WordPress Plugins Gifting Reminders Magento2 Extension Demo Details Front-End Demo Back-End Demo Username: admin Password: gift123 Gifting Reminders Magento2 Extension We are living in a busy…
WordPress Plugins Instagram Feed Grid With Carousel for Prestashop Prestashop – Instagram Social Stream Grid With Carousel Responsive Design Layouts. 7 Style Available User and HashTag Feed Inline Social read…
WordPress Plugins Facebook Connect for Prestashop, Login Button. Description Facebook Login Save your visitors valuable time and make their login a breeze with the Facebook Login. You can now generate a user…
WordPress Plugins Magento 2 Custom Order Number Overview By default, Magento 2 has a simple format for order number, invoice number, shipment number and credit memo number. This extension…
WordPress Plugins Magento 2 Call For Price Overview Merchants occasionally have products and services where prices should be hidden for many reasons. These items might free, out of…
WordPress Plugins Advanced One-Step checkout Magento 2 Extension Advanced One-Step Checkout magento2 extension Over 60% shoppers abandon their carts at the checkout page due to the complicated process. A…
WordPress Plugins Amazon Pay for Zen Cart Millions of Amazon buyers can login and pay on your website or mobile site with the information already stored in their Amazon account. It’s…
WordPress Plugins Pre Order for Magento 2 >Pre Order for Magento 2 Want to attract more attention to your products? Then Pre Order is for you! Allow customers to pre-order…
WordPress Plugins Product Tags for Magento 2 Product Tags for Magento 2 Want to attract more attention to your products? Then Product Tags is for you! This modern and easy-to-use…
WordPress Plugins Region and City Manager for Magento 2 Region and City Manager for Magento 2 Want to attract more attention to your products? Then Region and City Manager is for you! Region and…
WordPress Plugins Slider Banner for Magento 2 Slider Banner for Magento 2 Want to attract more attention to your products? Then Slider Banner is for you! The slider banner extension allows…
WordPress Plugins DSGVO / GDPR 4 in 1 Magento 1.9 Extension This Extension helps you installing 4 Important Changes in your Magento System, after Installation you can Find the Settings Page in your…