ArchitectUI – ReactJS Bootstrap Admin UI Dashboard Theme

ArchitectUI – ReactJS Bootstrap Admin UI Dashboard Theme

ArchitectUI is a Modern Clean Responsive HTML Bootstrap 4 Admin UI Dashboard Template

Developers shouldn’t be designers! With ArchitectUI they can just put some components together and voila, the app looks like it was designed by a pro.

ArchitectUI is built for modern applications that are powered by any other technology that supports HTML/React integrations. It includes lots of components, elements and widgets so that developers don’t waste time with the visual/design part. They just put some components together and voila, the app looks like it was built by a professional designer.

ArchitectUI comes in two separate versions, one powered by Webpack, Yarn, Babel with ES6 Javascript integration and another one powered by Gulp and plain Javascript files includes. All styles are compiled from SCSS stylesheet files.

We’ve worked a lot in the past couple of months on this template to add as many features as needed so that it’ll be a real help for anyone who’ll use it.

Main Features

9 different dashboard examples.

Over 150 components that can be merged together to create new unique elements and flows.

Layout options to easily make the sidebar, footer or header fixed or static. Check the documentation!

Two easy to customize light colors schemes with 8 different accent colors.

Multiple page templates: fixed content title, fixed sidebar, split draggable layout

User pages for login, register, forgot password, each with to variations: boxed and fluid.

Applications examples: Mailbox, Chat, FAQ Section

Over 25 types of buttons, each with 8 color schemes.

Over 5 different styles available for dropdown menus, headers with backgrounds, images, buttons and text variations.

5 icons packs: Pe7 Icons, FontAwesome, LinearIcons, IonIcons, Flag Icons.

Badges, labels and avatars with multiple config options and styles.

Over 10 different card styles available. Block loading cards, with buttons, tabs and multiple menus.

Loaders and component loading widget included.

List groups with multiple options, they can hold images, text, subtitles, loading indicators, buttons and many more.

Navigation menus, 2 column, 3 column grid nav menus, horizontal and vertical menus.

Vertical timelines with 3 different types of indicators.

Background gradients, solid colors and images are available to style almost any component.

… and many other useful features and widgets!

Some of the plugins included in ArchitectUI

Block UI
Easy way to block the user from interacting with your UI

Full page calendar widget
Slick Slider
Carousel component built with React. It is a react port of Slick Carousel
A configurable React component wrapper around CountUp.js

Sticky Headers
A performant and comprehensive React sticky component

Layout Splitters
React layout vertical and horizontal splitter component

Sticky Elements
Sticky library for React.

Guided Tours
Tourist Guide into your React Components

Image Cropper
A responsive image cropping tool for React

Vector Maps
An svg map component built with and for React

Google Maps
Google map library for react that allows rendering components as markers

Metis Menu
A ready / simple to use, highly customizable, updateable, ajax supported, animated and material designed menu component forReact”

Rodal Modals
A React modal with animations

Sweet Alerts Notifications
Declarative SweetAlert in React

Toastify Notifications
React notification made easy

Dynamic Pagination
React dynamic pagination component

Advanced Progress Bars
Renders a svg circle + progress, it just works

A rating react component with custom symbols.

Perfect Scrollbar
A react wrapper for perfect-scrollbar

Data Tables
Lightweight, fast and extendable datagrid built for React

Filtrable Tables
Next Generation of react-bootstrap-table

Responsive Tabs
Responsive React tabs with beautiful animations

Sortable Tree
Drag-and-drop sortable component for nested data and hierarchies

Hamburger Buttons
React component for animated hamburgers nav buttons.
Navigation drawer built with the awesome react-motion
Vertical timeline for React.js

Flag Icons
Beautiful flag icons for usage in React.js apps

Font Awesome 5 React component

React Ionicon component

ChartJS 2
React wrapper for Chart.js

Justgage inspired .svg gauge for React

Liquid Gauge
React Liquid Gauge component

Beautiful and expressive Sparklines React component

Redefined chart library built with React and D3

Copy-to-clipboard React component

Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more

A simple and reusable datepicker component for React

React Widgets
Dropdown, Combobox, Select List, Multiselect, Dropdown Select, Numberpicker

Number Input
Numeric input component for React

Range Slider
Slider UI component for React

Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React

React Select
The Select Component for React.js

Input Mask
Input masking component for React. Made with attention to UX.

Textarea Autosize
React component which automatically resizes textarea as content changes

Toggle Switch
A draggable toggle-switch component for React

React typeahead with Bootstrap styling

A Wysiwyg editor build on top of and DraftJS

React component for CKEditor

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