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Sell customizable products and optional add-ons. Give customers more input and improve checkout experience. Streamline order processing and become more productive. Lift the limits on what you can do with WooCommerce, now.

WooCommerce Custom Fields allows you to create custom product, checkout, order and user fields, provide and gather additional information in a structured way, and sell configurable products, product add-ons and extra product options. Build, manage and optimize your online store for a premium user experience, and make every field work for you.

Use Upselling For Bigger Profits. Make each sale more profitable by offering popular add-ons and services, like gift wrap, on-site furniture assembly or extended warranty.

Let Customers Have Your Products Their Way. Sell items that require customer input, like T-shirts with a custom picture, gift cards with recipient’s name, or tickets with reduced pricing for children.

Product Files. Order Files. Customers’ Files. Attach files to products and orders. Allow customers to upload files when purchasing specific items.

Take Full Control Of Product Pricing. Increase or decrease prices by a fixed amount, by a percentage, or even take custom user input into the equation!

Unparalleled Conditional Logic. Display fields where, when and to whom you want by taking advantage of more than a dozen conditions. Add fields to thousands of products in bulk, or target just one – it’s your choice.

Keep Customers In The Loop. Make sure your customers are informed and reassured – provide shipment tracking information or the serial number of their purchased device.

Get The Information You Need. Ask whether customers meet age requirements for specific items. Let them choose a preferred delivery time. Gather details of conference participants. Charge additional fees for services and add-ons selected during checkout.

Liberate Yourself From Manual Work. Never again waste time creating countless product variations unless absolutely necessary. How long does it take to set size or color choices for thousands of items? Two minutes.

One Plugin – So Many Uses. Collect birth dates to surprise customers with a birthday discount. Be socially responsible and allow charity donations directly from your checkout page. We have no doubt that your head is already spinning with some brilliant ideas!

  • Create unlimited product fields – more than 10 field types supported
  • Sell configurable WooCommerce products with selectable options
  • Sell WooCommerce product add-ons, like gift wrapping or extended warranty
  • Charge customers for selected options
  • Set up fields to be completed by shop manager when adding a new product
  • Private product properties are useful for internal reference
  • Public properties provide product information to customers
  • Upload files for download, such as user guides or warranty policies
  • Display WooCommerce custom fields on the Checkout page
  • Gather additional billing, shipping and general order information
  • Easily customize the position of the field on the Checkout page
  • Data available on order page for both shop managers and customers
  • Order fields are available for shop manager on Order Edit page
  • Can be used for efficient internal order processing
  • If marked “public”, data is displayed to customers
  • Useful for information such as shipping tracking numbers
  • Provide additional user-related fields on checkout
  • Gather tax-related information, like VAT number (for Europe)
  • Ask customers for birth dates and other information
  • Fields also available in WordPress, under “User Profile”

  • Supports text, text area, password, email, number, datepicker, select, multiselect, checkboxes, radio buttons and file upload
  • Sell configurable and customizable products
  • Sell WooCommerce product add-ons and extra product options
  • Use product properties to display additional information about products
  • Gather additional order information on checkout
  • Gather additional user information by using user fields
  • Manage orders more efficiently with custom order fields
  • Upload and link files to products and orders
  • Accept files from customers on product page or checkout
  • Set allowed file types and file sizes
  • Attach files to WooCommerce emails for convenient order processing
  • Charge customers more (or less) based on pricing rules
  • Charge per character for engraving service
  • Price can be adjusted by a fixed amount or a percentage
  • Custom user input can also be used to determine price
  • Limit maximum number of characters that can be entered
  • Display extra product option pricing for customers’ reference
  • Price is updated live as customer configures product options
  • Shop managers can edit user input to fix any mistakes
  • Field can be set to multiply based on product quantity selected
  • Set default values for almost all field types
  • Save time by applying fields to hundreds of products at once
  • Easily duplicate fields for even faster setup
  • Configure conditions that must be matched for the field to be displayed
  • Make fields required, and mark fields as “private” or “public”
  • Add custom CSS to style each field individually
  • Hooks and functions to interact with plugin programmatically

