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Altcoin Calculator

This script allows you to create your very own altcoin calculator & ticker website supporting 1,000+ cryptocurrencies and 31 fiat currencies.

Altcoin Calculator Features

  • Supporting 1,000+ cryptocurrencies
  • Supporting 31 fiat currencies
  • 30,000+ Indexable pages
  • Built-in faucet list with referral system (
  • Configurable JSON Data Cache
  • Individual currency pages
  • Individual calculator pages
  • Super fast loading times
  • Clean, Mobile Responsive Design
  • Configurable title and description

Earn Passive Cryptocurrency

Many faucet websites have a referral program that allows you earn cryptocurrency for every person who you send to their website. This is a screenshot of our referral earnings after just a few hours of one of our demo being live:

Altcoin Calculator comes with a built in faucet list & referral system, so you can start earning passive bitcoin extremely easily!

Fiat Currencies supported

(AUD) Australian Dollar, (BGN) Bulgarian Lev, (BRL) Brazilian Real, (CAD) Canadian Dollar, (CHF) Swiss Franc, (CNY) Chinese Yuan, (CZK) Czech Koruna, (DKK) Danish Krone, (GBP) Pound Sterling, (HKD) Hong Kong Dollar, (HRK) Croatian Kuna, (HUF) Hungarian Forint, (IDR) Indonesian Rupiah, (ILS) New Israeli Shekel, (INR) Indian Rupee, (JPY) Japanese Yen, (KRW) Korean Won, (MXN) Mexican Peso, (MYR) Malaysian Ringgit, (NOK) Norwegian Krone, (NZD) New Zealand Dollar, (PHP) Philippine Peso, (PLN) Polish Zloty, (RON) Romanian Leu, (RUB) Russian Ruble, (SEK) Swedish Krona, (SGD) Singapore Dollar, (THB) Thai Baht, (TRY) Turkish Lira, (ZAR) South African Rand, (EUR) Euro, (USD) US Dollar

