Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin

Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin

#1 Video player on Envato Market

What is Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin?

Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin is a powerful responsive video / audio player for any wordpress theme that can play (mp4) / audio (mp3), streaming video or audio from a server, Youtube video or Vimeo / Vimeo Pro video. It only requires the mp4 / mp3 format (the best and most used formats on the web) and it will work on mobile devices and desktop machines no matter which browser is used, this is made possible by incorporating multiple video engines in an really smart way inside the video player logic. Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin supports unlimited playlists and each playlist can have unlimited video. The playlists can be loaded from a simple HTML markup, XML file, mixed playlist (vimeo | vimeo pro | youtube | HTML5 video / audio), video folder (mp4 files), audio folder (mp3 files), youtube playlist or vimeo / album playlist.

Packed with a huge amount of features like responsive layout, multiple playlists, external API, optional deeplinking, responsive skin, embed & share, share window, video quality selector, subtitle selector, 360 degree / virtual reality / VR support,audio support with real time spectrum visualizer, pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll video or image, image advertisment, private / password protected video, encrypt video source / path, HTTP Live Streaming / HLS / m3u8 video support, DASH MPEG / mpd live streaminggoogle analytics, google adsense , google google drive, openload / openload.co, chromecast support, etc it makes it the best and most impressive video player available on sale.

Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin main features:

Responsive layout.

Shortcode generator.

Chromecast support, play mp4 video or mp3 audio on your TV screen using chromecast, the media can be controlled via the player interface, basically the browser and the player become a remote tv, example here and video tutorial here, (please note currently HLS, youtube, vimeo and advertisement are not supported).

<pAdded support for custom posts types.

Thumbnails preview and duplicate playlist. Please see this example, and this video tutorial.

Openload / openload.co. Please watch this video tutorial for more info.

Option to set the video to inline (use inline video player like on all other devices) or default for IOS (use default player, when the video starts playing the video will go fullscreen, default IOS functionality).

Optional vector based buttons icons using font awesome, example here

Google analytics support, the possibility to view how many times a video was played or downloaded, please watch this video tutorial.

Support for google adsense advertisement, please watch this video tutorial.

Mobile and desktop optimized (IOS demo or Android demo).

Support for multiple video quality and optional video quality selector similar to Youtube.

Only mp4 video file required.

Optional deeplinking (unique and shareable link for the current playlist and video).

Optional fill entire video screen, this feature will allow to fill the gaps of the video player, you can have for example a real full width player, example here.

Optional embed and share window.

Load any type of playlist through HTML markup, XML, mixed playlist (vimeo | youtube | HTML5 video), video folder, Youtube playlist or Vimeo playlist / album, also mixed playlist with youtube or mp4 or vimeo videos can be created.

Support for randomized playlist, this option allows to start with a random / shuffled / randomized playlist when the playlist is loaded.

The HTML markup playlists can be created manually or generated from a database.

Support for unlimited playlists and each playlist can have unlimited videos.

Optional custom playlists / categories combo-box selector / select drop-down box.

Optional playlist and playlists window / categories selector.

Three type of hover effects for the playlists window / categories selector thumbnails.

Optional playlist and playlists window / categories selector auto open (the player can start with the playlist or playlists window / categories selector visible or hidden).

The playlist can be positioned bottom or right.

Option to have a playlist without thumbnails example here.

Support for scrolling the playlist when the mouse moves instead of the default scrollbar example here.

Customizable thumbnails.

Optional video download button (this buttons can be removed / added globally or individually for each video).

Support for local, streaming from a server, Youtube or Vimeo / Vimeo Pro videos.

Usage of the same Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin custom skin even for the Youtube videos.

Logic to allow only a logged in user to play / view the video.

Youtube video quality buttons selectors from the video control bar. The available quality rates will be displayed in a cool way so you can select the desired quality for the playing video.

The video player can play an HD video on desktop machines and a smaller video on mobile devices, this useful feature is optional, this means that the video player can play the same video source on all desktop machines or mobile devices.

Optional go fullscreen on play, when the play button is clicked the player goes fullscreen example here.

