Download: WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart Free Nulled

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WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart is a WooCommerce extension Plugin which will recover the abandoned carts and increase the sales. Cart Abandonment happens due to a variety of reasons and sending mail (with follow up mails) can be the best way to Recover Abandoned Carts which is exactly what this Plugin does. Recover Abandoned Cart monitors carts that are abandoned by Members and Guests to capture Abandoned Carts. It automatically sends mails using the mail templates at specified times to Recover the Abandoned Carts. You can insert the Cart link in the email. You can set up any number of mail templates for sending follow up mails. Advantage in having multiple mail templates at specified time durations is that you can send a first mail without coupon. If the Buyer doesn’t respond then you can send the follow up mail with coupon code. This will tempt the Buyer to make the purchase. The Buyer purchase is tracked using cookies. Recover Abandoned Cart works for both Members and Guests. For Members as soon as the products are added to Cart and then the Member leaves for some reason the Abandoned Carts will be captured. For Guests they will have to reach the step of inputting their Email Id in the Checkout Page and once the Email Id is entered the Abandoned Carts will be captured.



  • Monitor and Record Abandoned Carts
  • Recover Abandoned Carts with Automated Mails using Mail Templates
  • Recover the Lost Sales with Recover Abandoned Cart Plugin
  • Works for Simple and Variable Products
  • Recover Abandoned Cart works for both Members and Guests
  • User Click on mail is recorded for you to analyze which mail templates work
  • Abandoned Cart and Mail sending time can be set
  • User Purchase using Cart link from mail is recorded
  • Multiple mail templates for follow up
  • Activate/Deactivate Mail Templates
  • Manual Mailing Option
  • Email Admin when Cart is Recovered
  • Automatic Coupon Code Generation to include in Mail
  • WooCommerce Mail Templates can be used
  • Checking Previous Orders for Capturing Abandoned Carts
  • Translation Ready
  • WPML, WPML String Translation and WooCommerce Multilingual Compatibility for Mails – Please note you need all these 3 Plugins for Multi Language Mails to work
  • Captures Phone Number for Manual follow up
  • and more

Compatible With

WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart is Compatible with

1. SUMO Reward Points – WooCommerce Points and Rewards System

2. SUMO Subscriptions – WooCommerce Subscription System

3. SUMO Memberships – WooCommerce Membership System

4. SUMO Donations – WooCommerce Donation System

5. SUMO Coupons – WooCommerce Coupon System

6. SUMO WooCommerce Payment Plans and Deposits

7. WooCommerce Pay Your Price

8. SUMO WooCommerce Currency Switcher

9. SUMO Affiliates Pro – WordPress Affiliate Plugin

What Users Say?

How to Install Recover Abandoned Cart?

1. Download the file ( of Recover Abandoned Cart from Codecanyon.
2. Unzip inside which you will find the Plugins files i.e.
3. Install Recover Abandoned Cart i.e. using WordPress Dashboard.
4. Activate the Plugin.

How to Upgrade to a newer version of Recover Abandoned Cart?

Please always test the new version in a testing site before you upgrade to the new version in your live site.

If you are using an older version and want to upgrade to the latest version of Recover Abandoned Cart then please do the following steps.

1. Deactivate and Delete the existing version of Recover Abandoned Cart in your site.
2. Download the latest version file ( of Recover Abandoned Cart from Codecanyon.
3. Unzip inside which you will find the Plugins files i.e.
4. Install the latest version of Recover Abandoned Cart i.e. using WordPress Dashboard.
5. Activate the Plugin.

Please note you will not lose any settings values, data etc by following the above steps.


Please check the documentation as we have lots of information there. The documentation file can be found inside the documentation folder which you will find when you unzip the downloaded zip file.

For support, feature request or any help, please register and open a support ticket on our site.


Version 22.2 on 04 April 2020
Tweak: Added Sub-Heading field for Popup feature
Tweak: Poly-lang conflict improvements
Fix: WPML Multi-Currency conflict improvements

Version 22.1 on 23 April 2020
Tweak: Hooks added as Troubleshoot option for Remove old carts and capture new cart option

Version 22.0 on 10 February 2020
Tweak: Option added to display variable product attribute and value separately/appended variation to product name
Tweak: Cart List Table Status Updation Improvements

Version 21.9 on 23 January 2020
Tweak: Browser based Improvements for Add to Cart Pop_Up feature
Tweak: First, Last Name short-code({rac.firstname}, {rac.lastname})usage in admin mail content
Fix: Incorrect Order ID called notice related Improvements
Fix: Mandatory fields validation improvements in the Add to Cart Pop_Up
Fix: 404 Console Error Improvements
Fix: get_used_coupon is deprecated notice display related improvements

Version 21.8 on 14 November 2019
Tweak: Currency Display improvements in the Email Notification when using Currency Switcher for WooCommerce( Free version) by WP Wham

Version 21.7 on 01 October 2019
New: Added Custom CSS Option in Email Template
Tweak: Pop_Up Display & Functionality improvements for some browser compatibility
Tweak: TM Extra-Product Option based Cart List display improvements
Tweak: Unsubscribe link display improvements in Test Email Notification