Cryptocurrencies supported

(BTC) Bitcoin, (ETH) Ethereum, (XRP) Ripple, (LTC) Litecoin, (DASH) Dash, (ETC) Ethereum Classic, (XEM) NEM, (XMR) Monero, (REP) Augur, (MAID) MaidSafeCoin, (GNT) Golem, (ZEC) Zcash, (DCR) Decred, (PIVX) PIVX, (USDT) Tether, (FCT) Factom, (GAME) GameCredits, (BCC) BitConnect, (DOGE) Dogecoin, (STRAT) Stratis, (WAVES) Waves, (STEEM) Steem, (DGD) DigixDAO, (LSK) Lisk, (ICN) Iconomi, (ARDR) Ardor, (SNGLS) SingularDTV, (XLM) Stellar Lumens, (BCN) Bytecoin, (BTS) BitShares, (ROUND) Round, (GBYTE) Byteball, (NXT) Nxt, (1ST) First Blood, (PPC) Peercoin, (SJCX) Storjcoin X, (RLC) RLC, (SC) Siacoin, (EMC) Emercoin, (SYS) SysCoin, (MLN) Melon, (ARK) Ark, (KMD) Komodo, (LKK) Lykke, (NXS) Nexus, (NLG) Gulden, (XZC) ZCoin, (CRB) Creditbit, (NMC) Namecoin, (XAUR) Xaurum, (TRST) WeTrust, (BCY) Bitcrystals, (BAY) BitBay, (CRW) Crown, (XCP) Counterparty, (BTCD) BitcoinDark, (NAV) NAV Coin, (POSW) PoSW Coin, (ANS) AntShares, (AGRS) Agoras Tokens, (DGB) DigiByte, (BLK) BlackCoin, (UBQ) Ubiq, (AMP) Synereo, (POT) PotCoin, (EDG) Edgeless, (SKY) Skycoin, (TIME) Chronobank, (NXC) Nexium, (SWT) Swarm City, (VSL) vSlice, (IOC) I/O Coin, (YBC) YbCoin, (MONA) MonaCoin, (ION) ION, (NVC) Novacoin, (EXP) Expanse, (RBY) Rubycoin, (EDR) E-Dinar Coin, (INCNT) Incent, (RADS) Radium, (BLOCK) Blocknet, (LBC) LBRY Credits, (B@) Bankcoin, (ZCL) ZClassic, (GRC) GridCoin, (MUE) MonetaryUnit, (BELA) BelaCoin, (XBC) Bitcoin Plus, (VIA) Viacoin, (SLR) SolarCoin, (BURST) Burst, (VASH) VPNCoin, (OMNI) Omni, (SIB) SIBCoin, (XPM) Primecoin, (CLAM) Clams, (GCR) Global Currency Reserve, (GOLOS) Golos, (ARC) ArcticCoin, (VTC) Vertcoin, (NAUT) NautilusCoin, (SDC) ShadowCash, (UNITY) SuperNET, (HEAT) HEAT, (PEPECASH) Pepe Cash, (NEOS) NeosCoin, (AEON) Aeon, (LMC) LoMoCoin, (DAR) Darcrus, (VRS) Veros, (PASC) Pascal Coin, (GLD) GoldCoin, (ENRG) Energycoin, (FAIR) FairCoin, (MOON) Mooncoin, (FTC) Feathercoin, (VRC) VeriCoin, (JINN) Jinn, (SLS) SaluS, (SPR) SpreadCoin, (CLOAK) CloakCoin, (ZENI) Zennies, (BSD) BitSend, (RDD) ReddCoin, (FLO) FlorinCoin, (SHIFT) Shift, (EMC2) Einsteinium, (CCRB) CryptoCarbon, (PINK) PinkCoin, (FRST) FirstCoin, (GAM) Gambit, (EAC) EarthCoin, (XAS) Asch, (UNO) Unobtanium, (OK) OKCash, (GRS) Groestlcoin, (AUR) Auroracoin, (BTM) Bitmark, (XVC) Vcash, (BTA) Bata, (SBD) Steem Dollars, (YOC) Yocoin, (FLDC) FoldingCoin, (NOTE) DNotes, (SAFEX) Safe Exchange Coin, (XBB) Boolberry, (DMD) Diamond, (CURE) CureCoin, (CNT) Centurion, (TX) TransferCoin, (MEC) Megacoin, (BLOCKPAY) BlockPay, (CHC) ChainCoin, (XDN) DigitalNote, (ATMS) Atmos, (XVG) Verge, (WBB) Wild Beast Block, (BOST) BoostCoin, (VISIO) Visio, (RIC) Riecoin, (OBITS) OBITS, (WDC) WorldCoin, (XSPEC) Spectrecoin, (SPHR) Sphere, (HKG) Hacker Gold, (PDC) Project Decorum, (VTR) vTorrent, (EMV) Ethereum Movie Venture, (TRIG) Triggers, (MER) Mercury, (INSANE) InsaneCoin, (QRK) Quark, (ADCN) Asiadigicoin, (JNS) Janus, (SEQ) Sequence, (TIPS) FedoraCoin, (BPC) Bitpark