Optional advanced pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll / ads / advertisement video or image (similar to youtube ads with extra features). UVP supports unlimited ads they can be added and configured easily. This feature can be seen in action by viewing this video.

Optional popup ads (similar to youtube popup ads are displayed). Multiple ads can be added for a video, also the show and hide time can be specified, for example a pupup ad commercial can be showed at second 10 and hidden at second 40. This feature can be seen in action by viewing this video.

Video cue points, UVP can call javascript functions or javascript code at a specified time during video playback.

Powerful API included with example files, a full set of API methods, including play, pause, stop, scrub with time, scrub with percent, volume and soooo much more.

HTTP Live Streaming / HLS / m3u8 and DASH MPEG mpd, live streaming video support on all browsers mobile and desktop. This feature can be seen in action by viewing this video

Lazy scrolling/loading, the possibility to initialize UVP on the scroll when the player is visible in the page, this way for example if the player is in a section of a webpage that is not visible it will not be initialized / play, instead UVP will be initialized / play only when the user is scrolling to that section in which the player is added.

Optional popup advertisement window on pause, the source can be any web page, example here.

Support for 360 degree / virtual reality / VR videos. This feature can be seen in action by viewing this video.

Support for subtitles files (.srt, .vtt or txt).

Optional subtitles selector. UVP supports multiple subtitles, they can be set with ease and changed at runtime using an optional subtitle selector. This feature can be seen in action by viewing this video.

HEX / CSS color support the buttons colors can be modified with simple CSS by passing a hexadecimal color(ex: #FF0000) and even more, we have done it in a cool way that all graphics will retain the texture and at the same time apply the chosen color, example here.

Optional video info window.

Timestamp support in format of t=hours[h]minutes[m]seconds[s], start and / or stop the video at a specified time by setting a timestamp in the player page URL, please see this example and check the URL format it has a timestamp attached to it ex: t=0m0h20s&e=0m0h40s.

Optional encrypt subtitles source / path. Using this feature will not allow a user / software to see / steal the subtitles source / path from the page source.

Added VASTVideo Ad Serving Template” support, currently only support for linear single or multiple (pods) video/videos (pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll) ads. Please check out our example pods (multiple videos) .

Possibility to set a start time to VAST pre, mid, post roll advertisement, by default the VAST template dosen’t include this feature so it is very useful if you have multiple video ads in a VAST XML file , now it is possible to set a start time for each the video files. Please watch this video tutorial for more info.

Support for VMAP (Digital Video Multiple Ad Playlist), this is very useful to create a VAST playlist and adding ad breaks at specified times, if you are interested please read more about this here.

Support for Interactive Media Ads SDKs – IMA SDK for HTML5 and DFP / Google Doubleclick IMA tags support, which allows you to place Google Adsense for Video tags to stream video PreRoll Ads (linear), Mid-Roll, Post-Roll, VMAP+Bumper and Pods, or Non-Linear Banner/Text Ads (non-linear) with your self hosted videos, adsense example here and DFP, VAST, VMAP example here, video tutorial here.

A to B video loop / ab loop, option to loop a specific section / part of a video using two time / timestamp points, point a the start point and point b the end point, this points can be adjusted using the a to b loop controlbar. This feature can be seen in action by viewing this video, click the play button and the then the a to b loop button from the controlbar. Please watch this video tutorial for more info.

Optional keyboard support (F:fullscreen / normalscreen, LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS:skip video 5 seconds forward or backward, UP/DOWN ARROWS: volume up or volume down, M:mute/unmute, SPACE:play/pause).

Optional playback rate / speed selector. UVP supports multiple playback rates/speeds, they can be set with ease and changed at runtime using an optional playback rates/speeds selector.

Optional video poster, the poster is visible when the video player is stopped plus support for two poster sources one for desktop machines and one for mobile devices. Please note that a single source can be used for both for desktop machines and mobile devices.

Multiples display types: responsive / sticky / lightbox / fullscreen… click here to see the fullscreen preview.

Support for sticky display type, please watch this example.

Support for sticky mode when scrolling up/down through the page this way UVP will always be visible. If the video player is not in the browser viewport area, the sticky version will take over at the bottom of the page. Please check out this example, please scroll the page down to view this feature in action.

