Biolinks is a problem solver for Instagram and TikTok linking problem and a URL Shortener at the same time! Have you ever wanted to manage multiple links through your instagram account and you found out you can only put one unique link in your bio? If so, then this is the solution for you and your users. Create a great website where you register and add as many links as you want and only paste your custom profile’s url in your instagram’s bio and never change it again.
Biolinks Demo
Username: admin
Password: admin
Stripe Recurring / One Time Payments – Latest Stripe v3 implementation ( SCA Ready )
PayPal Recurring / One Time Payments
Facebook Login – Facebook Login / Registration system configurable via the Admin Panel.
Account Settings – Users can fully manange their account settings and current package.
Account Extra Details – Users can see the extra details available related to their account, such as Payments List History.
Renew / Change Package – Users can any time renew, upgrade or cancel their current package.
Unlimited Projects – That users can create to manage multiple Biolink Pages & Shortened URLS and differentiate them easily.
Multiple Biolink Pages – Users can create multiple Biolink Pages from one single account.
URL Shortener – Your users can use the product as an URL Shortener as well!
Highly Customizable Biolink Pages – Just check out the demo and you will see for yourself !
Biolink Pages Embeds – Including YouTube, Soundcloud, Spotify, Twitch & Vimeo!
Advanced Statistics – All links get detailed statistics regarding their visitors which access their pages.
Invoicing System – Users can see all the payments they made and get invoices.
and many many more..
Administrative Features
Fully Translatable via 1 File – Everything that you see on the frontend is translatable via a 1 JSON File.
Custom & Unlimited User Packages – Create / View / Update / Delete custom user packages and their available features.
Custom pages and pages categories system – Easily create and manage your static pages from the admin panel
Dashboard – Check out what is happening on your platform with great statistics at a glance.
Users Management – Create / View / Update / Delete all the users on the website.
Full SMTP Configuration
Statistics – See how your website is growing by checking out the Great looking charts and tables with different types of statistics based on your website.
Payments List – View and check out all the payments that happened on your website.
Set Default Language – Directly from the admin panel.
Payment Settings – For your Paypal and Stripe implementation.
Captcha / Google Recaptcha – Comes with a simple default captcha and has the option to implement Google Recaptcha.
Custom Administrative Emails – Configure emails content for Account Activation / Account Lost Password emails.
Admin Email Notifications – When your platform gets a new user or registers a new payment you will be notified.
Disable Index Landing Page – And replace it with your own.
Disable Registration – To completely lock down the website if needed.
Custom Header JS / CSS – To easily implement Header Javascript codes like Google Analytics, Fb pixel..etc and to easily add small CSS styling changes.
Custom Multi Domains – Allow your users to use multiple domains that you give them access to for Biolink pages or URL Shorteners.
Phishtank & Google Safe Browsing Integration – Is implemented to help you fight phishing, malware or any threats from sites that spammers will try and link to.
Discount & Redeemable codes system – To easily run promotions and give your users discounts or redeemable codes.
Please read the whole documentation along with the readme at Biolinks Docs
If you plan to use this product to get paid by your users on the platform ( use the payment systems ) then you must purchase the Extended License, enforced by the terms written by Envato.
Installation services
We provide Script Installations and also Full Server Installations from stratch for DigitalOcean. Head over to Biolinks Installation for more details.