Version 21.6 on 28 August 2019
Tweak: Compatibility for WooCommerce 3.7
Tweak: Query Loading Performance Improvements
Fix: Automatic cron job for check previous order not works properly
Fix: Fatal error when cart-list captured in the cart list table for already placed order
Fix: Reward points compatibility Error related improvements
Fix: SUMO Reward Points compatible Improvements

Version 21.5 on 13 August 2019
New: Added Mail functionality hook(rac_before_send_abandoned_cart_email) 
New: Added Option to Delete the Email Log(s) after X No of days 
New: Automated Cron option for Check Previous Order 
Tweak: Email Log Deletion & Cart List Entry deletion Improvements 
Fix: Display blank screen in cart-lists while exporting cart-lists CSV file 
Fix: Non-Numeric related Error 
Fix: Un-subscription link related improvements

Version 21.4 on 06 July 2019
Tweak: Display Conflict with WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options 
Tweak: Added Reset option in Advance Tab 
Fix: Translation for Shipping Label when using WPML 
Fix: WooCommerce Currency Switcher Compatible Improvements 
Fix: Uncaught Error when using WooCommerce Currency Switcher 
Fix: Conflict in the Currency display while using Price Based on Country(Basic) with WPML Currency Switcher 
Fix: Conflict in adding Cart-List entry when using Price Based on Country(Basic)

Version 21.3 on 27 May 2019
Tweak: Recover Abandoned Cart link improvements for guest user for Bundle Products(Conflict with WooCommerce Product Bundle)

Version 21.2 on 14 May 2019
Fix: Email Content Display conflict when using WPML translation 
Fix: General Settings Display conflict while using with WooCommerce v2.3.x

Version 21.1 on 25 April 2019
New: Currency Display conflict with WooCommerce Price Based on Country(Free) plugin

Version 21.0 on 05 April 2019
New: Display improvements in Email Template related info column in the Cart-List Table 
New: Column added to display the Cart Captured place/page info in the Cart-List Table 
New: Delayed Email Pop_Up-Display for Guest User(s) 
New: Email ID, Email Provider & IP Address based restriction for Cart List Capture 
Tweak: Contact(phone) Number info display in the Exported file 
Tweak: {rac.productname} short-code usage in the Email Content Fix: Site Title display conflict when using {site_title} short-code in the Email Footer Content

Version 20.8 on 13 March 2019
Tweak: Added option to enter more than one email address for Admin Email Notification 
Tweak: Pop_Up Heading Custom CSS improvements

Version 20.7 on 08 February 2019
Tweak: Improvements in Variation(attribute related) display in Abandoned Cart Email(s)
Fix: Status based Sorting Improvements

Version 20.6 on 12 January 2019
New: SUMO Affiliates Pro Compatibility 
Fix: Coupon Validity related Improvements

Version 20.5 on 07 January 2019
New: Restriction option added to display Recover Abandoned Cart Menu based on user roles 
New: Filter option added to view the Cart List table based on User/Guest 
New: Option added to get the Order Id for Manually Recovered Cart List Entry 
New: Option added to set the Size of the Product Image which displayed in the Abandoned Cart Email(s) 
New: Option added to set the Background Color of the Pop_Up field

Version 20.4 on 02 January 2018
New: Option added to restrict the Cart List Capturing for Member(s/)Guest User(s) 
Tweak: Standard Value(s) in Advanced Settings not saved properly 
Fix: Error related to Order Properties access in the Cart-List Table 
Fix: Conflict in the Short-code({site_title}) usage in the Abandoned Cart Emails

Version 20.3 on 22 November 2018
Tweak: Custom CSS option added for Guest Pop_Up feature 
Fix: Email Address Placeholder improvements

Version 20.2 on 18 October 2018
Tweak: Currency Symbol display Conflict with WooCommerce Multi Currency(by Villa Themes) Plugin

Version 20.1 on 04 October 2018
Fix: Email doesn't send from the Email templates when Include Product(s) Filter segmentation configured
Tweak: First Name, Last Name and Mobile Number Fields added in the Pop_Up
Tweak: Pop_Up validation Improvements

Version 20.0 on 17 August 2018
New: Option to add Cart List entry when Order reaches Failed status 
New: Frequently Abandoned and Recovered Product(s) Report

Version 19.9 on 10 August 2018
New: Multiple(Global Level/Each Template Level) Discount Coupons feature

Version 19.8 on 26 July 2018
Fix: Error while searching has been made in the Cart List Table 
Fix: Currency display conflict with currency switcher(WooCommerce Multi Currency - Currency Switcher) plugin

Version 19.7 on 19 July 2018
Fix: Product Name on Email Subject Displayed with ASCII code instead of special characters
Fix: Date Filter option Improvements on Cart List, Email Log, Recovered Orders
Fix: Issue when upgrading the plugin from older versions(16.6 or below) to newer version
Fix: PHP version 7.2 compatibility improvements

Version 19.6 on 01 June 2018
Fix: Privacy Policy related Error while using lower WordPress version(<4.9.6)

