Bicrypto – Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News

Bicrypto - Crypto Trading Platform,  Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News
Preview Bicrypto – Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News



  • Whitelabel, a few clicks to change the site to your brand
  • Live Trading
  • Live Watchlist
  • Live Depth View
  • Live Coin Info
  • Live Order Book
  • Contract Log
  • Transactions log
  • 22 Payment Gateway supported
  • Unlimited manual payment manager
  • Unlimited withdrawal methods
  • Blazing fast Market Analysis
  • Notifications
  • Coin Watcher
  • Coin Full History
  • Live Search
  • Practice Wallet
  • Real Wallet
  • Multiple Wallets
  • Profile Management
  • 2nd Factor Authentication
  • Browser Sessions
  • Soon (Social Login)
  • Support System
  • Referral System
  • Full Charting Library
  • 28 Indicators
  • Soon A lot more indicators will be added
  • Admin Dashboard with full control
  • KYC
  • Email Templates
  • Mailing
  • Subscribers
  • Frontend Manager
  • Soon Sms Support
  • Seo Manager
  • Blog, Comments, Categories, Posts
  • And a lot more.

Made with:

  • Laravel
  • Vue
  • JS
  • PHP
  • Livewire


  • Included in the installation folder

Demo User:

Demo Admin:

  • user: demoAdmin
  • pass: 123456

Discord Server


  • A Knowledge in running a server or any hosting with ssh
  • A Knowledge in copy and paste codes we add in update description
  • Having time to read the documentation
  • PHP +7.4
  • Composer +2
  • Server with SSH that has Permissions, not shared server without any permissions
 Version 1.2.0 - Jan 24, 2022:
    - Added the Brand New Wallet System
    - Added ability for the user to send money to another wallet
    - Added ability for users to request money from another user
    - Added ability for users to deposit and withdraw from each wallet separately
    - Removed Deposit, Withdraw links from the sidebar as they reworked into the wallet system
    - Add ability for the user to view and print every transaction in the wallet
    - Wallets now have Wallet ID like blockchain where they used in transactions
    - Clients can create over 322 wallets in the system now for all supported currencies
    - Added Open View Contract to trading page when successful trade is made to enable the client to view his contract even after he closes the window
    - Changed the trade input to a normal one with an indicator of which currency to enter for correct trading
    - trade system now supports all the supported pairs and each pair will trade directly from its balance after it was using only the USDT which was the first pair we supported
    - removed a select wallet from navbar on exchange marketplace as it has no effect there
    - Fixed Manual Deposit issue where it was not sending email correctly which throw error 500
    - Wallets page now show all wallets like Mastercard's for fanciness, plus if there is no card it will ask you to create your first
    - Each wallet have its own page now, with full details
    - Fixed issue with wallet page if there was no deposit, withdraw method active, it was throwing error 500
    - Fixed issue with watchlist, it was linking to the old system where there was only market without pair, now it even supports the exchange system, when you in practice dashboard, the watchlist will send you to practice trade, and so on with the other types
    - fixed issue with accepting deposit request
    - Exchange Dashboard now shows wallets even if they 0 balance
    - Wallets now have QR codes generated from their ids for fast transactions
 Version 1.1.9 - Jan 22, 2022:
    - Supporting 29 Pairs now with a total of 1415 (coin/pair) trade options (buy/sell/exchange)
    - Add Coin Pair to the admin dashboard to view and control the supported coins
    - Fixed Exchange issue where it was passing the limits
 Version 1.1.8 - Jan 22, 2022:
    - Fixed Wallet Issue where new users cant create the wallet
    - Added ability for admin to create a wallet for the client from the user management page
  Version 1.1.7 - Jan 21, 2022:
    - Add Deposits, Withdrawal in Wallet Page
    - The wallet page now shows empty wallets if the client has not deposited any balance
    - The wallet page now shows only wallets with balance if the user deposit and balance
    - Added Exchange market to the Exchange dashboard
    - Added Practice Market, and Trade Market to the practice, trade dashboard
    - Fixed issue where some countries don't show charts as they banned from Binance APIs and others
    - Added Responsiveness to the Exchange Charts for phone devices
    - Fully moved to the new markets without the need of old indexed
    - Notifications and alarms now can be set in the market from the setting icon, with 5 different alarm sound
  Version 1.1.5 - Jan 21, 2022:
    - Enhanced all tables with new JS search engine for live search, reworked all tables paginations
    - Fixed issue with navbar showing error 404 as we moved to the new system
