Event And Human Resource Management System

Event And Human Resource Management System
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Event and Human Resource Management System

This product supports PHP version greater than 7.3. Technology used in this product is top trending PHP framework Laravel v8. Blade templates are used to make frontend and Laravel Breeze is used for authentication.

Event management system allows you to manage events and employees in an intuitive way. This system allows you to register new employees and mark their attendance also you can assign task to employees or any sort of penalty.

This product reduces the hassle to remember which employee was assigned which task. You can easily search for an employee to get all the details of assigned tasks.


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For detail information visit official documentation at Spantiklab

Demo URL: Live Preview

Main Features of Event Management System

  • Two user roles for this software
    • Admin
    • Employee
  • The admin can register employees.
  • The Admin has the capability to remove any employee.
  • The Admin can create tasks and can also assigned it to multiple employees.
  • The Employee can login and can view all tasks or any message send by the admin.
  • The Admin can send message to any employee.
  • The Admin can create penalties and assign it to any employee.
  • Admin dashboard gives you some quick information about your organization.
  • Admin dashboard also shows the employees who had checked-in on the current date.
  • You can find all the expired events and renew them accordingly.
  • You can preview any event.
  • You can view the profile of any employee.

For detail support contact us at Spantiklab

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