Version 19.5 on 27 May 2018
New: GDPR compliance related WordPress compatibility for Data Access, Data Erasure and Privacy Update
Fix: Translation Improvements(WPML)
Fix: Product Name Display Enhancement for Variable Products

Version 19.4 on 12 May 2018
New: WooCommerce latest version compatibility improvements
New: Added POT translation file
New: Translation Improvements
Fix: Text/HTML related display issue
Fix: Error when access the Cart Link in the Abandoned Cart email

Version 19.3 on 04 April 2018
Tweak: Improvements in folder mapping
Fix: Offset Value issue in Cart List Table

Version 19.2 on 07 March 2018
New: Shortcode{rac.abandoned_useremail} added to display the email address of Members/Guests in Abandoned Email notification for Admin
Tweak: Footer translation improvements
Fix: Unsubscribing link({rac.unsubscribe}) is displayed in Abandoned Cart Emails based on Link in Email Footer settings

Version 19.1 on 17 February 2018
New: Email address entered in the Pop up will be Pre-filled in Checkout Fields
New: Enhanced the Add to Cart Pop up
New: Added Filter(UTM Parameter) for redirect Cart URL
Tweak: Add to Cart Pop up Messages Translation with WPML

Version 19.0 on 22 January 2018
New: Abandoned Cart Email Subscribe/Unsubscribe option for Admin
New: Guest Email Capture using Add to Cart Pop Up
New: Notification Email for Admin when the Cart is Abandoned
New: Compatibility with Polylang plugin
Tweak: Added option to Set Unsubscribe Link Colour on Email
Fix: New Cart Capturing problem when Guest user places the order through Third Party Payment Gateway(PayPal Express Checkout)

Version 18.9 on 16 January 2018
Tweak: Improvement for Currency in Email when using Aelia Currency Switcher
Tweak: Labels Updated for Email Template Segmentation with PO Files updated

Version 18.8 on 17 December 2017
New: Enhanced Guest Email id capture on Cart List post
Tweak: Sorting issue based on Screen Options

Version 18.7 on 11 December 2017
Fix: Tool Tip function usage issue
Fix: Problem in switching to other Order Status under Orders section

Version 18.6 on 08 November 2017
Fix: jQuery conflict in backend
Fix: Variation name not displayed properly
Fix: Price does not display when using WPML and Aelia currency switcher

Version 18.5 on 15 October 2017
Fix: Duplicate cart entries issue for guest users

Version 18.4 on 09 October 2017
Fix: Undefined index problem

Version 18.3 on 04 October 2017
New: Option added to delete coupon based on order status
Fix: HTML tags assigning in Email Template

Version 18.2 on 26 September 2017
Fix: Entry in the Cart List with Abandoned Status when the user cancels the Order from the Third Party Payment Page

Version 18.1 on 11 September 2017
Fix: Cart captured when prevent option is enabled for cancelled carts

Version 18.0 on 04 September 2017
New: Abandoned cart coupons can be restricted for sale price products 
Tweak: UI Enhancements 
Tweak: Improvement in check previous order functionality 
Fix: Sorting problem in the table

Version 17.9 on 30 August 2017
Fix: Upgrade interruption issue

Version 17.8 on 27 August 2017
Fix: Improvement in post type

Version 17.7 on 23 August 2017
New: Added option to delete cart list entries with Recovered Status from cart list table after x days
Tweak: Po files updated

Version 17.6 on 15 August 2017
New: Troubleshoot option added to update old order data
New: Added filters to use custom shortcodes in Email
Tweak: Code optimized for coupon code functionality
Tweak: Code optimized for enqueue scripts
Tweak: PO files updated
Fix: Content added in the email template doesn't display correctly for manual emails

Version 17.5 on 08 August 2017
New: Added Guest User Role in Email Sent Restriction
Fix: Error when searching in Cart List Table
Fix: Tool tip does not display in WooCommerce reports when the plugin is activated

Version 17.4 on 01 August 2017
New: Added po and mo files for the Portuguese language
Fix: Add-on values not added to cart when Guest users click the Cart Link
Fix: Single quotes not displaying in Email Subject
Fix: Recover Abandoned Cart Menu not displaying in dashboard

Version 17.3 on 19 July 2017
Fix: Problem in Duplicating the Email Templates

Version 17.2 on 12 July 2017
Tweak: Cart List capture issue with WooCommerce 3.1.x
Fix: Fatal Error message in Error Log
Fix: HTML Email Notification Format in Email

Version 17.1 on 04 July 2017
New: Compatible with SUMO Reward Points
New: Compatible with SUMO Coupons
New: Compatible with SUMO Donations
New: Compatible with SUMO Memberships
New: Compatible with SUMO Subscriptions
New: Compatible with WooCommerce Pay Your Price
Fix: ampersand symbol ignored in email body of manual and test email

Version 17.0.1 on 03 July 2017
Fix: Upgrade issue when old orders are not available
Fix: Symbol ampersand ignored in email body of manual and test emails

Version 17.0 on 19 June 2017
New: Complete Code Revamping
New: General Improvements and Fixes

Version 16.6 on 02 June 2017
New: Compatible with WooCommerce Product Add-ons
Tweak: Improved compatibility with Aleia Currency Switcher

