The Covid-19 Pro is a WordPress data visualization plugin designed for the CoronaVirus tracking. The world is facing an outbreak of the virus, and all people want up-to-date data on this epidemic in order to protect themselves and be on the alert. The plugin provides the display of total/new confirmed cases of infection, data on recovery and death for all countries.
There are different types of data available for display: New Confirmed, Total Confirmed, New Deaths, Total Deaths, New Recovered, Total Recovered. All information can be presented in the form of a table or cards. Each table column can be sorted in ascending and descending order. Besides, the search field for all data is available.
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Its easy to use for all users.
Covid-19 Pro – Main Features
Coronavirus Live Statistic
World wide or country specific statistics
County-wise data features.
Single and Multiple Country choose options
Add any number of elements in any page/post/widgets
Easy Shortcode Generator
Compatibility with wordpress 5.3+
6 Widgets & Shortcode supports
Live view of number of Covid19 confirmed, recovered, death cases.
Top affected country data display
Very clean & minimal design
Free lifetime update
Covid-19 Pro – Credits & resources
Live data is from John Hopkins University –
Live api data from –
Live api data from –
Charts by canvasJS –
Maps From Amcharts –