Download: EasyAds Classified – PHP Script Classified Ads Free Nulled

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Start a classified ads business by building marketplace with products, auto market and/or job board, giving admin the option to make it totally free to post an ad or charge your customers premium packages fees, with 5 popular payment solutions, for promoting their ad.

Optimise and increase your income with a powerful admin panel to control all the aspects of your classified ads business and manage countries, languages, customers, pending ads and many more options included.

Customers can pay to promote their ads with PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout, Braintree and Manual payments, so start your business with classified ads today.


  • Installer included: It can be built in minutes and you’ll be ready to be selling and making money straight away.
  • Category & Attribute Management: Multi-level categories with a different attribute set for each category to give unique details per listing type.
  • Promoted Ads: Charge your customers for featuring and promoting the ads.
  • Promo Packages: Create your own set of packages with any price you want.
  • Internal Messaging system: Used for internal communication tool between seller and buyer.
  • Search Engine: Amazing listing page with powerful search results including category attributes.
  • 2 search results templates: Customers can see map template with ads or simple template with ads.
  • 5 Payment Extensions: PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout, Braintree and Manual Payment.
  • Multiple Currencies: Let your customers choose from a list of many currencies or enable one currency.
  • Multiple Countries: Choose what countries to be enabled for your customers or enable one country.
  • Ready to Translate: Choose any language you want and translate it easily in one file.
  • Email Templates: Edit email templates from admin to look like you want.
  • Email Queue: Check the status of email sending queue, what emails are stuck and force sending emails.
  • Email SMTP Accounts: Let your server do the ads work and add any SMTP email provider you want examples: Google, Zoho, SendGrid, SparkPost … etc.
  • Invoice System: Enable invoices and add your companies data to have a correct legal financial flow.
  • Tax System: Create and add the TAX of your country, city and/or company tax to the total of payment.
  • Store System: Customers can upgrade their account to store/company account.
  • Approval System: Admin will chose if ads publish automatically or manually by admins.
  • Notification System: System will send automatic notifications for expiring ads to the customers.
  • Blog System: Create many pages and content to build great SEO ranking.
  • Transactions and Orders: View any transaction or order in real time to checkout any payment problem with customers.
  • Location Management: Integrated with google geolocation API with maps view.
  • Free Ads: Admin can set how many free ads one customer can add and after that payment is needed.
  • Security Extension: Ban users, Block IPs, review failed logins, and review ads reporting tasks.
  • Image Watermark Extension: Add your brand or logo image to all ads images.
  • Advertising Banners Extension: Add Google Adsense or some image banner to many location in the pages.
  • Social Login: Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • SEO friendly: Choose your parameters for all the categories and pages.
  • Ad images limit: Admin can set how many images per ad depending on the hosting/storage.
  • Google Packages: Google Maps, Google reCaptcha, Google Analytics included.
  • Admin Action Logs: Check what other admins and moderators do within the admin panel.
  • CustomCSS & CustomJS options: Add your CSS & JS code in admin areas to customise your website.
  • Apache and Nginx config settings included
  • GDPR Compliant
  • Social Sharing
  • Contact Form
  • Awesome Classified Theme using Bootstrap
  • Add Products to Wishlist “Favourite”
  • Send classified for friends
  • Yii2 Events for ease of customisation
  • RTL supported themes with localisation ready
  • Responsive and tested on all modern browsers
  • Free Periodic updates and additional features
  • Detailed documentation with our Help Center
  • And many more …

Important notes

  • We cannot provide general webhosting and/or general PHP support.
  • We cannot provide general programming or web scalling support.
  • We cannot help with issues from your own customization.
  • We cannot provide customizations that extended default app features.
  • We do not offer install or setup services.
  • This app requires adding a few cron jobs to your hosting environment. Please make sure you know how to do that.
  • We cannot provide fixes that are unique to your web hosting or server environment. If your hosting or server environment is different than what is listed in REQUIREMENTS section, you’ll need to determine if it will work before purchasing.
  • We try for fast response times but as described on our support tab, response time may be longer, depending on our current support queue. Too many issue/feature questions that do not fall under support will slow down all response times. Please investigate for yourself thoroughly before contacting us.
  • We don’t offer free support, if your support is expired, before asking questions consider renewing it.
  • Before asking questions make sure you did your part and reserched current answers.
  • You can’t get a refund once the item has been downloaded in any circumstances.
  • Read all the product information before you decide to buy it.
  • We speak english only to our customers, so we expect you speak it decently enough so we can understand each other.