Coin, (ADC) AudioCoin, (ZCC) ZcCoin, (VLT) Veltor, (MUSIC) Musicoin, (BITB) BitBean, (XHI) HiCoin, (RISE) Rise, (BRX) Breakout Stake, (HUC) HunterCoin, (XRB) RaiBlocks, (DYN) Dynamic, (ZEIT) Zeitcoin, (EXCL) ExclusiveCoin, (J) Joincoin, (IFC) Infinitecoin, (DGC) Digitalcoin, (BITCNY) bitCNY, (ADZ) Adzcoin, (XCN) Cryptonite, (FCN) Fantomcoin, (PUT) PutinCoin, (MILO) MiloCoin, (BRK) Breakout, (BASH) LuckChain, (ERC) EuropeCoin, (QWARK) Qwark, (ICASH) iCash, (QORA) Qora, (TRUMP) TrumpCoin, (XMY) Myriad, (EFL) e-Gulden, (IXC) Ixcoin, (FC2) FuelCoin, (XBY) XtraBYtes, (ZET) Zetacoin, (EL) Elcoin, (TKS) Tokes, (COVAL) Circuits of Value, (HPC) Happycoin, (XTO) Tao, (CADASTRAL) Bitland, (BLITZ) Blitzcash, (RNS) Renos, (TAG) TagCoin, (MSCN) Master Swiscoin, (ATOM) Atomic Coin, (GEO) GeoCoin, (SWIFT) Bitswift, (TIT) Titcoin, (SRC) SecureCoin, (PSB) Pesobit, (CANN) CannabisCoin, (VOX) Voxels, (2GIVE) 2GIVE, (INPAY) Inpay, (ESP) Espers, (SNRG) Synergy, (ABY) ArtByte, (TES) TeslaCoin, (START) Startcoin, (XMG) Magi, (QTL) Quatloo, (VRM) VeriumReserve, (CSC) CasinoCoin, (EGC) EvergreenCoin, (MEME) Pepe, (TOR) Torcoin, (JWL) Jewels, (XST) Stealthcoin, (SYNX) Syndicate, (TRC) Terracoin, (KOBO) Kobocoin, (XWC) WhiteCoin, (MOIN) Moin, (MZC) MazaCoin, (XVP) Virtacoinplus, (XTC) TileCoin, (MED) MediterraneanCoin, (ORB) Orbitcoin, (THC) HempCoin, (TRUST) TrustPlus, (DOPE) DopeCoin, (YASH) YashCoin, (POST) PostCoin, (CPC) Capricoin, (NSR) NuShares, (KORE) KoreCoin, (I0C) I0Coin, (RBT) Rimbit, (CARBON) Carboncoin, (MOJO) MojoCoin, (PRC) PRCoin, (BLRY) BillaryCoin, (PKB) ParkByte, (8BIT) 8Bit, (SMC) SmartCoin, (RBIES) Rubies, (NOBL) NobleCoin, (DEM) Deutsche eMark, (XCT) C-Bit, (UIS) Unitus, (GCC) TheGCCcoin, (BTB) BitBar, (LANA) LanaCoin, (FRC) Freicoin, (CJ) Cryptojacks, (LTB) LiteBar, (ZDASH) Zdash, (TRK) Truckcoin, (BUCKS) SwagBucks, (USNBT) NuBits, (BYC) Bytecent, (PIP) PipCoin, (ZOI) Zoin, (CCN) Cannacoin, (VIDZ) PureVidz, (KURT) Kurrent, (ZER) Zero, (MTM) MTMGaming, (DRACO) DT Token, (DOT) Dotcoin, (SXC) Sexcoin, (KRB) Karbowanec, (INFX) Influxcoin, (BITS) Bitstar, (BITUSD) bitUSD, (CNO) Coin(O), (GB) GoldBlocks, (SLG) Sterlingcoin, (BRIT) BritCoin, (TRI) Triangles, (UNB) UnbreakableCoin, (ATX) Artex Coin, (SWING) Swing, (HONEY) Honey, (ALL) Allion, (PASL) Pascal Lite, (MAC) Machinecoin, (GP) GoldPieces, (ERY) Eryllium, (HZ) Horizon, (GAIA) GAIA, (HXX) Hexx, (WEX) Wexcoin, (CBX) Crypto Bullion, (BITBTC) bitBTC, (CREVA) CrevaCoin, (FRN) Francs, (IMS) Independent Money System, (BITEUR) bitEUR, (IMX) Impact, (BLC) Blakecoin, (XRA) Ratecoin, (42) 42-coin, (C2) Coin2.1, (BTCR) Bitcurrency, (BERN) BERNcash, (ENT) Eternity, (MI) Xiaomicoin, (EMD) Emerald Crypto, (ICOB) ICOBID, (XCI) Cannabis Industry Coin, (HBN) HoboNickels, (GAP) Gapcoin, (PHS) Philosopher