Download: Direo – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme Free Nulled

Preview: Direo – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme

Direo is a listing directory WordPress theme that helps to build and monetize a complete directory site, local or global. It is specially built for directory & listing business which is very responsive. This theme is inherent and gives you opportunities to build an extraordinary directory and listing website with ease. The pages are built with mighty Elementor tool, that provides amazing flexibility to the users.

Some of the most amazing features of this theme include guest submission, pricing plans, claim listing, private content, advanced search, modern user dashboard, built-in SEO system, maps, custom fields, social login, translation and GDPR ready, WooCommerce and RTL Support etc. You don’t need to write a single line of code to enable these features. So go on! Happy site building!

Advanced filter: Users can bring out the best results from search, by filtering according to their requirements. Moreover, some custom filtering options can also be added.

Pricing Plans: Business owners will sign-up for free or enroll paid plans to submit their listings. Each of the plans include different benefits. They may upgrade or downgrade it later. Moreover, the admin can also provide a private plan for specific users, which will be hidden from others.

Checkout: The built-in checkout system includes both online and offline payment systems. You may offer recurring payment options in online payment systems.

Paid claim and verified listing: The business owners can claim and verify with the site-admin to establish ownership, so that they can earn a badge. This will help them to build trust among users and generate more leads.

Rating and reviews: A star based reviews & rating system is available for the customers. The business owners have the authorities to decide which reviews to approve and how many of them will be displayed.

Featured Listing: Business owners can pay to have their places fixed at the top of the listings. It will help them to generate more leads.

SEO optimized: A deadly combination of built in SEO optimizing system & Yoast SEO integration is used here. This combo will help the business owners to achieve better rankings.

GDPR ready: GDPR features available for the business owners.

RTL support: It allows people from different countries to build directories in both directions comfortably.

One click demo import: Admin can get a detailed idea about how the theme works with a single click only.

Translation: Every single element of the theme can be translated in any language, through different means.

Build page with Elementor: A new page can be built and different sections of the existing ones can be edited using Elementor.

Private directory: Business owners can display some selected sections or pages to the special users only. Those sections will be hidden from the normal visitors.

Badges: Different kinds of badges are available here. Admin can customize the badge text, if he wants to.

Guest Submission: Visitors can act as authors and reviewers without logging in, if “as a guest” option is enabled.

Modern user dashboard: The dashboard is very clean and user friendly, embedded with various modern facilities.

Social login: Users can login using their google and facebook accounts.

Spam protection: Forms are protected from spam with the help of Google ReCaptcha in this theme.

Invoice: Very elegant invoices are generated for the users, which includes detailed information about orders and payments.

Tax ready: Admin can edit the vat rate according to the rules of the country and collect it through Stripe.

Location: Users can define their location manually or it can be automated with Map API.

Operational Hours: The operational hours and active status will be displayed according to the time zone map. Business owners can edit them according to their requirements.

Direction & contact: The business owners can give the customers direction of their shops in the map & show contact details.

Flag & report: Logged in users can report any listing, which the admin might take actions against.

Save & Bookmark: The users can save and bookmark something, so that they may go through it later.

Email notifications: Business owners can engage with their customers and notify them about different updates through custom-made emails.

Schedule Task: Admin can fix the time frame after which submitted listings will be expired and deleted automatically, notifying the users.

Developer friendly: The developers can easily customize the theme as a lot of hooks are available here.


-- 14.04.2020  (Version 1.9.2)
- Fixed icon issue
- Improved demo importer system
- Improved demo content
- Fixed plan changing issue
- Fixed style related issues
- Added support of latest version of PHP
- Fixed thumbnail issue of list view 
- Improved Elementor widgets
- Improved code

-- 30.03.2020  (Version 1.9.1)
- Fixed naming issue
- Fixed responsive issue of Menu area
- Improved Code

-- 29.03.2020  (Version 1.9.0)
- Added Elementor Page Builder Support
- Added Post Your Need extension support
- Fixed Blog Search result issue
- Fixed design issues
- Fixed Dashboard logo issue.
- Fixed quick login/registration issue on mobile view

-- 26.02.2020  (Version 1.8.1)
- Fixed design issues
- Improved responsiveness 
- Improved code

-- 20.02.2020  (Version 1.8.0)
- Added new dashboard
- Added new option to set a global menu style for single listing and single post
- Fixed single listing and location title issue
- Fixed some styling issue
- Fixed some responsive issue

-- 13.02.2020  (Version 1.7.2)
- Improved design 
- Improved responsiveness

-- 12.02.2020  (Version 1.7.1)
- Improved search form and responsiveness 
- Optimized code
- Fixed single category, location and tag page title issue
- Added map icon on search form's location field
- Fixed design issue

-- 10.02.2020  (Version 1.7.0)
- Added compatibility of  Directorist plugin's new major update. 

