.27] [UPDATE] For Youtube feeds problem on some servers
[3.2.27] [UPDATE] Composer warning removal
[3.2.26] [FIX] Various small tweaks (&& problem, email validation for long domains, Cron task name)
[3.2.25] [UPDATE] Latest changes for Tumblr API (edit: not working currently, will be fixed in future)
[3.2.24] [FIX] For 'Media with given code does not exist' error
[3.2.23] [UPDATE] Latest changes for Instagram API
[3.2.22] [UPDATE] Further integration of Instagram API
[3.2.21] [UPDATE] New API update for empty Instagram user feeds problem
[3.2.20] [UPDATE] Instagram 4th April API changes integration
[3.2.11] [FIX] For error "Data too long for column user_bio" 
[3.2.11] [FIX] DB issue on subsites for multisite setup 
[3.2.10] [TWEAK] AJAX call security layer added
[3.2.10] [UPDATE] In multisite setup now each subsite has separate streams and feeds
[3.2.10] [TWEAK] Some PHP notices removed from admin
[3.2.6] [FIX] For proportional sorting
[3.2.5] [UPDATE] For Facebook comments API change (utilized in lightboxes)
[3.2.4] [UPDATE] For Instagram video posts expiration
[3.2.3] [FIX] For Facebook "DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string" error in version 3.2.2
[3.2.2] [FIX] For Google+ feeds in some cases
[3.2.2] [FIX] Updating counters of likes, comments
[3.2.1] [FIX] Tumblr feeds posts loading
[3.2.0] [TWEAK] Various admin UI improvements
[3.2.0] [FEATURE] Email notifications for non-working (stopped to work) feeds
[3.1.3] [FIX] For streams not working in IE browsers
[3.1.2] [FIX] For Facebook cards having broken images and empty space in its place 
[3.1.2] [FIX] For lightbox showing small images in Firefox
[3.1.1] [FIX] For Social Apps page
[3.1.1] [FIX] Feed filters in admin can duplicate in UI in some cases
[3.1.1] [FIX] Moderation in version 3.1.0
[3.1.0] [FEATURE] Brand new lightbox
[3.1.0] [FEATURE] Comments fetching in lightbox for next networks: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google+
[3.1.0] [FEATURE] Support of multi photo posts in lightbox for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
[3.1.0] [FEATURE] News page for social apps by Looks Awesome
[3.1.0] [FEATURE] 'Include only' filter for feed posts
[3.1.0] [FEATURE] Front-end filters facelift and responsiveness
[3.1.0] [FEATURE] Setting for using max-res images for grid cards (good for big cards usecase)
[3.1.0] [TWEAK] Increased initial number of post loaded on feed creation
[3.1.0] [TWEAK] Several improvements for admin errors messaging
[3.0.13] [FIX] Too small images in lightbox for Facebook feeds in some cases
[3.0.12] [TWEAK] Small improvements for RSS feeds scraping and RSS admin info 
[3.0.11] [FIX] Made stdObject errors human-readable
[3.0.10] [FIX] For Facebook group posts when images weren't displayed
[3.0.10] [FIX] For Instagram stdObject error
[3.0.9] [FIX] For multi stream there was issue of conflicting styles
[3.0.9] [UPDATED] Docs links in admin
[3.0.9] [FIX] Lato font in admin
[3.0.9] [TWEAK] Flickr videos are dropped and not displayed due to API limitations
[3.0.9] [FIX] Facebook feeds error for object(StdClass)
[3.0.8] [FIX] Cloning stream in Admin UI renders correctly
[3.0.8] [FIX] Premoderation for multiple streams on page
[3.0.7] [FIX] Problem with setting for count of posts to store in database
[3.0.7] [FIX] Activation issue in some cases (when nothing happens upon activation)
[3.0.7] [FIX] Linkedin posts links
[3.0.6] [FIX] Filters and search field functionality was broken in 3.0.4
[3.0.5] [UPDATED] Critical update for facebook API change for getting tokens for your own apps
[3.0.4] [FIX] Moderation approvement mechanism and UI
[3.0.4] [FIX] Plugin activation in some cases in FlowFlowUpdater.php
[3.0.3] [FIX] In rare cases for Twitter and Facebook
[3.0.3] [IMPROVEMENT] Minor adjustments for mobiles
[3.0.2] [FIX] Migration from free version
[3.0.1] [FIX] Migration from older paid versions
[3.0] [FEATURE] More grid layouts. Justified and one-height grid styles added
[3.0] [FEATURE] Seamless update via Plugins page after plugin is activated with purchase code
[3.0] [FEATURE] Drag&Drop card editor with live preview
[3.0] [FEATURE] Various responsive settings and mobile improvements 
[3.0] [FEATURE] Lightbox for smartphones
[3.0] [FEATURE] Social activity counters
[3.0] [IMPROVEMENT] Cards, filters, UI elements of stream was reinvented and redesigned
[3.0] [IMPROVEMENT] New shiny toolbar with improved design of social sharing tooltip and buttons
[3.0] [IMPROVEMENT] Performance improvements for both desktop and mobile
[3.0] [DEPRECATED] Compact view removed, consider this before update

Please always leave your feedback. We’re interested to improve the product with focus on clients’ satisfaction. If you have issues, please send message via Help Center and we’ll try to update/fix as soon as possible.


Developing of Flow-Flow Social Streams is based on user suggestions. If you lack some features or social networks/feeds please take a minute and answer a few simple questions. You decide and affect the priority of developing. Many thanks!

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Facebook Instagram Twitter Feed — WordPress Social Stream & Grid Gallery Plugin

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

Facebook Instagram Twitter Feed — WordPress Social Stream & Grid Gallery Plugin

Download Facebook Instagram Twitter Feed — WordPress Social Stream & Grid Gallery Plugin