Support for lightbox / modal display type, now it is possible to open UVP in a modal / lightbox window when the page loads or on user interaction, for example a button or image click, please watch .

Optional custom watermark logo. The logo can be set to hide with the control bar or to always be visible, also the logo position is customizable.

Added support for encrypted video paths, for example the path content/videos/fwd-720p.mp4 will be encrypted to encrypt:70de891f83b42a958770b738fd3b66f2 this way it will be impossible to steal the video by crawling the page source.

Private password protected videos, example here. Test password is Melinda.

Possibility to open a new page when the video has finished to play, it can open a new page in a different window or replace the page in which the player is running (_blank or _self).

Custom context menu, when the right mouse button is clicked a custom menu appears that allows to copy the video URL / video URL at the current time or switch fullscreen /normal screen.

Optional start at time and end at the time, UVP can be set to play or stop at a specific time.

Option to remove preloader.

Added in the documentation detailed tutorial about how to get the google drive video (mp4) or audio (mp3) source.

Optional watermark logo click. The logo can be set to open a window on click with a specific url.

AutoHide controls bar, the video player can be set to autohide the controls bar after a number of seconds of inactivity.

The video controls bar can be showed or hidden when the video is stopped or it hasn’t started.

Click to play or pause, you can click on the video to play/pause the video.

Optional start at a random video every time the page is opened.

Double click / double tap functionality, left video side rewind 10 seconds, center video go fullscreen / normal screen, right video side go forward 10 seconds.

Posibility to start playing at a specified time.

Start volume value.

Autoplay, loop and shuffle.

Autoplay on both PC / OS (desktop) and autoplay on mobile devices (Android / IOS), please note that on mobile the video starts with volume set to zero / muted, (it is the only possible to make this work), the volume can be set at anytime after the video has started to play, example here.

Optional keyboard support.

Big play button.

Next and previous video buttons (optional).

Play / pause button.

Current and total time (optional).

Volume button (optional).

Volume scrubber (optional).

Video info window button (optional).

Shuffle and loop buttons (optional).

Embed and share button (optional).

Fullscreen button (optional).

Detailed documentation and sample files included.

Eight skins included with the psd files.

Download video button (optional).

Share window button (optional).

For support or customizations please contact us here.

What our clients are saying:

Updates log:

Version 8.0 Release Date 22.03.2020

  • Added support for VAST WRAPPER.
  • Added support for DASH MPEG live streaming.
  • Added support for fill entire video poster, this feature will allow to fill the gaps of the video player when the poster is visible.
  • Added support for autoplay when the lightbox is opened (not supported for Youtube and Vimeo).
  • Added support to close the lighbox after the video finishes playing.
  • Reduced file size and increase overall performance.
  • Added support for Google Drive video (.mp4) and audio (.mp3) using Google Drive API. Using this method the video or audio used from Google Drive will work on all devices without any restrictions or expiring links video tutorial here.
  • Improved overall design and fix various bugs.
  • Optimized skip button size for mobile phones.
  • Optimized subtitle display, I have rewritten the entire subtitle engine to look perfect on both PC and mobile as well, now it is also possible to add media queries to fine-tune the subtitle display on a small or larger screen.

Version 7.1 Release Date 11.07.2019

  • Added support for VMAP (Digital Video Multiple Ad Playlist), this is very useful to create a VAST playlist and adding ad breaks at specified times, if you are interested please read more about this here.
  • Added Interactive Media Ads SDKs – IMA SDK for HTML5 and DFP / Google Doubleclick IMA tags support, which allows you to place Google Adsense for Video tags to stream video PreRoll Ads (linear), Mid-Roll, Post-Roll, VMAP+Bumper and Pods, or Non-Linear Banner/Text Ads (non-linear) with your self hosted videos, adsense example here and DFP, VAST, VMAP example here, video tutorial here.
  • Improved the getCurrentTime and getTotalTime API methods, now it is possible to return the video current time and video duration in text format(hh:mm:ss), seconds format or milliseconds format (more info in the documentation).
  • Added support for private playlists, a single password can be set for the entire playlist.