-- 08.02.2020  (Version 1.6.3)
- Fixed design issue after importing demo
- Improved demo content 
- Improved social login
- Improved & Optimized code 

-- 15.01.2020  (Version 1.6.2)
-- Fixed listing view count on/off issue
-- Fixed categories listing count on/off issue
-- Fixed categories styling issue
-- Improved demo importing option
-- Improved search form element
-- Improved and optimize code

-- 23.11.2019  (Version 1.6.1)
--  Fixed OpenStreetMap map issue of ‘no listing found’
--  Fixed tag issue of search
--  Fixed map icon issue
--  Fixed Radius search issue
--  Fixed category widget dropdown issue
--  Fixed location widget dropdown issue
--  Fixed listing renewal issue
--  Fixed tag issue of listing form
--  Fixed Listing’s status conflict with monetization
-- Improved function naming
-- Improved tags field
-- Made OpenStreetMap map’s marker draggable
-- Improved user login authentication process
-- Added option to add custom link in Add Listing button
-- Added option to submit review without login

-- 12.11.2019  (Version 1.6.0)
-- Added sidebar for Shop page 
-- Improved code

-- 07.11.2019  (Version 1.5.7)
-- Added loading animation when click on grid/list view of Listings with map 
-- Improved Direo Core plugin 
-- Improved Code of the theme 
-- Fixed style related issues 
-- Fixed Direo Extension plugin's issue

-- 06.11.2019  (Version 1.5.6)
-- Fixed price range issue of Search element
-- Fixed a conflict between Direo Core and Directorist plugins

-- 06.11.2019  (Version 1.5.5)
-- Added option to select Kilometers or Miles for Radius Search 
-- Added option of default Radius Distance 
-- Fixed login error message issue 
-- Fixed listing publish before checking out 
-- Fixed decimal issue of listing form 
-- Fixed radius search of search result 
-- Fixed OpenStreetMap map issue 
-- Fixed View Count issue of user’s listing adding form 
-- Fixed OpenStreetMap map conflict with Rank Math SEO Plugin 
-- Fixed pagination issue 
-- Fixed design issues 
-- Fixed form fields settings issue 
-- Fixed free plan issue 
-- Fixed plan assign issue from admin area 
-- Improved header title of Search Result page

-- 30.10.2019  (Version 1.5.4)
-- Fixed plan assigning issue before approving claim 
-- Added option to skip plan page for paid users 
-- Added pending listing count in a package 
-- Improved social login button style 
-- Fixed Google login issue

-- 26.10.2019  (Version 1.5.3)
-- Fixed free listing plan issue 
-- Fixed styling issue of single listing page 
-- Fixed styling issue of social login

-- 24.10.2019  (Version 1.5.2)
-- Fixed search fields styling issue 
-- Fixed location search field's API issue 
-- Fixed custom field with category issue
-- Fixed required issues of search fields
-- Fixed decimals issue of listing’s price
-- Fixed radius search conflicts with rating filter
-- Fixed current location issue of OpenStreetMap
-- Fixed autosuggestion issue
-- Improved Google Map
-- Improved OpenStreetMap map
-- Added Add to Favorite feature on listings page 
-- Added category icon in OpenStreetMap
-- Added new elements: Listings With Map, Search Result Map View, Single Location Map View, Single Location, Single Category, Single Category Map View, Single Tag, Single Tag Map View, Dashboard, Payment Receipt, Checkout, Transaction Failure, Author Profile, Login Form, Registration Form.

-- 19.09.2019  (Version 1.5.1)
-- Fixed login modal issue on login page 
-- Fixed social login issue 
-- Improved code

-- 17.09.2019  (Version 1.5.0)
-- Added social login (Facebook and Gmail)
-- Added radius search
-- Added listing Bookmark/Mark as Favourite on listings page
-- Added address finder in location search field
-- Added custom Map Marker
-- Added category icon in Map Marker
-- Added auto suggestions in location search field (if choose to display from Map API)
-- Added option to remove single listing’s address link
-- Added option to show published date on listings page
-- Added option to add listing’s email and website url on listings page
-- Added option to customize Map info window of single listing page
-- Added opeNStreetMap/Google map zooming issue
-- Added Published date issue on listings page
-- Added new option for changing login and register button text
-- Added quick login/reg button on/off option
-- Added quick login/registration button’s custom Url option
-- Fixed pricing plan responsive issue
-- Fixed add listing button URL issue
-- Fixed ‘Remember Me’ of login form
-- Fixed Map info window of single listing page
-- Fixed Header title issue of search result page
-- Fixed Extra space issue of excerpt field
-- Fixed Currency Symbol issue
-- Fixed Translation issues
-- Fixed Style issues
--  Improved Settings Panel
--  Improved Social Media icons of single listing page
--  Improved Listings page header title
-- Improved User Role
-- Removed ‘Google+’ from social media links

-- 22.09.2019  (Version 1.4.1)
-- Fixed translation issue
-- Improved code

-- 20.09.2019  (Version 1.4.0)
-- Improved login popup 
-- Fixed listing category duplicating issue 
-- Improved button element 
-- Fixed breadcrumb issue of archive page 
-- Fixed Listing renew plan issue 
-- Updated Stripe SDK library 
-- Added 3D Secure payments compatibility and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Compliant of Stripe 
-- Fixed styling issue

