dizzy – Support Creators Content Script is a platform where content creators, youtubers, instagramers, designers, developers, photographers or any other branch can monetize their content by receiving subscriptions from their most loyal followers or just anyone who likes their work.
Anyone can create a contents but just Creators can earn money with Premium Content Share and Subscriber Content Share features.
Dizzy is not a clone script with a flexible interface. In terms of features, it may be similar to OnlyFans or Patreon sites, but if you need a unique project, dizzy offers you exactly those.
Demo User:testuser User Pass: 123456 URL https://www.imyourfun.com/ Some features have been disabled for this test account.
Admin Features
- Settings
- Website Settings
- Site Logo
- Favicon
- Site Name
- Site Title
- Site Description
- Keywords
- General
- Main Language(Choose Language)
- Maintenance Mode(Enable/Disable)
- Email verification(Enable/Disable)
- Register (Enable/Disable)
- IP Limit(One ip can register 2 times if enabled)
- Limits
- Upload File Size limit
- Post Length
- Number of post show
- Show number of pagination
- Allowed file extensions(mp4,MP4,mp3,MP3,mpg,mov,m4v,avi,flv,mpeg,MPEG,webm,mkv,MKV,gif,GIF,jpg,jpeg,JPEG,JPG,PNG,png)
- File extensions valid for approval(gif,GIF,jpg,jpeg,JPEG,JPG,PNG,png)
- Billing Informations
- Email Settings
- Storage(Amazon S3)
- Manage Posts
- Awaiting approval(Admin should approve Premium posts)
- Posts
- Premium Posts
- Subscribe Possts
- Design
- Custom CSS/JS
- Manage SVG Icons
- Point Packages Settings
- Manage Languages
- Users
- Manage Users
- Creator Verification Requests
- Pages (Create/Edit/Delete) pages
- Stickers (Create/Edit/Delete) stickers
- Payment Methods
- Payment Settings
- PayPal
- Bitpay
- Stripe
- Authorize.Net
- IyziCo
- RazorPay
- PayStack
- Social Logins (Edit Twitter and Google Login)
- Manage Payments
- Manage Withdrawals
- Manage Subscription Payment
- Advertisement
- Create a Advertisement
- Manage Advertisements