Version 7.0 Release Date 14.06.2019

  • Added Chromecast support, play mp4 video or mp3 audio on your TV screen using chromecast, the media can be controlled via the player interface, basically the browser and the player become a remote tv, example here and video tutorial here, (please note currently HLS, youtube, vimeo and advertisement are not supported).
  • Added autoplay on both PC / OS (desktop) and autoplay on mobile devices (Android / IOS), please note that on mobile the video starts with volume set to zero / muted, (it is the only possible to make this work), the volume can be set at anytime after the video has started to play, example here.
  • Added direct download on an Android devices, now if a video is downloaded it will be saved on the device in the download folder just like on a desktop machine (PC / OS).
  • Added support for .vtt subtitles.
  • Added optional go fullscreen on play, when the play button is clicked the player goes fullscreen example here.
  • Added the option to have a playlist without thumbnails example here.
  • Added support for palylist view when the player fullscreen button is used and it goes in fullscreen mode.
  • Added support for scrolling the playlist when the mouse moves instead of the default scrollbar example here.
  • Enabled volume control and playback rate / speed on mobile devices.

Version 6.9 Release Date 0..05.2019

  • Added support for generating playlist / playlists from one or more Youtube channel URL URI.

Version 6.8 Release Date 25.04.2019

  • Added support for randomized playlist, this option allows to start with a random / shuffled / randomized playlist when the playlist is loaded.

Version 6.7 Release Date 16.04.2019

  • Added support for generating playlist / playlists from one or more Vimeo albums URL URI, video tutorial here .

Version 6.6 Release Date 30.03.2019

  • Added visualization for double click rewind / go forward 10 seconds.
  • Added custom context menu, when the right mouse button is clicked a custom menu appears that allows to copy the video URL / video URL at current time or switch fullscreen /normalscreen.

Version 6.5 Release Date 24.03.2019

  • Added support for custom posts types.
  • Added the option to disable or enable the resume / remember function.
  • Added support for thumbnails preview and duplicate playlist. Please see this example, and this video tutorial.
  • Added support for openload / openload.co. Please watch this video tutorial for more info.
  • Added the option to set the video to inline (use inline video player like on all other device) or default for IOS (use default player, when the video starts playing the video will go fullscreen, default IOS functionality).
  • Added poster support for folder type playlists.
  • Added option to use or not the player controller for Vimeo videos.
  • Added an option to close the lightbox when clicked outside the player area on the trasparent background.
  • Fixed autoplay issue related to chrome autoplay policy, the video / audio will start playing when the page is loaded if autoplay is set to yes.
  • Replaced copy embed link and embed code form flash based to simple javacsript making it compatible with all devices.
  • Added support for Vimeo Pro videos.
  • Improved double click / double tap functionality, left video side rewind 10 seconds, center video go fullscreen / normal screen, right video side go forward 10 seconds.
  • Added support for .vtt files for subtitles, now UVP supports .srt, .txt and .vtt as the base file for a subtitle.
  • Added option to hide or show the video scrubber when the controller is hidden.
  • Changed preset from id based to name based, please note that if you update you will have to updates your shortcodes from the preset and playlist id to the preset and playlist name, ex: [fwduvp preset_id=”my skin” playlist_id=”my playlist”], this will make things much easier to spot instead of [fwduvp preset_id=”0” playlist_id=”5”].

Version 6.4 Release Date 04.02.2019

  • Created a custom made vector font specially for UVP to display the button icons. This feature is optional it can be choose between a vector or image based skin for the button icons.

Version 6.3 Release Date 10.12.2018

  • Improved sticky mode when scrolling up/down through the page now, it is possible to specify a custom width and height for the player, added the option to show an open or close button as well as hide the playlist. Please check out this example, please scroll the page down to view this feature in action.
  • Fixed bug related to resume on play after the browser is closed.

Version 6.2 Release Date 01.12.2018

  • Added support for sticky mode when scrolling up/down through the page this way UVP will always be visible. If the video player is not in the browser viewport area, the sticky version will take over at the bottom of the page. Please check out this example, please scroll the page down to view this feature in action.