Server requirements

  • Linux operating system (windows might work but not supported)
  • Apache Webserver – version 2.x
  • PHP >= 5.6
  • MySQL – MariaDB, with InnoDB storage engine.
  • Cron Jobs access (linux cron jobs not web crons)
  • Reflection extension, PCRE extension, SPL extension, Ctype extension, MBString extension, Intl extension, ICU version, ICU Data version
  • Enabled allow_url_fopen

Change Log

Version 1.7

- Bug fixing
- Vendor library updates

Version 1.6.1

- Bug fixing
- Optimised saving images
- Optimised layout for RTL languages like Arabic

Version 1.6

- Added auto update application feature
- Added feature to allow/deny guests to contact sellers
- Added nickname display option for customers
- Added SEO meta options with support for openGraph and Twitter cards
- Added more options to packages, you can customize text, color and background
- Added external URL option to CMS pages section
- Added admin customer registration option on fresh install
- Added category, fields and packages demo data on fresh install
- Fixed issue with decimal invoices including tax
- Optimised security manager for cloudflare and Nginx proxies
- Optimised sharing on facebook
- Updated vendor library

Version 1.5.5

- Added Nginx web server configuration for prettyURL setting
- Fixed bug PrettyURL missing save button
- Fixed packages visual checkbox bug
- Updated vendor library

Version 1.5.1

- Fixed bug in packages step of posting ad
- Optimised Stripe payment gateway extension
- Optimised 2Checkout payment gateway extension
- Optimised the installer

Version 1.5

- Added Major changes to the frontend theme
- Added new layout for admin interface
- Added cookie consent
- Added store in admin menu
- Added Mobile locations for advertising banners extension
- Added new version of stripe payment gateway
- Added changelog section in admin
- Added new Extensions manager
- Fixed search giving no results on category search
- Fixed skip packages on preview listing
- Fixed bug in security manager
- Fixed bug label zones
- Fixed bug with domain not belong to license in rare cases
- Fixed bug from taxes form about zone/country
- Optimised translation for select2
- Optimised custom fields search
- Optimised siteUrl within the application
- Optimised the logic for removing old images
- Optimised tables of security manager (charset)

Version 1.4

- Added GDPR methods that makes EasyAds GDPR compliant
- Added Admin failed logins in an extension called Security Manager
- Added Customers failed logins in an extension called Security Manager
- Added inappropriate reporting for ads with custom reasons in an extension called Security Manager with multiple options
- Added Block IP access in an extension called Security Manager
- Added Ban customers in an extension called Security Manager
- Added Customer export data from multiple areas within the customer account
- Added function for customer to remove the account
- Added control to make Terms and condition mandatory or not in the join page
- Added control of minimum allowed age to join EasyAds
- Added Mass message system for admin to send an email to all the customers
- Added meta keywords and meta description to categories
- Added multiple business fields in invoice settings
- Added new logic for currency displaying.
- Added option to limit customer image size upload
- Added confirmation action for customers after join with link confirmation and control over the days to expire
- Added control for admin to write copyright
- Added sort function to ajax image upload
- Added Links between join and login
- Added phpinfo() section in admin
- Optimised map loading when no results
- Optimised checkout process
- Optimised Ajax upload images
- Optimised facebook share ads
- Optimised Ad view and preview pages
- Optimised admin grid for actions to be over ajax, this way is more user friendly
- Changed Stripe payment gateway
- Fixed issue with non UTF-8 characters from all the code
- Fixed main issue not loading in some cases
- Fixed Google maps scrollWheel issue
- Fixed negative price
- Fixed mobile rotate issue on specific phones for image uploads