Update 4.7.1 – 20 June, 2020
- Improved the visual presentation on the Admin Page Create & Update and Admin Page Category Create & Update. - Now when selecting an image to upload, the user will only be able to select image files that are allowed, to avoid any other confusion - Fixed Twitch embed as they have changed their API - Fixed Biolink Page preview iframe not being scrollable in certain browsers - Fixed Admin Page Update problem not deleting the cache after the update. - Removed Fontawesome Iconpicker library as it was not updated by the creators of it and it is no longer up to date - Made the click box for the Social Icons in the biolink page bigger so that mobile users can tap on them easier - Other small improvements and changes
Update 4.7.0 – 31 May, 2020
- Implemented Additional Global Domains as a package feature - Implemented the ability for a Custom Domain to have a custom index redirection - Implemented Custom Back-half as a package feature for users to have the ability to choose custom aliases for their links - Implemented QR Code for the Biolink pages and Shortened links - Implemented Deep Linking package feature that allows the user to have custom URL structures, like mail:// or app://..etc - Fully reworked the Admin Statistics page with a new structure and more statistics. - Fully redesigned the Admin Panel. - Implemented the ability for a Package to be hidden from the Frontend but still active. - All the redirects from the Shortened links and Biolink pages are now happening with a 301 Permanent Redirect as its the best choice for SEO purposes. - Biolink Text block - Title is not required anymore. - Documentation & Installation process design reworked. - Biolink page ads will now not show anymore to other users on Biolink pages which are owned by users that have the "No ads" package option. - Improved default language text and also added helper tooltips for every package feature listed - Fixed Link Statistics page not properly counting the stats shown. - Fixed Stripe payments not counting the usage of discount codes when a payment happens. - Fixed dates shown on Charts not taking into consideration the language file. - Fixed Facebook Login not notifying the admin when the user signed up. - Fixed Admin Link deletion bug. - Fixed Paypal Recurring Annual payments bug. - Fixed Admin User Create function not taking into consideration the default timezone and language when creating the user. - Fixed Admin Settings page being slow in certain cases when saving data. - Removed the ability to have custom alias URL's for links inside of a Biolink page - Other various improvements and fixes.
Update 4.6.1 – 24 April, 2020
- Implemented the ability to have Header and Footer ads specific for Biolink pages (set from the admin panel) - Fixed redeemable codes not working - Fixed footer social icons displaying when they should not - Fixed other small visual and technical bugs
Update 4.6.0 – 22 April, 2020
- Implemented Two-factor authentication option for users to use with their authenticator app - Implemented Dark mode - Implemented a separated color changer for the social buttons links in the biolink page - Implemented the ability for the user to Add, Edit and Delete custom domains - Implemented the ability for the admin to limit the number of custom domains a user can add - Implemented the ability for the admin to disable custom domains for users entirely - Implemented the ability to disable the link shortener functionality - Implemented new Text and description block for the biolink page - Enabled the ability to edit the transparency of colors for all color related functions inside of the Biolink page - Implemented the ability to delete a Biolink page avatar - Fully reworked the statistics page for links - Implemented more statistics for links - Revamped the overall look of the dashboard, projects pages - Improved the workflow and preview of the Biolink page when editing it - Revamped the documentation look - Revamped the installation look - Other and many other improvements in the platform - Fixed mailchimp sub box not working on custom domains - Mailchimp sub box will not be able to be submitted more than once per user to avoid spamming - Other small fixes
Update 4.5.1 – 3 April, 2020
- Fixed cache not updating for custom domains when changing the settings of a Biolink page - Fixed Mailchimp integration - Fixed Resend Activation page not properly sending the email - Fixed Lost Password page not properly sending the email - Fixed packages choose button not linking to the proper package
Update 4.5.0 – 2 April, 2020
- Implemented the ability to edit the name of an already existing Project - Highly improved the speed and performance of a Biolink page / shortened URLs - Highly improved the speed and performance of the whole website - Implemented UTM Parameters new package feature option for user's Biolink pages - Implemented Custom Fonts new package feature option for user's Biolink pages to change their font - Implemented Socials new package feature option for user's Biolink pages to add their social links - Implemented SEO new package feature option for user's Biolink pages to change their title and meta description - Implemented the ability for the user to trigger the verified checkmark (show/hide) - Implemented TikTok video embed for Biolink pages - Implemented Mail Sign up form, integrated with Mailchimp or Webhooks - Implemented the ability to duplicate a Biolink link - Implemented Codes system ( Discount and redeemable codes) - Implemented Country detection for users on login - Redesigned how the plans are looking - Improved the responsiveness for mobile screens of the whole website - Improved workflow and overall look of the whole website - Updated the country detection database to the latest version - Implemented sticky preview for the Biolink page when editing the site - Fixed Safari preview of the biolink page not looking properly - Fixed potential bugs in Paypal payments for certain currencies - The registration name field now accepts accented characters as well - Removed Instagram Login - Because Facebook has fully removed the API, use Facebook login instead - Fixed various timezone related bugs - Fixed various datepicker related bugs