Version 16.5 on 19 May 2017
New: Option to set image in place of {rac.cartlink} shortcode
New: Send Email display option
Tweak: Improvement to set the cron
Fix: Error in Cart details table

Version 16.4 on 10 May 2017
New: Option added to prevent RAC emails being sent to user for the cart list if an already purchased product is one of the product in the captured list
Tweak: Code Optimized
Tweak: PO file updated
Fix: Empty cart list tab page

Version 16.3 on 03 May 2017
Tweak: Improvements in the settings labels
Tweak: Updated PO Files
Fix: Empty Email problem when WPML is used

Version 16.2 on 25 April 2017
New: Multi Currency support for WPML Multi Currency, Aelia Currency Switcher, WooCommerce Currency Switcher
New: Include/Exclude options added for Cart List capturing and Email sending
New: Warning Message added for improving usability
Tweak: Order Total can be set as 0 in Segmentation filter
Tweak: PO files Updated
Fix: Next Cron Job Time display issue in Troubleshoot

Version 16.1 on 19 April 2017
New: New cart capture based on selected status for captured cart
New: Bulk Update option to Stop/Start mailing
Tweak: Enqueue script improvements
Fix: Template not updated while sending manual emails

Version 16.0 on 11 April 2017
New: WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility
Fix: Fatal Error in Cart List tab
Fix: Undefined Offset Problem
Fix: Test Email sending issue
Fix: Restriction not applied properly when Don't capture any New Cart option is selected
Fix: Script error when Clear Reports button is clicked

Version 15.9 on 05 April 2017
New: Added shortcode to display Product Name in Email Subject
New: Bulk Update option for start emailing and stop emailing
Tweak: PHP 7.1 Compatibility
Tweak: Validation for creating tables
Tweak: Updated Po Files

Version 15.8 on 14 March 2017
New: Option to restrict sending of emails based on email id providers
New: Added Product and Category filter in segmentation
New: Filter for CSV Export
Tweak: Validation for empty values in Plugin Settings
Tweak: Updated po and mo files
Fix: Undefined offset problem

Version 15.7 on 02 March 2017
New: Code Improvements and Performance Optimization

Version 15.6 on 16 February 2017
Tweak: Code Improvements

Version 15.5 on 07 February 2017
New: Option to give Free Shipping for Coupon
Tweak: Code Improvements

Version 15.4 on 02 February 2017
New: Option to Restrict Entry in Cart List if the User already has an active Abandoned Cart
New: Added Filters for Export CSV File
Tweak: Updated po and mo files

Version 15.3 on 17 January 2017
New: Subscribed and Unsubscribed sections added in Cart List tab
New: Confirmation dialogue box added when Mark as Recover button is clicked
Tweak: Cart Total is updated after Shipping and tax Calculation for Guest
Fix: Fatal Error when WooCommerce is not Active

Version 15.2 on 08 January 2017
New: Display Product SKU in Cart List and Product Info Email
New: Option to Update Cart List Status In Troubleshoot tab
Tweak: Code Improved to avoid fatal error
Tweak: Saving additional time details during cart link click
Fix: Recovered Order Id display problem when Order is Recovered

Version 15.1 on 19 December 2016
Fix: Default value setting problem
Fix: Unsubscription message display problem
Fix: Error log problem
Fix: Update the cart in the list when the cart is updated by the user

Version 15.0 on 05 December 2016
New: Graphical Reports
New: Email Sender option for WooCommerce Template Type
New: Troubleshoot option added for including MIME Version 1.0 and Reply-To parameters
New: Option to send mails based on previous mail sent Time
New: Added po & mo files for Italian language
Tweak: Admin notification based on Order Status of the Recovered Order
Tweak: Updated po files
Tweak: Updated Translation strings
Tweak: Code Updated
Fix: Page break issue when products or users are deleted
Fix: Order considered as Recovered if the Order was cancelled in the Payment Page
Fix: Recovered Orders count updated when Cart is Recovered without clicking the Cart Link in Email
Fix: Display issue in Shortcodes tab
Fix: Empty cart issue when member clicks link as guest
Fix: Clear Cart Content option not working for Member

Version 14.6 on 10 November 2016
New: Pagination for Recovered Orders tab
New: Sorting for Mail Logs and Recovered Orders based on Oldest/Newest display first option
Tweak: Code improvements

Version 14.5.1 on 07 November 2016
Fix: Undefined function problem

Version 14.5 on 02 November 2016
New: Added Segmentation for Email Templates
Tweak: PO files Updated

Version 14.4 on 25 October 2016
New: Option to set which cron will be used
Tweak: Improvement in script loading

Version 14.3 on 18 October 2016
New: Added Warning Message when cron is disabled

Version 14.2 on 14 October 2016
Fix: Display issue in user name search field of Custom Restrict Settings when using WooCommerce Version 2.2.11 and below

Version 14.1 on 04 October 2016
New: Product Info Alignment section to customize position of columns in Product Info Table
New: Ascending/Descending Order to display Cart List table
New: Separate options to Show/Hide Shipping, Tax in Abandoned Cart Emails
Tweak: Product Info Table alignment when columns are hidden
Tweak: Updated PO Files
Fix: Error occurred in Mail Log when the template used for sending the email is deleted
Fix: Shipping Cost displayed without Tax in Emails
Fix: Restore Cart from Cart Link when Cart is already Recovered
Fix: Blank space added for Image in Emails when using HTML Template