Stones, (QBK) Qibuck, (CHESS) ChessCoin, (BSTY) GlobalBoost-Y, (UNI) Universe, (NEVA) NevaCoin, (ARCO) AquariusCoin, (BIC) Bikercoin, (XLR) Solaris, (EVO) Evotion, (BVC) BeaverCoin, (LUNA) Luna Coin, (SFC) Solarflarecoin, (ELS) Elysium, (ACOIN) Acoin, (CON) PayCon, (XBTS) Beatcoin, (420G) GanjaCoin, (MAR) Marijuanacoin, (XNG) Enigma, (DGCS) Digital Credits, (ASAFE) AllSafe, (WGC) World Gold Coin, (CALC) CaliphCoin, (SOAR) Soarcoin, (ARC) Arcade Token, (WCT) Waves Community Token, (DEX) InstantDEX, (MUSE) MUSE, (DBIC) DubaiCoin, (LOG) Woodcoin, (MINT) Mintcoin, (RC) RussiaCoin, (AC) AsiaCoin, (PANGEA) Pangea Poker, (ICOO) ICO OpenLedger, (CASINO) Casino, (USC) Ultimate Secure Cash, (UNIBURST) UniBURST, (SCOT) Scotcoin, (PND) Pandacoin, (PTC) Pesetacoin, (FUND) Cryptofund, (DSH) Dashcoin, (TIX) Tickets, (MNM) Mineum, (DRS) Digital Rupees, (CDN) Canada eCoin, (GEMZ) GetGems, (VLTC) Vault Coin, (LTBC) LTBcoin, (MAX) MaxCoin, (GLC) GlobalCoin, (CV2) Colossuscoin V2, (ECC) E-Currency Coin , (BLU) BlueCoin, (808) 808Coin, (TSTR) Tristar Coin, (REE) ReeCoin, (TALK) BTCtalkcoin, (FUNK) The Cypherfunks, (HTC) HitCoin, (BTSR) BTSR, (AMS) AmsterdamCoin, (SHORTY) Shorty, (BITZ) Bitz, (TSE) Tattoocoin (Standard Edition), (CAGE) CageCoin, (NET) NetCoin, (UNITS) GameUnits, (VC) VirtualCoin, (FLY) Flycoin, (RAREPEPEPRTY) Rare Pepe Party, (LOT) LottoCoin, (HODL) HOdlcoin, (TROLL) Trollcoin, (SMLY) SmileyCoin, (PIGGY) Piggycoin, (NKA) IncaKoin, (XPY) PayCoin, (NEU) NeuCoin, (LDOGE) LiteDoge, (TEK) TEKcoin, (1337) 1337, (MXT) MarteXcoin, (PAK) Pakcoin, (CAP) Bottlecaps, (FLT) FlutterCoin, (NLC2) NoLimitCoin, (RED) RedCoin, (FST) Fastcoin, (METAL) MetalCoin, (ELE) Elementrem, (DLC) Dollarcoin, (QCN) QuazarCoin, (XPD) PetroDollar, (DRAGON) BTCDragon, (KTN) KarmaToken, (BITSILVER) bitSilver, (SLING) Sling, (NTRN) Neutron, (NETKO) Netko, (CORG) CorgiCoin, (GRN) Granite, (WAY) WayGuide, (KUSH) KushCoin, (XRE) RevolverCoin, (ANC) Anoncoin, (KLC) KiloCoin, (ARG) Argentum, (UFO) UFO Coin, (AMBER) AmberCoin, (GCN) GCoin, (GREV2) Greencoin, (BIP) BipCoin, (SPEX) SproutsExtreme, (YAC) Yacoin, (TTC) TittieCoin, (JIN) Jin Coin, (XPTX) PlatinumBAR, (COXST) CoExistCoin, (SPRTS) Sprouts, (CCM100) CCMiner, (HYP) HyperStake, (DBTC) Debitcoin, (STS) Stress, (ZYD) Zayedcoin, (GUN) Guncoin, (NYAN) Nyancoin, (PXI) Prime-XI, (BIGUP) BigUp, (MAD) SatoshiMadness, (PX) PX, (FJC) FujiCoin, (EBT) Ebittree Coin, (LEX) Lex4All, (AU) AurumCoin, (UNIT) Universal Currency, (HTML5) HTMLCOIN, (XCO) X-Coin, (CWXT) CryptoWorldX Token, (FRK) Franko, (NEWB) Newbium, (MGM) Magnum, (XBTC21) Bitcoin 21, (DRM) Dreamcoin, (SPACE) SpaceCoin, (U) UCoin, (BTD) Bitcloud, (FLVR) FlavorCoin, (DP) DigitalPrice, (PR) Prototanium, (CRX) Chronos, (WMC) WMCoin, (GRT) Grantcoin, (LVPS) LevoPlus, (FDC) Future Digital Currency, (BITGOLD) bitGold, (HMP) HempCoin, (ANTI) AntiBitcoin, (UNIC) UniCoin, (PONZI) PonziCoin, (STV) Sativacoin, (CUBE) DigiCube, (XJO) Joulecoin, (CYP) Cypher, (BIOS) BiosCrypto, (GBT) GameBet