CyberBukit Automatic Writing – SaaS Ready

CyberBukit Automatic Writing - SaaS Ready
Preview CyberBukit Automatic Writing – SaaS Ready

Run your business like and!

For the first 100 sales, you can run it as SaaS using the Regular License.

There are many PLR products(scripts of copyleft) online, you may take advantage of that to build up your beautiful platform.

About the script

CyberBukit Automatic Writing is a SaaS ready script. Registered users can automatically generate writing copy according to the templates. They only need to select the proper template and provide some required details. A beautiful writing copy will be ready to download.


It can be used in many areas of wrting such as :
Sales Letters
Email Campaigns
Facebook Ads
Google AdWords Ads
Facebook CTAs
OPT-IN Pages
Phone Scripts
Video Scripts
And much more than you can imagine…

Start your SaaS business

You can run it as a SaaS business. As you provide valued writing copy and conveniences to your users, you can charge them in multiple ways.
Consider the business running by these providers:, $797 lifetime access, from $67 lifetime access
They are running the similar business and earned a lot from their users, and they are now all on facebook/google/youtube ads, you can take a look at their customer reviews and know the demand of this product. What you need to do is to write or collect valued writing copy and make them as templates. More templates you have, more attraction your product will have.

SaaS Ready

CyberBukit Automatic Writing is fully ready for SaaS use, except the key writing feature, it also comes with payment, ticket, documentation, front-end and many other SaaS features. You can run the SaaS business in no time. For the first 100 sales, you can run it as SaaS using the Regular License

SuperAdmin Credentials
Username : admin
Password : admin
User Credentials
Username : user
Password : user


Email: [email protected]
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Change Logs

December 8, 2020
V1.0.0 Release

Download CyberBukit Automatic Writing – SaaS Ready