Version 14.0 on 23 September 2016
New: Shipping Cost in Abandon Cart Email
New: Option to change Cart to Recovered Status manually
Tweak: Compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.3 and below for displaying price in emails
Tweak: Dummy shortcode value in subject of test email templates
Tweak: Cart Total display in Cart List Including tax and Shipping Cost
Tweak: Display Dummy Tax and Shipping cost in Test Email and template Preview
Tweak: Updated po and mo files

Version 13.9 on 16 September 2016
New: URL redirection to specific language site based on Cart Abandoning language
Tweak: Optimized code to reduce Ajax loading time for Guest Cart capturing
Fix: Problems when using the plugin with WooCommerce 2.4.x and below
Fix: For Guests, Cart Link in Abandon Cart Email redirects to Empty Cart when using multiple email templates

Version 13.8 on 01 September 2016
New: Option to "Replace" or "Append" WooCommerce Footer Text with Unsubscription Link Text 
Tweak: Dummy Content for Shortcode in Email Template Preview and Test Emails 
Fix: Variation name displayed incorrectly when Global Variations are used for the Product 
Fix: Empty Cart Item created for Guests when custom checkout form is used 
Fix: Problem in capturing Guest Firstname and Lastname 

Version 13.7 on 19 August 2016
New: Option to Show/Hide Variation name of Variable Products in Abandoned Cart Emails
Tweak: Updated Complete Translation po files for French Language
Fix: Variation name duplicated in Abandon Cart Mails if the Cart Item is a Variable Subscription product
Fix: IP Capturing Issue when using Cloud Proxy

Version 13.6 on 05 August 2016
Tweak: Capturing Guest Cart as External JS File
Fix: Conflict with WooCommerce Color Picker

Version 13.5 on 24 July 2016
New: Option to Customize Date and Time format
Fix: Proxy Server Cart Capture Issue for Guest
Tweak: Fetch DB Results Order by IDs

Version 13.4 on 18 July 2016
- Fix: Duplicate emails received when more than one mail template triggered at the same time
- New: Updated documentation

Version 13.3 on 20 June 2016
- New: Shortcode for displaying Date and Time of captured Cart in Email Template
- Tweak: Changed Variable Product Name Displaying Style In Product Info Table

Version 13.2 on 13 June 2016
- Fix: Cart Link not displaying all variations for Guest
- New: Documentation Updated

Version 13.1 on 03 June 2016
- New: Option to Display Product Price Including Tax in Abandoned Cart Emails

Version 13.0 on 25 May 2016
- Fix: Email missing the last character sometimes 
- Fix: Code optimized to avoid the same coupon is regenerated without deleting the old one in some cases

Version 12.9 on 03 May 2016
- New: Export Cart List as CSV
- New: Documentation updated

Version 12.8 on 01 May 2016
- Fix: Email sending problem with WooCommerce version 2.3.x and lower versions

Version 12.7 on 11 April 2016
- Fix: Problem in sending email using third party email services when bcc field is empty

Version 12.6 on 09 April 2016
- Fix: Test Mail not sent for domains which have more than 4 characters

Version 12.5 on 01 April 2016
- New: Improved the default message of Abandon Cart Email

Version 12.4 on 24 March 2016
- New: Added Option to Recover the Cart list for Manual Orders
- New: Document Updated
- New: Chunk count can be customized
- Tweak: Check order status during "check previous orders" 
- Fix: Decoded the labels when site language is other than English
- Fix: Error message displayed in Abandoned Cart Emails

Version 12.3 on 08 March 2016
- Tweak: For Variable Products, Product image displayed instead of Variation image in Emails

Version 12.2 on 12 February 2016
- New: Added customization option for new entry in cart list when redirect to cart page while cancelling the order 
- Fix: Script loading before loading the page for guest at checkout 
- Fix: Image appearing twice in recover abandon cart emails

Version 12.1 on 08 February 2016
- New: Enhanced unsubscription option for emails
- New: Added send test email option for each email template
- New: Cart details text is changed to link to show the product info in cart list table

Version 12.0.1 on 03 February 2016
- New: Added Customization of border for table ({rac.Productinfo} shortcode)

Version 12.0 on 28 January 2016
- Tweak: Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.5.x

Version 11.9 on 26 January 2016
- New: Option to not capture carts which are in Cancelled Order Status

Version 11.8 on 20 January 2016
- Fix: Cart List problem because of Persistent Cart

Version 11.7 on 17 January 2016
- Fix: Recovering Cart List for Corresponding Order
- Tweak: Captions and Tool Tips tweaked

Version 11.6 on 14 January 2016
- Fix : Unsubscribe link Problem in emails

Version 11.5 on 01 January 2016
- New: Added BCC option for abandon cart emails in email templates 
- New: Number of carts recovered made as hyperlink in Reports Tab to see the recovered carts 
- New: Added Date filter in Recovered Orders tab 
- New: Added option to redirect cart link in email to cart/checkout page
- Fix: Duplicate calling cron job problem 