Coin, (MST) MustangCoin, (888) OctoCoin, (ISL) IslaCoin, (ZUR) Zurcoin, (URO) Uro, (CESC) CryptoEscudo, (POP) PopularCoin, (611) SixEleven, (FIRE) Firecoin, (EVIL) Evil Coin, (TAJ) TajCoin, (SCRT) SecretCoin, (ARB) ARbit, (DES) Destiny, (ACP) AnarchistsPrime, (SONG) SongCoin, (B3) B3Coin, (BUMBA) BumbaCoin, (BOLI) Bolivarcoin, (AGLC) AgrolifeCoin, (SOON) SoonCoin, (WARP) WARP, (ARI) Aricoin, (GCC) GuccioneCoin, (BOB) Dobbscoin, (RPC) RonPaulCoin, (PLNC) PLNcoin, (ORLY) Orlycoin, (SPT) Spots, (XCRE) Creatio, (TGC) Tigercoin, (CTO) Crypto, (ZNY) Bitzeny, (VPRC) VapersCoin, (VIP) VIP Tokens, (GPU) GPU Coin, (RIDE) Ride My Car, (PIE) PIECoin, (EUC) Eurocoin, (PULSE) Pulse, (URC) Unrealcoin, (BUN) BunnyCoin, (ABN) Abncoin, (LIR) LetItRide, (CAB) Cabbage, (BTQ) BitQuark, (BLZ) BlazeCoin, (STEPS) Steps, (DLISK) DAPPSTER, (SCORE) Scorecoin, (LTCR) Litecred, (MND) MindCoin, (HMC) Hommalicoin, (DUO) ParallelCoin, (WORM) HealthyWormCoin, (OCEAN) BurstOcean, (AUM) Alexium, (OS76) OsmiumCoin, (FUZZ) FuzzBalls, (ICON) Iconic, (LEA) LeaCoin, (VEC2) Vector, (CMT) Comet, (FLAX) Flaxscript, (HVCO) High Voltage, (BIOB) BioBar, (JOBS) JobsCoin, (CONX) Concoin, (EGO) EGO, (BSTAR) Blackstar, (DPAY) DPAY, (G3N) G3N, (BXT) BitTokens, (IBANK) iBank, (JIO) JIO Token, (BSC) BowsCoin, ($$$) Money, (MTLMC3) Metal Music Coin, (CXT) Coinonat, (SH) Shilling, (PEX) PosEx, (HIRO) Hirocoin, (PRX) Printerium, (XRC) Rawcoin, (MEOW) Kittehcoin, (BENJI) BenjiRolls, (XOC) Xonecoin, (TAGR) TAGRcoin, (CF) Californium, (GUA) Guarany, (SDP) SydPak, (REV) Revenu, (IMPS) ImpulseCoin, (ZNE) Zonecoin, (PHO) Photon, (ALTC) Antilitecoin, (NYC) NewYorkCoin, (GEERT) GeertCoin, (IMPCH) Impeachcoin, (SANDG) Save and Gain, (CASH) Cashcoin, (SLFI) Selfiecoin, (NODC) NodeCoin, (1CR) 1CRedit, (P7C) P7Coin, (ARGUS) Argus, (HAM) HamRadioCoin, (DOLLAR) Dollar Online, (XEN) Xenixcoin, (PWR) Powercoin, (ZHS) Zcashshare, (MBIT) Mbitbooks, (BOAT) Doubloon, (TOKEN) SwapToken, (CRT) CRTCoin, (PIZZA) PizzaCoin, (CSH) Cashout, (MUG) MikeTheMug, (DIX) Dix Asset, (CHAO) 23 Skidoo, (SATOSHICARD) SATOSHICARD, (XOT) Internet of Things, (BTU) Bitcoin Unlimited (Futures), (AMIS) AMIS, (ACCI) NxttyACCI, (FRGC) Fargocoin, (ALT) Altcoin, (ECN) E-coin, (IOP) Internet of People, (DBIX) DubaiCoin, (XDE2) XDE II, (PLU) Pluton, (XFC) Forevercoin, (ZBC) Zilbercoin, (YOG) Yogold, (TESLA) TeslaCoilCoin, (PIO) Pioneershares, (BTG) Bitgem, (FAZZ) Fazzcoin, (TAAS) TaaS (Pre-Launch), (THS) TechShares, (DMC) DynamicCoin, (LEO) LEOcoin, (DIBC) DIBCOIN, (DTB) Databits, (DCT) Decent (Pre-Launch), (CLUB) ClubCoin, (EB3) EB3 Coin, (WGO) WavesGo, (GAY) GAYcoin, (DEUS) DeusCoin, (GUP) Guppy (Pre-Launch), (APC) AlpaCoin, (WINGS) Wings (Pre-Launch), (TROPTIONS) TROPTIONS, (GBG) Golos Gold, (PCS) Pabyosi Coin (Special), (WEC) Wowecoin, (WA) WA