Version 1.3

- Added Maps view in the search of all the listings after selecting location
- Added filters and custom fields to the new Maps view
- Added functionality for a customer to set listing location marker on the map
- Added functionality for admin to edit and moderate a listing from admin panel including its promo package
- Added new social login features: Google, Twitter and LinkedIn
- Added better RTL views for all over the application
- Added new logic and display for location search from drop-down
- Added watermark extension with full control from admin panel
- Added new upload logic for images in listings
- Added new custom field type for URLs to add in categories
- Added feature to notify by email a customer if admin changed customer's listing
- Added functionality to deactivate all and activate all in : Countries, Zones and Currencies
- Added feature to limit the number of allowed uploaded images
- Added feature to permanently remove listing with all its media
- Added feature to permanently remove customer with all the listings attached to this customer
- Added feature to remove expired listings before a specific date
- Added feature to disable upgrade to store option
- Added notify customer before customer's listing expires
- Added two new sections for ad banners to include ads in the new map views
- Added feature to automatically remove junk media uploaded without attaching to a listing
- Added feature for price and custom field to accept all kind of numbers (e.g. decimals)
- Added feature to copy-paste into listing description
- Added feature to upload extensions from admin panel
- Fixed categories sorting in front-end
- Fixed integrity issue on creating custom fields in a category
- Fixed footer links issue
- Fixed mobile thumbnail upload images
- Optimised Facebook sharing attributes and graph params, now the listing will be shared correctly on Facebook
- Optimised translation all over the application
- Optimised mobile and desktop front-end views in all over the application
- Optimised mail system component

Version 1.1.1

- Added Contact Form logic
- Added new functions in search: search by whole country, search in cities
- Added Auto-selecting one country and/or one currency from admin
- Added option to limit free ads per user
- Added option to skip packages page by choosing one free default package
- Added option to hide maps from ad pages
- Added option to turn off invoices
- Added option for custom Javascript code e.g. adding javascript external chat system
- Added option for custom CSS code to customise directly from admin
- Added function to manually send the emails from queue in email system
- Added function to delete all emails stuck in queue
- Added cron jobs in admin, to have the commands if not inserted in installation steps
- Optimised translation all over the application
- Optimised admin interface
- Fixed bug with location written with special chars e.g. ś,é
- Fixed bug with not fetching zones correctly
- Fixed bug with tracking issues for favorite button
- Fixed bug with tax incorrect calculation
- Fixed bug with showing inactive locations in search location
- Fixed bug with manual payment activation of order and invoice

Version 1.1.0

- Added internal conversation system between buyers and sellers (including non-users)
- Added feature in conversation system to Block user, archive conversation and delete conversation
- Added advertising system for Adsense and sponsored banners
- Added reCaptcha
- Added manual payment gateway with admin approval and payment reference from bank
- Added option to select application timezone from admin
- Added option to remove ZIP code
- Changed ZIP code to be optional
- Added feature to send invoice in email after payment validation
- Added feature to change active ad without selecting package
- Added option for owner of listing to revise it directly from the listing page
- Optimised gallery module and errors messages
- Optimised admin interface
- Optimised translation
- Optimised mobile interface
- Multiple application improvements
- Multiple styling optimisation
- Fixed bugs

Version 1.0.2

- Added pretty url/clean url control
- Added htaccess file generation
- Multiple application improvements
- Fixed bugs

Version 1.0.1

- Added business store account
- Added extension manager
- Added admin control over ads number on homepage
- Added internet accessibility to expired ads for SEO
- Added hooks for developers
- Multiple application improvements
- Optimized application assets
- Optimized search engine
- Fixed bug translation with region code present
- Fixed facebook share fetching wrong ad image

Version 1.0

- Initial release

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EasyAds Classified – PHP Script Classified Ads

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

EasyAds Classified - PHP Script Classified Ads

Download EasyAds Classified – PHP Script Classified Ads Nulled

Download EasyAds Classified – PHP Script Classified Ads

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