Preview: Pexels – Import Free Stock Images into WordPress
The best free stock photos & videos shared by talented creators.
Start building with the power of Pexels
New Content Every Day
Pexels gives you access to their full photo and video library, with fresh content added daily so your projects and designs stay up to date with the latest visual trends. High-quality and hand-selected, from our curation team to your users.
Unlimited Requests for Free
Not only are all photos and videos on Pexels completely free, but the API can be used for free as well. Just sign up and start building without limits.
Pexels provides high-quality and completely free stock photos licensed under the Pexels license. All photos are nicely tagged, searchable, and also easy to discover through our discovery pages.
Search and Import Free High-Quality Images from Pexels straight into your WordPress Dashboard!
Websites / Blogs / Shops use images in them, and the quality of those images can determine the quality of your website!
Attractive images are hard to come by, and free images that you can use freely on your website are even harder, even more, if you don’t know where to look.
Also, it’s a struggle to search through the internet for a good photo, download the high-resolution image to your computer, then upload it into your website, then try it out to see if it’s a fit on your blog posts.
Using Pexels, we reduced all those unnecessary steps and allow you to import free images straight into the Media Library!
Simply input a keyword, filter by orientation, popularity, newest and oldest, click on Launch Search and simply browse through thousands of high-quality free images.
Once you find the image that you want you can preview it and of course import it straight into WordPress Media Library!
By using this friendly interface, importing free high-quality stock images into your website is just child’s play!
The plugin uses the official API from Pexels https://www.pexels.com/api/
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