Space, (AXF) AxFunds, (DWC) DeepWebCash, (IVZ) InvisibleCoin, (WYV) Wyvern, (BUK) CryptoBuck, (OMC) Omicron, (UTA) UtaCoin, (DTF) Digitalfund, (ACN) Avoncoin, (EDRC) EDRCoin, (ZSE) ZSEcoin, (LDCN) LandCoin, (XID) International Diamond, (ELC) Elacoin, (GARY) President Johnson, (RHFC) RHFCoin, (TLE) Tattoocoin (Limited Edition), (MG) Mind Gene, (LEC) LeCoin, (GBC) GBCGoldCoin, (DASHS) Dashs, (DCRE) DeltaCredits, (HLB) Lepaoquan, (TP1) KolschCoin, (BIT) First Bitcoin, (OPAL) Opal, (HNC) Helleniccoin, (SHELL) ShellPay, (RBX) Ripto Bux, (KED) Darsek, (RYCN) RoyalCoin 2, (BTCS) Bitcoin Scrypt, (HAL) Halcyon, (SAK) Sharkcoin, (EGG) EggCoin, (BGC) BagCoin, (PSY) Psilocybin, (GMF) Grumfork, (PRES) President Trump, (TERA) TeraCoin, (NTCC) Neptune Classic, (UTC) UltraCoin, (XAU) Xaucoin, (BURN) President Sanders, (MAVRO) Mavro, (RICHX) RichCoin, (NBIT) netBit, (AV) AvatarCoin, (BLAZR) BlazerCoin, (AIB) Advanced Internet Blocks, (XGR) GoldReserve, (TRICK) TrickyCoin, (KASHH) KashhCoin, (XQN) Quotient, (BCF) BitcoinFast, (CNC) CHNCoin, (UR) UR, (CLINT) Clinton, (GML) GameLeagueCoin, (BXC) Bitcedi, (ROYAL) RoyalCoin, (BEST) BestChain, (FUN) Alphabet Coin Fund, (MOTO) Motocoin, (XVS) Vsync, (FRWC) FrankyWillCoin, (OCOW) OCOW, (ADT) The Aladin, (WSX) WeAreSatoshi, (OPES) Opescoin, (TCOIN) T-coin, (MMXVI) MMXVI, (PXC) Phoenixcoin, (TODAY) TodayCoin, (TIC) True Investment Coin, (SKC) Skeincoin, (LFC) BigLifeCoin, (XVE) The Vegan Initiative, (DBG) Digital Bullion Gold, (ASC) AsicCoin, (DUB) Dubstep, (MONETA) Moneta, (RUBIT) RubleBit, (BRAIN) Braincoin, (GMB) Gambleo, (QBC) Quebecoin, (LAZ) Lazaruscoin, (MARX) MarxCoin, (SPORT) SportsCoin, (MCRN) MACRON, (BAC) BitAlphaCoin, (CBD) CBD Crystals, (SKR) Sakuracoin, (QBT) Cubits, (DISK) DarkLisk, (GAIN) UGAIN, (OP) Operand, (PRM) PrismChain, (HCC) Happy Creator Coin, (CYC) Cycling Coin, (LEPEN) LePen, (GMX) GoldMaxCoin, (LTH) LAthaan, (GBRC) Global Business Revolution, (TCR) TheCreed, (LKC) LinkedCoin, (MBL) MobileCash, (FEDS) FedoraShare, (POKE) PokeCoin, (TEAM) TeamUp, (VGC) VegasCoin, (UNC) UNCoin, (CC) CyberCoin, (PAYP) PayPeer, (TELL) Tellurion, (MONEY) MoneyCoin, (XSTC) Safe Trade Coin, (PDG) PinkDog, (WOW) Wowcoin, (IFLT) InflationCoin, (ACES) Aces, (YES) Yescoin, (FFC) FireFlyCoin, (CME) Cashme, (STRB) SuperTurboStake, (SOUL) SoulCoin, (HILL) President Clinton, (RCN) Rcoin, (PBC) PabyosiCoin, (X2) X2, (CHOOF) ChoofCoin, (VTY) Victoriouscoin, (VAL) Valorbit, (DIME) Dimecoin, (VTA) Virtacoin, (DVC) Devcoin, (XP) XP, (NBE) BitCentavo, (PAC) Paccoin

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  • PHP 5+
  • allow_url_fopen Enabled

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Altcoin Calculator – 1,000+ Crypto & 31 Fiat Currencies

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

Altcoin Calculator - 1,000+ Crypto & 31 Fiat Currencies

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