    - Fixed issue with market analysis, same issue as navbar
    - Reworked the market analysis to be part of each dashboard, if the admin set default of user is practice then market link in the sidebar will send to practice market, and so on with trade, exchanges
    - added card to practice, trade, exchange dashboard with market details to send a client to the market as it's now the best way to find a coin to trade
    - fixed issues in the old database, future updates will not face any issue in updates
    - stabilized the installer to make sure no issues occur
    - new production cooked, new service worker
  Version 1.1.4 - Jan 21, 2022:
    - Fixed issue in wallet preview on the navbar, the width of view all wallets was set unproperly causing windows >1200px to have unwanted glitter
    - Exchange card from the trading dashboard was removed as it moved completely to the new exchange system
    - added wallets to the sidebar
    - add new Crypto Pair management in the admin panel
    - fixed issue where admin dashboard latest new 5 users images are all the same.
    - admin dashboard action icon was not without specifications of fanciness, optimized now
    - breadcrumb search of practice, trade logs, user management in admin panel removed as we implanted ajax search on tables for fast processing of search query
    - pagination of practice, trade logs in admin panel fixed as they were sticking to the bottom of the table instead of having a new row in footer
    - added pagination to payment gateways (automatic and manual)
    - enhanced pagination of (commission, logins, transactions, subscribers, tickets) in the admin dashboard
    - enhanced subscriber send mail view, more fanciness
    - all text areas are updated to use NicEdit - WYSIWYG Content Editor.
    - added description for best image sizes below Logo and Icon form in admin settings
    - fixed issue with Seo manager in admin dashboard where select2 was bugged and enhanced its fanciness
  Version 1.1.1 - Jan 21, 2022:
     - Add the brand new Exchange system
     - added new exchange dashboard
     - add new wallet system, with over 322 wallets supported
     - wallets system now run in livewire
     - admin now can set exchange fees from settings
     - admin can set practice wallet from settings
     - fixed admin user management where all images were the same
     - added pagination to user management
     - fixed issue with a profile where social media were obligatory, now they optional
     - added new exchange logs to keep track of all exchanges
     - reworked the trading system to use the new wallets
     - trades were paired with USDT only now we support BTC and a lot more very soon
     - exchanges support all coins supported from the platform, when a client tries to trade new pair and doesn't have its wallet he will have the option to create that wallet to start trading with it
     - reworked deposits to use the wallet system
     - reworked withdrawals to use the wallet system
     - new live coin view with livewire and pair pick
     - new wallet exchanges for practice wallet in practice dashboard
  Version 1.0.5 - Jan 19, 2022:
     - added new crypto API to run cron in the background for the trades to complete even if the user leaves the trade
     - added a new update indicator in the admin dashboard to inform you if we released a new feature
  version Version 1.0.4 - Jan 18, 2022:
     - fixed issue with the KYC Approval, it was showing verify KYC even if it's approved, (thanks to our community member Cemz for the report).
     - fixed issue with the Admin dashboard charts, verified users now read approved KYC applications correctly
  Version 1.0.3 - Jan 17, 2022:
     - fixed issue with KYC application
     - added full mobile responsiveness to the trade page
     - add landscape detector to inform the client to use it in a portrait if they using the phone
  Version 1.0.2 - Jan 16, 2022:
     - Admin > Coin list: upgraded the add new coin from Laravel to Livewire for speed and compatibility
     - moved the cryptoCurrency images to storage path with link to the public path
  Version 1.0.1 - Jan 15, 2022:
     - Contracts: new JSON file will be created when a new client makes his first contract and that file will be exclusive to his contracts (faster loading).
     - fixed issue in reading type of contract in contract preview and trade page
     - fixed issue with verification of emails on Nginx
     - fixed minor issue with mailer on Nginx
     - added system optimizer (admin sidebar > system manager > optimize)
     - fixed issue with trading, error 500 due to a minor error in JSON saving
     - add or remove from the watchlist on the token page
     - token page upgraded from Laravel to livewire for speed
     - issue fixed in market analysis (trades link)
     - new loading spinner for trade page
     - compacting WebSockets for speed (75% speed gain) on the trade page
  Version 1.0.0 - Jan 14, 2022:
     - Initial Release
Download Bicrypto – Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News