This is a Addon for PayMoney – Secure Online Payment Gateway
Overview of Investment Addon
- PayMoney – CryptInvest Addon is a platform where users can invest and make money from the investment after a certain period of time
- Admin can create different plans for a fixed duration of time with multiple currencies including fiat and cryptos
- Users can invest via wallet as well as different payment gateways
- When the investment has matured, the administrator can approve the profit, allowing the amount and profit to be transferred to the user’s wallet.
We are open to any help/support through our support system.
Please send us an e-mail to
[email protected] or
click here to create a ticket
Demo Site info:
Admin Login:
username : [email protected]
password : 123456
User Login:
username : [email protected]
passwrod : 123456
Merchant Login:
username : [email protected]
passwrod : 123456
Test Credentials:
Stripe credentials (Deposit)
Card number : 4242424242424242
MM/YY : 12/29
CVC : 123
Update ChangeLog
Initial Release v-1.0 October 29, 2022
Initial ReleaseDownload CryptInvest Wallet Growth Investment Addon