Update 4.4.0 – 27 January, 2020
- Remade the dates translation mechanism to not be based on the server settings anymore but to be fully translatable from the language file. - Added the ability for the user to change his timezone according to his needs. - Added the ability to the admin to login as any user on the system directly via the admin panel. - Added the ability to enable only the One time payment or Recurring or Both from the admin panel. - Replaced Account Details page with 2 new separate pages: Account Payments and Account Logs. - Added Account Package page where the user gets more details about his current package his upgrading possibilities. - Reworked parts of the admin panel look making it more user friendly, visually pleasing and fixing other visual bugs. - Reworked the Paypal Recurring payments to automatically accept the first payment instead of waiting 5-10 minutes until its processed. - Implemented pages categories. - Reworked and improved the pages system. - Implemented "Resources center" where you can see the most popular pages and categories for all the pages. Refactored the look and function of the Admin Page Create / Update pages and included the ability to have hidden pages (not be shown in the footer or top menu). - Restructured the Account settings page. - Now the datepicker is fully translatable as well. - Improve the email sending feature by adding the "Alternative body" to improve the email receiving rates (Thank you Kevin for the suggestion). - Implemented 2 extra custom fields for the invoice system. Helpful when the provider must include extra details in the Invoice. - Performance optimization for all statistics related charts and queries. - Improved Stripe payments formatting for currencies which are considered "zero-decimal currencies" (ex: JPY) - Fixed the way tooltips show on Switch controls (on/off). - Fixed last activity field of the user not being updated properly. - Fixed preview iframe not updating properly if using a custom domain. - Many other visual improvements and bugfixes.
Update 4.3.0 – 8 Novemeber, 2019
- Added Multi Domain feature for Biolink Pages and URL Shorteners - Admins are now able to add Custom Domains from the admin panel for their users to choose from - Google Safe Browsing API Implemented - Spotify Embed: Added "show" and "episode" to be automatically detected and embedded - Links will now be able to contain UTF8 characters when shortening them - Implemented Admin User Create feature - Implemented Blacklisted Keywords feature in the Admin Panel to automatically block the usage of certain keywords when trying to set a custom short url - Implemented the ability to turn off the Payment System completely from the admin panel - Fully reworked user Email Activation to support any type of emails ( ex: emails with [email protected] ) - The language that a visitor selected will stick to his account after he creates one for better continuity - Deleting a Package from the Admin Panel which has active Subscribers will trigger cancellation of all of its Subscribers but still keep their Package features until the end of their paid term - If a user upgrades or changes his current Package, the old Package will automatically get cancelled on the payment gateway as well - Improved readability in some places of Date strings with a more human readable format (ex: 9 Nov, 2019 instead of 2019-11-09 ) - Numerous bugfixes and other small improvements
Update 4.2.0 – 4 October, 2019
- Invoicing System Implemented - Implemented Admin Links management page - Replaced Email Templating of Activation and Reset Password Email and made them editable from the language file to make them multilangual ready. - Implemented user based language change ( good for deciding what language to use when sending mails to the user ) - LostPassword now sends user language based mails - ResendActivation now sends user language based mails - Login, Register, Lost Password, Resend Activation, Reset Password pages now are detached from the header and footer for a better UI and UX. - Register page completely redone and improved - Login page completely redone and improved - Lost Password page completely redone and improved - Resend Activation page completely redone and improved - Reset Password page completely redone and improved - Biolink Links will not have the actual location url when clicking on a button instead of the Shorted url for the specific url because Instagram does not like URL's that are shortened because they have a higher chance of getting banned. - Many overall UI and UX improvements - Many overall code cleanup and performance improvements - Added the total amount of users assigned to a package in the Package list admin page - Added Gravatar of the User to display in his account settings page and in the menu - Fix problem that can appear on users which have Packages that do not exist / get deleted - Now when a biolink gets deleted all of it's sub links get deleted as well - Fixed language switcher redirection issues when product is installed on a subfolder
Update 4.1.0 – 29 Aug, 2019
- Added Phishtank API Integration to combat phishing sites being used - Added the ability to blacklist domains from the admin panel - Added Link Scheduling as an optional Package Feature - Added Verified Checkmark as an optional Package Feature for Biolink pages - Added Spotify Embed Track or Album into Biolink Page - Added Visual Icon Picker for Biolink Pages Links Icons - Improved Biolink Embeds styling and responsiveness - Fixed Header Ads (set from the admin panel) not showing up - Updated to last version of FontAwesome - Other improvements in the background
Update 4.0.0 – 26 Aug, 2019
- Biolink Links now can be ordered from a small view ( mobile ) as well - Fixed rare IP parsing problem on the Biolink page - Fixed Shorted links scheduling not working properly - Improved redirection when deleting / creating a Link inside of Biolink - Biolinks Settings Custom Backgrounds will not be accessible anymore to users that do not have access - Dashboard Package Widget: Will not say that the Free package has an expiration date anymore
Update 4.0.0 – 24 Aug, 2019 ( These are general notes, many other things have been done in the background ).