Version 6.1 Release Date 19.11.2019

  • Added A to B video loop / ab loop, option to loop a specific section / part of a video using two time / timestamp points, point a the start point and point b the end point, this points can be adjusted using the a to b loop controlbar. This feature can be seen in action by viewing this video, click the play button and the then the a to b loop button from the controlbar. Please watch this video tutorial for more info.
  • Added timestamp support in format of e=hours[h]minutes[m]seconds[s], stop the video at a specified time by setting a timestamp in the player page URL, please see this example and check the URL format it has a timestamp attached to it ex: t=0h0m20s.

Version 6.0 Release Date 03.09.2018

  • Added resume / remember function which marks the last play position of the video when the browser is closed and remembers it when you come back to watch video again.
  • Replaced video preloader with a more simple and elegant circular preloader.
  • Improved folder playlist functionality, the video file name will be displayed in the playlist instead of a generic “video1, video2, video3 etc”.

Version 5.9 Release Date 03.09.2018

  • Added optional vector based buttons icons using font awesome, example here.

Version 5.8 Release Date 27.08.2018

  • improved subtitle functionality, now the subtitles sections are read and displayed with millisecond precision.

Version 5.7 Release Date 24.08.2018

  • Added timestamp support in format of t=hours[h]minutes[m]seconds[s], start the video at a specified time by setting a timestamp in the player page URL, please see this example and check the URL format it has a timestamp attached to it ex: t=0h0m20s.

Version 5.6 Release Date 07.08.2018

  • Added google analytics support, the possibility to view how many times a video was played or downloaded, please watch this video tutorial.
  • Added support for sticky display type, please watch this example.
  • Added support for google adsense advertisement, please watch this video tutorial.
  • Added support for lightbox / modal display type, now it is possible to open UVP in a modal / lightbox window when the page loads or on user interaction, for example a button or image click, please watch .
  • Added optional rewind 10 seconds button.
  • Added the possibility to set a start time to VAST pre, mid, post roll advertisement, by default the VAST template dosen’t include this feature so it is very useful if you have multiple video ads in a VAST XML file , now it is possible to set a start time for each the video files. Please watch this video tutorial for more info.
  • Added the possibility to open a new page when the video has finished to play, it can open a new page in a different window or replace the page in which the player is running (_blank or _self).

Version 5.5 Release Date 22.06.2018

  • Replaced the preloader with a more user friendly circular CSS preloader.
  • Added support to play pro account vimeo videos and also the option to use the UVP default controller to control the vimeo video.

Version 5.4 Release Date 15.06.2018

  • Added optional encrypt subtitles source / path. Using this feature will not allow a user / software to see / steal the subtitles source / path from the page source.
  • Added VASTVideo Ad Serving Template” support, currently only support for linear single or multiple (pods) video/videos (pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll) ads. Please check out our example pods (multiple videos) .
  • Added the possibility to set VAST start time in hh:mm:ss. This is an invaluable and unique feature only that UVP has since the VAST template dosen’t have any rule about when to play the ads and this is left to the video player publisher.
  • Added optional keyboard support (F:fullscreen / normalscreen, LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS:skip video 5 seconds forward or backward, UP/DOWN ARROWS: volume up or volume down, M:mute/unmute, SPACE:play/pause)

Version 5.3 Release Date 28.04.2018

  • Added the possibility to play the next video if the video is set to be stopped at a specific time, by default it will just stop.

Version 5.2 Release Date 05.04.2018

  • Added optional search box for the categories / playlists window grid.

Version 5.1 Release Date 15.12.2017

  • Added lazy scrolling / loading, the posibility to initialize UVP on scroll when the player is visible in the page, this way for example if the player is in a section of a webpage that is not visible it will not be initialized / play, instead UVP will be initalized / play only when the user is scrolling to that section in which the player is added.
  • Added optional popup advertisement window on pause, the source can be any web page, example here.
  • Changed HLS engine now it runs on pure javascript no flash player required anymore, this will make sure that UVP will run on all browsers without any issues.
  • The option to disable / not show the info / error window.
  • Improved performance and loading time, the youtube, vimeo, htls, 3d 360 library, audio, spectrum library will only be loaded if they are used and this is done automatically internaly by the player code .