Version 2.3.3, 27 March 2020
* Fix - Required field error displayed when "any" attribute variation is selected
* Fix - Non-sale price formatted as sale price under specific conditions
* Fix - Problem with filter hook wccf_product_fields_position_hook position
* Fix - Heading tag is not changing from h1 to other tag
* Fix - Impossible to set numeric field min value to zero
* Fix - Field titles in order view are not displayed on smaller screens
* Fix - Customer field values not display properly in the account area
* Tweak - Required field error is now displayed on product pages
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - New filter wccf_field_value_to_store

Version 2.3.2, 18 July 2019
* Feature - New field type: Decimal (field type Number is for whole numbers now)
* Fix - Cart item field editing view not loading when field has other field condition
* Fix - Field key input is not disabled when key can no longer be changed
* Fix - Issues related to other field conditions
* Fix - Issues with product attribute conditions
* Tweak - Performance improvements for product price display throughout shop
* Tweak - Shipping method conditions now support instances of shipping methods from zones
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - New filter wccf_number_field_step
* Dev - New filter wccf_decimal_field_step

Version 2.3.1, 28 June 2019
* Fix - Translation files for text domain "rightpress" not loaded
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.3, 21 June 2019
* Warning - Plugin's capability management has changed, see Dev section below
* Feature - Customers can now edit product field values in cart
* Feature - New field type: Color picker
* Feature - New field type: Time picker
* Feature - New field type: Date/time picker
* Feature - New pseudo-field types (page elements): Heading and Separator
* Feature - New Checkout Field condition: Payment method
* Feature - New Checkout Field condition: Shipping method
* Feature - New Checkout Field conditions: Shipping country, state, postcode, zone
* Feature - New Product/Checkout Field condition: Customer meta
* Feature - New Product Field/Property condition: Product meta
* Feature - New Product Field/Property condition: Custom taxonomy
* Feature - New Checkout Field condition: Product shipping classes in cart
* Feature - Added private note input to field editing page for internal reference
* Feature - Added field placeholder option
* Fix - Product add-on prices displayed without tax in frontend
* Fix - Custom billing and shipping address field values not displaying in emails
* Fix - Required shipping address field error when billing address is used for shipping
* Fix - Non-variable product attribute condition issues
* Fix - Product field value shows quotes escaped after adding to cart
* Fix - Product quick edit overwrites product property values
* Fix - Shipping fields are required when shipping to different address is unchecked
* Fix - Checkout fields with coupon condition require page reload to display on checkout
* Fix - Product fields are printed twice for variable subscription products
* Fix - Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2
* Tweak - Added simple client-side validation for product fields
* Tweak - Character limit now allows typing past limit and validates before submit
* Tweak - Added Enabled/Disabled toggle to field configuration side panel
* Tweak - Changed Datepicker to DateTimePicker JS library for date/time selection
* Tweak - Changed number field input type from 'text' to 'number'
* Tweak - Improved date value handling when storing and retrieving values from database
* Tweak - Enabled user capability, role, meta and logged in conditions to user fields
* Tweak - Rewritten conditions engine to make it more flexible and customizable
* Tweak - Better handling of disabled conditions and other field conditions
* Tweak - Option to define whether amounts in conditions (e.g. cart subtotal) include tax
* Tweak - Made Checkout field error state styling match WooCommerce error styling
* Tweak - Renamed "User Fields" to "Customer Fields" 
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - New filter wccf_filter_fields to hide fields programmatically
* Dev - New filter wccf_product_fields_position_hook to change product fields position
* Dev - Removed filter wccf_datepicker_config, use new datetimepicker filter hooks
* Dev - Removed filters wccf_capability and rp_wccf_capability
* Dev - Plugin no longer uses manage_woocommerce as default capability
* Dev - Plugin no longer allows overriding capability using filters
* Dev - Plugin now uses its own capability manage_wccf_settings for plugin settings
* Dev - Plugin now maps its own capabilities for all custom post types (fields)

