Magento provides cash on delivery and free shipping functionality for selected countries. But sometimes store owner want to allow cash on delivery payment method and free shipping for selected or specific zip codes inside the country but this functionality not available in native Magento. With the help of this module, the user can find out the product shipping availability as well as Cash on delivery payment method available on product page directly, a user doesn’t want to perform checkout process and this module also removes user’s unnecessary effort to buy a particular product.
Extension Key Features:
Availability Check module provides below functionality to the user.
Availability Check module allows the users to find out the shipping availability using zip codes for particular area wise product is available or not.
Availability Check module allows the users to enable free shipping to a specific product.
Availability Check module allows the users to enable cash on delivery to a specific product.
Availability Check module save the user time, the users don’t require to do the checkout process in order to find out the Free shipping availability and Cash on delivery availability.
Check Cash on delivery available or not in a particular area using a zip code.
Enable free shipping method for a specific product.
Enable Cash on delivery payment method for a specific product.
Set shipping and Cod Availability for all products from admin.
User able to set common zip code for all products.
User able to set specific zip code for a specific product.
Set shipping & Cash on delivery availability separately (Means Product wise).
Zip codes can be updated and deleted by the admin.
This extension gives relaxation for customizing Success/Failure message of service availability from admin side.
A user also uses this extension to Shows if Pickup at store available or not.
Availability check module’s flow is easy to understand and easy to edit.
Installation Steps:
The Installation steps are listed below.
1. Unzip extension zip in to app => code directory
2. After that, you have to run following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
3. Logout and re-logging on admin panel, after running above commands then extension’s settings showing on admin menu which are displaying below admin path.
Admin => store => configuration => CIRKLE TECHNOLOGY => Check Availability
Here Store Owner can enter multiple postcodes with comma separated where the product is available near best area wise.
Magento Community Version:
2.0.x, 2.1.x
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