WordPress Plugins Headline animation | Adobe Muse Widget A beautiful set of 10 animations for use in the headlines of your site. The main purpose of the site is to attract the attention of visitors,…
WordPress Plugins Visitor Statistics Overview: Most e-commerce websites provide a way for admin to see Keep record of all page visit and all visitor that visits our site. Magento2…
WordPress Plugins Website Feedback Overview: Most e-commerce websites provide a way for users to submit website feedback form with additional functionality from front end side.…
WordPress Plugins Magento 2 Recent Order Notification – Boost Your Sales – Sales Notification This extension displays recent orders on your storefront. It’s the online equivalent of a busy store, and shows prospective customers that…
WordPress Plugins Simple Custom CSS and JavaScript Short Description Customize your site’s appearance by easily adding custom CSS and JS code without even having to modify your theme or plugin…
WordPress Plugins Cdiscount Search & Import Cdiscount Search & Import allows you to have a fast catalog search and import dropshipped products into your Prestashop store from…
WordPress Plugins CoinPayments Joomla Virtuemart Plugin CoinPayments Joomla Virtuemart Plugin documentationModule Features – Over 115 Supported Coins – You can accept all 115 supported…
WordPress Plugins Parallax Scroll Images and Videos Short Description Parallax Scroll Images and Videos is super easy to use scrolling parallax and animate effect the easiest way to get a…
WordPress Plugins Prestashop Auto Accessories This module allows you to create rules, assigning accessories to whole categories of products. It may be very usefull if you have a very large…
WordPress Plugins Success Page Magento 2 Extension Extension Overview: Magento 2 Success Page extension allows you to customize your store thank you page as you like. A success page checkout…
WordPress Plugins Muse Tools 18 pcs. widgets A collection of 18 easy-to-use and useful widgets for Adobe Muse. The collection will be replenished by unusual widgets. 100% height —…
WordPress Plugins Site Maintenance – Magento 2 Extension We are glad to present you our new top-quality module. Site Maintenance module will help you to notify your clients that your website is…