- The whole product rewritten from scratch - Recurring Payments with Paypal & Stripe - One Time Payments with Paypal & Stripe - A user can have multiple Projects - A project can have multiple Biolink Pages & Short Urls - The product now has an integrated URL Shortener - Much more advanced statistics on the URL Clicks - Highly Customizable Biolink Page - Highly Customizable Biolink Links - Whole new Admin Panel
Update 3.0.4 – 9 May, 2019
- Added DatePicker to User Edit Pro Due Date field - Stripe payment field is now an input where the user can choose the amount of points he want ( instead of a dropdown )
Update 3.0.3 – 6 May, 2019
- Fixed Paypal payment bug where the title of the site is too long and would cause an error. Now it automatically trims to the limits set by Paypal. - Fixed Safari bug where you would not be able so datepick on the statistics graph of the links. - Fixed accessibility bug in paypal / stripe payments page - Fixed bug in normal captcha - Added extra check for Registration and Account Settings on usernames to not be able to take on certain not allowed usernames ( ex: register, store, login..etc ) - Login and Register pages will now hold the values previously entered if an error comes up. ( in case a field is entered incorrectly to not have to write all the values again )
Update 3.0.2 – 4 May, 2019
- Index visual improvements
Update 3.0.1 – 3 May, 2019
- Bugfix Safari datepicker for scheduling - Bugfix option showing up even when it shouldn't - Small other code cleanup, improvements and visual fixes
Update 3.0.0 – 1 May, 2019
- Implemented Link Scheduling option for users. - Redesigned the whole index presentation page. - Implemented Google Analytics Integration option for users. - Implemented Custom Uploaded Profile Backgrounds option for users. - Added a new badge with the status of the user to the admin users management page - Paypal payments important bugfix. - Other small visual and text translation improvements.
Update 2.9.0 – 13 April, 2019
- Auto Shorten Integration with Pro Accounts ( configurable via the admin panel ) - Implemented New Admin Panel option to add extra allowed extensions to URLs. Like "mailto:", "tel:"..etc - Added Default Language Selector in the Admin Panel Website Settings - Admin Dashboard Added More Widgets Statistics with beautiful charts. - Implemented full custom configuration for decimal and thousands separator. (configurable from the language file ) - Implemented full custom configuration for custom DateTime Format output of dates. ( configurable from the language file ) - Implemented Full RTL Support ( configurable from the language file ) - Internal Pages ( created from the admin panel ) will no longer open a new tab. Only the external links will. - Improved feel and visual on different parts of the product - Behind the scenes changing of the handling of users last activity of the account - Fixed bug when first uploading a logo to the website settings and potentially throwing an error - Tweak on the dashboard after submitting a new link and refreshing the page would add the link again, now it will not do that anymore. - Now Not Found pages will return a 404 Status Code instead of 200 - Fixed Potential Bug where Links Admin Management Page and Users Admin Management Page would not show results on some cases. - Emoji's are now accepted in the Title of the links
Update 2.8.1 – 9 March, 2019
- Added new field in admin panel: Pro Due Date Email - Fixed potential problem with the Visual Editor in Pages Management
Update 2.8.0 – 6 March, 2019
- Implemented PRO TRIAL ACCOUNTS ( configurable through the admin panel ) - Fully Reworked Admin Users Management List - Fully Reworked Admin Links Management List - Fully Reworked Admin Payments Management List - New "View User" Page in the Admin Panel - Added new 4 card statistics in the admin dashboard - Replaced the native color picker with a custom one thats more functional and looks better and works in Safari too ( compared to the native picker ) - Reworked the Admin Website Statistics page - Sale Statistics - Improved Performance and Code Cleanup in almost all Admin Pages - Fixed: Error showing up in some cases where users go back after clicking on a link - Reworked the Admin Pages Management page - Upgraded Bootstrap library to the latest version - Upgraded TinyMce library to the latest version - Reworked the structure of the Admin Website Settings Page - Fixed: Notice in the Account Settings page about the fb_pixel