-- 11.09.2019  (Version 1.3.6)
-- Fixed currency formatting issue in Pricing Plan page
-- Added columns customization of Pricing Plan page
-- Improved All Listings element
-- Fixed user image uploading issue
-- Fixed PayPal and Stripe issues

-- 3.09.2019  (Version 1.3.5)
-- Fixed review on/off issue 
-- Improved search field 
-- Fixed popular badge on/off issue

-- 31.08.2019  (Version 1.3.4)
-- Fixed FAQ issue 
-- Fixed styling issues
-- Fixed responsive issue
-- Fixed location element issue

-- 28.08.2019  (Version 1.3.3)
-- Fixed bulk edit issue
-- Improved responsiveness 
-- Fixed FAQ issue
-- Improved demo content 
-- Made some untranslatable strings translatable

-- 24.08.2019  (Version 1.3.2)
-- Improved user registration form
-- Improve confirmation email
-- Fix new user registration email
-- Improved demo content
-- Improved translation 

-- 22.08.2019  (Version 1.3.1)
-- Fixed responsive issue 
-- Improved code 
-- Improved RTL

-- 20.08.2019  (Version 1.3.0)
-- New Elements: Blog,  Listing Carousel, Search Field, Pricing Plans
-- Added dark version of Footer 
-- Added support of video background for elements
-- Added logo uploading option for light background
-- Added another style for feature box
-- Added another style for category element
--  Fixed Lazy Load issue
-- Fixed header style changing issue

-- 17.08.2019  (Version 1.2.7)
-- Fixed password reset issue 
-- Improved All Listings element 
-- Improved page header search box
-- Improved listing cart view & grid view
-- Fixed sort by popular listings issues

-- 15.08.2019  (Version 1.2.6)
-- Fixed Search box styling issue
-- Fixed sort by Poplular listings 
-- Removed "Not Now" button from checkout page
-- Email sender name for recovery password

-- 14.08.2019  (Version 1.2.5)
-- Fixed Custom Field's checkbox issue
-- Fixed logo cropping issue 
-- Fixed translation issue
-- Listing count issue
--  Fixed plan active badge issue
-- Update pot file

-- 08.08.2019  (Version 1.2.4)
-- Fixed menu style changing issue of shop page
-- Fixed blog page banner issue 
-- Fixed shop page banner issue
-- Fixed header banner issue
-- Fixed recovery password issue
-- Added blog page width control feature
-- Added single blog page width control feature
-- Improved front page code
-- Update pot file

-- 31.07.2019  (Version 1.2.3)
-- Added map height controlling option 
-- Improved header logo area 
-- Fixed single blog header image issue 
-- Fixed page menu style changing issue
-- Added single product's header image uploading option
-- Improved translation

-- 25.07.2019  (Version 1.2.1)
-- Fixed single category title issue 
-- Fixed page Header Banner Option issue 
-- Added header Add Listing button text changing option 
-- Fixed a minor issue of review 
-- Improved FAQ design 

-- 24.07.2019  (Version 1.2.0)
-- Added option to upload single listing header image 
-- Added WordPress editor support for FAQ 

-- 19.07.2019  (Version 1.1.5)
-- Fixed page feature image issue 
-- Fixed category issue
-- Improved code

-- 17.07.2019  (Version 1.1.4)
-- Added multi locations and categories support for users
-- Added shortcode parameters to make content private/logged in user only
-- Added shortcode parameter to forward/redirect a page to another page
-- Option to make Search fields required
-- Added admin email notification when someone submits a review
-- Improved color settings
-- Improved code of Popular and Latest listings widgets
-- Fixed  the issue of duplication on single listing page
-- Improved user dashboard
-- Fixed list view container issue

-- 14.07.2019  (Version 1.1.3)
-- Improved code on several places and fixed some minor issues. 
-- Fixed single listing’s section duplication issue.
-- Improved translation.

-- 12.07.2019  (Version 1.1.2)
-- Added Dark header for listings 

-- 11.07.2019  (Version 1.1.1)
-- Fixed translation issue 
-- Improved Direo Core and Direo Extension plugins 
-- Improved code of listing details page 
-- Improved registration email

-- 10.07.2019  (Version 1.1.0)
-- Added Dark header 
-- Fixed translation issue
-- Fixed registration issue 
-- Fixed Pricing Plan & WooCommerce Pricing Plan issues 
-- Fixed the page break issue when disable Claim listing 
-- Fixed Report button issue 
-- Redirect user to User Dashboard after login

-- 09.07.2019  (Version 1.0.1)
-- Fixed minor styling related issues.


All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the theme and NOT included in the final purchase files.

TMDb Pro – Movie & TV Show Details Plugin For The Movie Database

Direo – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

Direo - Directory & Listing WordPress Theme

Download Direo – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme Nulled

Download Direo – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme

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