Version 11.4 on 23 December 2015
- Fix : wp_safe_redirect() is missing when cart link is clicked in email
- Fix: product_ids is not stored during coupon creation
- Fix  "Cart Recovered" notification sending option "Local" for admin is not working
- Fix: When user places the order without abandoned it, order id is recorded in recovered orders tab
- Fix: When guest places the order, cart row is deleted instead of update the status of cart to "Recovered" 
- Fix: Show/Hide problem on "Cart List become Recovered when Order Status" select box  and "Enable Email Notification for Admin when Cart is Recovered" check box

Version 11.3 on 15 December 2015
- Fix: Unsubscribe link issue for carts from old order & some guests
- Tweak: wp_safe_redirect() of cart is missing from old order when cart link is clicked in email

Version 11.2 on 13 December 2015
- Tweak: Customization of Sender Information available only for HTML plain text emails

Version 11.1 on 27 November 2015
- Fix: Error upon activating the Plugin

Version 11.0 on 25 November 2015
- New: Delete Abandon carts after x days
- New: Emails sent, Carts recovered columns added in email templates table
- Fix: Problem while save the email id of guest manually in cart list
- Fix: Cart link clicked count problem in reports tab

Version 10.9 on 22 November 2015
- Fix: Previous Abandoned Carts are not recovered when user manually places order
- Fix: Recovered Order id's Added multiple times issue in recovered carts tab
- Fix: Incorrect number of Recovered Cart count displayed in Reports tab

Version 10.8.1 on 18 November 2015
- Fix: Fixed the 'NULL' display problem

Version 10.8 on 15 November 2015
- New: Coupon info in Cart list to know whether Coupon was used
- Fix: Hidden unwanted message displaying

Version 10.7 on 14 November 2015
- Fix: Cart Link problem in Email

Version 10.6 on 13 November 2015
- Fix: Cartlink color selection for hyperlink

Version 10.5 on 12 November 2015
- Fix: Cart List Recovery for Previous and Cancelled Order

Version 10.4 on 07 November 2015
- Fix: Default value set properly for carts that should be changed to recovered

Version 10.3 on 04 November 2015
- New: Duplicate Email template option
- New: Date Range sorting with summary information
- New: Code improved
- New: When the order is cancelled, automatically entered as abandoned in cart list

Version 10.2 on 31 October 2015
- Fix: Unsubscribe link problem

Version 10.1 on 28 October 2015
- New: Shortcode {rac.unsubscribe} for unsubscribe link in Email Message Field
- New: New option "clear the cart content when cart link is clicked" 

Version 10.0 on 23 October 2015
- New: Exclude Cart capture by user name, user id & email
- New: Added the Clear Reports button on "Reports" tab to clear the reports.
- New: Show/hide the subtotal,tax info & total rows in Email
- New: Added the date-filter option for cart list table

Version 9.8  on 20 October 2015
- Fix: Translation added for subtotal , tax & total in email template

Version 9.7 on 18 October 2015
- Fix: Fatal error in email when the cart content includes tax

Version 9.6 on 16 October 2015
- Version 9.6
- Fix: Entry registered while place the order using PayPal express checkout payment gateway from guest role

Version 9.5 on 13 October 2015
- Fix: Debug warning fixed for guest cart link

Version 9.4 on 11 October 2015
- New: In Check Previous Order option, added an image to display the progress and when completed display the
   number of orders imported to cart list
- New: Display the Tax Information for the products in Abandoned Cart Email
- Fix: Debug warning messages in Abandoned Cart Emails and Cart List Table
- Fix: JSON error when order is placed

Version 9.3 on 08 October 2015
- Fix: Bug fix in Coupon Creation

Version 9.2 on 26 September 2015
- Tweak: Ajax Request Chunked for Checking Previous Orders
- Fix: Bug Fix in Repeating Mail for Previous Orders List
- Fix: Manual Mail for Guest Cart Repeating Mail Problem Fixed

Version 9.1 on 22 September 2015
- New: Added Quantity and Corresponding Price from Cart in Email Product Info Shortcode
- New: Code Cleaned for Product Info Shortcode
- New: Cart Total in Cart List Table

Version 9.0.5 on 11 September 2015
- New: Added Option of Choose which Cart Status to Recovered
- Fix: Removing Cart List when Place Order

Version 9.0.4 on 09 September 2015
- Fix: Unsubscribe link not working

Version 9.0.3 on 06 September 2015
- New: Added Option to Load RAC Scripts/Styles in Header or Footer in Troubleshoot Section for performance

Version 9.0.2 on 05 September 2015
- Fix: Warning Message Fixed in Recovered Orders Tab

Version 9.0.1 on 03 September 2015
- Tweak: Improved Sorting Mail Log Data

Version 9.0 on 01 September 2015
- Fix: Duplicating Email Sending Problem Fixed

Version 8.9 on 25 August 2015
- New: Added List of Recovered Orders as New Tab and SUM of Sales Value
- Fix: Cart Link Updation
- Fix: Sending Email when Recovered Order ID is Recorded