Update 2.7.1 – 12 February, 2019
- Fixed link limitation being applied on Pro users
Update 2.7.0 – 8 February, 2019
- Custom Colors are now implemented for users instead of a defined set of colors - New Link Preview: When creating a new link, you will now have a live preview of what it would look like. - Custom Date Range Selector Added for Hits Statistics Chart - Facebook Pixel Integration Added - Added option to enable it only for Pro Users or Normal Users too. - Added cool indicator of current chosen color in the Dashboard Links List - Dashboard: Drasticly Improved Speed of Database executions - Profile Pages: Drasticly Improved Speed of Database executions - Stripe Checkout Page Improved with extra details for the user on checkout - Fixed: Bug on Account Settings Name field where it would not save properly in certain cases. - Fixed: Visual bug on Dashboard Sidebar when the Pro Badge would look deformed when the Name of the account is too long. - Fixed problem with profile buttons not being able to be clicked on some android devices. ( Now the links will not open in new tabs )
Update 2.6.0 – 26 January, 2019
Implemented New Statistics for each links with chart stats of the last 30 days of total hits per day. Added New Feature – Limitation of Links for accounts that are not Pro ( this feature can be seen in the Website Settings ) Users that are Pro and their Pro expires no longer have the Colored links on their profile. Improved and changed Url Parser to accept multiple types of urls. Fixed problem with Facebook login where email is not provided by Facebook because it is not existing in the specific account
Update 2.5.1 – 11 January, 2019
Fixed Instagram & Facebook registration. Fixed security bug.
Update 2.5.0 – 12 December, 2018
Replaced the one time purchases with a subscription based system. Admins have the option to set the pricing of the Monthly / Yearly plan from the admin panel Admins have the option to manually add Pro members with the Users Management page. Admins can set certain features only available to Pro members or to all users from the admin panel. New “Pro” page has been added where users can get the Pro package subscription. New “Pro” badge has been added to the dashboard if a user is Pro. Improved aesthetics of the index page Profile Buttons now have the chosen color ( instead of white with hover ) Store page now shows all users transactions. Store page now only shows the payment methods which are available Updated all libraries used in the script Now the no funds error message when user is trying to purchase is more friendly and displays as an info message
Update 2.4.2 – 9 November, 2018
Paypal checkout experience improved to be more specialized for Digital Products checkout Added Paypal Mode switcher in the admin panel ( sandbox or live )
Added new feature to be able to add a logo from the admin panel
Update 2.4.1 – 29 September, 2018
Updated google analytics code
Update 2.4.0 – 28 September, 2018
Admin dashboar menu redesigned Enabled login via Username OR Email ( not just username like previously ) Visual improvements on certain parts
Update 2.3.0 – 10 September, 2018
Visual improvements and changes to the Index presentation page Visual improvements and changes to the Profile page Removed the “Preview” iframe from the Dashboard
Update 2.2.3 – 19 July, 2018
Added transactions list of that specific user when you are in the User Edit section Added option to change the current points of any user through the User Edit in the Admin Panel Improved security on login Bugfix on the Admin User Edit not being able to change the “No ads” package status.
Update 2.2.2 – 7 July, 2018
Improved overall security of the script
Update 2.2.1 – 27 June, 2018
Small phpMailer change to the charset encoding to UTF-8
Update 2.2.0 – 25 June, 2018
Added CSRF Protection to all the logged in forms. Removed the IP logging of the user Added the option for the user to delete his account ( the script is now GDPR compilant ) Auto login after registration added Small changes to the design in the dashboard The user can now see all the data that the script is storing and delete it any time ( GDPR Compilant now )
Update 2.1.5 – 19 June, 2018
Fixed bug when html could not be copy pasted into Pages ( admin panel ) Fixed bug some translation bugs on Account Settings page.