Version 2.2.5, 13 July 2018
* Warning - Lowest supported WooCommerce version is now 3.0
* Warning - Lowest supported WordPress version is now 4.0
* Feature - Product tag conditions for product, checkout and order fields
* Fix - Recalculating order item totals causes hidden meta data to show up
* Fix - Multiple file size limit validation problems when uploading in one batch
* Fix - Admin unable to save values for user fields set as billing/shipping fields
* Fix - Hidden internal meta data displayed in admin order quick view
* Fix - User field data is not processed when fields are printed in custom form
* Fix - Number field does not accept decimals with comma as a decimal separator
* Fix - Double taxes applied on product field display price
* Tweak - Quantity units with different configuration are now split into multiple cart items
* Tweak - Added settings field to change product list view button label
* Tweak - Performance improvements related to database queries
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - Added filter wccf_email_display_product_field_values
* Dev - Added JS event rightpress_live_product_price_update_updated
* Dev - Renamed all helper classes, check for new method location if used in custom code

Version 2.2.4, 15 February 2018
* Fix - Unable to upload files in WC 3.3+
* Fix - Order Again does not work with required fields
* Fix - Fatal syntax error on specific PHP versions
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.2.3, 10 November 2017
* Fix - Order Again does not add product field values to items
* Fix - Price is not updated dynamically when variation/attribute conditions are used
* Fix - Dynamically updated product price "jumping" on variable product page
* Fix - Dynamically updated product price includes tax twice
* Fix - Compatibility issues with WooCommerce versions < 3.0
* Fix - Subtotal rounding issue in cart

Version 2.2.2, 18 October 2017
* Fix - Only the last value displayed for quantity based product field values
* Fix - Compatibility issues with some other plugins related to custom taxonomies
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.2.1, 8 October 2017
* Feature - Replaced "Grand Total" with uniform RightPress live price update functionality
* Feature - Option to set max combined file size for multiple file uploads
* Fix - Product field values are cloned when adding products to cart programmatically
* Fix - Duplicate product field values on second and subsequent order items
* Fix - Unable to load order object under some circumstances in conditions
* Fix - Bug related to role and capability conditions for order fields
* Fix - Submitted values are displayed with escaped quotes on some servers
* Fix - User file upload validation issues in My Account
* Fix - Default variation does not have fields displayed on page load
* Fix - Performance issues related to $product->get_available_variations() call
* Fix - "Other Field" conditions not checked when overriding product display price
* Tweak - Improved integration with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts
* Tweak - Changed lowest supported WooCommerce version to 2.5
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - Added filter wccf_condition_check_cart_subtotal_value
* Dev - Added filter rightpress_live_product_price_update_html
* Dev - Removed filter wccf_ajax_product_price_html

Version 2.2, 14 July 2017
* Fix - Duplicate user profile fields displayed with some themes
* Fix - JS error prevents field settings from being saved under some conditions
* Fix - WPML allows to translate taxonomy term slugs
* Fix - jQuery UI loaded in the frontend applies to 3rd party elements
* Fix - Decimal quantities cause problems with cart line subtotal calculation
* Fix - Variation prices do not include default value pricing
* Fix - Price caching system works even when prices are not adjusted by default values
* Fix - Products with no price shows 0.00 and "Add To Cart" button
* Fix - Add-on pricing does not show all decimal places as set in WC settings
* Fix - Product field values not available when retrieving order item meta
* Fix - Conflict with Product Bundles plugin
* Tweak - Option to remove blank space when calculating a per character cost
* Tweak - Negative "Other field" condition now returns true when other field is not present
* Tweak - Improved display of empty values for product properties and order fields
* Tweak - Improvements to product price calculation and caching
* Tweak - New field key check improved to avoid problems with system prefixes/suffixes
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.1.3, 28 April 2017
* Fix - File upload issues on product pages related to frontend cookie handling

Version 2.1.2, 26 April 2017
* Fix - File upload issues for non-admin users
* Fix - Default order field values displayed for disabled fields
* Tweak - User fields can now be set to be private
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.1.1, 14 April 2017
* Fix - JS error when field that is used in another field's conditions is disabled
* Fix - User fields not displayed on WooCommerce registration page since WC 3.0
* Fix - User field values not validated properly on WooCommerce registration page
* Fix - Category condition does not work properly since version 2.1
* Fix - Warning related to use of ajax_variation_threshold filter hook

Version 2.1, 10 April 2017
* Fix - User field values cleared when user fields of other type are saved separately
* Fix - Conditions do not work properly with radio buttons and checkboxes
* Fix - User with shop manager role unable to save plugin settings
* Tweak - Quantity based fields are now grouped by quantity index
* Tweak - Checkboxes and radio buttons now have label tags for each option
* Tweak - Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0
* Tweak - Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions extension
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - New filter hook wccf_pricing_value
* Dev - New filter hook wccf_adjustment_value
* Dev - New filter hook wccf_ajax_product_price_html