Version 5.0 Release Date 18.10.2017

  • Added the logic to allow only a logged in user to play / view the video.

Version 4.9 Release Date 06.10.2017

  • Video cuepoints, UVP can call javascript functions or javascript code at a specified time during video playback.

Version 4.8 Release Date 01.10.2017

  • Added support for encrypted video paths, for example the path content/videos/fwd-720p.mp4 will be encrypted to encrypt:70de891f83b42a958770b738fd3b66f2 this way it will be impossible to steal the video by crawling the page source.
  • Private password protected videos, example here. Test password is Melinda.
  • Optional start at time and end at time, UVP can be set to play or stop at a specific time.
  • Added the option to remove preloader.
  • Added in the documentation detailed tutorial about how to get the google drive video (mp4) or audio (mp4) source.

Version 4.7 Release Date 24.07.2017

  • Added optional playback rate / speed selector. UVP supports multiple playback rates / speeds, they can be set with ease and changed at runtime using an optional playback rates / speeds selector.

Version 4.6 Release Date 15.07.2017

  • Support for 360 degree / virtual reality / VR videos.

Version 4.5 Release Date 07.07.2017

  • Added optional custom playlists / categories combo-box selector / select drop-down box.

Version 4.4 Release Date 26.06.2017

  • Added HTTP Live Streaming / HLS / m3u8 video support on all browsers mobile and desktop. On the browsers that dosen’t have native HLS support adobe flash player is used.

Version 4.3 Release Date 24.06.2017

  • Added optional pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll / ads / advertisement video or image (similar to youtube video ads with extra features). UVP supports unlimited ads they can be added and configured easily.
  • Fixed playlist scrolling on mobile devices
  • Added support for multiple video quality and optional video quality selector similar to Youtube.
  • Added optional subtitles selector. UVP supports now multiple subtitles, they can be set with ease and changed at run time using an optional subtitle selector.
  • Improved functionality on IOS (Iphone) now the video plays inline just like on any other mobile device, it will not go full screen on play, this way the functionality is exactly the same on all mobile devices.

Version 4.2 Release Date 29.03.2017

  • Optional fill entire video screen, this feature will allow to fill the gaps of the video player, you can have for example a real full width player, example here.
  • HEX / CSS color support, the buttons colors can be modified with simple CSS by passing a hexadecimal color(ex:#FF0000) and even more, we have done it in a cool way that all graphics will retain the texture and at the same time apply the chosen color, example here.

Version 4.1 Release Date 16.03.2017

  • Added suport for XML and mp4 FOLDER playlists.
  • Added the option to disable the video scrubbar, this can be used in cases when you don’t want a user to be able to scrub trough the video.
  • Added support for optional pop-up commercial windows.
  • Fixed some rendering glitches in the classic skins.
  • Remade video tutorial.

Version 4.0 Release Date 01.10.2016

  • Added support for optional subtitles.
  • Added support for optional Vimeo videos and Vimeo playlist.
  • Improved share window.
  • Improved error window

Version 2.2 Release Date 26.07.2015

  • Fixed a possible conflict issue with the Youtube API.
  • Fixed a video time display bug.
  • Included the unminified JS code of the player.

Version 2.1 Release Date 24.12.2014

  • Fixed a few bugs from the WordPress framework.

Version 2.0 Release Date 27.09.2014

  • Added support for optional ads / advertisement video (similar to youtube ads).
  • Added optional feature to stop the video after it has finished to play.
  • Added optional feature to start the player at a random video every time the page is opened or refreshed.
  • Improved youtube playlist (if a video is unlisted it will not be displayed in the playlist).
  • Improved fullscreen functionality.
  • Added auto-updates checker functionality.

Version 1.1 Release Date 06.08.2014

  • Added support for multiple UVP instances in the same webpage.

JavaScript version:

IF YOU NEED ONLY THE JAVASCRIPT VERSION FOR THIS PRODUCT, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE : http://codecanyon.net/item/ultimate-video-player/7694071

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Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin