Cpocket – CryptoCurrency Wallet
CPocket is a complete CryptoCurrency secured wallet. The system platform is developed with the Laravel framework and MySQL. Our system is 100% Secure and Dynamic. It is integrated with coinpayment gateway which supports all available Cryptocurrency whose coinpayment supports. It has Buy coin functionality by bank deposit and Coin Payment gateway, It also has a deposit, Withdrawal, Referral system, Membership system, Blocked coin, and get bonus & many more features that you need to run a wallet. It is the most perfect platform for creating your own currency wallet. The good business opportunity that it has a coin stacking option and membership club functionality with configurable reward bonus.
All files and code have been well organized and nicely commented to customize. We have included a clear and detail documentation folder to describe the code structures.
User access: email: [email protected], pass: 123456
Admin access: email: [email protected], pass: 123456
Key Features
Admin Side
- Fully responsive and dynamic dashboard
- Easy to signup & signin
- Email verification
- Forgot password
- Profile management
- Initial coin offering System;
- Password setup
- Security management
- Complete user management
- Coin management
- Payment Method
- Sell coin report
- User coin order list
- Broadcast Email
- Bank management
- Deposit management
- Withdrawal management
- Accept withdrawal and buy coin system
- User id verification
- Manage referral system
- Admin settings
- Coin Payment setting
- Sms setting using twillo
- Fees setting
- FAQ Management
User Side:
- Fully Responsive and Dynamic
- Easy to Signup & Signin
- Profile Management
- User can buy coin with bank deposit
- Buy coin with coinpayments
- Membership system
- Coin blocking system
- Get bonus from blocked coin percentage
- Nice Wallet management
- Generate wallet address using coin payment
- Coin deposit system
- Deposit Chart
- Withdrawal Chart
- Google Auth Setup
- Password Setup
- Security Management
- An user can send coin to both internal and external address
- User can send coin to wallet address or email address inside the same platform;
- Buy Coin History
- Use Google authentication
- Use Two factor authentication for login;
- Three level Referral System
Pre Requisites:
- Linux Server.
- Minimum RAM 2GB.
- Minimum Space 40GB.
- PHP 7.2+.
- Database (Preferred MYSQL 5.7+).
- Apache 2.4/Nginx Server.
- Process Control System (Preferred Supervisord).
- PHP Dependency Manager (Preferred Composer).
- Redis Server For Queue Management.
- Coinpayment merchant account
- Please check our demo and Pre Requisites before making your purchase.
Setup Supervisor:
- Create 2 new supervisord config with the following configuration.
- Horizon Supervisor Config.
- [program:cryptwallet].
- process_name=%(program_name)s.
- command=php /var/www/html/cryptwallet/artisan horizon.
- autostart=true.
- autorestart=true.
- user=root.
- redirect_stderr=true.
- stdout_logfile=/var/log/cryptwallet-horizon.log.
- After these configurations run following command.
- servervisorctl reread.
- servervisorctl update.
- servervisorctl start all.
- php artisan clear:all.
- php artisan horizon terminate.
What will you get?
- Cpocket Main file
- Database
- Documentation
We offer installation service with charge! Please contact with us to discuss and asking for quatation to setup wallet and your server(VPS). Our Email: [email protected] . We don’t have any refund policy! Please check our demo and documentation before you make any purchase! Feel free to ask us your pre sale query!
Change Log: Version 1.2 – 3rd July’2020
- Added Step by step an installation wizard to make an installation process.
Change Log: Version 1.1 – 1st July’2020
- Added Cron/schedule job distributing membership bonus and affiliation bonus.
- Added option in admin panel to distribute membership bonus to all applicable members' lists.
- Fixed some design issues
- Added given coins report by damin
- Added feature in admin to give coins to user wallet.
- Updated documentation.
Change Log: Version 1.0 – 27th June’2020
- Initial Release
Support: Our support response time can be up to 2 business days. Support only inlcudes script bugs, customization and new featues are excluded under this service.
Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download bundle.
Download Cpocket – Cryptocurrency Wallet