Version 2.0.1, 24 November 2016
* Fix - Improved compatibility with outdated themes ("Missing argument 3" warning)
* Fix - Field value validation issues
* Fix - Regular price is not displayed next to sale price
* Fix - Default values override empty order field and product property values
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.0, 11 October 2016
* Feature - Entire plugin rewritten to make it robust, flexible and extensible
* Feature - Migration script implemented to migrate data from previous versions
* Feature - Field values are now stored as regular meta for improved compatibility
* Feature - New field context: user fields
* Feature - New conditions: product attributes, product variations, coupons
* Feature - New types of fees: percentage fee, compound percentage fee
* Feature - New type of advanced fees: fee multiplied by field value
* Feature - New type of discounts: percentage discount, compound percentage discount
* Feature - Product prices in store can now be adjusted to default field values
* Feature - Checkout fields now support pricing options (checkout fees and discounts)
* Feature - Shop managers can now edit customer submitted field values
* Feature - Multiple instances of product field can now be displayed based on quantity
* Feature - Checkout, order and user field values now displayed in default WC emails
* Feature - Default/predefined values now supported for more field types
* Feature - Min and max number of selections for multiselect fields and checkboxes
* Feature - Min and max value for number field
* Feature - File upload fields now use Ajax file uploads
* Feature - Multiple file uploads now supported per one upload field
* Feature - File upload options: min size, max size, extension whitelist/blacklist
* Feature - Options to duplicate, disable and archive fields
* Feature - Support for two currency switcher extensions
* Feature - Option to change Add To Cart button text only when required fields are set
* Feature - Form builder validation to prevent losing data when settings are saved
* Fix - Error when searching fields list in admin area
* Fix - Quote escaping issue in cart item meta
* Fix - Uploaded file path issue on Windows systems
* Fix - Problems when adding HTML as field value
* Fix - Incompatibility with other plugins that load jQuery Select2 library
* Fix - Some themes make inline style tag visible
* Tweak - Files in filesystem are now stored by month to avoid hitting server limits
* Tweak - Ajax functionality improved to recover from PHP error display in response
* Tweak - Changed checkbox concept to checkbox group for more consistency
* Tweak - Changed radio button concept to radio button group for more consistency
* Tweak - Optimized JS/CSS asset loading
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - Set of new functions to print fields and retrieve field values
* Dev - Set of new action and filter hooks to allow more flexibility
* Dev - Product field values can now be passed in a preconfigured add-to-cart link
* Dev - Some HTML element classes/ids were changed (CSS/JS selectors must be checked)

Version 1.2.1, 12 April 2016
* Fix - Select field option keys displayed instead of labels
* Fix - Numbers in field keys cause issues
* Tweak - Improved compatibility with Wordpress 4.5
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.2, 21 December 2015
* Feature - New pricing option for text fields: price per character
* Feature - Character limit for text fields
* Feature - Attach submitted files to New Order email
* Feature - Customers can now download their own uploaded files
* Feature - Support for automatic plugin updates
* Fix - File upload field bug
* Fix - Conditions method "All of selected" not working properly
* Fix - Numeric condition bug
* Fix - Warning related to products with no categories assigned
* Fix - Bug related to fields with numeric unique keys
* Fix - Admin unable to download product files in frontend
* Tweak - Improved language file loading: now also looks in WP_LANG_DIR
* Tweak - Improved file upload functionality
* Tweak - Improved admin user interface
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.1.1, 26 September 2015
* Fix - Frontend JS error

Version 1.1, 18 September 2015
* Feature - Product add-on pricing is now displayed on product, checkout and order pages
* Feature - Product price is now updated live when product add-ons are selected
* Fix - Bad field labels in order confirmation email
* Fix - Conditional field display bugs
* Fix - File download capability check issues
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.0, 1 May 2015
* Initial release

This extension requires WordPress 4.0+, WooCommerce 2.4+ and PHP 5.3+.

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WooCommerce Custom Fields

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

WooCommerce Custom Fields

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