Version 8.8 on 08 August 2015
- New: Added Individual use only for Coupon to avoid conjunction with other coupons
- Fix: Error for Previewing Email Template

Version 8.7 on 06 August 2015
- Fix: Support for WooCommerce Backward Compatibility

Version 8.6 on 04 August 2015
- New: Edit the Email address for guest in the Cart List
- New: Added Page Select and Deslect in Cart List
- New: Status option added to select on which status the cart becomes Recovered
- New : Support tab added

Version 8.5 on 03 August 2015
- Tweak: Code to Sort Cart List and Email Template More Accurate

Version 8.4 on 02 August 2015
- Fix: Error Message for WooCommerce Dependency

Version 8.3 on 28 July 2015
- Fix: New Email template not saving problem
- New: Created WPML config file
- Tweak: Changed the caption for header image logo in HTML mail caption
- Tweak: Display the header image logo selection option when HTML mail template option is selected

Version 8.2 on 22 July 2015
- New: Preview for Email Template
- New: Logo Upload for Email Template
- New: WooCommerce Template / HTML Template in each Email Template
- Tweak: Cron Schedule based on UTC and local time

Version 8.1.4 on 02 July 2015
- Tweak: Supported WPML Compatibility for Unsubscribe Link in Email

Version 8.1.3 on 02 July 2015
- Tweak: Compatible with latest WPML Plugin

Version 8.1.2 on 28 June 2015
- New: Added Option to Customize Unsubscription Settings in My Account Page
- Fix: Sending WPML Mail from Manual Mail Option

Version 8.1.1 on 26 June 2015
- Updated Documentation 

Version 8.1 on 15 June 2015
- New: Include/Exclude Products in Coupon
- New: Include/Exclude Categories in Coupon

Version 8.0.2 on 12 June 2015
- Tweak: Optimized the Code to Get Users

Version 8.0.1 on 09 June 2015
- Fix: Code Tweaked to get TinyMCE Editor Content

Version 8.0 on 08 June 2015
- New: Unsubscribe Link in Email
- New: Product Info Shortcode Customization
- New: Troubleshoot Send Test Email as well as HTML Email
- New: Coupon Code Validation (One Coupon per User)
- New: Minimum Spend and Maximum Spend in Coupon
- New: Pre Text Customization Option in Coupon Code Generation
- New: Cart List Recovered Identification without clicking Cart Link
- New: {rac.firstname} and {rac.lastname} Shortcodes supported in Email Subject
- New: Trash Status added in Cart List Table of Recover Abandon Cart
- New: Cart Link Customization Option like href Link/Only URL/Button with Color Customization
- Fix: Bug Fix in setting Local Header in Email

Version 7.2.1 on 06 May 2015
- Fix: Sending Mail to Guest and Test Mail

Version 7.2 on 27 April 2015
- Fix: XSS Security Problem Fixed

Version 7.1.3 on 14 April 2015
- Fix: Optimized getting users for exclude option

Version 7.1.2 on 10 April 2015
- Fix: Parse Error

Version 7.1.1 on 09 April 2015
- Fix: Debug Warnings

Version 7.1 on 29 March 2015
- New: Exclude Users from receiving mail by User role, User name, Email id

Version 7.0.3 on 07 March 2015
- Fix: Product Info Table Structure in Email

Version 7.0.2 on 26 February 2015
- New: Option to Customize Product Info Shortcode Column Name in Email Template

Version 7.0.1 on 20 February 2015
- Fix: Compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.0.20

Version 7.0 on 18 February 2015
- New: Made Recover Abandon Cart Compatible with WooCommerce 2.3.x

Version 6.9.2 on 08 February 2015
- Fix: Cart Link Clicked Count Problem and Recovering for Guest
- Fix: Coupon Code Creation if the prefix of name before @ is less than 4 characters

Version 6.9.1 on 10 January 2015
- Fix: Last Character Missing Problem in Mail

Version 6.9 on 07 January 2015
- New: Shortcode for Displaying Line Items and Totals in Mail

Version 6.8 on 01 January 2015
- New: WPML Compatibility for Product Info, Cart Link etc in Mail

Version 6.7 on 19 December 2014
- Fix: Check DB version to avoid DB already exists error 

Version 6.6 on 06 December 2014
- Fix: Guest Abandoned Cart Recovery Mail

Version 6.5 on 02 December 2014
- New: WooCommerce Backward Compatibility
- New: Default Option for Removing Cart List from Same Users
- Fix: Getting Template ID in Manual Mail

Version 6.4 on 26 November 2014
- New: WPML, WPML String Translation and WooCommerce Multilingual Compatibility for Mails
- New: Phone Number, First Name and Last Name of Buyer in Cart List
- Fix: Echo HTML Tags

Version 6.3 on 22 November 2014
- Enabled Default Option for Sending Mail to Members/Guest
- Bug Fix on Variation Product Information

Version 6.2 on 16 November 2014
- Improvements in Removing Carts from list based on same Email Id

Version 6.1 on 09 November 2014
- Bug Fix on Getting Product Info in Cron Job Email
- Bug Fix for Footable Conflict when Sorting has been made
- Removed Duplicate Shortcode Message in New Email Template
- Fixed Debug Warning Message when visiting from Cart Link