Update 2.1.4 – 18 June, 2018
Fixed bug when admins could not delete users from the admin panel
Update 2.1.3 – 17 June, 2018
Fixed bug when sometimes when you logout of one tab and try to access previous pages, it would redirect infinitely. Fixed potential recaptcha problems from old versions
Update 2.1.2 – 18 May, 2018
Fixed admin not being able to delete pages from the admin panel Cleanup on a few pages
Update 2.1.1 – 18 May, 2018
Bugfixing on login with social networks
Update 2.1.0 – 18 May, 2018
Reworked & more secure persistent login system ( when you check the rememberme button )
Update 2.0.1 – 18 May, 2018
Fixed phpMailer not working
Update 2.0.0 – 18 May, 2018
Added SoundCloud Music Parser – If you add a link for a SoundCloud Song, in the Profile Page it will automatically embed that SoundCloud Song Added YouTube Video Parser – If you add a link to a YouTube Video, in the Profile Page it will automatically embed that YouTube Video Added Twitch Channel Parser – If you add a link to a Twitch Channel, in the Profile Page it will automatically embed that Twitch Channel Redesigned index page Redesigned admin experience Reworked overall feel and look of all the pages outside of the logged in accounts. Added the NoAds Package to the Store for people who want to remove their ads from the site and from the profile page. SMTP Settings Reworked with multiple options to set up the SMTP. Account Settings Page Reworked Added the possibility for the user to change his Username Whole Passwords System reworked Admin Payments List Page added Admin Dashboard Page Reworked Admin Statistics Page Reworked Admin Pages Page Management Reworked Bootstrap upgraded to 4.1.0 FontAwesome upgraded to 5 Admin Panel Pages Management – now they won’t strip html tags causing things to not work properly once custom html is inserted. Dashboard Cards now can be dragged by a specific icon, to fix user experience on mobile phones. Many bugfixes on the overall product
Update 1.6.1 @ 23 April, 2018
Fixed login and registration bug after the previous update.
Added Store Colored Default option Where the admin can set if new users will have the Colored option enabled by default or not. Bootstrap library updated restructured the database connection ( take care when updating )
Update 1.5.5 @ 28 March, 2018
Fixed small bug with Recaptcha Library
Update 1.5.4 @ 26 March, 2018
At the request of most of you: Removed the ”@” from the profiles page. Now all users profile are accessible without any special character in front or after ( ex: ) IMPORTANT!: Make sure to update your admin’s username / password with the line provided in the how to update file. It is important to do that since we removed the ”@” and we need to differentiate between the “admin” as admin page and “admin” as user profile.
Update 1.5.3 @ 22 March, 2018
Fixed Facebook Login issue with the new Facebook Login Strict URL Announcement
Update 1.5.2 @ 12 March, 2018
Changes related to the design and feel in the index page Admin is now able to edit user’s packages manually also ( verified or colored ) Improved some other portions of admin panel Improved the look of the profiles in larger devices
Update 1.5.1 @ 18 February, 2018
Profile page buttons improved responsiveness in case the device has a low resolution or the text of the buttons are too large. Improved tooltips for the admin panel Improved admin panel with a better feel / usability
Update 1.5.0 @ 14 February, 2018
Instagram Login added. Redesign of homepage Design improvements to dashboard Updated libraries Fixed a lot of small bugs
Update 1.4.0 @ 24 January, 2018
Stripe Payment Gateway added. Other small improvments
Update 1.3.0 @ 20 December, 2017
Added the option to reorder links from the dashboard ( Drag and drop reorder )
Update 1.2.1 @ 28 October, 2017
Fixed paypal not going to live mode on checkout Now facebook login redirects to dashboard too
Update 1.2.0 @ 25 October, 2017
Stability Update
Fixed potential bug when uploading avatars on some webhosts. Fixed potential bugs with SMTP Mailing on newer PHP Versions Now activation emails send a clickable link to activate the user account Now after activation, a custom message will be shown and the user will be redirected to the login page Fixed some potential bugs when deleting users from the admin panel Removed some unnecessary files Added the profile link of the user in the Menu dropdown
Update 1.1.0 @ 15 October, 2017
Added new package to purchase for users Colored link. Added preview of the profile on the dashboard’s sidebar Other small improvements. After you login, it now redirects you directly to the dashboard.
Update 1.0.1 @ 11 October, 2017
Fixed some bugs on the homepages ( buttons not working )
TMDb Pro – Movie & TV Show Details Plugin For The Movie Database
BioLinks – Instagram & TikTok Bio Links & URL Shortener (SAAS Ready)
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Why do we use it?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.
Where can I get some?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.