Version 6.0 on 07 November 2014
- Backward Compatibility for WooCommerce Lower Version

Version 5.9 on 06 November 2014
- Changed Option to get price for Product with Line Total
- Bug Fix in Sending Product Info Details for Guest
- Bug Fix in Checking Condition whether it is Guest or Member

Version 5.8 on 03 November 2014
- Bug Fixed in Sending Manual Email from Cart List

Version 5.7 on 16 October 2014
- Bug Fix in Create, Edit  Template Problem and Send Custom Email Problem due to jQuery Error on Tinymce
- Added Alternate Mail Sending from Main Domain Option in Troubleshoot Settings

Version 5.6 on 14 October 2014
- Bug Fix in Coupon Code Deletion on Expiry

Version 5.5 on 12 October 2014
- WooCommerce Price Format corrected
- Product Info Table Border in Mail removed
- Localization Added for Product Info Shortcode

Version 5.4 on 08 October 2014
- Bug Fix for Duplicating Options in Admin Settings

Version 5.3 on 03 October 2014
- Bug Fix in Product Info Shortcode in Mail
- Added Shortcode Information in Email Template section as well

Version 5.2 on 01 October 2014
- Send Email to Members and Guests as Option
- Product Name, Image, Price etc can be shown in Email using Shortcode
- Remove New and Abandon Carts from Same Users
- RECOVERED status has been added

Version 5.1 on 17 September 2014
- Bug Fix in Sorting using Numbers in Cart List

Version 5.0 on 08 September 2014
- Bug fix in Template Status Select Box of Mail Template

Version 4.9 on 26 August 2014
- Order Statuses such as "on hold", "pending" etc for removing Succeeded Carts from Abandoned Cart List

Version 4.8 on 23 August 2014
- Order Status as option for removing Succeeded Carts from Abandoned Cart List

Version 4.7 on 13 August 2014
- Added settings save and mail sent notification message on ajax calls 
- Added Cart Link Anchor Text option in E-Mail Template 
- Added Test Mail option in Troubleshoot 
- Removed Template Choose option from plugin or theme

Version 4.6 on 01 August 2014
- Backslash bug fix in manual mail

Version 4.5 on 22 July 2014
- Plain HTML RTF Mail Option

Version 4.4 on 14 July 2014
- Changed default setting for "Use Email Template from" option

Version 4.3 on 10 July 2014 
- Option to Delete Used/Expired Coupon (which were generated by the Plugin)

Version 4.2 on 10 July 2014
- Backward Compatibility Added for Lower Version of WooCommerce

Version 4.1 on 07 July 2014
- Automatic Generation of Coupon Code to include in Mail
- Plugin defaults value setup function modified

Version 4.0 on 03 July 2014
- Activate/Deactivate Email Template
- Manual Mailing Option
- Cron Job time shown in Troubleshoot Tab
- Reports Tab
- Shortcodes Tab
- Email Admin Option when Cart is Recovered
- Redirect to Email List when new template is created

Version 3.2 on 25 June 2014
- Email Settings added to use WooCommerce Email Template 
- Email Sender options added 
- Save Email Template bug fix for backslash
- Shortcode Feature added in the Email Message Template 

Version 3.1 on 23 June 2014
- Troubleshoot Settings(wp_mail()/mail()) added

Version 3.0 on 18 June 2014
- Checking Previous Orders for Abandoned Carts
- Mail Sending Start/Stop option for Abandoned Carts
- Mail log Feature added

Version 2.9 on 16 June 2014
- Bug fixed in From Name in Email

Version 2.8 on 14 June 2014
- Email cart link bug fixed

Version 2.7 on 14 June 2014
- Reset Button for resetting to default Abandoned time and Cron job time 

Version 2.6 on 3 June 2014
- Date, Time, Email ID are displayed in Cart List Table 
- Cart Link added with Anchor tag in default Email Template

Version 2.5 on 28 May 2014
- Improvement Made in Guest Abandoned Cart

Version 2.4 on 27 May 2014
- Bug Fix for Guest Abandoned Cart
- Bug Fix in Cron Time
- Settings link added

Version 2.3 on 24 May 2014
- Improvements made for Guest Abandoned Cart
- Changes made in deciding Abandoned Cart

Version 2.2 on 23 May 2014
- Bug Fix in Removing Completed Cart

Version 2.1 on 20 May 2014
- Supported for WooCommerce 2.0.x and 1.6.x

Version 2.0 on 19 May 2014
- For Guest it works as soon as email ID is entered
- Delete this row option added for abandoned cart list
- Delete All and Delete selected options added for abandoned cart list
- Select All and Deselect All option added

Version 1.4 on 18 May 2014
- Bug fix in variable product for guest

Version 1.3 on 17 May 2014
- Improvement is made in mail sending function
- Email Status shown in the table

Version 1.2 on 16 May 2014
- ShortCode Support for First Name and Last Name of Buyer

Version 1.1 on 13 May 2014
- Works for Guests as well

Version 1.0 on 9 May 2014
- Initial Release

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WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

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